/cyc/ - Itzulia Basque Country Stage 2

Tour of the Basque Country

Zumarraga > Gorraiz
149,5 Km


Attached: Itzulia2019-profile-s2.jpg (1135x503, 194K)

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>using gears

Attached: Oo.jpg (640x800, 96K)

>using toilets

Attached: td.png (707x677, 332K)

She cute

Attached: 1489717497649.png (1200x559, 362K)

you ain't kidding, what a qt

I hope she'll win something soon.

she always seems drunk after a race.
like she's just got pounded by a big thicc cock and had 20 orgasm while high.

Pretty kino route today. Beautiful roads.

Attached: ibcs2.jpg (1920x1080, 239K)

can they stop spamming this meme in every race.

why is countryside pauper so kino desu

what is their masterplan?

Promoting Kazakhstan as a modern country and attracting foreign investments.

>appoint six gc captains
>get six times as much screentime

MVDP wins again.


The movistar classic

>no laura

Allahflip strikes again.


why doesn't some other team just sacrifice a mook to take allahflip down?

when he won san remo i realized that cycling is scripted.

based flipje


Attached: Untitled.png (786x491, 518K)


These eyebrows with this beard kinda give him comically villainous look. Dude could cosplay Ra's al Ghul.

Attached: ALA.jpg (1600x800, 167K)

pantani + virenque + bettini = alaphillipe

a lot of riders are cloned.

>Everytime a team reaches the pinnacle of decadence, Quickstep is there to restore the balance.

is quickstep the russia of cycling?