You’re going to watch the women’s World Cup, right user?

You’re going to watch the women’s World Cup, right user?

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Other urls found in this thread: Morgan nsfw&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwie0rGAw8XhAhW2TBUIHZvkCOwQ_AUIDigB&biw=1500&bih=890

Only if Hope Solo plays.

only if there is rape of women involved

m-maybe if those two ask nicely with their naked buttflaps

>i-i don't watch sports, n-not until there is equal pay for both genders

>two old hags who are poor actresses

someone post some webms of women playing soccer

>natalie portman
>neta lee hershlag

Portman is a genuine qt
Chastain is meh

Portman was a qt
Not anymore

It's almost like watching little kids play skillswise

Why should I?

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pretty sure you've never watched a game between two goods women teams. it's not as intense as the best men's game, but to claim that it's like watching kids play is just wrong

I would bet that an u13 academy would beat the women teams. u15s already do beat them. Literally 12 years old.

>if a U15 college team can beat the USA in a preparation for a friendly against Russia, it means that any U15 teams can beat any women's teams regardless of the stake of the game
nice logic. i guess since Iceland tied against France in a friendly it means that they are as good as them, right?

Yes, any half decent u15 team would sweep through any women competition.


what are they?

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>i guess since Iceland tied against France in a friendly it means that they are as good as them
They have the ability to be as good as them on a given day, obviously.

while this is probably true i dont see how thats relevant. they play other womens teams not mens teams so why even bring that up

>Yes, any half decent u15 team would sweep through any women competition.
and why make you think that?

it's likely to trying to show that you wouldn't watch u15s play because of the poor quality, so why would you watch the women who lost to them

It's relevant to explain why I, and nobody else, shall be watching. The entertainment value of shit players playing against other shit players is very low.
They're shit at playing football.

betting on it for sure

Well washed up actresses have to stay relevant somehow

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didn't the australian WNT lose 7-0 to a boys U15 team?

I watched the semis and final of the last one. Quality was worse than the MLS. Probably won't even watch even if we go and win again.

>They're shit at playing football.
huh huh, that was the logical implication of your post so i have to ask : said who and on what basis? (let me guess : said Yea Forums because the USA lost to an U15 team in a preparation game)
try to actually watch a game next time.
>hurrr why would i since they are so shit
i rest my case.

>quality was worse than the MLS

Only if you sit on my face.

I like watching woman volleyball because their lack of explosiveness makes the points longer and it's more psychological than men's volleyball. I don't see the point in football however

>Triggering my findom fetish


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>Bunch of women between 18-35 in peak physical form dressed in light clothes
>”The quality of play is so low, ew 2/10 won’t watch”

Knew this board was faggot central

what are they protesting against?

OH NO NO NO NO *wheeze*

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Women not getting paid equal to the men who draw in 10 folds of More money and viewership

>millionares fighting so that other millionares earn even more
Wow such a socialist cause, fighting for the littple people #itshertime

Chastain is such an insufferable cunt

Obviously. I like sport and I'm straight.

Kek you have to be a woman.

They dont just lose like 1-0 or 2-1, woman national teams get battered by male youth teams consistently. I dont watch U-21 football which is a hell of a lot better than womans football. Why on earth would I watch it?

a lot of them are uggos though

Anyone who suggests that womens club football deserves similar pay to mens is retarded, given the English Super League has only JUST started paying out prize money (£500k to the winner) from a sponsor.

When it comes to the base international payments though, it's a pretty reasonable request. Compared to club football the money is much lower anyway so why not? International games actually get decent attendances. Most money comes from sponsorship anyway so they'd still be getting a fraction of what the men recieve (and rightly so until quality improves).

>dont watch U-21 football which is a hell of a lot better than womans football. Why on earth would I watch it?
That's actually a good point.

>he doesn't watch U21 internationals
Pathetic casual.

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Women are slower, have less stamina, and they have less strength, that makes the game slower, their shots are slower and weaker, they jump less during the corners, and there is less pacy counter attacks.
Also there are less people watching the fame football, which means there is less money in it, and like in any sport, male or female, less money mostly means lower quality.
It would probably be like comparing todays football, to football in the 60's, plus the players are in general less athletic.

No but may jerk off to Jessica chastains soles

>quality of goalkeeping in womens football is improving
>fewer comedy blooters getting scored
Good for the game, bad for casual spectators.

