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Well that doesn't seem right to do otherwise. If you don't stay on the pitch it means you're making the other team a favor

Elite mentality

the point of walking off is that the leagues have rules that aren't being enforced

if the ref is made aware of racist abuse, they are supposed to stop the match. not if they hear it, or after they ask the fans to stop, but if they hear it= match halted

then when a game is stopped, the FA's would have to do full investigations and explain why and then there is more pressure on the execs (who didn't make the rules and don't really give a shit about anything other than money) to stamp out the racists and the edgelords

this is about players collectively forcing the executives to carry out the laws that the players advocated for. the idea that winning will "show those meanies" is literally a child's concept of politics

yeah lets just let one drunk guy in the corner ruin the game for everyone, right?

Oh what my team is losing? I'll just shout some racial slurs and get the game cancelled! Stopping the game is retarded

Truly rare sight for a brit bong choke nation (still love you guys tho)

That's because no club actually wants to stop a game and replay the remaining 22 minutes at a later date

the ref can resume the game later after the fans have been removed
this is the same procedure as if there were gang fights or hooliganism
>I'm only pretending to be retarded

stopping the match is fucking gay shit for fags. firstly, racism is a lark and not something super serial. secondly, if someone racially abuses you take that racism and shove it up the abuser's cunt. adebayor was brilliant when he mocked those thick arsenal fans that couldn't take the banter and I respect him for it and will defend him to anyone over what he did. but whining like a bitch just makes me want to call you a nigger and laugh in your dumb face

That'd be retarded to leave the pitch desu
>Local team is getting BTFO
>Fans start insulting niggers of the opposite team
>They leave the pitch
>Fans have a good laugh about it

>Black Americans comprise 13% of the population, but they make up 40% of the prison population
>We should fight racism instead of fighting violent criminals
>The house is burning and the firemen are on the way
>We should stop the firemen, the fire dindu nuffin
Fucking princesses trying to make life hard for the working people going to football matches. If the normal 50% of their black neighbours were trying to fix the other 50% instead of uniting with them and crying about racism for muh welfare, they wouldn't be hated on everywhere. Say yes to racism but respect the well-behaving minorities.

Okay but what do African-Americans have to do with blacks in Europe?
Why are even talking about America? Who gives a fuck?

I'm just talking in general, in hungary for example, it's the gypsies who commit a disproportinate amount of crime, though not as extreme as the gangbanger niggas in the US, there was this one gyppo who somehow got his hands on a handgrenade and killed a married couple(also gyppos) throwing it in their kitchen during dinner

>team getting smashed
>start making monkey noises
>opponents leave the pitch
Not bad desu

has a white person ever been discriminated against on an athletics pitch of any kind? like vegetables thrown at him and imitating violin noises?

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All you had to say was "I'm reddit"

all hail, Raheem X has spoken

>imitating violin noises

>Put on a minstrel show for some third-world country
>A bunch of bare-ass subhuman Montenegrins make monkey noises
>Needing the ref to give you a hug and stop the game because your hyper-wealthy ass is black and triggered by monkey sounds for some reason.

Sterling is right, and not being a weak mind here.

Wtf, he's only 24? It seems like he's been a thing for like 10 years already

England will unironically look scary for the next WC with lot of good players in their prime

why are blacks the biggest pussies in every country? is because they have the highest estrogen levels for men of any race?

There was that Everton ballboy that El Hadji Diouf said "fuck off white boy" to, and which resulted in Dioufy getting questioned by the police

based and southgate-pilled

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>El Hadji Diouf

*sips* Ahh. Now THAT was a real cunt.

Calling someone "white" is discrimination? I've heard almost every black player in our league say they get called "black" by their opponents in every games, and have never seen anyone bitch about it

It's because Jews like to remind them that they're inferior while posing as their allies and blaming whites. Even if blacks consider Jews white (they aren't) then Jews can pull the ol' "b-b-but we're trying to help you! look at all of dem programz we give you! we aren't the bad 'whites'", Malcolm X commented on this himself.
Imagine that, Jews pretending to be someone's allies while actively holding them back. The Nazis had those poor guys pinned all wrong.

We're gonna win the next World Cup. You should see the team we have coming through. It's nuts.

USA players get bags of piss thrown at them during CONCACAF road games.

You deserve it more than the anti-football French, but I admit I wouldn't enjoy coming to Yea Forums if you happen to win a WC

>11 players on the pitch
>22 names on the kits

concacrap games are fun because we get to laugh at how subhuman every central american country is

You’ve been saying these exact words for the past 30 years.

As for Sterling, if the abuse bothers him and other blacks that much, they need to go to the authorities, and let them know. After that they can decide which countries are most at risk for displaying said behaviour, and then they can all decide what the best course of action is and if that means that there is no game played at all, then so be it.

But it's actually happening this time

>As for Sterling, if the abuse bothers him and other blacks that much and they refuse to acknowledge the responsibility of the whole black community, they can fuck off back to africa with their lawless relatives and make way for a new golden age for England. If that means not a single black stays on the British Isles, so be it.

>place ten thousand dollar bet on 5000/1 outsiders to win title
>go to all games
>wear opponent’s shirt and scarf
>yell out racial slurs if the team is losing
>triggered millionaires leave the pitch
>team wins all games
>collect fifty million dollars and retire to the caribbean
simple as

Bets become void in cases like that, sorry m8.

What about that gk on the bench who ate some meatpie, iirc he got punished for eating the pie, can betting companies seriously control your life if they decide to make bets about you?

1. You get banned from attending games if you get to suspend a game by yourself, there are cameras everywhere and can be easily tracked
2. "Your" team would lose the points if the game gets suspended by racial slurs

Here games get stopped if the crowd start singing xenophobic chants and if they don't stop, the game get suspended

IIRC they traced the connecting between the guy who took the bet and the goalie

Sterling has an invincible mentality desu, nothing seems to affect him.

I actually miss El Hadji Diouf, he was the GOAT football villain

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Nah, white players get nothing but utmost respect from the oposing fans.

I swear black people are the most sensitive race out there, I bet their dicks are like 1"

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i like what sterling's doing but he's good enough that he can actually take this stance.
imagine if benteke was getting racially abused - "yeah i'll really stick it to those racist cunts by missing 3 open goals and getting subbed off"


He said whites tho

He helped organise it, then bet on himself eating a pie. It would have been an IQ300 moment if he had put two or three people inbetween himself and the bet but the madman didn't use his head.

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