
This is the thread

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Other urls found in this thread:



How small is small?

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Max knocked out in front of his son edition


When a Hawaiian Kick Boxer has the most title defenses of any MMA fighter in history


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this is the fred

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Hey Coral you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind hey Coral

hey guys just a reminder there's a great deal right now for ESPN+; a 1 year subscription *AND* UFC 236 for only $79.99! if you aren't taking advantage of this one-time offer you're an absolute goof and not a real fight fan

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Max will avenge my boy Justin

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>disney owns espn
>disney is owned by jews
>ufc is owed by vme
>vme is run by a zionist agent

Max is to Pettis what Dustin is to RDA.

When Oleinik beats overeem will he get a title eliminator ?

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>Dillon OP
Nah this ain't the...
>WhatsApp faggotry in the other OP
Definitely this is the thread

I think you mean Max is Dustin what RDA is to Pettis

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That would be fun. I like the Oleinik meme

Do you remember Anthony "Lionheart" Smith ?
The guy that was bullied during 5 rounds, doing absolutely nothing, who let his opponents juice, soccer kick him and knee him in the face.
The real life rocky who everyone said he was going to get schooled, who ended up being absolutely schooled.

God damn what a beast

"IPAs are the numetal of beer." - Luke Thomas

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anthony smith knew taking the DQ would result in Jon showing him no mercy in the rematch. In many ways it was the right move.

i have never dranked a ipa.

Two fight for one price!

terrible take, expected from Luke

>I've been patiently waiting for khabitch to arrive. Guess he had vertigo & got lost from all that WW Division &Tony dodging. Or maybe it was from the slaps me & Nate gave him. No worries though, can't get the throne without killing the King...

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Someone post THAT webm of Adesanya

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What does heem mean lads? I've been told it's an ultra rare submission technique

It's just another term for wrist lock, stands for hand extreme elasticity manoeuvre


Let me heem you and find out

IPAs are fucking garbage. They taste like shit cause dumbass hipsters think it’s cool to use a ton of hops for no reason when you don’t have to ship the beers across the Atlantic for half a year anymore. There’s no reason they should exist

he looks like jon jones if jones didn't juice


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for three seconds i thought it was rhonda

Wake up Jon, it's all over

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le 25 year old prospect

Dr. D is the natty god

I would pick him against most prelim tier fighters

How old were you when you turned pro?

probably 15 yo

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thawlts on this, b?

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This is one of Luke's better takes. Would rather drink a watered down light beer

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Can you please stop posting this dyke?

Friendly reminder thatr everyone itt could heem me.

probably the best three seconds of your life, too, amirite?

totally real btw


Okay my man super cool how you're such an individual who doesn't go along with the trend in society of being an individual


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move aside whyt bois inna di finna boutta heem yall

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I hate almst every word in this post

>tfw your life has never been on a 3 second winning streak


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Wow bud, why are you that upset I don't like IPAs?


Oh for sure I'm not my guy, you live your best life my man. For sure do that.

There's some good ones out there. The citrus ones work well with the hops. Dont be a pussy dude

Thanks bud, you too

Do this one now

>real barn burner of a fight

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what sport do more homosexuals actively participate in jiu jitsu or wrestling?


>croatia confirmed to be jamaican

this is headlining a ppv?

america: wrestling
brazil: JJ

based negresscroat

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dustin poirier playing with his daugther is the cutest thing ever
sry i tried but lost the mojo
jah bless
wrestling cos dem be gay
and they puttin di fingah inna di ass

it's on the cejudo v moraes card

>there are people who unironically enjoy IPAs when German Wheat Beer exists

>getting put down by a standing hammerfist to the body
uhhhh wh*tebois?

reminds me i need to go to the store and stack up on paulaners

This is reminiscent of Jones vs. Shogun.

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>all the alkie kuffars ITT

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forgot pick
>ywn paulaner girl

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There are more gays in striking sports than in grappling.

Closet homos usually feel extremely uncomfortable in any non-sexual contact with another man, and flamboyant faggots are ridiculed everywhere.

