/nfl/ general - FIRE SALE edition

DAL: DeMarcus Lawrence has 4-6 month timeline
TB: Gerald McCoy remains away from workouts
FA: Zach Miller unsure if he will continue career
ARZ: Chandler Jones to play at 255 pounds in 2019
FA: Report: 49ers showing interest in Gostkowski
GB: Rodgers 'really wasn't 100 percent' last year
PHI: PHI adds AAF receiving leader Charles Johnson
GB: Aaron Rodgers 'excited' to work with LaFleur
DAL: Jones: Dak's deal must be 'team friendly'
ARZ: King: WAS favorite in the clubhouse for Rosen

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inb4 bucme sperg

i haven't stalked a girl since uni

this is becoming pathetic

get some new material

I thought he killed himself


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This is 4channel, nothing good happens to us.

>i haven't stalked a girl since uni

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your 2019 Super Bowl preview

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>posting about a team on the decline

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No evidence pointing that way that I can see

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terrible list

ironic coming from you mr greengay faggot but the puckers won't even break .500 next season

mhm spent 2k on a new wardrobe but kept the raggedy towels you bet

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How bout this one

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>you now remember Harrison Smith

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ah yes the do nothing all offseason and hope things get better strategy
how predictable

>carson wince
>blacksonville faguars
>superb owl

My man on the come up, you probably made some robes out of silk bed sheets. Maybe we'll get you a wizard hat to go with it.

You posted the wrong image desu

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stay obsessed while your literal homo team slides deeper into obscurity :^)

>Not in Philly

Wasted opportunity. Would've loved to see the ovation

Whats their biggest hole?

begone faggot

What is it about Doug Pederson that changes meme coaches' brains to mush?

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post list for qb, rb, ilb, oline, and DT

This is their biggest hole?

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glaring deficiency at qb, althought a couple spots could use upgrades

That's right, you gotta start speaking eloquently if you want to be a true dark mage of the dark web. You can use your fleshlight as a wand.

yikes, youd think the bears at least won a playoff game or something

>Not in Philly

Wasted opportunity. Would've loved to see the ovation

Biggest hole on the whole team is a developing QB with the coach of the year? I'll take it

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genuinely based
eagles fans travel well, i'm sure you'll hear some cheers.

Cowboys and Rams get to play in Hawaii, the lucky fucks.

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what playoff game were the puckers in again? lmao

>Wentz gets injured on the first drive
>Iggles kidnap Foles and force him to play qb for both teams

>weeks 10-17
too bad the roster as a whole isnt competitive and they have no capital

>playing more than 12 games

can the AAF be saved?

or do we look forward to the XLF?

i beseech thee to hastily taketh thy faggoteth ass elsewhere

>can the AAF be saved?
No, it's over. The Boats are dead.
>or do we look forward to the XLF?
No, there isn't enough talent to justify spring football. Anybody with a real shot at the NFL is going to join a practice squad and no kid is going to skip college for the XFL after the AAF folded.

in as many as the bears had wins for... how long now? havent won a home playoff game since like 2007? 2004? ouch

The roster as a whole is complete and theres good depth at each position so the lack of draft capital isnt really relevant as very few of the players coming out of college this year would even start for this team.

I'm just trying to help you out, bro. If we make a wizard out of you we can get you an invisibility cloak so you could follow girls as much as you want.

Ok bros what the FUCK.

Spotted on my lunch break. Thoughts??

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>The roster as a whole is complete
i think they could stand to draft a few offensive skill guys lol.

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Brownies. Xth for fuck Coward

Should have asked for its number.

No dude, Cordarrelle Patterson will be a reliable and consistent option this time, I swear.

"complete" is a pretty meaningless adjective for a roster and says nothing about the gross talent or depth (which really isnt that good)
stop drinking the media coolaid, it only leads to disappointment

Allen Robinson, Tarik Cohen, Burton, and Shaheen are all top tier players offensively and Miller could develop into one too

>have 2/3 of RB spots sorted
>WR1,2, and slot sorted
>TE is covered completely
>elite KR and PR
literally just need a RB and another receiver

that's stretching the notion of "top tier" a little far. none of them are top 10 guys, and Cohen isn't a three down back.
>Miller could develop into one too
Zach Miller has had eight surgeries on his knee, and hasn't even hit a practice field yet.

This is my own coolaid buddy I've been saying this since before last season started. The roster has an abundance of talent AND depth tho so idk where you're getting that from.

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makes ya think

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>this again

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>need a RB and another receiver
>the roster is complete
These statements contradict desu

I meant Anthony Miller. But Allen Robinson was able to produce elite numbers with Blake Bortles as his QB and Nagy doesn't want a 3 down back which is why Howard wasn't effective in his offense.

Welcome to East Rutherford!

Well yeah its retarded to say its complete but the implication that offensive skill has issues is also retarded and that's what I was replying to.

they dont need shit, unless it's Bell or Gurley this offense would be less effective with 1 great three down back

Robinson is very good, best offensive player on the Bears. I have my doubts about the other WRs though. Also, a backfield tandem of Cohen and Mike Davis is pretty uninspiring. I know Nagy comes from the Andy Reid school of getting four guys who each do one thing well to make up the RBBC, but Trubisky needs all the help he can get. The Bears are, right now, an average offense at best, and facing a much tougher schedule this year I think it'd be prudent to get the guy who you're staking your franchise on some more weapons.

>doubting Anthony Miller

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Mike Davis is going to be more effective than Howard was last season for the simple fact that he's a better pass catcher. This makes them less predictable and improves the production of literally everyone on offense so it's at least a little inspiring. The Bears are right now at the very least an average offense and had a tough schedule last season so this one at least comes off a little lighter considering all their "tough" games are going to be at home. The only team that has a chance to take the division from the Bears outside of some meme run is the currently dysfunctional Packers and thats solely because of Aaron Rodgers.

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I wouldn't really consider their schedule last year tough lol, they played three playoff teams the entire year, all at home. This year they play six. They could definitely win the division just because of how poorly constructed the other NFCN teams are, but I don't think the roster as is right now is capable of making a deep playoff run.

good to see bears fans are still deluded as ever

Remember when you had a meltdown as the bears dabbed on the busc?

you know all about delusion

Last season they had the 8th hardest schedule this season they have the 5th also only the Chargers have a better team than the Bears on paper and the Bears have a better coach so yeah I do think theyre extremely capable of a deep playoff run.

