Ole's at the wheel

Ole's at the wheel

Attached: 4EDA89CF-8DC9-497A-BF52-A4936E57F8F9.gif (263x229, 1.44M)

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Halleluja, it's raining men!

>Car is just fine
This post shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the meme, and is a low effort excuse to post Yea Forums tier "wrekt" gif on blue board.

>spiritual sage


The driver died instantly.

Is he okay?

yeah he pulled his pants up and walked it off

Attached: 1542054684613.webm (434x360, 768K)

Is anyone really okay

Are they ok?


The man behind the wheel died instantly? Now that is more appropriate.

The guy who became mashed potatoes hit the driver with a fire extinguisher in the head.


Driver's head was also potatoed


I may owe OP an apology in that case.

Attached: 1547814163353.jpg (525x484, 50K)

i first saw that gif on Yea Forums a long time ago with gif related

Attached: chan1 (210).gif (220x165, 1.67M)

not me certainly

Why the fuck did he swerve to the left so hard

Probably to prove a point to the cunt smacking him in the face


road rage
>let's see who's laughing when we're both dead