MIL: Yelich has two hits, robbed of homer by Trout
SD: Tatis Jr. homers in Pads' victory over Giants
ATL: Acuña goes deep, Braves top Rockies
SEA: Encarnacion homers twice, drives in four
BAL: Chris Davis goes 0-for-5, sets record
LAD: Hyun-Jin Ryu (groin) headed to injured list
LAD: Ryu exits start in second inning with injury
TOR: Buchholz (elbow) to join TOR rotation Sat.
TB: Blake Snell whiffs 11 in win over White Sox
COL: David Dahl (core injury) avoids IL for now

Attached: sexy_red_sox_fans_.jpg (500x751, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: kumiko doyer.png (840x480, 377K)

my brewies lost :(

Attached: Autistro.jpg (1455x919, 312K)


Attached: believe.png (539x405, 165K)

and that's where you lose the support of chicago baseball lovers and anime faggots all across the globe in our international network of retardation, good luck getting this thread off the ground!

please sperg out somewhere else.

cubbies won 10-0 today, anons

are you fucking retarded

where muh NATSBROS at?

Attached: kid-nat.jpg (300x300, 21K)

id play with her balls if you get my implication

Here we go again

Attached: pepropolitans.jpg (228x221, 7K)

this thread lacks the approval of the international society of cubs and anime, let's all watch the other thread become dominant while this one fades away into nothingness

Secret society of inner circle centralbros approves of this post

>no anime
>no cubs
Sounds like a perfect /mlb/ thread

Attached: caplol.gif (400x293, 964K)

>this is the thread i'm spamming because I want to make the OP
holy fuck, kill yourself

Attached: sbob.jpg (500x413, 145K)


no self-respecting cubs fan will ever discuss baseball in this thread! only the other one!

i repeat, unless you don't want any cubs contributions, you better go to the real thread! the one that will never say general in it for as long as i'm alive and in charge! this thread will offer no cubs content! what's the point in that?

>thread wars


Attached: fuq.jpg (480x578, 18K)

congrats centralbro

Based Centralbro!

it's the same retard talking to himself in all of them regardless

>threatening us with zero cusbposts


he's already responding to himself in the other thread and calling everyone autistro

just post here and he'll go away

watching this thread dry out and die from a lack of cubs content......oh man this is going to be easy and fun


Attached: autism.png (284x115, 3K)

>no cubes content
sounds perfect, take away the yankees and i might fap myself to death

Attached: pacha.png (500x500, 196K)

I want to bleeb

Attached: sea-aboard.png (505x387, 98K)

me too, user. me too.

Attached: sea.png (545x641, 318K)

bye bye, dead thread. bye bye! we'll be in the real thread, the cubs approved thread! losers!

lmaaaaao seething cleveland racist fan excluded from the blessed broship

is the guy who calls everyone autistro still spamming his own thread


why would anyone want to go to chicago

you think the thread created late is going to be deleted if you call the mods? that's the cub thread. the mods aren't going to delete the cub thread.

so you admit that thread was late

the broship isnt just chicago sweatie.

yeah but chicago is in it, so you're all tainted

made second but made properly, without the word general in it


Attached: pepe-nats.png (335x375, 116K)

this never fails to make me laugh

that was literally never a thing until you decided it was, and started spamming threads that disagree with you

This. Based.

>38 replies
>7 posters
Has one guy made 31 posts, or a few for each person? The world may never know.

Attached: 1517259747409.gif (460x308, 2.16M)

what is this bullshit

>/nfl/ general
>/nba/ general
>/mlb/ general

That's literally Yea Forums you fucking newfag

Attached: m-tho.png (1000x1000, 154K)

the other thread aka the real thread authorized by the cubs is better

other thread is about the same, just notice which one is being spammed with autism


What is /hoc/
also nice hyphen

/hoc/ is canadian, everyone knows that

>two threads

Attached: w-w.jpg (1096x540, 145K)

>thread wars
remember when being a general used to mean something?



cubs-approved thread dabbing on this graveyard while you seeth.