Well I dunno what Pacman's gonna be doing but fighting probably ain't it

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>fighting a philipino twink named fritz
tenshing should retire

why are smaller fat guys not using the fedor defense for kicks

Wake up henry

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Schaubisms (e.g. for sure don’t do x, 100% my guy, homeboy needs to stay in his lane, it’s not gay if your eyes are closed etc...) Are what I use to fill times I used to be awkwardly silent and conversations would fall dead.

Because after Fedor got exposed as a can nobody wants to copy his techniques anymore.

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yeah sure bud


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People can enjoy more than one type of beer.

I did a lil breakdown for Heem

i started saying “heem” during fights and now my gf does it too. i say flushed and deleted occasionally but i don’t think she knows what those mean yet

Is a bad mamma JAMA pick this fight is way too much but I do think smacks hallway is a great he’s going to be a great his distance the only thing is we have a team at 55 but I’m not worried about that she’s even better at 55 screens he was out at 45 is not the best 45 all time right it was the best out in his prime he still starting twice in a row always just overall body of work and in the current times I put them over Josie Aldo is done with guys who are well more well-versed in Josie Aldo was so never been home from dominate in 2019 is way hard and dominating to attend to that wall down 14 so the champions are always the best

They taste better and are stronger than any other beer, just cause you have a womans tolerance doesnt mean you have to get mad

If I said heem near my gf and she didn't immediately leave me I'd immediately leave her.

I started referring to spammy and coral in real life like theyre my friends when discussing mma

fake and gay

why would she do that? it’s not like i revealed that heem is a word created by Yea Forums fight racists

what did he mean by this?

>stronger than any other beer
Nah b, nah. Tripels and dubbels.

When I had to describe my best friend in Spanish class I described a conglomeration of Heem personalities


Max's eye hasn't always been like that has it?

Go find a 9 percent beer on the shelf at the store thats not an IPA, ill wait

If you didn’t give me a shout-out I’ll 30-27 you


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smacks hallway is gonna be a mount rushmore

- his range
- well more well versed
- competish level nevern higher fern domnate in two thousand an nineteen is way harder than domnate an two thousand ten two thousand twelve two thousand fourteen


i wish

Was that supposed to be a difficult task...?

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Coral > Spain > German Ortegaposter > Disciple of Schaub > Dernposter > Spammy > Twitchy


Good God that's an alarming amount of CTE. Max is completely fucked. He's got like one, maximum two more fights before he takes the Barao path to obscurity.

He will be flushed at 155

Never seen that at the store

Twitchy and Spammy are unironically better than Dernposter. Fuck that guy

hops are the most estrogenic substance you can consume

look into it

Dunstin Poirier is one bad mama jamma my dude

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unless you have good timing and movement

Maybe thats why im such a pussy, gonna stop drinking beer

Based leaf. I like a good IPA but La fin du monde is top tier

this dude is so shot

Did you guys really think Max’s showing against Bumtega was impressive? He had every opportunity to put that amateur striker away and couldn’t even after like 200 significant strikes right on the chin.

Dustin is going to heem Max screen cap this now. Poirier bangs too hard for this punch drunk zoomer.

Take that shit back 209 motherfucker represent

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> muh manly taste
> muh stronger
They literally taste like bitter shit. If you knew anything about beer you would know ipas are just ale with a ton of hops. You have ale or lager. The only difference is the yeast used to make the beer. Ipas appear stronger cause they are able to mask what some would consider the harsh taste of alcohol with hops. Also I’m trying to drink like 13 beers, not consume 4 300 calories drinks that fills you up and make you feel like sluggish shit

>dillashame is suspended for two years of er EPO
It's over.

All that proves is that Max doesn’t have a lot of power, which we already knew, and that Ortega has a good chin, which we also knew

here's one out of many.

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TJ "Cardio has always been one of my strengths" Dillashaw

>Hank heemed this dude’s entire career

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so glad cepoodo CTE'd and flushed that crybabby roider

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What’s the official drink of heem? Proper 12 is too divisive. Big fan of guinness myself.

if we're talking trash beers i don't think Heineken is all that bad

Modelo, obviously

Not surprised. Schaub said they had a new test to catch a previously untestable form of it om his last podcast and we will be seeing more guys getting caught (unironically). I’d assume he knew because of his boys back in Colorado with Duane.

german beer or white monster

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Lm fuckin ao

Can’t wait to to see Dilly vs Cruz II in 2020 in their return fight.

