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Other urls found in this thread:





If the oilers win the lottery again I say we riot vancouver style

Women are cute when celebrating goals on the bench


hello I'm looking for shall, is this the right place?

i second this

HATE Swedes
HATE Swedish threads

simple as

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go knights
also fuck women and feminists

If the jets win the Stanley Cup I will light my chest hair on fire and share with /hoc/

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funny how there are literally zero blackhawk fans to be found these days

LOVE women
HATE feminists

post chest hair so I can see what we're working with here

>a team that was chastised by their own owner as being lazy and unproductive has the easiest route to the wcf
imagine unironically believing this

feels good that they are gone

Attached: meeeeeeeeeee.jpg (328x260, 21K)

I don't think I've seen any Kings fans the past few years either.

Screencapped to remind you of when... who am I kidding, it's not fucking happening.

all women are secretly liberal feminists

University of No Hardware fan?

maybe it was the motivation they needed

scores ... Ella Viitasuo cuts the lead to 4-1. #WomensWorlds

I see kings fans from time to time.

and now that they have placated that owner they can go back to playing awful

Designated Darls is a proud Maine Black Bear.

If i got that as a gift, I would return it

Attached: wtaf.jpg (210x230, 10K)

dumb frogposter

3 minutes to go
SKA down 1

>First Round Game 1 Schedule

Attached: NHL Playoffs.png (1598x900, 1.49M)

>bulju back

yeah it's looking good for the oilers next season

That'll do it.

finally one that got the times correct

GOAL! @nursey16 jumps all over a loose puck in the offensive zone and roofs the 5-1 goal for . #WomensWorlds

love the early 2000s look

Guys who should we draft? Hughes or the Finn?

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>Scores! Joe Sakic scores! And that makes it 5-2 Canada! Surely, that's gotta be it!

I-I didn't care about w-womens hockey anyway..

It's a-always Canada-USA in the final game too.

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>bulju back after hip surgery/bionic replacement
Nobody will be able to stop Bionic Bulju.

GOAL! @ambrose_13 jumps in off the blue-line and redirects in a perfect pass from @ratt26 ... 6-1 . #WomensWorlds

That first day is perfectly set up to skip all the shitty games.


Stay scared m8s

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Imagine being Sweden and getting relegated by anime grills.

True, the bolts, pens, blues, stars, and knights will all win in blowouts, so it's safe to just skip them and catch the highlights


best news of the day, maybe the media will shut up about them now

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>beat reporter feel good nonsense

Attached: 0.jpg (200x200, 8K)

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the only thing anyone should be booking is a trip for you to visit a psychiatrist

Based and bing bing pilled

isles>avs though. reverse 2001 where the metro area does win

bout to head to la fitness

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yah grubauer did so well in the ploffs last year

This bracket will be brought up again in 2 weeks and nobody will be laughing.

dont compare this seasons avs roster to the star studded one of 2001
and islander = the devils??
the thought process of the mentally ill is outstanding

>nobody will be laughing.
well, you wont be laughing at least

Would rather lose in round 2 or 3 than the cup finals again

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Which NHL players are these upstanding gentlemen most likely to be?

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He only played a single full game last year before they pulled out Holtmeme

he did both of the first two games in washington against the jackets, where'd they lose in OT both times


Zucker, Marchand, Chychrun

Imagine for a moment, if you dare, being a fan of the Ottawa Senators, especially on a day like this.

Attached: Ottawa_Senators.svg_.png (868x1024, 120K)

imagine being a fan of the bing bings and feeling the need to make fun of the sens every chance you get to redirect from being bullied yourself

Unironically better than Varlamov's playoff appearances

what will be the
>finger biting
>nut shotting
>face licking
of this years playoffs?