>like the chargers
>deep playoff run with no owl

dude where did you go

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Theyre winning it this year because unlike the Chargers they have a great head coach

>Last season they had the 8th hardest schedule
Based on what? PFR has them with the second weakest schedule in the entire league. They played five games against a team over .500 the entire year, and two of those were against the Vikings.

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yikes, theyre all c+ to b- players
talent isnt about having a player availible, its about having good players. they have ok players across the board but you need game changers to win big games
>depth most untested from an extremely healthy year by starters
>which couldnt win a wildcard game at home
maybe they just overperformed in the regular season? teams do it every year

I don't get it. Why are the Cardinals already bailing on Rosen? Just because he struggled as a rookie? Was he cancer in the clubhouse? Was he caught peeping on a showering teammate?

Too bad they'll have to play a better team with a better coach to win it all

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Last digit is the amount of wins Lameme will have

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doubt it

Because they're dumb

I can understand that you're a retard who hasn't watched a game and that's why you wouldn't rate guys like arob and burton, but even the dumbest of casual knows Cohen is equality talent and most definitely a game changer.


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For his entire career, agreed.

>bears already exposed against the most injured wildcard team at home
>turns out they were schedule babbies and super healthy anyhow
>have no avenue to improve the team in offseasom
holy shit their window was somehow shorter than the vikings

Based on using the prior years standings to determine the difficulty of this years teams instead of analyzing personnel and coaching which is what you're doing. It's pretty idiotic but it's easier for me to do that than to try and convince you that teams get better and worse each year.

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Shitsbury is retarded and wants his dual meme nig QB

Tbh the shitbirds going 2-14 with lameme is highly believable

>yikes, theyre all c+ to b- players
And idk who had a healthy year last season but it wasn't the Bears cause they actually had a lot of key starters miss multiple games last season.

nigga arob or burton arent even top 10 or top 5 at their respective position, let alone cohen being a game changing back
what the fuck are you smoking

The Patriots and maybe the Rams with an improved Goff are the only teams I fear

Holy shit stop this retarded train of logic

>rookie HC and QB in their first play off game still managed to do enough to win the game and got fucked by the mental midget kicker
>manshamed the super bowl runners up
>implying you need shitloads of draft capital when the majority of your roster are studs
keep seething

Why would you use the preseason rankings rather than the ones made after the season played out? Basing it on 2017 is fine before the season has been played, but in the end their schedule was much easier than predicted because a lot of the teams they played were worse than in the year prior. Bills and Vikings fell out of the playoff picture, Lions dropped down three wins, and even the Pats looked mortal (in the regular season). It ended up being a pretty easy slate for them.

like who? because they were much healthier than the vikings and packers, or the eagles who rolled through soldier field

Nice, welcome back

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>in the end their schedule was much easier than predicted because a lot of the teams they played were worse than in the year prior.
And once again youre looking at their schedule and overrating each opponent.

I'm really starting to dislike Greg Jennings

They'll go 2-8 with 2 fluke wins before starting RGknee

>i haven't talked to a girl since uni

>this false flagging retard
if you're actually falling for this shit then feel bad about yourself

I think it's an objectively harder schedule than their 2018. Unless you think the Chargers, Chiefs, Rams, Saints, Cowboys, and Eagles will all be pushovers?
he put the team on his back doe

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>>implying you need shitloads of draft capital when the majority of your roster are studs
t. espn analyst that gets paid to hype teams up
what happened to the star studded rosters of the jags and vikings?

They lost Robinson, Floyd, Trubisky, Amukamura, Callahan, Jackson, Long, and Mack for multiple games

Got any link for the new episode?

>sometimes teams are bad

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Its not objectively harder because just like last year you can't objectively say all these teams wont be worse next year. They have a better roster than each of those teams besides the Chargers and play them at home. I'm not saying they're pushovers but I am saying the Bears will be favorites in most of those matchups depending on momentum and the rest of the division is dysfunctional.

falling for what shit dude youre responding to like 3 people at once as if they are one

What kind of meth addict names their kid “Ha Ha Clinton-Dix”

>Its not objectively harder because just like last year you can't objectively say all these teams wont be worse next year.
this is why I asked you, do you think those six teams are going to get a lot worse? if you don't think so, then it's reasonable to assume their schedule will be harder. they didn't play very many difficult games last year.
>the Bears will be the favorites against the Chargers, Chiefs, Rams, Saints, and Eagles
his real name is "Ha'Sean" if that makes it any better

Ohh wtf. I thought u were talking about this Greg Jennings cus its Tuesday and the episode drops on Tuesdays. See

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and the extent of the injuries? the teams I listed put starters on IR, not just let them rest a couple games amd theyre all available for the playoffs. The injuries they had werent worse than almost every other team

maybe a "complete" roster doesnt mean anything for teams that cant win a championship team and lets their roster regress in the offseason

His real name is Ha'Sean Treshon Clint-Dix but even that's retarded

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The schedule will be harder on paper but I'm saying it's irrelevant because the Bears will be better than all those teams on paper

holy shit, this is a stretch

all of them missed more than one game except Mack who only missed one game and played a few banged up while Robinson play most the season banged up. Bryce Callahan who was the starting slot corner missed the playoff game against the Eagles

Bears have the second best roster in the league dude this is a fact. It's not sexy because it's a defensive team but it's still a fact.

>it's a good thing i'm not autistic anymore

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If they get Gostkowski and release Gould back to the bears for a few pics, captain planet powers will awaken!

you need to watch other teams sometime, because no way in hell are the bears the best team in their schedule
this is just sad. itll be a painful disappointment when you realize theyre a wildcard caliber team
exactly, all the bears missed vs the eagles was one slot corner. You have absolutely no idea the injuries the eagles and the rest of the nfcn had to deal with. Im talking about multiple position groups on IR, not just a fucking slot corner

the Bears are better than the Chiefs, Saints, and Chargers on paper? i'd like to see this document
Gostowski just resigned with the Pats m8

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49ers gon win da owl

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Nagy played conservative and got outcoached and coaching matters a lot in the playoffs, it's his first year he'll get better. Going into the season I said they were going 9-7 one and done at the BEAR minimum so I wasn't too shocked.

Not the Chargers, but the Chiefs and Saints yes. The Saints have a better QB, RB, and Oline but thats it, the Chiefs are better across the board offensively but defensively the Bears are extremely better.