The official beer of /heem/ is a meme since /heem/ is a meme. Probably Coors because of the Brock Lesnar thing.

The one brewed with a fighting spirit. When heavyweight contender Stipe Miocic isn’t pretending to be a firefighter, this retard is drinking Modelo. Why did we sign a contract with this idiot if he was going to piss all his stock away to DC?

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>Believing schaub

>Garbrandt spends that time conditioning his chin against contenders and heems them both in their return fight

i could heem you but you couldn't heem me

whom invented toilet till again ?


>2020 is in 2 years
>I unironically thought it was 2018 when I made this post

Blue label Johnny Walker's is /heem/'s drink of choice. Anyone not knowing that is a cazzie

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Holy shit 2 years for Silly Dilly

The nigga is done for now. Duane Bang must be losing his shit. Actually crazy, everything's just going to move without him despite him being so good and literally champ. Cutting to 125 literally perma heemed him.
I did sense it would, but not like this

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akvavit >>> whiskey

What can we conclude about Duane because of this?

Was he juicing too? Was he condoning this?

*heems Cejudo*
*heems TJ*
*heems DJ*
*heems Horiguchi*
*heems Tenshin*

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Israel is 29 b

>UFC vice president of athlete health and performance Jeff Novitzky told ESPN. "It's a very effective substance. It's not a substance you find in contaminated supplements, it's injectable only. You have to know what you're doing when it enters your system.

So do they investigate all of TAM now too after Cody went full brainlet and exposed TJ showed them all how?

Who is this egg head and why is his head enormous compared to that little twink body?

>Barao got flushed for this

Watch morales vs barrera if you want to see the effect of EPO.

Heh, nothin personal TJ

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Next time. Only add the maincard

Seriously that's fuckin tragic. Barao is owed some kind of compensation.

its only the main card

does he have some sort of condition that makes his proportions like that? he is literally in the uncanny valley of proportions. like he's clearly not a midget, but also not a regular person.

Barao was roiding too. It's just that he was exposed for the overrated can he always was by TJ.

Scandinavian vodka?
I don't see what Cody did wrong with exposing this a long time ago. Why be scared if you haven't done anything wrong. All cheaters deserve to be suspended

>Implying Barao wasn't on the gas too pre-USADA

what if i told you i will win this weeks prediction game?

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Barao was sleeping in the jungle and living off of acai. There's no goddamn way his orangutan coaches were injecting him with anything more sophisticated than cocaine.

What are the black fights under the main card? I mean if I have to guess them all it is a lot harder to guess than 5 fights. Anyway I will make a post for the prediction

It taste like a pine tree.


>Nikita Krylov
>Alan Jouban
>Eryk Anders
>Israel Adesanya
>Dustin Poirier

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Thats just informative the picks will only be taken for the main card

I apologize

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Save some for the rest of us bro

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Saint Preux

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USADA suspends Dillashaw 2 years for EPO use

>"We all know the pressures to win at all levels of all sport are real and intense," said USADA CEO Travis T. Tygart in a released statement. "It is exactly why strong anti-doping efforts are necessary to protect clean athletes' rights, health and safety and to ensure that those who do succumb to these pressures and decide to break the rules will be held accountable in a real and meaningful way, as in this case."

The two-year suspension is the maximum sanction for a nonspecified substance under the UFC's anti-doping program. It is dated retroactively to Jan. 18, 2019, the day the test was submitted. EPO is a peptide hormone used to stimulate red blood cell production. It is typically administered via intravenous injection.

>"I'm quite familiar with EPO from my days investigating professional cycling teams," UFC vice president of athlete health and performance Jeff Novitzky told ESPN. "It's a very effective substance. It's not a substance you find in contaminated supplements; it's injectable only. You have to know what you're doing when it enters your system.

"On a scale of seriousness in anti-doping, it's up near the top."

>His team did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


based cody was right all along
give him his belt back!!!

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All drug testing is a sham

sup faggot.