Attached: cupcheck.gif (500x276, 1.37M)

their fans will come out of the woodwork if the pick falls to 4

I often forget they exist.

snes should get rid of melnyk first, then they can talk. They do have some good prospects at least. but please get rid of him for the love of god

wet willies
brad say what maf did and is jealous he didnt do it first

something new entirely

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why do sunbelters believe you can just "get rid" of a team owner
surely living in the land of a free has taught them that business owners are impervious to everything

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Cap it

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I still think it's funny how quick this general turned on the Avs.
Two years ago they were practically never mentioned unless it was a joke about their record.

hopefully marchandlet getting heem'd the fuck out

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guess all the spamming non-stop from false flaggers really paid off

real talk: all the teams /hoc/ was obsessed with 3 years ago are fucking golfing right now


>slow and passionate blowjobs between players in the middle of the game

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Rent free

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hope so too

plays the leafs round 1 and lightning round 2, wouldn't count on either of those fairy teams doing anything to protect their pride

>fla gets panarin+bob
>win 2nd draft pick
>panarin-barkov-kakko dominance next year


This general falls for falseflagging moreso than any other general I've seen.
And yeah, it's funny that the >rags, kongs, and blackcocks posting has slowed way the fuck down. Nature of the sport I suppose.

this plus helmet cam pov videos

the bruins havent had much toughness this year though....

stop appropriating trump memes, b*ston trash


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>not replacing your star twins with another pair of superstar brothers
It's like you guys aren't even trying.

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I meant, you can start watching a shit game (Bolts vs BJs) but stop in time to watch a slightly better shit game (Pongs vs Isles), then switch over to a good game (Jets vs Blues). Completely skip the worst game (Preds vs Stars) and still catch the other decent game (Sharks vs Lifelongs). Literally the perfect setup.

Im not from boston m8

hope benning performs all his gypsy rituals before the draw

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Are you retarded or something

What are the best 3rd and 4th lines in the playoffs?

local Sportsnet radio guy said Gary might rig draft lottery for cancucks like he did for new York Knicks to give them Patrick ewing

gettin mogged pretty hard

Imagine bothering to respond to spergs.

can he even skate?

Marchand is long over due. His karma is low af. Kadri will probably do something dirty and get thrown out for the rest of the playoffs.

Boston and lightning
Jets and Islanders are a distant 3rd and 4th

So im not supposed to respond to anyone on 4channel?

I can't fathom how people just accept the actual draft is behind closed doors. Like does any rep from the teams even get to see it?

What do you want me to talk about?
Q? Who cares

pens have the best 3rd line for sure

You might want to be a bit more judicious about it is all.

So they trade their manlet the lottery winner? Probably a good move. The older Hughes probably won't be much use for another year or two, while the Canucks could be contenders much sooner if they pick up a solid dman right now.

Well >our third line is pretty garb but Accari, Kuraly, and Wagner is a pretty based 4th line

>tfw no merlot line

Tampa Social Media is Elite

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Jeff Oniell said the Maple Leafs Bruins series will last two games

business idea

send drafters to sub saharan africa and recruit the healthiest strongest kids and bring them back to be developed into star players thanks to being physically stronger than the whitie bois

suddenly ice hockey grows in popularity even in africa

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*snows your goaltender*

nothin' personel sluts

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>r r r r

scouts, not drafters

Yep you scared

oh wow they suggested using a shit emoji to represent a team!
the high brow humour id expect to represent the great state of florida

They'd just be attracted towards rap culture and eventually become basketball players.

put them up on literal trade blocks so prospective gm's can examine their physique and select only the strongest

It's a fine motor skills issue. You'll see around the league or even in soccer that they can be fast, but it's an issue of refined extremity control. It's the same reason orangutans can't do cursive and I'm not trying to be offensive here.

Oh haha I love it when local teams join in on the bants
So much epic wins, many epics

post more of those cant skate opinions please

Imagine the Leafs sweeping the Bruins in the 1st round
One can dream, right?

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The Avs get the Senators draft pick.........that means the Senators get the Avs playoff spot, right?

But how will you keep them from committing crime?

lool I'm gonna post that for my friends on reddit

i would let her snow my prostate if you know what i mean

last day to join

not if we re-legalized slavery

So, I was working my pizza delivery route last night

and every black person I delivered to did not tip

Why do they suck at tipping?

Keep attacking the source instead of refuting the substance, brainlet.

They think of you as their parent and they're perpetually rebelling against you

is it cucked to cheer for another team in the playoffs since >my team is out?

They like to get back at whitey in little ways

as they would grow up surrounded by western society and ice hockey being a sport for the more middle class person and above due to being more expensive than football, they would surely grow into fine gentlemen

sounds quite woke

Its an advanced form of math to them. Its impossible for them to figure it out

i can confirm this happens to me too.
why are niggers so cheap?