>the Saints WRs aren't better than the Bears WRs
yeah i don't know about that one. and in a league that's becoming increasingly passing driven, i'll take the teams with Mahomes and Brees over the one with Trubisky. the Bears have an imposing defense, but I wouldn't favor them vs. either of the CCG runner ups, especially when they still haven't sorted out their kicking situation.

youre really underrating how important oline and qb is to success, and its apparent because those two teams won playoff games and the bears flopped

Loins gon win as many games as they lose

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>the Lions are going to play 32 games this season

lions look like a 4-12 team desu

hey now, theyll beat out the vikings for 3rd place

The Saints offense and the Rams offense are both extremely efficient but with already barely throwing the ball deep and only getting older and Goffs recent performance in the Super Bowl neither offense is going to be as effective against a top 5 defense. I agree that offense plays a bigger role in the league now but the Bears will have the best or one of the best defenses in the league meaning theyll be the best at suppressing offenses next year and offensively theyre average at worst.

I'm not underrating it I'm saying the Bears dont have a better oline than the Saints who have one of the best in the league. And the Bears didn't lose their playoff game because they had an inferior roster, they lost because Nagy played conservatively and got outcoached. It's his first playoff game and against a guy who won the super bowl against Belichick, I think I can live with that.

Also can anyone tell me why the offensive head coach who won coach of the year has no chance at improving his offense after just being there one year?

Vikings D is going to be stupid this year, Lions D is garbage and their offense is worse. Their HC is a joke and they wasted Matt Stafford's career like they wasted Calvin Johnson's and Barry Sanders'.

Hey now, they destroyed many careers besides those 3.

I broke up with her Turkbro, she was too selfish and immature. I needed to draw a line in the sand desu. I love her but she’s gotta get her act together. She’s really bent out of shape about it and still talks to me like we’re together.

Colts 11-5
Titans 10-6
Jags 7-9
Texans 3-13

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>Le usc QBs are bad meme

Pure reddit

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hey colin

God those uniforms are awful

I know we’re going to get back together probably within the next few days but not until we renegotiate our CBA

You are a man. If she says you two are still together, you are still together. Breaking up with a woman without her consent is rape.

You didn’t have to go full retard yet here we are

The Ravens should go after John "Dragon master" Wolford

They are tho

Who is the best USC QB not named Carson Palmer? Who himself won nothing despite being a solid player.

People are seriously sleeping on Green Bay this year desu

Who is the best Michigan qb not including Tom Brady

Theyll be the strongest wild card team in years

>despite being HOFer

I feel bad for the North. Now they have to actually think about what the packers can come up with that isn’t a play they made from 2011

so who's gonna fall out of the first round

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Josh Jacobs or deandre baker

My favorite thing about the playoffs is just the high stakes player matchups. Like seeing Andy Reid versus Bill Belichick in the most important game of the year is so damn cool, it’s like “Come on we can beat these guys”

>Also can anyone tell me why the offensive head coach who won coach of the year has no chance at improving his offense after just being there one year?
complete meme award, means nothing
schematically itll probably be better, but it wont put better players on the field, which other teams will be doing
they will be worse off because the defense will regress. Trubisky will be forced to throw more and deeper in general when the defense isnt going to produce as many stops, turnovers, and retain leads so they can run the ball and control the clock. They are a defensive minded team and the defense will regress back to the mean. Not be bad, but itll be highly improbable they keep up the production.
Same exact thing happened to the jags and vikings when they realized their defense was healthy, had an easy schedule, and overperformed in general. Everybody knows their game manager QB was a weak spot, and couldnt win games for them when relied on.
This isnt a baffling conclusion, every year some hot defense regresses, especially when they make no improvements to a roster and cant keep up with the rest of the league that gets to shed underperforming players for younger and cheaper ones.

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the vikings D thats basically the same as last year? even still they dont have the ability to fix their oline while the rest of the NFCN defenses are either good or getting better

At least one QB, Josh Jacobs, Greedy

It's already worse, he said stalked

So the AAF folded yeah but did it serve as a developmental league for a little bit anyways?

Any AAF players that really deserved and got an NFL deal?

their defense is starting to look pretty good and the offense has some decent weapons. Rodgers will only improve with a scheme that frees players open and relies less on him
making a big splash in free agency, shedding a complacent coach, and all the media controversy is the recipie to give a team strong momentum leading into the season

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Josh Jacobs and probably one QB

Why is Antonio Clown such a fucking nigger bros

*goes 4-0 in the pre-season in your path*

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Reminder that NFC Championships are worth more than superbowls. The NFC is so much more competitive than the AFC that 90% of AFC champions wouldn’t even make the playoffs if they had to play a season in the NFC. The NFC champions are the real league champions

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I like how Jachai Polite is already off the board.

He won’t go until day 3. Greg little also

He was a day one projection until the combine.

1. Arizona Cardinals: Nick Bosa, DE, Ohio State
2. San Francisco 49ers: Quinnen Williams, DT, Oklahoma
3. New York Jets: Josh Allen, DE, Kentucky
4. Oakland Raiders: Kyler Murray, QB, Oklahoma
5. Tampa Bay Buccaneers: Devin White, ILB, LSU
6. New York Giants: Rashan Gary, DE, Michigan
7. Jacksonville Jaguars: Jawaan Taylor, OT, Florida
8. Atlanta Falcons (From DET): Ed Oliver, DT, Houston
9. Buffalo Bills: Jonah Williams, OT, Alabama
10. Denver Broncos: Drew Lock, QB, Missouri
11. Cincinnati Bengals: Montez Sweat, DE, Mississippi State
12. Philadelphia Eagles (From GB): Cody Ford, OT, Oklahoma
13. Miami Dolphins: Andre Dillard, OT, Washington State
14. Detroit Lions (From ATL): Noah Fant, TE, Iowa
15. Washington Redskins: Daniel Jones, QB, Duke
16. Carolina Panthers: Brian Burns, DE, Florida State
17. New York Giants: Greg Little, OT, Ole Miss
18. Minnesota Vikings: T.J. Hockenson, TE, Iowa
19. Tennessee Titans: Christian Wilkins, DT, Clemson
20. Pittsburgh Steelers: Byron Murphy, CB, Washington
21. Oakland Raiders (From SEA): D.K. Metcalf, WR, Ole Miss
22. Baltimore Ravens: Justin Layne, CB, Michigan State
23. Houston Texans: Terry McLaurin, WR, Ohio State
24. Oakland Raiders: Marquise Brown, WR, Oklahoma
25. Green Bay Packers (From PHI): Jachai Polite, DE, Florida
26. Indianapolis Colts: A.J. Brown, WR, Ole Miss
27. New York Giants (From SEA): Dwayne Haskins, QB, Ohio State
28. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (From LAC): Dexter Lawrence, DT, Clemson
29. Kansas City Chiefs: Clelin Ferrell, DE, Clemson
30. Green Bay Packers: Kaleb McGary, OT, Washington
31. Los Angeles Rams: Johnathan Abram, S, Mississippi State
32. Detroit Lions (From NE): Devin Bush, ILB, Michigan

Seahawks preseason schedule announced

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The NFCN is filled with shit defenses besides the Bears, and they're taking a massive step back without Fangio.