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But Cody said TJ showed him how to do it
So surely he's doing the same shit? And so is all of TAM? So what's that shit about

>you now remember when Dern was still a virgin
Can people admit now that Dern was legid and would have dominated rose?


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>instead of moving up in weight, he dropped weight so he could beat up smaller men
>all because he wanted to be champ champ
>before the fight began, he talked about moving up to featherweight and winning that belt as well
>wanted to be a champ champ champ
>gets pushed to the ground like a child by the smaller man
>gets dropped
>tries to get back up again
>gets dropped again
>head moving in every direction because he's being hit from every angle
>fight gets stopped as it should
>cries about early stoppage
>ends up being suspended for two years for taking epo

does it get more just than this bros?


I honestly think Cody made that up and was too dumb to realize it also implicated the gym


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Laughing to this post helped me squeeze out my last turd. Thanks mane *extends fist to pound it*

Mate he'll go to One 100%

Thank you based Bruder

it was i

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I doubt he made that up, especially after TJ has just popped. Cody's the type to just let out stupid shit like that without thinking. Dude's said some really daft stuff in the past, I think he meant it

no, for it was i


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Poirier will win.. right Sander?

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>people picking Poirier after Eddie just got exposed for being a perma can

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im not taking the picks btw one of you has to do it

to add to this, Cody accused TJ of EPO in 2018 on Twitter, which is what TJ just popped for

Then why post it

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I have a really hard time believing nobody knew about roids until TJ the new guy showed up. I guess it depends on how widespread you think this stuff is

So you guys have the image for the picks

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See Also TJ wasn't that new, it's a share of techniques. TJ could've picked some new tip up from somewhere, e.g. high school wrestling if he did that and then spread it.
Or maybe not even that, but since Cody was newer TJ was just the guy that demonstrated PEDs to some newer guys

Still having trouble operating MS paint, eh buddy? Don't worry, you'll get there someday.

Are you supposed to pick who you'd like to win or who you think will win?


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that guy would fucking destroy you in a verbal mma match

TJ "I'm working with this mad scientist in my garage" Dillashob

After the fight whoever gets them all right gets made famous for a thread

I've done it, but I just... really want Poirier to win but had to pick Holloway.

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You wouldn't believe how hard I'm jerking my dick just to the thought of these two women being in the same general proximity

do you have a better physique than Sanko's hubby?

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Imagine being a grown man trapped in a 12 yo body

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So fuckin happy

Couldn't have happened to a bigger piece of shit

If you are talking about Till then no.


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Literally IMAGINE the smell of the octagon by the end of the night

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Lads do you think it's at all possible that the only reason USADA caught him this time is because the weight cut made the EPO more detectable because he was very depleted?
Whereas at other weights there's more in his body to mask the issue.

Yes he was pulsing while cutting just like Jon, the anthocyanins in peaches can also unmask it

maximum holiday
izzy mcguire

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1 month ago:
>"TJ gave up the belt as soon as the report came out. This is likely nothing. He's cooperating, everything is going to blow over in a week. They want to make him out to be a snake. No big deal. Cody is a fucking liar."
Chael and whoever else parroted what he said are taking a big L on this one. lol

heem is a CR7 general

he's still a puny manlet but that photo is shopped

Chael is good at sounding smart. But really his track record is shit.
Schaub >>>> chael. Just facts

Find a better store.

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weak up israel adasayan, it's all over

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Yeah it was smart of him not to take the belt because now he can pat himself on the back for being a good boy.

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zoomer /heem/ with the cazzies is a CR7 general but when the true /heem/sters with pristine MMA knowledge come out to play, we're Messi

nobody watches fagball here anyways

well in the end of the day Original Ronaldo is better than both of them.

Lol tj is gonna fight in one by the end of the year


Unless you can tell me whose walkout song this is, I'm going to have to confiscate your /heem/ card and revoke your membership and put you in a temporary cazzie-only area.

i will literally heem you stop talking shit

That's not how contracts work


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They'll release him


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LOL no they wont you dumb goof, why would they let an athlete under their contract go fight for another promotion when they literally own his rights? fucking brainlet retard


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She looks only cute in that picture and I'm slightly mad right now. The rest is "meh".

aka sexyama
>ywn be this sexy

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who's blacker. max or dustin?