>Sean Keeler

Attached: too-long-didnt-read.jpg (400x400, 95K)

/pol/ is leaking into /hoc/?

>So, I was working my pizza delivery route last night

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Why don’t you geta real job that doesn’t rely on handouts?

>they would surely grow into fine gentlemen
Sure they would

Attached: laughs in duck.gif (400x225, 1.96M)

Just watch your most hated team and cheer for them to lose

They think you were created in a lab by an African king to be a superior life form

its definitely the customers who are cheap and not your employer for hoping that customers would help pay his employees.

but everyone tips me except for the cheap ghetto niggers


/hoc/ turns into /pol/ sadly when there are no games

just yesterday there was ranting about lgbtq people and politics

im scared of the offseason

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You already posted this last night. How needy are you? Get a real job.

Because they know the system is flawed and are trying to change it as opposed to the bootlicking whites who simply do as they’re told and what’s expected of them.
hockey karlsson netminder

>Good guys
Senators (Avs)

>Bad guys

>Dissolve immediately

>gayus ex
Found the sunbelt faggot

>turns into
This is no place for niggers or faggots

thats racist what did white people ever do to you?

implying they are smart enough to know anything about the system

sounds like they are woke. maybe your employer should pay you a proper wage instead of paying you minimum wage while living like a fatcat.

They were smart enough to create you in a lab

Actually they never leave because they're forever neets. The difference is more people are here during games, so the /pol/tard neets become less noticeable.

>hating on deus ex
stfu brainlet

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Off-season /hoc/ is just a constant stream of shitposting with no purpose or hockey discussion

the anons with a life are out doing things. its only the incel neets who spend all day left here.

>gay theft faggo: sandy anus
You're literally playing a sunbelt simulator you wannabe sunbelt faggit

why dont you go plow your sister, mutt

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this could be my last few hours as a nhl fan

>any Deus Ex but the original

Shit taste.

Reporting all of your posts for being "extremely low quality."

refute my balls on your chin

You're literally playing sunbelt weeb shit you sunbelt faggit


>Good guys
>Bad guys
me when someone disrespects my team!

I think I'm addicted to memes. What should I do?

>Good guys in any scenario

I'm having sex with your mom while you take skating lessons from extremely low quality instructors you sunbelt faggot

>hurrrdurrr only the original is the best
besides, ive played them all

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dreamt about bulju last night
woke up hard as diamonds

Very gay

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played? How do you "play" a transcendental life experience? Sunbelt fuckin shit

Quit bullying Finland

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why are the avs referred to as bing bing

Tell Finland to stop being a plebeian sunbelt wannabe

is it autism?

forsberg super mario'd ur mom

Meme magic won't let it happen. Too many people genuinely don't want to see anything good happen for the Laffs.

I do because fuck boston

How about now?

Attached: shhhhhhhh.png (1280x722, 542K)

Bing bing

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the question was rhetorical


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Sounds based to me. I only tip at out of sheer anxiety that future deliveries will be messed with if I don't. But honestly, the cost of most delivered food is so fucking steep as it is, the added on tip is just a kick in the nuts. One of the reasons I try to pick up orders instead.

Hit me wife bad, lads. Scared Bettman will do something.

If digits Habs win lotto

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just prayed to the skydude for >my team

>perpetual losers

not to worry, the watson program is a great fit for a natural born citizen like yourself

I could see them stealing the 2nd pick and taking Kakko for the Finnish memes.

When is the draft lottery and where can I stream it illegally?

rolling for digits to confirm this basedness

in 4 hours, pretty sure onhockey dot com will have a stream

just rig something up with that Finnish engineering proficiency Pekka

>tfw Sabres get 2nd pick in lottery and get Kakko
>tfw Sabres trade Risto, SJS 1st round pick, and B+ prospect for Huberdeau
>tfw Sabres re-sign SKINNER
>tfw punished Capt. Jack dabs on the league next year for 120pts


Attached: 1537234718853.png (270x270, 11K)

>tfw team is too good at hockey to be in the draft

Attached: 9D6B5BDB-233D-4571-A2EE-9588FFDE289F.gif (500x376, 997K)

bring back the black and white jerseys

>the chad underdog bracket

Attached: do_not_reply_to_me.png (1513x1860, 2.56M)

>for Huberdeau

Attached: 23488945.jpg (1920x1080, 90K)

>the deluded virgin bracket

>tfw Sabres re-sign SKINNER

Attached: thinking about Skinner for nothing.png (1404x225, 66K)

>one more top 3 pick and buffalo will win.... this time!
Basically Edmonton at this point desu

>lowest ratings for NHL playoffs ever
Sorry Seattle, turns out we can't expand now.

