Why can't we be at least as good as Portugal at dive grass? Is this too much to ask?

Why can't we be at least as good as Portugal at dive grass? Is this too much to ask?

Attached: Hungary_Portugal_Locator.png (1632x1336, 64K)

You aren't hungry enough for success

portugal simply wanted it more

Why did Hungary fall so far from grace?

Amazed Achmed can identify a country outside the UK.

You should've won those world cups when you had the chance, dummy.

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Is there a "Brits are bad at geography" meme I'm unaware of?


you lack the /strongmind/ gene

didn't you draw 3-3 with them in the Euros? Tsuuu bailed them out

import ngubu and wanderley

You need more communism desu

I think we are considered the Americans of Europe.

I wish we would be at least as good as Portugal or Netherlands

who are the canadians and the mexicans of europe?

Poland or Romania

Canada = France
Alaska = Scotland
California = Sweden
Bible Belt = Poland
New York = England
Florida = Netherland
Texas = Spain
Mexico = Romania
Hawaii = Jersey

Portugal can easily import players from Brazil or Africa.

You're disadvantaged by your lack of colonial history, sorry.

True their best players are African (Eusebio and Ronaldo kinda too)

European countries are too different to be compared with US states. Do you really think Texas and NY are that different, climate aside?

beats me, my fellow romanian

other than language and law, they're almost nothing alike

Ronny is not african at all.

Madeira is closer to mainland Africa than Portugal

Take it. I'd rather be as developed as Austria. Fuck corruptionball.

At least you won a CL.

They're more different than Belgium and the Netherlands, or Portugal and Spain

there were a couple of you funny language romanians on that team though

>I know anything at all about the countries I mention

Depends. NYC and rural Texas might as well be different countries.

I've visited all of them you mong. Germany and Austria and Switzerland are more similar than NY and Texas. Croatia and Slovenia are more similar.

Have you visited Texas and NY?

stop being dumb

you used to the goat country

>I visited countries and now I know all about their culture
I'm not the one talking out of my ass so don't call for my knowledge of your states you mong

even their dialects are completely different m8, and no, in this case it's not just a different way of yelling yeeehaw

so we're the best?

>Trust me, I visited them once

Attached: 1423323001787.jpg (640x480, 101K)

Some US states look and feel completely different, but they're filled with the same obese disgusting americans, and bad taste prevails

Implement socialism again, tovarich.

By implying he's incorrect, you're making the same assertion about your knowledge. Unless of course you're simply asserting that he might be correct, but there's just no way the parties present could know, including that guy.

Attached: Before_Money.jpg (660x400, 33K)

There's actually a wide range of obesity rates across us states, which overlap significantly with the distribution of European nations.

>Do you really think Texas and NY are that different, climate aside?
They literally are though.


Quality post. Credible poster.

My family is from Liege, I visit them every few summers.
Language isn't the sole determinant of culture. English are closer to Dutch people than Kenyans

you need to get helicopter'd m8s

There is a bigger difference between LA and NY than between Finland and Albania from my experience

Nah m8 I've been to New York and I've tanked petrol at Texaco, they're quite similar

You're implying Spanish people have more in common with Filipinos than with french?

They got too much food now

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I can't believe Hungary is fatter than the anglo fucks

what the heck

How did this happen lol

Hungary and UK are at the level of less fat US states. Tragedy

Attached: CDC-obesity-map.jpg (800x482, 38K)

so gremio is pretty much out of copalib, nice

No surprise, they're always hungary

The kids being able to play (being sunny helps) kinda is a prerequisite to be good at football

lot of unhealthy and cheap food.

Hungary in not so Hungry anymore amirite ?

Still Europe.

Shitty corrupt system, putting friends of the establishment in important positions instead of people who actually know what they are doing, retarded muh history we deserve everything attitude, no niggers etc. Its really not hard to figure it out.

You can literally cross from belgium to the netherlands and notice barely any difference, California by itself gives off more completely different vibes from north to south than neighboring europoor countries

That's just being inbred, a common trait among islanders

you have 2 WC silver

Name 1 (one) hungarian player playing in a big league
bet you cant

Madeira and Canarias are part of the African Continent
Ronaldo is african, just like Eusébio

Peter Gulasci

you beat the World Cup 2018 finalists you're essentially world champions

cheer up, la

Willy orban


>waaaah Slovakia and Transylvanians shouldn’t belong to the Slovakian and Transylvanian majority waaaaaaaaaaahhhhh

not famished enough for fame

Bribing your son into the bundes doesnt count viktor

Great Britain more like Fat Britain amirite LMAO

for me it's EU-27

On the very surface yes, but customs, traditions, linguistic differences including things like types of different languages outside English being spoken, foods, availability of foods including beers/cider, types of sport that are most popular, to say nothing of population density and all the cultural differences that has, there's a ton of variability.

Filipinos speak English not Spanish


they speak cuck spanish

Bogdán, hes technically at liverpool

Based on this graph, Hungary is clearly the Mexico of Europe

Cringe opinion

is paprika that fattening?

no but some hungarians, especially the ones in big cities eat way too many carbs

>cold North state
Scotland is Canada
>Gyppo cunts who keep crossing the border
Ireland is mexico

>being so fat your charts cross the atlantic
Smh america

Attached: 1480050539891.png (863x807, 544K)

>put your border in the middle of their fucking island
>whine about them crossing it


Wouldnt mind if the pikeys stayed in norn iron but no they have to come and steal wiring and dogs elsewhere

Portugal IS African.

if we applied the same logic to Canada, 90% of it would be repartitioned as Eskimoland and China

what's the relation between ignorance, being right wing and being fat? because it can't be just a coincidende the north east and west coast always have the best results in american stats

skinny people keep killing themselves

Attached: suicides-europe.jpg (1260x1260, 344K)

No. Any mutt who says differently has never left the states.