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Izzy seemed off in the latest embedded. Bet ypyur life on Fatselum.

Max Weeb


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>be a nigger
>be a christcuck
>so your name is literally israel
for sure christcuckery is the future for the white man.

What a handsome little fella

akiyama's walkout in K1 Dynamite was pure kino

H-he's fast!

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He's not christian


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What should you do if you're being targeted and bullied on /heem/

What's Dj Tillashaw doing in the IMPACT zone!?


Report it to your local Bobby, Ahmal.

Berserk post

I'm being serious. What are the /heem/ approved methods of tackling this issue personally?


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shutup faggit

Ask who their favorite fighter is and begin to break down their weaknesses.

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le narrowly avoids getting cut man

Be strong and stand by your convictions.
t. former heem bullying survivor.
Also. Don't remember the bullies. Remember then ones that had your back.

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heem everybody itt, which I could do easily

Uh have you tried to not be a pussy?

take "to not be a" out of your post and its correct.

Sergio Pettis was that skinny beaner who hung out with the wiggers in school.

This is exactly the type of behaviour I'm talking about
Thank you for your kind words. They are powerful, I appreciate it Slovenia. Hopefully we see more people have our backs

go back to r/mma faggot

/heem/ is a respectful place, stop it.

Hot take: croatia is the nicest guy on heem.

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When me and my friend play league of legends we type out in all caps "GADOOSH" in all chat after a kill.

Literally moaned out loud when I saw this announced

Cruz won the war.

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Too early.

why would KK take another fight immediately

flushed and fighting for money

who's the male version of karolina?

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so she could be next for the title match

Brings a tear to my eye seeing Artie in such rough shape, I guess Beet had the last laugh.

Tell me about their coastline, why do thy have so much

How does this happen to your nose without getting gadooshed

Cruz beat TJ on EPO so in many ways, Cruz actually never lost to Cody

At least there is no debate about the BW GOAT now

I know someone else coming for that title belt baby

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Untreated infection from drugs

>people in the youtube comments making fun of kelvin's sister

people are mean

Yikes. He should try to get some cosmetic work.

>who is blacker
>a white dude or a pseudo-asian island mexican
think about it retard

>explain the balkans
i'm not a doctor

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I mean it was a giveaway I am legit surprised it took Usada so long to finally trace it guess he fucked himself over by going to a lower weight class and missmanaged his micro dosing.


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I think heroin had the last laugh

>Porier is white
Man I know this is technically true but for sure it is not

Idk but one time someone was arguing with me about something and he took my side, clearly he is a smart man

based, jebo te ja

He's Creole. Definitely white.


>Louisiana Creole people (French: Créoles de Louisiane, Spanish: Criollos de Luisiana), are persons descended from the inhabitants of colonial Louisiana during the period of both French and Spanish rule.

i agree man

Imagine taking EPO and getting knocked out by a literal child

lads is it time UFC just hands over their anti doping duties to /heem/? We've called out most of these guys before the "tests" caught them. /heem/ would work quicker, cheaper and keep the damn fighters safe

people are worse in heem but i feel like it’s not as bad because there’s a 0% chance of any fighters seeing it, unlike youtube comments or tweets

It's called hard work dont be a hater.

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>poirer's wife is a white breeding cow

Attached: Dustin_Poirier_wife_Jolie_Poirier.jpg (640x615, 51K)

Actually worse then that, he snorted glass by mistake, because he's a fucking degenerate junkie

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nah bro varg vikernes said anyone with brown hair or eyes isnt white

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Speaking in ebonics doesn’t magically change your ancestry

You know you are fucked when mike bochetti is worried about your health.

btw i'm the whitest most nordic person itt.


really makes you thunk

Attached: 'tj epo' post history.png (1427x575, 83K)

What does Duane "Bang" Ludwig do now?

Imagine taking EPO instead of running up a hill a bunch of times.

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how did jon jones get away with it

>hangs out with some seedy coach in his garage gym
>has tj constantly on the stationary bike
>tests for epo

Fucking Kek

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imagine having perfectly fine breasts and getting implants

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I'm telling you man /heem/ calls this shit

Someone predicted Andy would lose via leg break from a checked kick in Weidman 2.