>first round exits

>not having a genius mastermind gm and being both in the playoffs and the lottery
*bing bings disapprovingly*

Attached: rantanen.jpg (1800x1600, 257K)

digits of truth

why didnt he dab on the league this year?

Garbage bracket. From a Finn no less

Unironically based except for >teds will never win a round

Why is no one talking about the 2019 Playoff Puppy finals?


Attached: MikkoGoodboyevu.jpg (568x758, 83K)

can i start my playoff beard today?

weak mind in all honesty

Did you just pick the opposite of who should win?

>5 5s
high test

Attached: noice.jpg (300x300, 19K)

I picked the ones that SHOULD win

you should have started it once the regular season ended

beards are disgusting

>t. jawlet

t. lowtest


Attached: ... and Aho whispers back, ''I am the storm.''.gif (550x308, 1.92M)

t. basedboy

checked, the Sabres are the only team that can offer SKINNER the full 8 years and I think a deal will get done after the head coach position is sorted out. The only way he leaves is if some team is stupid enough to offer him $9.5 million or more in FA. I think the Sabres can get him to sign for 8 years/$68-72 million

Housley was stupid and kept breaking up Skinner and Eichel after the All-Star break. Eichel has great offensive metrics like clean zone entries, puck possession, and even strength scoring. Just needs to have a better supporting cast. Does Kucherov score 120+ pts without the great supporting cast that Tampa Bay has?

Attached: 1537237227209.png (270x270, 10K)

i wish i could grow a beard, lads. my facial hair is identical to Linays in terms of how awful it is

It's like boom bye bye inna batty bwoy head
Rude bwoy nah promote no nasty man, dem haffi dead
Boom bye bye inna batty bwoy head
Rude bwoy nah promote no nasty man, dem haffi dead

>The only way he leaves is if some team is stupid enough to offer him $9.5 million or more in FA

>the only way he leaves is if someone offers him his absolute minimum demand
You're in for some rough times, buddy.

Can he pull it off again?

Attached: E0AA2FBB-F088-40F2-93EE-1A7CE02D1356.jpg (1600x1300, 267K)

i'm a girl

same here mate. I can grow a meagre chin strap and not much more. I have terrible beard genetics but all the processed food and onions as a kid can't have helped

overpaying skinner would be such a buffalo thing to do

Attached: uhhhhhhhhhhh.jpg (1024x682, 396K)

post feet

me on the left

beards are a jawlet's best friend

love waking up to incels lads

Trade for Matt duchene

Can we discuss beans instead of /pol/ shit?

stay scared m8

WEBM time? WEBM time

Attached: meme saves.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)


Attached: beanatthedraft.jpg (600x397, 43K)

chabot is the next karlsson

Attached: Chabot.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

coffee >>>>> garbanzo > kidney > pinto >>>>> lima

hes probably going to want a panarin tier contract and panarin is probably going to be making close to 10m/season next year

thinking spooky thoughts

Attached: Louongo.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

The day the meme magic died

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yfw this alfa pots 40+ next year and wins calder?

Attached: alphamale.jpg (612x408, 39K)

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jelly >>>>>>> all

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welcome to the city of champions jack

Attached: wn6orho.gif (275x204, 2.72M)

I have too many of these webms anyway

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laine back on to fortnite full time. looks like bigbuff did take his ps4 away for a while.

ya boiling
ya seething
ya ding-dong diddly incel

Attached: pulju.webm (1280x720, 3M)


lel i think incels are fags but using incel as an insult for someone you disagree with is even faggier

lol who the fuck is #52 on trashville, he's a literal retard

Attached: he's tasting the air like a snake.png (1108x922, 1.43M)

"big buff" is a bitch. laine is simply playing apex legends now.

