>Messi will conquer Old Trafford and smash those filthy red devils

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fuck romania and fuck romanian people



You're the most autistic motherfucker I've ever seen in these boards.
Most of the time I say this in a joking manner but you genuinely need to seek mental treatment.

It's true. Fans of Messi are also fans of getting the penis chopped of and surrendering thier anus to big cock

you know, romanians are considered so shit abroad their ambassador in spain thought it was a good idea to publish radio and tv ads here saying romanians were much more than gypsies begging in the streets LMAO

he even went on media tour explaining shit about romania, pretending they weren't subhuman animals

it didn't work

When did the feminine nerdy male joke start? I feel like a lot of people are like this but still post this kind of stuff.

Barca will smash them though?

it's a reality

And still I'm sure no one arguing every day about Ronaldo and Messi is a manly man.

We saw your picture and made a meme out of it

Dumb ass hoe, of course it's real but how and why did people start noticing it.

>When did the feminine nerdy male joke start?

April 24 2012 around 2pm EST

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I think it was around when the Nintendo Switch came out that I first started seeing the memes, so sometime in 2017

not only they're beggars but also thiefs and shitskins

reminder he pays to post in 4chins lmoa

>posters itt before these posts:14
>posters itt after these posts:14
go outside Al Fonso

kys already man, your life already has no point

I once had a Romanian gypsy camp in my town and can tell you for a fact they are animals

Hey.. the Gypsies moved from my town years ago, maybe they went to you?
We gypsy frens now?

This faggot isn't even romanian, he's just using a proxy
Fuck him

Stop being mean :(
Romanians and gypsies are not the same thing

Attached: thread.jpg (720x292, 111K)

Most of the people I work with are Romanian and are complete trash

>romanians only get the absolute lowest shittiest jobs in the uk
>h-heh, I may be working with them but I'm not like them

Because a retard like TWAIN doesn't deserve a reply other than calling him out on his shit

wtf is it with these men and their open mouths

i dont get it