Aussie national team got beat 7-0 by a U15 side
Kill yourself

They look like your female middle school gym teacher who also worked part-time at Foot Locker

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>comparing men to women
Don't. Women are equal to women and that's what this competition is. It's like being a plastic fuck and refusing to watch your local club's league just because none of them are good enough to play in the Champions League.

To be fair, I doubt many women's football players are millionaires.

Aside from players like Alex Morgan, who have many sponsorship deals outside of the field, I think at least like 99% of them make barely 6 figures a year.

Portman peaked in Leon

I would gladly take a six figure yearly sum to live in the land of the free in exchange for having a kick about and entering the lady changing room.

There are senior players in the English Super League who get paid £5k a YEAR! A handfull of absolute top teir players get around £50k a year but most are around the £10k mark.

Yes because my friends and family enjoy laughing at the quality of it. Most of them don't even watch divegrass but they find it funny - especially since they've been pushing the insane equal pay thing.

I think their casue is ending the “pay gap” in general
They just make a lot of noise about this because they feel it is a notable case of a “pay gap,” which recieves a lot of attention

Realistically, who can beat us?

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Fucking hell usually these makes me laugh but goddamn bitches fighting in their own team to score

>the year of lord and savior jesus h. christ 2019
>still believing these people should be paid the same as men

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Most football women players are fucking dykes. You like that? I bet you like dick in your mouth too fucking clapper. Voleyball and tennis is where is at.

>fighting for equal pay
INTERNATIONAL pay, not total.

At the (mens) World Cup, players were paid an average £2k per game. That's what international womens footballers are fighting for, not £300k+ a week club wages.

If she wasn't a dyke she'd be an ideal Chad son maker

>pretty sure you've never watched a game between two goods women teams

When your right your right, there is no denying this.

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If only it was Hendricks and BDH

Their muslim husbands?

Hey Yea Forums

I hope this is hosted is europe i want my illegal immigrant rape fetish

that was old Yea Forums now it's just capeshit star wars or media headline screenshots

tis in france

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>don't be bandwagoners, support your local club. supporting the community is more important than the quality of the team itself
>lmao why would i watch women play? they aren't as good as the quality I'm used to.

>those non-existent asses

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They still make more money than average joe for kicking the ball around.
It isn't really something that left should get russled about.

>Macaconigger obsessed with huge butts

Like clockwork

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In badminton i really enjoy womens singles more than mens doubles for the same reason. But i would rather be French than have to suffer womens doubles

My local sunday league is better than professional women

>roasties living rent free in your head

for shame user

that's a man

She peaked in Hotel Chevalier tho

>woman national teams get battered by male youth teams consistently
[citation needed]

you are right that they are slower and less explosive, but that's about it really. if anything i've found women football players more aggressive when fighting for the ball and there is a lot less diving and shit like that. as for the shots, i don't know, it might be true on average, but if you watch the best teams (USA/France ect) they got some really good strikers that are on par with male players in that respect (e.g. watch the goals of France Danemark yesterday).

and yeah it's true that women football now is similar to men football of the 60s money-wise, a few years ago there was still players in the best national teams who had a day job.

that was the exact point i addressed in my post you braindead fuck


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Get bent.

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jessica uff

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>being a faggot

If someone wants to pay them that’s fine but to demand equal pay thru some form of legislation like this is a civil rights issue is pants on head retarded

no im not gay

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>Chastain is poor actress


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>they got some really good strikers that are on par with male players in that respect

No way you're fucking serious.

should I?

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Why would i?
There is a reason why nobody cares about women footy
Only sport where i recpect women and am able to enjoy watching is athletics, skiing, mma, maybe tennis and definitely ass

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That happnes a lot. US womans team (best in the world at the time) got beat by several goal to nill by a U17's team.

Woman's teams regularly play boys team for training U15 because its difficult training for them.

>something happen once
>something happen all the time
should I point out the difference?

some women do deserve
best female skiier ever, drove the course without the stick in front of home crowd and won first place

Isn't the Copa America happening at the same time?

No, you should kill yourself, like all emasculated male feminists.

Of course I will. Female football is more interesting than tactical male boreball, more skills and beautiful goals and also beautiful women.

If you're a male and love football and don't watch female football - you're simply gay.

She cute

as if they ever really need a reason
Fat old men destroy active womans team

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Any black cuties in the uk, or they all dirty slags?

>what is match-fixing
You guys are fuckin clueless

UK women have this problem where they plaster themselves with make-up which ruins their skin and natural beauty.
I've seen a few but a lot of them follow the slag trend.