Matt Irwin

you can easily tell that laine thinks "fuck off nigger" when he interacts with big buff but hes way too scared to ever say that to his face.

buglyfien got knocked out by oleksiak.

Yk to say it but the rags should get a top 3 pick so we can see if they truly waste talent or not

They legit haven't had a top 3 pick since 1966. Leagues rigged anyways bettboy knows ny will get big boy bucks so he's set it up and is now jizzing money

Attached: Disgust.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

for me it's refusing to call those faggots byfuglien and thornton by they're retarded reddit nicknames

buff and jumbo

i swear people on the hockey subreddit get off to players fucking their wives, everyone there is like pierre mcguire

>I used your new insult m'lady can I please have sex with you know

Attached: 1544118151347.jpg (1762x1632, 169K)

I just call them bye-foo-glen and joe

I call them Dusty and Joseph

never forget

Attached: the most impecable of defenses.webm (1280x720, 1.19M)

t. 20 000 karma from dick riding meme players

I call you Jarmo

fuck I never noticed that it goes off his stick which is perfectly angled to direct the puck under his skate


Attached: cleanhit.webm (1920x1080, 2.17M)

>absolutely enraged
imagine being the incel who has that picture saved

based fenno-swede

Funny to think that Stevens would be banned for life in under a season if he played today

so taylor hall is going to demand a trade, right?

>i i i...incel
>T. Low test beta male

that would've been a 41 game suspension right there. Kariya was also fucked from that moment and the rest of that series as well. crazy to think he did that goal while concussed

Attached: Aho-my_god.webm (320x240, 2.83M)

yes, to the islanders

>you will never be as pathetic as these sorry fucks

Feels good lads

Based and tummypilled at the end there.

its somewhat similar to the aaron rome - nathan horton hit. late hit on a guy who is watching his pass. both are basically a shoulder to chin hit. aaron rome was only given a 4 game suspension.

Because you're even more pathetic

Attached: 927.jpg (1029x1000, 275K)

Keep yer head up and don't watch yer purdy pass. Many players managed to do just fine back then. Now? Little manlets just pick up ugly passes and keep their heads down through the neutral zone without getting touched because everyone is afraid to get thrown out.

Lel isn't it pathetic

based retarded fuming no you posting incel

Genuinely wouldn’t mind. One thing the delusional oilshit fans were right about is that he is incapable of playing a full season, and Hall’s trade value has only skyrocketed despite that. At the very least, he’s being completely straight-up with management; make some moves or trade me, and that’s a hell of a lot more than Overrated Shit gave the Islels.

b o o m

Attached: I can feel it.gif (400x400, 1.64M)

Attached: CrosbyBTFO.webm (640x360, 2.6M)

watching a pass isn't justification for creating scenarios where players get permanent brain damage and have their career ended

Greeting lads,
I googled "examples of autism of the internet" and this was the first link posted.
Have I come to the right place to research this phenomenon?

>running forearm to the jaw
That's some wwe shit right there.

>I know I just shattered your spine, raped your wife, and stole your car keys, but none of this would've happened if you'd just KEPT YER HEAD UP KIDDO

I agree with the sentiment, and I love old time Don Cherry hockey, but ultimately making people fucking quadrapelegics out there has to be taken out.

if only the threat of career-ending brain contusions was still around so we could do something about these manlets

True, but that's the sport, or at least it was. Open ice contact was legal back then, not like now. Sure, there was contact with the head, but the players also tended to have their head quite exposed because they were leaning forward and/or had it down. Nearly impossible to lay the hit and not hit his head if it is the furthest thing out in front of his body. So does the defender just let him slide because he put himself in a bad position to get hit? That breaks the game. All you have to do is skate with your head down and nobody can touch you.

Also after Ovi gave him a two hand on the upper arm. Crosby got worked over hard there.

>Open ice contact was legal back then, not like now
The game also moved much much slower then.

fuuuck I forgot about how fucked Horton was by this

it looks worse because you are looking at it in slow motion frame by frame. that whole sequence from crosby going down to getting hit by niskanen happened in like a second. think niskanen was just putting his arms up to brace for the contact not deliberately trying to injure him.