Vic Fangio is going to make the Broncos good. With their front 7 performing up to their ability. Von Miller will have a career resurgance and be dominant again.

The offense is going to be rebuilt piece by piece to be a power run game with a game manager QB.

what do the packers get from trading down? woulndt be surprised to see them trade right back up and make a profit like last year

I'm jealous, I really wanted Fangio to coach the 49ers. Unfortunately we got Tomsula instead.

lions defense started to be decent into the season last year and added a pass rusher. theyll draft another at 8 and at least obliterate the vikings Oline
packers defense was pretty good at times just volatile and inconsistent. added 2 pass rushers to a good line already
bears front seven will be good as well, its generally the secondary that regresses most and gives big plays up

Greedy and Baker. Not sure about the rest though.

Clots here. Not sure we take Brown with Dexter on the board but it’s not a terrible pick

I always thought it was a joke about Bill Clinton

Easy sweep

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nah there'll be a meme loss to the skins or lions

You got Shanahan. Just wait for the eventual Shanahan - Fangio Superbowl.

If palmers HoF rivers is 1000x, protip, he’s not

Simply imagine shit-talking about the preseason

I know right. Sad!

which team are you a fan of that the browns are going to destroy this preseason?

If Mayfield takes more than 20 preseason snaps, somebody should lose their job. If Beckham Jr takes more than 0 snaps, the same thing.

>yfw da texans win a divisional round playoff game

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>Going to the draft to get a gay photo op with Jewdell instead of celebrating at home with your loved ones
Red flag right here

OBJ is overrated and overpaid

>Charles Johnson to Eagles

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>The Bears defense is going to regress because the Jags and Vikes did despite the fact that they aren't alike in any way
>They wont be able to get stops, turnovers, or retain leads because muh patterns
Obviously theres going to be less turnovers but their new defensive coordinator emphasizes sacks over turnovers so it's going to be completely different so anyway. Pout to me exactly how the Bears situation is similar to them or are they just going to decline drastically to a middling defense for no reason.

The Bears didnt overachieve last season, they won every game they were supposed to and lost a few games they should've won easily like against the Giants and Dolphins and also had to battle injuries. Those signs point to a team that underachieved. The Bears went from 5-11 to 12-4 and they underachieved. They underachieved because they had a talented but young coach and a young developing QB. The signs literally point up but the bears are going to fall apart because reasons.
They have all pro players at nearly every defensive position as well as plenty of depth but theres no talent. Coach of the year and the pro bowl and all pro nods may be meme awards and show zero proof of talent but the team has the second best roster on paper in the league. This is a fact. Trubisky is going to continue developing as he did last year because there are no signs of him moving backward and the offense is going to improve. The run game is actually going to improve because Howard wasnt effective in the system and made them more predictable. If the run game and the QB are improving tell me what that means for the offense especially with a great head coach.

The Bears are going to be better and look completely different next year and there are a lot more signs pointing to that conclusion than the doom and gloom one you're trying to push.

And yet the NFC struggles to beat them in Owls

So how bad would they have lost if they were in the owl? I estimate about 48-0

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How many AAF castoffs will make a roster this year?

now that the dust has settled, did the refs get it right?

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Bang bang play

The receiver made a football move turning up field therefore it is a fumble recovered by the defense. Also on the play; penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct on Doggo. 15 yard penalty, Dog ball. 1st Down.

Back to the practice squads for them

Clean hit by the doggo. 43 fumbled the ball and there was a clean recovery by the doggo.

>wide receiver
>all runningbacks
>offensive tackle
>defensive end
>all linebackers
>long snapper
>kick returners

>tight end
>defensive tackle

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Quick rundown on the Luis guy from the AAF?

he learned to quarter back from jewtube vids

Peyton and Brees have much more experience than Goof and McVay, and would have been able to make more adjustments and better reads. Wade Phillips lead defenses have always given Brady trouble, so without that keeping them in check as long as they did, the Pats could have gotten rolling. I would see something like between 24-17 pats or 31-21 Pats

>not Chad Supreme

Definitely more than THREE FUCKING POINTS. Payton and Brees have never scored 3 points or less in a game. Never. The game would have been decided by one possession most likely.

>Obviously theres going to be less turnovers but their new defensive coordinator emphasizes sacks over turnovers so it's going to be completely different so anyway. Pout to me exactly how the Bears situation is similar to them or are they just going to decline drastically to a middling defense for no reason.
pagano hasnt had a good defense in years, and do you think more blitzing will help their secondary after losing two starters? the secondary is already the most volatile and depth dependent part of a team, and they have no draft picks to support a new scheme. Either pagano runs the same scheme better (than fangio, doubt it), or pagano runs a different scheme that fits the team better (also doubt it, fangio was pretty damn good), or pagano runs a scheme that wont fit the players as well.
If you look at the broncos, panthers, texans. Seahawks and ravens have had some consistency, but their offenses dragged them down and they struggled drafting at a playoff spot (ironically the bears have a qb that cant carry and no draft capital)