And the NBA would destroy the NCAA championship men's Virginia Cavaliers team.

What's your point, exactly?

nobody cares about blacksketball

>those awful asses

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the GK gets me every time, does she have zero spacial awareness? why run parallel to the fucking ball as it rolls into the goal?

Local club's league still has better quality than women's football.

Kek you must be trolling

kek comments disabled

Stop giving it (yous)
My 15 year old niece joined a football club last year, she had never played football in her life. Now that she's in a club, she has never spent a single minute of her free time playing football on her own. Thats why women suck (lets just ignore obvious physical/brain/mental differences here)

hey men less rude be ok? they are women too, and they want hold hands, kiss in cheek recieve and foot massage from cute beloved guy too

>they got some really good strikers that are on par with male players in that respect

why yes, yes i would

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>no argument
>k-kill yourself
ok, brainlet

Watching England dominate both World Cups is satisfying, hopefully no refball this time.

Women sports at super professional level are barely comparable to men's semi-amateur divisions. History says this, direct confrontations say this, your pegged ass says otherwise.

picture ruined by forest whitaker


What's up with Americans and their love for amateur sports?

I'm a fan of womens football and you're talking shite. Except for a few exceptional players like Marta and Lucy Bronze, the technical skill level of top division womens football is comparable to League 1/2, athleticism around National League and for pure strength due to simple biology, under 16s boys.

Some people struggle to get over the fact women and men are built differently and that of course physically weaker players who only train once or twice a week have ZERO chance again professional mens teams. People need to STOP trying to compare two different sports and take for what it is.

There's less playacting/diving than in the men's game and currently as the game still recovers from decades under a ban, pretty wide open in terms of which teams can rise to the top. It's only going to improve as more clubs turn full time and though it's slower in general, still enjoyable, especially when you throw a bit of nationalism into it.

People who completely write off womens football are mongs, but so are those who pretend it's as good as elite mens football.


>U-15 men team BTFO the USA Women National Team
>It's a one time only



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So? It's still shit.

shutup you clown

no one said huge asses, any ass at all would be ok

>Would rather beg for gibs than actually watch the game
The state of wimin

Do they even broadcast that?

more like these pls

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Chastain's butt is better tho

This, but hating women is fun.

>ben al-affleck's former slam piece

I fucking love this goal. It gives me goosebumps. Sad Marta is like Messi and Zico and can't go all the way.

I've seen men do this before but in rec leagues
I'm assumed these females are paid

I watched the last women's world cup
I'm pretty sure every first touch was horrendously fucked up

>but so are those who pretend it's as good as elite mens football.
i've never said it was a good as men football, i've said that it's not as bad as Yea Forums makes it up to be. to say that any pro women teams would get steamrolled by a U15 team because it happened twice (including one time with Australia, which had amateur players) in some preparation games is moronic.

I had my suspicion but this confirms it. Literally just a bunch of hot women running. Objectively no down side

Because they're hot. I'll watch rec games if I don't have anything going on. Why not?

>Doesn't want to get drunk and watch hot women play a chill sport.
Admit it user, you just want to suck Salah's cock

Womens World Cup provides great banter for Yea Forums as well as giving the lasses a moment in the sun.

>Women in good shape
>Reason to party
why wouldn't you?

Who gives a fuck if it isn't top tier. Did you really expect it would be? Watch it because it's a reason to hang out, drink a bit too much, watch some football played by hot women, and enjoy your summer.

The German team did a playboy shoot a few years back: Morgan nsfw&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwie0rGAw8XhAhW2TBUIHZvkCOwQ_AUIDigB&biw=1500&bih=890

>the German team did a playboy shoot a few years back
>a few years back

she look like a mix of alex morgan, michaela schiffrin and some belgian tennis player maybe.

Imagine how much of a simp you have to be to watch a 90 minute game because "some of the women are hot".

You guys need to get your thirst treated and stop worshiping thots.

>not supporting his country at every single international competition

If I wanted to watch something arousing I'd watch actual porn

>hating your country and not supporting your national heroes

because you want to watch quality football. you don't want to see the amateur divisions of england because they are boring

I'm not supporting those feminazis so fuck off

how long until your women's nt is full of she-n'gubus?

>no one cares about you besides your physical appearance
>still think you should be paid the same as men
lmao just lmao

Other way around

why don't they use a cute kit like the volleyball teams?

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>not supporting your national team whether it's men or women
spineless cunt