>you now remember TJ van Garderen

>stationary bike
>polar heart rate monitor
>display monitor with live vitals
>"hmm how do we boost performance" t dr frankenstein observing cycling performance

EPO of course. Gee, what a smart man. Literally came to the same well-known conclusion that pro cyclists have been following for decades. Going to be a bit suspect of Picograms and Swanson moving forward. Same goes for anyone hanging out in that garage with that old man.

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>you now remember pre surgery lela star

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How is Rogan and the gang going to respond to the TJ suspension? Also, which 135'r will they cock swing to in response (you can include Henry).

Someone predicted that Dern was pregnant back in December

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rogan will totally shit on TJ. TJ is out anyway.


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it does

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He'll get a lifetime ban eventually

I love Cody. Wears his heart on his sleeve, his balls on his chest, and totally drops dirt by the wheel barrow.

TJ and Cejudo have been dead men walking

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>le diarrhea 12 year old girl voice man

Who cares, and who cares.


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He bribed USADA. Unironically. Seriously.

That's what happens when your body uses all it's test towards a Lit-er-ally perfecto mundo fighting anatomy. None left for a soiboy deep voice or a soibeard either.

Why does TJ suck at fighting people half his size?

Henry Cejudo is easily a natural flyweight.

Attached: gold medal.jpg (1200x800, 79K)

So Cody won the story and the war?

>cody is natty
>team manlet male is natty

Why doesn't Dustin speak in a Cajun accent? I've been to Lafayette and they're all poor Cajun hicks who play pool every night and drink cheap beer.

Hoooow can you heem into my eyes, like open doors?

Because he wanted to turn himself into a raisin and fight a grape. He can't deal with the weight cut. Too big of a frame for 125.

>All that acne
Oh forsuuuure Henry was never on the juice b.

Yikes at that pizza face what a total GEEK

He wasn’t like 20 in this. That’s pretty normal sperg

what is wrong with her face? its too wide or something

Yeah for cheeto finnerd greasefaces like you who never touch an areola. Have sex, wash your face.

the most kino walkout of all time and it's not even close


Haha you sound mad. :^)

It has a Schaub on it

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I'd literally kill myself if I were under 6'0

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u sound ugly lmao

>ywn be this over

what's next for T JUST Dillashaw?

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Poirier has won 1/1 fights against Max Holloway. Max Holloway has won 0/1 fights against Poirier. Explain to me why people think Max will win again? This is literally akin to picking CM Punk over Khabib.

I need the before image of this


barao's title should be restored

translation: when he was hot we didn't test him properly but now that we want to not pay him we all the sudden find out he was doped.

>cheats and still loses

>Drug testers
>Don't test for every possible thing


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Barao vs Cody for the vacant title is the fight that makes sense.

lots of tears

>Still get murdered by a midget in 30 seconds

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Lads check out the ass on Dustin's wife

Attached: braaaap.webm (1920x1080, 2.57M)



>caring about athletes taking PEDs
>therefore wanting fighters to get more injuries
i truly don't feel like i can relate to anyone here anymore
maybe it's time for me to quit this semen slurping sport once and for all...

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Very nice

For sure my guy, fighters are safer when they're getting their brains knocked around by Ubereem and TRTor

>Not appreciating the metaphorical Heem of a failed drug test
MMA fans are a simple breed. All we want is to see people get flushed by any means.

Croatia seems cool

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welp there goes his career

I rate juicing but ofc they should all be allowed to do it. Right now it's scripted who gets caught.

the funny thing is that cazzies like you are so new that you UNIRONICALLY aren't even aware that fighters pretty much never pulled out of fights / got injured in the pre-USADA era

yeah i can kind of get behind this.
it's still a waste of talent though
>5% of fighters getting punished for doing the same thing that 99% of fighters do


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There are people on Twitter unironically saying TJ isn’t permaflushed. Like is going to come back at 35 years old NATTY and still look like even a shadow of his prime gyno nip years.

