Ole's at the wheel

Ole's at the wheel

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What are those chunks?

They used to be leg.

Knees, legs. How much of an uncultured swine are you now to know what this is?

Best thing about this is according to the film records of the crash the driver didn't even feel the crash when it happened nor was he unconscious immediately. After the car came to a stop he lifted his visor and began to remove his seatbelts and it took him some seconds to realize his legs were gone. I think at that point he passed out.

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One of the worst crashes I've seen that someone survived although he lost his legs
Kenny Bräck is another one

underrated post

i don't get how a vicious crash like this someone survives and the dale hart crash looked like a love tap and the dude dies

and now he's a four-time paralympic handcycling gold medalist

pretty based

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Dale was a dipshit and refused the HANS device.
Basular Skull Fractures are instant death almost 100% of the time.

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sudden stop from 200+ mph puts way more force through the body. spinning and sliding releases a lot more of that force away from the car and driver

Indycar safety has been better for a long time.



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absolutely based. Fucking hell what a guy

if i lost a foot id fucking end myself to be honest

how did he not bleed out?

stick a sleeping bag over the mess and tighten it up, bonus it looks like he still has legs

now this is a chad

they have emergency doctors at these tracks you know

you can bleed out in a minute from severed legs

>Ole's at the wheel

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Ole's at the wheel


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lol wtf

how do you even manage that?

>entire crowd holding up phones
asians are the worst

>that one chap who tries to speed up on his bike, looks like he's gonna get clear and then gets flattened by the trafficlight pole

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women can do anything they set their mind to

be female

how are chinks this soulless


that's whale vomit
that stuff is pretty rare and expensive
don't ask me why


clear cuts make you bleed but his aterian got squashed by the violence of the crash

He didn't go 200-0 though


Met him when I was a kid.
Great man, truly inspirational

Zanardi is awesome and did not deserve that crash but at the same time if it was going to have to happen to somebody he would be the person to turn it into something positive.

Worst crash i remember was the Russel Phillips one.

"Phillips, who was then launched roof-first into the catch fence just as Steven Howard hit the wall. Steven's car dragged Phillips' car along the wall for several feet, shearing the roof completely off. When the car flipped back down, there was a hole where the roof once was.

Phillips body was dismembered and decapitated by the track's catch fence and a caution light, and the track was littered with debris, blood, several body parts, and even bone, causing a long red flag while officials cleaned it up. Phillips head was found at the entrance to pit road, and one of his hands was found in the fence, where the caution light once was."

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Humpty Wheeler ought to have been locked in the Mecklenberg County Jail for putting together the Sportsmans Series.
>How about we take 18 year old dirt track drivers and let them have a crack at Superspeedways? The cars will only have 350 HP, what's the worst that could happen?

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follow an Indian who brakes when he thinks he sees a yellow flag

and then lit on fire

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You decide

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