>The Bears didnt overachieve last season, they won every game they were supposed to and lost a few games they should've won easily like against the Giants and Dolphins and also had to battle injuries. Those signs point to a team that underachieved. The Bears went from 5-11 to 12-4 and they underachieved. They underachieved because they had a talented but young coach and a young developing QB. The signs literally point up but the bears are going to fall apart because reasons.
woo, juicy takes, theyll probably make the playoffs. of course they should have won a lot of games, theyre an above average team and had a pitifully easy schedule
>They have all pro players at nearly every defensive position as well as plenty of depth but theres no talent. Coach of the year and the pro bowl and all pro nods may be meme awards and show zero proof of talent but the team has the second best roster on paper in the league. This is a fact. Trubisky is going to continue developing as he did last year because there are no signs of him moving backward and the offense is going to improve. The run game is actually going to improve because Howard wasnt effective in the system and made them more predictable. If the run game and the QB are improving tell me what that means for the offense especially with a great head coach.
second best roster in the league, got it. the run game will improve by trading an above average rb. i love these hot takes, ive got nothing to say
>The Bears are going to be better and look completely different next year and there are a lot more signs pointing to that conclusion than the doom and gloom one you're trying to push.
a lot of teams peak and cant get over the hump, especially defense teams. qb is the most important position on the team and many teams are stuck with a guy that underperforms. having a single great year doesnt guarantee success, empiricism supports it

They would have been better contenders than the Rams, unironically

this is the only timeline in which i'd be okay with losing gould

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>not september fifth yet

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objectively incorrect

>everything else

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>signing Stephen Gostkowski

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I had a bad day Old Bay, say something funny to cheer me up.

I put a Chris Davis fathead on my car so I would never hit anything

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Kek. How is that guy still playing?

Because MLB contracts are guaranteed, they dont want to cut him on the off chance he blasts 50 dingers a season again and he is a hell of a first baseman.

Lol, your pre season will be in the hands of garrett gilbert.

It seems so convenient that there's not another angle to show if the reciever actually had control of the ball.

None of these are hot takes but thanks for not contributing to the argument so that I can go to sleep

Hey man, autism won 2 superbowls in the last decade.

sleep while you can, you'll be turning in bed replaying every loss in your head come regular season

do you know how long that was ago lad? you're lucky they had film of it at all

Daily reminder that belichick threw Super Bowl 52

Playoff teams who wont return next year
>chicago bears
>la chargers
>new england patriots
>philadelphia eagles
>seattle seahawks

>new england patriots
They share a division with the Jets, the Dolphins, and the Bills. The Patriots will always make the playoffs

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Thoughts on 9 point touchdowns?

Bills will win the division because they are a legit dangerous team but mainstream media will fail to recognize that because all they will be talking about is how Brady totally fell off the cliff in terms of quality of play.

It will never happen because none of the teams will have the offensive talent to convert from the 10.

>a lifetime of refball to protect Tom Brady ensures that he will never commit CTE induced suicide
why bother living?

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Oh fuck DC's team is playing at Audi Field? I planned on seeing them play but fuck that, that whole area of SE is such a pain in the ass to get in and out of for any event.

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>a legit dangerous team
nothing more dangerous than having players retire at halftime in week 5 of the season

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bruh... look at this dude..... uhju uhju wait till you see the ph- uhhujuJUJUJUUU NO NO NO NO ohhhHOHOo ohh uhhuhhuhh EATJAHWQUIEHQWIUOHHHHHHAHAHAHAHA AAA LOOK AT THE TOP OF HIS HEAD HEEEEEEEE HAHAHAHAAA

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that's the face of a man who, if born 15 years later, would have a computer full of pepe images


fresh legs in the second half though

Brady always was a sõy boy. There is no way he isn't on the specteum either.

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Based Zoomer Brady

This will probably be the end of Brady's career. I know he says he'll play until he's 45 but he just doesn't understand the kind of peak physical condition someone has to be in to complete 3 yard checkdowns to wide open receivers and occasionally throw a 10 yard pass to your 6'8 Frankenstein TE and let him do all the work.

>seattle seahawks
I want to say you're wrong, but I could see it happening. They overperformed last year, they have no draft picks, and they'll probably end up trading their best pass rusher so they can afford to pay Wilson and Wagner. They also fired their entire strength and conditioning staff so they can hire some incompetent asshole from USC.

Is Kaepernick finally gone for good? It doesn't seem like ESPN talks about him every day anymore.

Was Squillium the original Chad? His entire character is just someone who is superior to squidward in every way. He’s happier, more successful, more popular, smarter, more charitable, more physically fit, more attractive, and more fulfilled in his dreams than Squidward. But in the end Squidward always wins against Squillium because Squidward has friends who are there for him.
Is there anything we can learn from this?

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Ugh this whole narrative is so tiresome. If it had happened once or twice, sure. But the man has been winning for 20 years. He's probably doing something right, don't you think?

who the fuck are you

he realized that Belichik is the reason he's successful and did everything he could to stay with him as a result

Sure man, whatever

Dak Prescott, the natural predator of the New York Giants

I like the Seahawks and Wilson is the true MVP. Guy does such much with so little. But Schneider has beem poop in drafts lately and keeps trading away top pick for shit.

Its literally all Brady does

Bros I thought the QB was supposed to throw the ball? Why do the Ravens have a running back there?

more like jets, they added some decent players

They overpaid vastly for Mosley and Bell, they are set up to fail just like the Redskins when they were signing every free agent known to man. Sure it sells jerseys but it doesnt win games. Plus Darnold is shit.

the future of football is black QBs who can't throw for shit

Squidward only got a win in Squilliam's first appearance, Band Geeks. Every episode afterwards (Squilliam Returns, etc) ends with Squilliam getting the last laugh.

sounds like a pretty shit future

In Band Geeks Squidward, much like Tom Brady in every superbowl, was a fucking failure and got bailed out by people he despised (sponge bob, mr. Krabs, patrick/deion branch, adam vinitieri, malcolm butler, his entire defense) and never properly thanked them because they are penises.

Squidward wins in Band Geeks
Squilliam wins in Squilliam Returns after Spongebob and Mr Krabs abandon Squidward
Squidward wins in House Fancy
Squilliam wins in I Heart Dancing when spongebob abandons squidward
Squidward wins Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful

So far the record is Squidward 3-2 Squilliam, but squidward is undefeated when he has Spongebob’s help

gettelman will save him like the good mensch that he is

>yfw da browns win da superb owl

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it was week 2
also, changes made since then
>mcdermott took over defensive playcalling and the team went to second in defensive efficiency, second in ypg, and first in passing ypg
>a;;en became white vick
>foster got called up from the PS and went the fuck off
>an entirely new O-line was signed, along with a new OL coach
>WR corps got 2x if not 3x as good
>faggot ass ST coach gone
>about to sign Ansah
>about to draft Hock or Oliver

11-5 /Bills Owl 2020/

based and brownpilled

>white vick
vick could actually hit his receivers

No he couldnt idiot

Is it true that the NFL considers weed a PED?