Yeah, I don’t like that we don’t get any spicy silly bangers anymore but considering Henry already gadooshed his chin so w/e

not only did tj lose to a manlet, he cheated and still lost lmao

catching people for doping is what gives the sport a bad name. not the doping itself.
The problem is just lawsuits and cuck politicians that will go after the ufc for easy moral points.

>the funny thing is that cazzies like you are so new that you UNIRONICALLY aren't even aware that fighters pretty much never pulled out of fights / got injured in the pre-USADA era
God forbid a professional athlete gets a couple sprained ankles a few times a year instead of becoming a braindead cadaver by age 50. Thank god guys like Chuck Liddell and Gary Goodrige competed in an era that allowed steroids, right? Imagine the kind of injuries they might have sustained otherwise!

We all know Dana had enough the moment TJ dropped the ball and stopped bailing him out. So all of a sudden Usada decides to test TJ for EPO even though Garbrandt already hinted on it a year ago.

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he flushes cejudo and we never hear about any of this

>TKOed (shoulder check)
>failed to destroy the manlets once and for all
>will be ancient boomer when he is allowed to fight again
>tarnished all of his wins and championships

Has anyone not dropped TJ from their boy harem yet?

Based and red pilled

Old TJ will go on a 10-fight loss streak and lose to cans on the prelims. KARMA FOR RENAN

who takes epo outside of competition. must have caught him after they filled up the cooler with fight blood


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>boying tj in the first place
you fool

>Blocks your career
Nothin’ personal, kid.

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jesus christ, you're a complete cretin.
you think Lidell and Goodridge only have CTE because of muh steroids?
can you explain your logic here?

low IQ people like you make me fucking sick with rage


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>you think Lidell and Goodridge only have CTE because of muh steroids?
Steroids probably made it much worse my man. But if they're going to get CTE (broad as fuck term btw) anyways, fuck it let's just go all out with steroids so we can avoid a couple rib fractures

Cody reminds a lot of bisping. Has only lost to non natty fighters.

Would you like them all to roid? I thinks its a cool idea

taking too much PEDs is its own punishment

>need that new embedded

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Reminder that TJ could'nt even outcardio a one legged paperman Cruz.

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The point is that he didn't roid. He took EPO which isn't tested for 100% of the time. Clearly someone tipped them off or they just decided it was time to flush TJ. Still doesn't explain the insanely low bodyfat/weight and gyno nips he achieved.

TJ Pedashaw

TJ wins the rematch

Pedro popped? Cody losing isn't down to people using PEDs. It's clearly his ego that won't ever let him avoid a banger.

>tfw this was peak Conor

kek will this guy make a comeback again or will his body break down in the process?

>I-I w-worked my ass off bro! *sobs*

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>USADA going back to testing fighters old tests for EPO now
The whole sport just got flushed i hope you know

Aside from Jones, he's just pulsing

it was working for cycling. it was dumbass french police that blew the whistle.
idk what the point even is. the sport is way more dangerous to your health than any drug is.
>ywn see fully juiced Peter Sagan

This is TJ now. feel old?

Attached: TJ.png (512x512, 87K)

nothing better than watching a strikercuck get caught by a wrassler

TJ was my boy :(


Yes, he popped a couple years ago for elevated testosterone from an exogenous source. Cody is the natty GOAT

>Pedro popped

Scram ydumb h8r

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Is Cody actually extremely intelligent?

Based CTE Cody

now that /ourguy/ has finished mandrama, how scared do you think Dana is that hes next


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Are you supposed to tap when you feel the vertibrae in your neck separating?

If you are a pussy sure

I always tap to this, even though it doesn't really hurt that much, because I'm afraid of permanent damage. At which point are you supposed to tap to this type of stuff in non-competition situations to minimize the likelihood of injuries?

135 Natty dilly beats Cejudo

The fuck is a Dank Order


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does EPO cause gyno?

No. Gyno is caused by excess estrogen which is a byproduct of testosterone

Gastelum heems Adesanya.

Naw, it's not a steroid, it causes the body to produce more red blood cells. High blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, pretty non specific side effects. Of course too much and your heart will pop or you'll stroke out

Epo increases red blood cells.

Nobody who watches John Oliver watches wrestling.

