Was he /elite/ in his playing days? How would he compared to Pogba?

Was he /elite/ in his playing days? How would he compared to Pogba?

Attached: DLOokYc8UKM-fB9H4xMDoxOjBzMTt2bJ.jpg (700x367, 64K)

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He was really good. Pretty much a complete center midfielder, equally good at defending and creating chances.

good at kicking people in the balls

if he was complete wasnt he more than good?

Fuck off zoomer.
t. Born in 95

Good for his era. A League 2 player now.

He was a spiteful cunt

He won 5 league titles and 3 European Cups

Yea Forums will be edgy and pretend that he wasn't a GOAT in his day

can't say i've ever watched more than 3 or 4 matches he played in but he's pretty universally considered to be a definite starter in liverpool's all time best xi so he must have been pretty good

Most Liverpool fans actually hate Souness because he sold some exclusive story to the Sun right after Hillsborough.

I never saw him play but he’s still considered the greatest ever Liverpool player by a big chunk of their supporters. Which is saying something considering how badly he tarnished his legacy there later on. Alex Ferguson considers him the greatest Scottish player ever, which used to mean something.

souness was very elite in his day



He would have dominated pogdab, he’s just butthurt because he didn’t get the ridiculous wages modern players get despite being significantly better than 99% of them, whenever he stops moaning he’s fairly insightful about football

He would have broken Pogba's legs in multiple players

Lmao who did fossil?

He would be banned for half the season with today's rules



hate these gay videos

too slow for the modern game

he was elite in his benfica days

Attached: souness.jpg (960x720, 100K)

imagine if Pogba played like a hothead thug like Souness did