Any advice?

not really that much slower desu. It was just the mentality of "keep your head up or get your fucking bell rung" was dominant

Many played after having those brain injuries. Many still do. They want a faster game, but the ice is still the same size and the players still run into each other from time to time. Difference now is that nobody is looking out for it, so they almost always get hurt.

you can just see him fucked up as a whole. I think this changed the series as well in favor of boston, since they had horton be their hero multiple times in that run

puck clean
puck deep

>think niskanen was just putting his arms up to brace for the contact not deliberately trying to injure him.
why didnt he just skate around him then
niskanen deliberately put himself in position for contact

>blatantly lying to your fans

Attached: lies.png (767x303, 39K)

i totally forgot about this hit, funny how having a horse in the race makes you totally forget about the dirty stuff >your team did

Slower, but not that much. Neutral zone has always been a dangerous area.

This but instead of hongcover style we actually go to hongcover and start rioting

that wasnt what ended his career. he came back the next season and played again. but then he had a bad shoulder injury that needed surgery, and then after he recovered he was diagnosed with some degenerative back injury, which is what has ended his career.

the draft is happening there, just do it then

also toronto is still paying his contract lmaoooooo

>i hope voynov never plays in the NHL again!!

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 13K)

>bright future

Attached: 1552331177888.png (146x197, 86K)

He was going to the area on the ice the dmen always go to, the front of the net. He's not going to prioritize getting out of the opponents way just so he avoids contact if it means putting himself out of position. He had every right to that space, and Crosby was the one playing dangerously by not watching where he was going. If anything, Ovi deserved a penalty the most because of that two hander.

Fire is bright.

so hes not allowed to skate to the front of the net? again you are analyzing the hit in slow motion, frame by frame, wondering why he couldnt "react" faster.

yeah looking at it again he appears to just be bracing himself rather than initiating contact



>fuck women they should all be visciouslu beatien up because they wont have sex with me based voynov vote trump 2020

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>he's back

report and ignore

Attached: FGO addict.jpg (757x433, 91K)

ya'll need Gary

attached the wrong pic?

Okay, this is epic

Attached: 1538162921931.png (582x559, 508K)


It has taken over three (3) days for /cric/ to hit its bump limit.

Attached: set reminder.png (1021x244, 127K)


Attached: 1547602880598.gif (250x200, 967K)

>treat trump like there daddy they never had
Nope. Trumpcucks are actual beta male basedboys.

the canucks are having a draft lottery viewing party. if i head down to it do you think ill see shannon?

go wings
*wins the draft lottery*

New York

from least to most soft, r8 my ranking or do the west

no kippers, he's doing his own lottery livestream

There's a chance. Just look for the short guy standing next to the 600 pound woman

He's broadcasting from his house, somewhere out near Abbotsford.

someone figure out where he lives






>tfw you gave the wild nino for him

feels gud

Attached: Clutterbuck.jpg (1024x576, 65K)


Someone drive around and listen for the braps



Attached: 1522790686040.jpg (1030x720, 196K)


no idea, but what is your opinion on this fine piece of art?

Attached: 1539933288223.png (996x1022, 2.43M)


how many of these have you made the past week

Dead thread

Ayo seriously tho fuck sweden

Dont let me catch you slippin

dead game

I haven't made any of them. I pulled them off an imgur album that doesn't exist anymore.

the only good weeb is a dead weeb

/mlb/ here! /mlb/ checking in! Well hello there!

Attached: bg0vwgvmeuqxjbumxllx.jpg (800x540, 59K)

I LOVE sweden, and I shall be having a slice of knackebrod in his honor

literally worse than /cric/

Well hello there.

Welcome, /mlb/! Come join the fun! We've got anime here!

Attached: 1523030603355.png (501x1022, 439K)

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fuck off /mlb/

Attached: cowbo.gif (480x270, 1.08M)

good afternoon leafs nation

Attached: birds.jpg (500x375, 76K)

imagine watching a "sport" so boring you have to go over to a different general to stay entertained

Yeah, I'm thinking you guys are pretty based.
Let's Go /hoc/key Let's Go *clap clap clap*
/mlb/ make ya seeth?