How fucking shambolic do things have to be for people to take a current champ getting banhammered for 2 years in stride

The reaction to GDR vacating her title was a hundred times more intense

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i don't like this guy but that's pretty based

The Dank Medal is awarded to citizens for significant achievements in public service, production, scientific and technical, creative, educational, social and charitable activities.

I had no idea. But apparently some people here are butthurt because they put the traditional Kyrgyz hat on her, which is only supposed to be worn by men.

Is Cody unflushed now that coleshlaw popped for EPO?

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is dc unshinned?


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seecody wins the rematch nonetheless



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Get help

Jon Jones broke reality

Based lad

Estrogen is not a byproduct of testosterone lmao you dummy

>Popping for EPO
Wewy are you that insecure about your cardio lad?

Those hats are pretty sweet, not gonna lie

Attached: hat.jpg (582x462, 52K)

another reason to take epo is that if you have a hard training camp you will diminish your red blood cells. So by taking epo you can get refreshed before the fight.

In many ways Barao is still the BW champ

Attached: Barao getting destroyed part 2.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

who invented hats?

I made this thread

I make the next one

Y’understand my guy?

This is true.

People (mostly older men) actually wear them, but it's mostly a special occasion thing, like Lederhosen in Austria. I saw some younger guy wearing a cap version of it that was kinda cool.

>waiter. can i have another fred please

Put it on your resume


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I did. Was looking in the mirror, saw my head, was like “y’know, I think it needs something...”.

Boom. Hats. You’re welcome.

Does this confirm his GOAT status?

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I dont know who to pick for Gastelum Adesanya

I think I can take him

Schaub's standup is atrocious

And I ain't talking about his striking

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He lost to DJ

Why are you submitting picks to the smelly obese loser?

Let’s find out

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I bet I could take you down.

call us mystic heem cause we predict tees tings

In many ways bantamweights are slightly larger flyweights.

Would be funny if you took EPO as a pill

Swap me and Spain. Spain is brilliant.

Attached: schooby.jpg (640x640, 155K)

I take it as a pill. It doesn’t work, but I’m scared of needles.

Sounds like you've got gas station dick pills
EPO needs to be injected, it can't survive in the stomach

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Who said anything about putting them in your mouth, b?

I want a rematch, Lao was clearly not prepared

>Size of a featherweight but has to fight turbo manlets like mighty mouse to look good
>Best wins are urijah Faber and basically a draw with TJ
Oh fer ser b a beast of a resume a definite goat it definitely isn't because bantamweight is a shit division.


post some more street fight kino

It's good to see John Oliver still reuses the same jokes over and over. Recycling to save the environment I guess.


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Has Schaub commented on Pillashaw yet?

based bong

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Would Jones have killed Anthony?
I feel like Jon is capable of killing a man, watching his fight against shogun, I noticed he rested his hand on shoguns throat on the ground, so he certainly has a killer instinct, and I've never seen him enraged in the octagon before.

I feel he would legitimately kill smith if it came down to it

He predicted it


Heem everyone even yourself


God I love Schaubables

I feel like most guys who are familiar with different subs know when they're past the point of no return, at which point they'd tap regardless of the pain, so probably when it feels like you aren't getting out of the hold i guess.

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Tj dillashaw and brock lesnar... The absolute state of the UFC!

Autistic fucking loser

I laughed, I cried, I prayed to Schaub for forgiveness.

>hides behind meme flag


Fer fer- ferterdidly?

That's the problem, I'm not sure what the point of this sub is. For other subs I understand the end goal. But for this shit I don't. This also means I don't know how to a last ditch effort defence against it as I don't understand what exactly I'm defending.

It's like if I start pulling your finger really hard. After a while your might ask me to stop because you don't want me to pull your finger our of its socket, but it never really hurt. Now amplify this times a thousand as I care more about my neck/spine than about my finger. Plus I don't want to miss the next training because of some injury.

What is the point of pulling someone's neck? What muscle/bone are you attacking?

dana annoyed.jpg


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Schaub =

I'll allow it

only if he heems munioz in the rematch

>le current year man
>our guy

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White men with blonde hair confirmed low test beta losers who need roids to compete

He honestly has no power