Alright guys which “breakout” player from 2018 is most likely to be unmasked as a fraud in 2019
HARD MODE: no Mutthomes or LaMeme

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Philip lindsay

>admitting to stalking underage girls
god you're really that kind of autistic huh

Easy picks are JuJu, Tyler Boyd, and MemeCaffrey. Not necessarily that they're frauds but they're all taking huge steps back. I think Mahomes comes careening back to earth. He's risk averse and now won't have his RB or his WR. If anything happens to Kelce he'll be completely fucked and have to actually test defenses.

he's a medicore WR that played with two of the best to ever throw the ball, and that's his only claim to fame and he won't shut the fuck up about it

Mayfield probably won't get close to living up to the hype, they'll struggle more than most predict but still have a good season. Should probably be in hard mode but Ebron isn't repeating his TD count either.

Supposedly the chiefs had some interest in trading for DeMarcus lawrence

Gayfield. He was an absolute turnover machine last year and those habits dont improve.

>quarterbacks dont improve at reading defenses and risky throwing practices from their rookie year
Even for you this is a fucking retarded statement

No. It is an illegal substance by the federal government so they comply with federal law.

Yeah obviously but I've heard that a lot of the players who get fined or suspended for PED use isn't actually steroids or anything like you'd think but actually weed

Yes, because weed is prevalent. It's why when someone is caught with excessive Adderall in their test they were using the Adderall to try and mask the steroids they were using. Which is typically a 4 game suspension.

I'd be surprised if weed is actually what they're doing in a lot of cases, it's the only "recreational" drug you see them get busted for. The NFL doesn't want anything harder hitting the headlines, and everyone else gets to whinge about muh weed.

He was shit even in the AAF. It took him weeks to throw a TD and he got benched at one point. Garrett Gilbert was the only one that looked good.

You know a lot of them are doing coke or mdma.

Metcalf is going to go to Buffalo at 5 and have a very Andre Johnson career, and we will all miss out on what he could have been.


I meant 9. Unless they trade up I guess.

when you think you have safety help over the top, but then you remember you are the safety

What NFL team gets you hyped up but ultimately lets you down?

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he plays close to line of scrimmage a lot and Eagles really abused that whole game.

>josh Allen switching his position to DL and declaring for the draft again to avoid playing on the Bills

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That pattern of behavior is a constant on the Seahawks, they always look ready to fight for the most ambitious objectives, but when you're a fan for years, you learn that Seahawks always go to disappoint you. The ring was a beautiful anomaly which I expect they can repeat.

not sure the eagles would trade up to get a player who is guaranteed not to play this year.

The Eagles, other than 2017

>yfw they pick him again anyway

He could play guard until Brooks is back, and then share snaps with old man Peters or maybe push Seumalo. He's a great fit for their offense, I like the move.

How likely is a lockout in 2021?

Will a lockout do any serious damage to the NFL? I'm sure people thought the MLB would be popular forever until the 1994 strike.

>Tfw cards will fall for the manlet QB meme and draft Murray.
>He'll fizzle out because the cards have a shit tier organization and coaching staff
>Meanwhile Rosen gets traded to the Pats and becomes elite under Belichick and Brady's tutelage
Screencap me you know i'm right

Another year, another two free wins

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Another year, another meme loss (probably at home) with the damn Cards

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Getting nervous about the deadline?

Not so nervous, just waiting and see what happens. With the Seahawks you always can expect the weirdest shit, so I'm used to it.

Franchise tag it is.

seattle trades wilson to the giants for all their firsts in 19, 20, 21 and 22 plus a handful of other picks
trade up and take kyler murray

>LA Rams playing in Los Angeles
>"""""home""""" games

I was obviously talking about the Hawks


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Literally his only skill is running a straight line. He'll be a larger Ted GInn for most of his career. But not the older Ginn who figured out how to run routes, rookie year Ginn who was one of the worst reaches at WR in years.

Watching the Browns turn into a dumpster fire is going to be very sad this year. The football gods are very cruel to give you such hope only to inevitably steal it away from you.

I'm not even a browns fan but this is just a kwi-tier prediction and you should stop.

>trade up for kyler murray

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Their ceiling is 3-13

How's that? They get 6 free wins from division

>6 free wins
Sorry no. They are going to be swept by the Steelers and Bengals and are going to split with the Ravens.


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>swept by the Steelers who are only getting worse by the day
>swept by the Bengals who might have a 2 win season incoming
>split with the Ravens, the only other decent team in the division

The cards are the new browns. They'll draft QB after QB and ruin all of them.

Trip on old gay


C'mon... maybe all the hype is a bit unjustified but they're easily an 8-8 or 9-7 team at worst

I actually think they will split with the Ravens, but the idea of splitting with the Ravens while getting swept by two dumpster fires is absurd.

/our guy/

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Dude trump lmao

>tfw Seattle is going to trade Wilson

we back to perennial 7-9 status lads

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>but other cities are okay with racism
I mean...........

Chargers of course. All the hall of fame talent in the world in the 2000s and they couldn’t get it done

>trade wilson
>sign Kaps

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Any team that signs Kaep is going to get dabbed on. He hurt the bottom line and Goodell won't let the refs forget it.

Jets signed a QB from the Memphis Express

>he's not named Manziel

I hope for his sake he dosent get drafted there.

Are there any cities with NFL teams that voted majority trump? I doubt it.

I think Jacksonville.

Trump won Arizona and specifically Phoenix, which is where the Cardinals play

>signing a meme receiver


Jacksonville and Phoenix, if the Cards don't go full retarded he might land in one of the 2/32 cities where Trump won

Rumor going around that Giants will trade 2x 1st round picks for Russel Wilson and while Seahawks tank for a year they plan on being one of the teams in the running to get Brady in FA, same for the Raiders. Patriots want to tank for Trevor Lawrence.

>Brady in FA
there is a zero percent chance that 40-something year old brady is going to play anywhere else

kill me

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>Brady in FA

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I fucking wish. Oh well, time to prepare for another season of broken pockets and record sack numbers.

He just can't win. Good for Silvers, though. He really showed up after Mettenberger got injured.

Im sorry is this a post about a tweet? Must be lunch break over at buzzfeed if Police12 is back

>Chiefs fan cited for shining laser pointer at Tom Brady

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would’ve thought they’d wait until the day of the draft for this smear attack like with Josh Allen

where is the justice for Brock Osweiler...
he said it in an interview with E!SPN

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Not the user that said easy sweep, but I'm completely fine not having Baker play all those snaps. Who cares about preseason?