Attached: 6LCIMV2WOBCPBM4LNTCBHZWIU4.jpg (1200x600, 59K)

BASED friend

Attached: watermelon wall.gif (369x312, 2M)

going to go dab on /mlb/ anyone coming with?

Lads I don’t think the trumpseether knows how /hoc/ or memes work

i dont feel safe around spics

Attached: 1549085795803.gif (480x270, 591K)

Attached: WIDE.webm (2000x200, 2.83M)

lol no

Attached: IMG_20170416_224625.0.jpg (1200x800, 157K)

Attached: LONG.webm (200x2000, 2.84M)

why is gaudreau brown

just woke up from a nap. why was /mlb/ here begging for attention?

mä nauran kun muut itkee ja itken kun muut nauraa, oon surullinen klovni hattu kourassa jaksan laulaa

fucking posts of the century right here

thank you for these

he's american

came out of the wrong hole

THIS is the post


/ourguy/ zack dabs all over /yourguy/ shannon

Attached: 0630-zack-hample-getty-3.jpg (700x470, 72K)

he’s some sort of mystery meat created in the stew of new jersey

holy kek that's good
here's my contribution

Attached: 1540817294094.webm (854x480, 2.76M)

Everyone gets brown when your skin is exposed to sun light long enough. Except irishmen and englishmen

Tbh looks downie

yeah but does hample do videos like shannon with an absolute braphog?

Attached: Shannon_11.png (513x580, 593K)

Based...... based Bauie

Attached: Untitled (3).png (379x655, 363K)

>tfw you got the almost-a-point-per-game version of Nino for him


Attached: elite swede.png (1136x640, 1.5M)


*clap clap* Here we go hockey here we go *stomp clap stomp*

He could probably solo win the tournament

Attached: kop.jpg (517x195, 27K)

Why is Teräväinen so underrated lads?

Would based /hoc/key like to discover ideas about baseball players? If so, why?

Attached: Untitled (2).png (998x871, 912K)

Good on him for doing that

down syndrome or steve downie?

hes going to get shutdown by gooks

Attached: pic.png (863x192, 15K)

This is a slice of wasa crispbread with some homemade hummus. I will be doing this every time you besmirch my GOOD FRIEND sverige

Attached: 9514029D-F815-4988-9D4C-ED0081921A65.jpg (4032x3024, 2.29M)

Teräväinen gets more assists, but Aho gets more goals and points, so they talk about the speedy zoomer with the upcoming contract negotiations instead of the steady workhorse who's locked up for the next bunch of years.

Attached: turbo.jpg (858x768, 143K)

lol what if you did the inbetween of both of these what would that look like i wonder?

will be slovenia and belarus


>I will be doing this every time you besmirch my GOOD FRIEND sverige
Fuck Sweden.
Not only do I dislike Swedes, but I'd like to see if we can get you to rupture your stomach.


Attached: x1.jpg (1472x2048, 756K)

get out of thread first though

Now THIS is based and knäckepilled

fresh deutsches Brötchen > Swedish peasant crackers larping as """""bread"""""

Attached: qt.png (646x678, 768K)

Kill yourself. I can’t imagine the absolute shame you bring to your father.

Alright boys predict the lottery results!

what time is the lottery

back to /mlb/ faggot




Attached: the_call.jpg (265x177, 13K)

1. Oilers
2. Avs
3. Ducks

The ultimate money making results for betty

What's everyone watching?
Unironic answers only please.


Worst possible outcome

Shannon's feed, from my phone while in bed, then immediately falling asleep.
t. didn't sleep well last night at all

BEST you mean :)

Attached: 1551469638184.png (350x254, 130K)

thanks m8

shitty youtube recommendations that aren't even that funny

smoking a cigar on the porch, not really watching anything at the moment

My wall while I try to think of reasons not to sudoku

1. Arizona
2. Edmonton
3. Florida

>get first overall pick
>draft a non-generational talent

Attached: 1553448451601.webm (372x526, 1.28M)

youtube about why islam is gay and stupid

1. Buffalo
2. Oilers
3. Avs

Cool word, user

Yeah I can't wait for my ragettes to win the lottery and draft Broberg #1

Attached: 1554834119072.jpg (247x247, 11K)

absolute STATE of whites

1. Kings
2. Avalanche
3. Panthers


That's actually the worst timeline

watching Better Call Saul actually cuz im late to the party and never got around too it