Myles put a video on his IG story a few weeks back when his dog, Gohan, was a tiny puppy him trying to get him out from under a coffee table. He wasn't trying to hurt him obviously but like the dog is so small and he's so fucking huge I feel like he's gonna somehow kill his dog like Lennie from Of Mice and Men because he's so fucking powerful

>his dog, Gohan

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Hunterchads win again

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myles is a gentle giant, the dog will be fine

I'm not saying deliberately, I'm saying he doesn't know how strong he is, just like Lennie.
big time weaboo

Name a bigger piece of shit

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Its always the Falcons

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Michael Irvin

Michael Bennett is the only one who comes anywhere close, aside from actual criminals like Darren Sharper


Green Bay 2014 NFCCG will haunt me forever

>yfw da bears win da superb owl

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browns. this will be another failed season lads.

I don't know why but I always get hopeful when the Lions make the playoffs, then I realize there's a reason they've only won a single playoff game in the owl era.

>why yes, I did bet on the rams to win superbowl 54, how could you tell?

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Stop trying to lower morale old gay

If the cards skip on Kyler, Quinnen is the right pick, not Bosa.

Amazing how easy it is for Michael Bennett to trigger people. He's never actually done anything outrageous.

Reminder that Jordan Howard is NOT an O-line babby

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tbf a lot of browns fans, at least from what i see on twatter, really are getting too uppity for their own good. a lot of them seems to have skipped the cautious optimism stage and went sraight to all-out arrogance. I fear that when >we actually get to an AFCCG or something in the next 2-3 years, the insufferability of the fanbase might reach cowboys levels. on one hand this is kind of justified after everything the Browns went through in the last 60 years, but it will be cringe-inducing as fuck for reasonable browns fans

Filing a false police report and publicly claiming he was beaten by white cops when in reality he nigged out and ran from hispanic and black cops during an active shooting is pretty outrageous user

why would anyone think that, the Bears OL is mediocre at best

I know that, and 100% agree. I'm in no way screaming Super Bowl, but I am very excited to see how we play.

I for one welcome our new DawgPound overlords.

his Las Vegas incident gets at least a 6/10 on the Jussie Smollett scale of race-baiting dipshittery. there's also the SBLI incident where he supposedly pushed an old lady around, but the trial is still going on so i don't hold that against him for now

the trial has concluded and he was found not guilty. get some faster internet

Kek you shat on that retarded bears fan

I last checked on that situation 2 weeks ago. fair enough, then he is a distant second after Brown, not a close second. still not a type of guy i would have a beer with

>he’s risk averse
>he’ll have to actually test defenses
You really didn’t watch any chiefs games huh?

he’s a race baiter and i don’t agree with his views, but there are worse personalities in the NFL.

good shit russiabro. I'm excited but cautious for the season, but really I'm really happy for my grandma who's been a diehard Browns fan since almost day 1 see a good winning team after so long.

the browns won several championships, especially in the 50s and 60s

>Seahawks want to trade Wilson and Clark

This team just straight up wants to go 0-16 doesn't it?

i seriously doubt they “want” to trade Wilson, it’s just finagling over the numbers of his contract rn

Better to go 3-13 one year than go 7-9 for five straight years while paying your QB $35m

For me, it’s the Santa Fe Forty Niners

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I know but everyone memes on non super bowl championship wins. She lives not even an hour from the Hall of Fame and I've been many times. I'd be nice just to have Super Bowl in front of one of those championships some day

for me, it is not this team

He actually didn't do anything wrong in that incident

can't imagine how it felt for her. hopefully she can see a browns owl in her lifetime
did she at least witness the Otto Graham/Jim Brown years?

you assume it'll be 1 year at 3-13. seattle will be a dumpster fire for years.

Wasn't even a trial. The prosecutor dropped the charges because they were obvious bullshit. It was a chief of police trying to make a name for himself.

>people getting shot at
>directly disobey a police officers commands and put innocent people’s lives at risk

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It already is one, Russ just pulls it out of his ass and wins games but they haven’t been a real contender since 2015

they've at least made the playoffs with him. without him they won't see playoffs for the next 5 years minimum.


Post images that will always make you chuckle

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please make it so he slips to 3 and the jets can get him


Jim Brown yes, and she still hates him for leaving. I think she would've caught the end of the Otto Graham years. She was born around the time the they were founded.



lol it's not like he left for another team, he went off to make movies. probably the reason he doesn't have CTE now.


Sad thing is the Seahawks offensive playcall, actually minimizes Wilson's talent and his incidence on the game, and despite this he manages to pull out wins out of nothing. Things doesn't look well for the Seahawks




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Sorry ameribro.

What's that fucking flood trash? Didn't they have enough soccer threads to act this mongoloid in?

idk when one of the best players in the game still in his prime says "nah imma make movies instead of play football" something selfish just eats at you thinking what an asshole for leaving the game with so much left to give it and what he could've been even if he had his own valid reasons, which were mainly money related if what is believed to be is true.

>so much left to give
He had the NFL rushing record, had just won a championship, and played nine seasons where he led the NFL in rushing eight times. He didn't owe the Browns fucking anything, it was his prerogative to leave on his own terms.

bu t he coulda had more

He also could be eating his meals out of a straw in a wheelchair right now, but he's not. He made the right choice, and unironically getting butthurt at your franchise's best ever player for "only" nine Hall of Fame seasons and a championship is retarded. Tell your grandma she's dumb as fuck.

remember when there was a Chargers home game in spongebob

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Remember when the chargers played 16 consecutive away games, with 8 being in LA

>Did we keep the other confetti?

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>s oy bob redditpants
south park did it better, even if it was post-2016 cucked south park


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Compare the 2004 QB Draft Class to the 2018 QB Draft Class's future
>pic unrelated

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Oh yes, and do you know what happened to those 1971 dolphins

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>sheep thinking they come back with a shook QB

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>Wentz's teammate Brandon Brooks, speaking to Don Bell and Sean Bell on the latest episode of 94WIP's Zero Fs Given podcast, called the report "bulls**t."

>"Nick Foles, you can never take away what he did," Brooks began. "Tremendous person, tremendous teammates, tremendous talent. Started off hot, he's been at the top and at the bottom, back at the top. He's seen it all. Just an overall great dude, not enough good things I can say about him. But people also forget, that year we were 11-1 because of Carson Wentz now. Let's not get that twisted. Without Carson, basically at that time, being the league MVP, we not sitting in the number one seed with a bye. You see what I'm saying?

>"That's one, but two—Carson's driven. Yeah, damn right Carson is hard on himself. You're damn right Carson is hard on his teammates. He wants the best for everybody. I think all the great quarterbacks were the same way. They demanded the best from everybody, they want to win games. Does Carson have input in the offense? Clearly he has input in the offense. I mean any quarterback that's a starter is going to have input in the offense. I just thought the article was just a lie. But Carson is thick skinned, he'll be fine. If anything he'll use that to ball out."

>He went on to note Wentz’s strength to go out there and play with a stress fracture in his back last season, and still managed 20+ touchdowns with single-digit interceptions.
>“What more can you ask of the man?”

Has Yea Forums ever been right about anything?

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Doesn’t most of Yea Forums rate Wentz above Foles, and say shit like SB52 would’ve been like 70-16 if wentz was playing

>teammate defends teammate
wow, very cool


That Browns team is pretty good.

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very much not what Yea Forums says

>implying they won't find a way to become a freaking dumpster fire

cancel the season, the Browns are champions already

Any team could be a dumpster fire, there's no point in speculating when there's no evidence either way

>a fucking blizzard
I should move

But user, the whole point of the article was that his teammates don't like him

>Xavier Woodson-Luster
so that's where he went
>Ray Ray Armstrong

>pro football focus
>doesn't focus on special teams

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cats chiefs check

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5 ex-packers with a handful of their top coaches. seems weird

only against white people

Who is the biggest meme player in this draft?

Whoever your team drafts first

Is it just me or is this draft class unusually weak? Seems like very little, if any, truly blue-chip talent outside Bosa

>Ed Oliver

sounds about right

DK Metcalf
Fast, Big, Zero technique and went to Ole Miss.

Which teams will fall for the nigger quarterback meme?

Attached: iu[1].jpg (904x490, 103K)

dolphins and giants

Wentz is a bust

jeffery simmons tore his ACL and herbert went back to college. it's pretty weak on the offensive side in terms of 'blue chip' guys, but there's an ok amount of depth. the defensive side makes up for it though.

but some hack faggot said megatron only ran 3 routes so he can too!

lmao at the nerds who actually think the browns are going to be good this year. You're going to be last place in the weakest divison.

megatron actually produced in college. his measurables were also good across the board, metcalf's spider graph is hilarious.

trip on old gay

Not Old Bay, but the Ravens D is going to carry them to a wildcard spot.

trip on old gay

Its not me fagtron, keep my name and cock out of your mouth

And yet you listened to me when I requested you put your trip on


Why has everyone chosen to forget about Quinnen Williams?

trip on old gay

How likely Ed Oliver falls to GB at 12?

>on the interwebs

Why did you make your trip something that rhymes with Gay? I mean, you can make it literally anything you want, and you just walk into it

AFCN Standings

Slayer rhymes with gayer. Why did you make your trip something like that?

Stop making audibles, pal. He can't hear you through the screen monitor

Quality NTs can be found in any round and even udrafted, quality edge not so much


Because it’s a movie reference, Old Gay is just a degradation

Attached: 62608DC9-2374-4002-8E01-186A59D0549F.jpg (1591x2265, 647K)

Its a steak seasoning you mouth breather

>one tripfag calling another tripfag a mouthbreather
Fuck off to plebbit

You guys sleeping

Attached: broship.jpg (1200x800, 209K)

Kyler Murray. Fucking imagine drafting a nog manlet who can’t throw when Haskins, Jones and Lock are available

Nobody puts old bay on steak you fucking poor hillbilly. It's for the occasional boardwalk French fries or crab

bitchknees is still banned, lol 18-1

jesus christ you should kill yourself

I'm up
>for now

Ugh, I just found a beer brewed with old bay seasoning. Nasty

Oldbay is literally just celery salt and pepper.


Attached: cringe.webm (640x800, 2.64M)


you're literally just bradysknee and Brady's Sixth Ring.

patriots just got the best TE in the NFL

And paprika

>black tight ends
oh no no no no no

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That the iggles fag.

Are you being racist? That's problematic.

Attached: cantthrowthedeepball.webm (1280x720, 2.47M)

Saints would've gotten 14 points in the first quarter and then the Pats would tie it up at the last minute. Then the NO receiver would choke the save.

>he still denies it

Attached: oh no no no.png (1427x111, 15K)

>he doesnt put Old Bay on pop corn

Fucking plebs. Also Old bay doesnt go on crab dumbasses, JO seasoning does

Attached: 1554864250955.png (1920x1080, 1021K)

I don't see what that has to do with me, famalam. On the otherhand, a Turk posting on a VPN as an anonymous burger is rather pathetic.

Thats fucking sad. Glad I added him to the filter folder

Stop shielding behind the turkbro. That's miserable cause it's about you we're talking about

But nowhere in the image am I mentioned. Sounds pretty weak.

Well... I'm not an expert, but there's literally a picture of a crab in the old bay cans

>proud citizen of Turkey checking in
He can't help it, he knows he got caught and still won't admit it.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at 9.30.34 PM.png (1280x800, 750K)

brady's knee (badwagon faggot) and the turk (proxy roleplaying loser) are both cancer

What was on the original image?

Attached: 1554946039440.png (1280x800, 711K)

Yeah but JO seasoning is whats used in Maryland for crabsin 99% of crabhouses

I see, both look pretty similar tho. Salt, spices and paprika

Odell is the single most overrated player in the league. All his stans act like he was open on every play when in actuality he's a diva who who's never been First-Team All-Pro and hasn't finished the past two seasons.

>JO seasoning

wew lad I thought I doxxed myself

NEW in a minute

>walking around with that image on your phone

all tripfags are cancer, you have to cut them out or expose them to heavy doses of radiation.

>Bryan Singer

I'm gonna give you some JO seasoning when I jack off into your mouth

This isnt Yea Forums nobody even cares enough to do anything if you had

lmao, yarrağımı ye güzel kardeşim :)

Sup turkbro the other thread is up

oh, i see.

salak fantezi

idk how google translates it but it means "suck my dick"

there should be justice for him to. this is not an exclusively pats problem. some fans are crazy and go way out of line in helping their team win beyond just making noise in the stadium