I'll kys myself if oilers pick kakko
t. finnish pro scout

Would rather win next years first overall desu. Hughes and kakko feel like hischier and Patrick tier

>The Golden Knights have scored in the first 5 minutes of a game against the Sharks 10 times (including 2 in the playoffs and in all 4 games in 2018-19)
>The Sharks have scored in the first 5 minutes of a game against the Golden Knights 2 times (0 in the playoffs and 1 this year)
oh no no no no

Attached: 1525665302589.jpg (480x401, 77K)

hello yes? i'd like a lucky top 8 pick that turns out to be a bust to go please.

Attached: snail.png (750x750, 124K)

Me after I scored 6 goals against a bunch of wh*toid faggots

Attached: Shredded af.jpg (960x960, 40K)

he's going to a shit team anyway, unless ottawa draws second

Lets go knighties!

>t. finnish pro scout
Which teams do you think have drafted / traded for the best collection of Finns?

I am not white

game 1 is a must win imo

I sure hope he says >my team.


Barkov is the best finn but dallas or canes have the best collection
I'd say canes right now since heiskanen and hintz are still developing

i'm white lads. also love hockey.

Stars>kitties>>>canes in terms of finns

It's not ok to be white


ty fren

Sorry lad, the pro scout has spoken.

Attached: hei ystävät.png (860x711, 664K)

Game 7 is a must win imo

reminder that Gary gets one "do over" or "mulligan" at tonight's lottery

Barkov is Russian

Sissons-bonino-watson is a pretty good 3rd line for the preds

What did Shannon name his kitty

sissons is such an underrated bottom 6 player

Been sitting here almost all afternoon just absolutely geeked on this post I am putting together for the playoffs. Its still a major work in process but oooooh doggy the creative juices are flowing like the Mississippi, lads

Why does /mlb/ like anime so much?

God damn that dall-ass photo of shannon has to be around when he started cause he looks a lot thinner than every other picture

Reminder all teams west of the Mississippi aren’t hockey markets

He has four.
Bear (somehow they think this is a name for a female cat), Lilly Belle, Shadow, and one other one that I can't remember.

Attached: pets resemble their owners.png (550x550, 407K)


vancouver? edmonton?

las vegas?


I kind of hope they win the lottery again just to witness the meltdown

Attached: Oilels.jpg (599x350, 64K)

Shannon loves his wife like Johnny Sack loves his Ginny

>This is what least coasters want you to think

It's pussywillow

>knowing this much about Shannon
Seek sunlight
Gain height
Take a shower
Hit the weights
Get a clue

>win three lotteries in a row
>win another one a few years later
>still not a playoff team
What did they mean by this?

gonna make the next /hoc/ threab

Attached: Mongol.png (480x640, 778K)

you can fuck off

Attached: 1535619651068.jpg (344x214, 9K)

Nice try

It's just that really good memory.
If I hear some random detail in one of his asides in some video 17 months ago, I'll remember it.

Surely you Jest.

Attached: Sam, we need to have a talk.png (600x600, 588K)


Remember when Johnny caught her pigging out in her track suit on her secret stash of mounds bars?

>stole a team
>lost it
>stole another

seek help

They aren't sports markets in general


holy shit guys. Just got secret memo from Bettman and i can say that the 1st overall team will be someone with very low %.

Johnny was my favorite charachter, even if he had to flip.

>There are 30 NHL teams and 60 in college hockey.
not very accurate reporting

2% low?

Someone make a thread before randy

end of thread reminder

Is it stealing if they sell it to you?

Attached: IMG_20181224_133038.jpg (1015x771, 64K)

lower than 10%

don't know why the retard would make a thread and then not link it, but here you go, /hoc/:

Hes turned into a really good player for himself. As poor as GMDP has been at drafting fowards Sissons is a really solid get. He could get 20 goals 40 points next year if he stays healthy. Not to mention hes a big body which the preds sorely need.

He got a little crazy, he had to go

What style of beer should I drink this fine evening lads?

i was eating a turkey sandwich and some of those rice cake chips from the store