>dabbing with misspelled words
Imagine supporting a cusb thread

Attached: well.jpg (323x325, 19K)


Attached: no.jpg (150x225, 8K)


Attached: fry.png (603x452, 188K)

I can't even explain the craziness going on in that thread. Is that even baseball discussion?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

i cannot stop seething right now

cubs win again and houspie eats the l again, poetry

hard to keep track of all those cusb wins these days


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

Marlins will be your 2019 world series champs

Is there a world series of October golf?


Hoskins is synonymous with clutch

Attached: IMG_20190409_072954.jpg (2821x4096, 1.49M)

The other thread has gay anime shit, so I'm bumping this one.


>the absolute state of philadelphia

>thread wars
holy fuck what now

Based Crush Davis crushing records like the Babe Ruth-looking superhero he is

>Crush Davis

so so important

Home opener! I love baseball!

Attached: 1540348987071.jpg (800x635, 113K)

Based Crash Davis contract crashing spectacularly in flames!

>moss on your shower shoes

Just put £50 on the Dodgers to win the NL. Was this a wise investment?

Well it's not real money so I think you're okay

Good morning, /based/

>I am waiting the feel the love -_-

Attached: 1523813094919.png (498x353, 5K)

>the feel the love
the autism

Is 5-0 the baseball equivalent to NFL's 28-3?

Attached: Screenshot_20190409-104150_YouTube.jpg (2220x1080, 366K)

Attached: giphy (2).gif (480x270, 1.17M)

Real for anyone confused

Looks like >we're good again. Returning to /lifelong/ status

Attached: tb.png (500x500, 24K)

Rob Manfred hit in the head by 98mph fastball (not wearing helmet)

>wanting to be the OP so badly that you spam all other threads
why is this allowed?

Why is there no gamethread?

Attached: pacha_.png (500x500, 192K)

>tampon gay gays

Starting pitcher has to be the best job. You pitch one day a week and the rest of the time your job is to play grab ass in the dugout to keep morale up.

also all the ass, don't forget that

make one

seek help.

this, one dude alone is causing thread wars

go >cusb

reply to this post if you favor abolishment of all florida teams

no reply
florida is a great place for baseball
see the grapefruit league
it's the fault of the owners and teams for not being good
not the location

>florida is a great place for baseball
but a dilapidated hellscape for literally everything else.

Attached: frog.jpg (800x534, 90K)

Imagine if the season ended today.

Attached: smug-sea.png (4500x4332, 197K)

rays have fans they're all just 90

Absolutely based.

posting in the American thread.

or is Boston not part of America


Attached: smug-natzi.png (400x500, 226K)

Make it yourself you lazy welfare nigger

What is this, the NFL?

Oh wouldn't you be so happy

Attached: tbh.png (4500x4332, 204K)

The chick in OP is hot.

Go marlins

Attached: superfan 2 .jpg (242x323, 100K)

Real thread here

Attached: here-say-would-you-like-one-hold-this-l-for-16749995.png (500x495, 368K)

Oh wait that ball was CRUSHED

>thread has 100 posts
>spam it with your shitty 400+ post early thread

uh yankees-astros is starting in 8 minutes and there is no game thread. where is our based meredith autist?

Attached: -sweats nervously-.png (1500x1594, 618K)

make a thread, use that image, i'll shitpost for whoever the yoinks are playing

Imagine being a Nats fan and not having an overwhelming desire to just fucking kill yourself right now

>spamming your own early thread until it takes off
what has become of beisbol

>current season
>not following the WWWWWIndians

why, what happen

Thread is full of samefag bumping. It needs to die.

i think that'd go for just living in DC overall

i know, that's why I'm posting in this thread.

Yankees vs. Astros game thread - come one, come all.

real thread

>posting in the thread with 100+ posts to say you're thread with 20 posts is "real"
Drink bleach.



What does a rags penis feel like?

Attached: mxk56hupogpuda9gmkuo.jpg (1600x900, 169K)

To be fair, this thread has 'general' and mislabels 'MLW' as 'MIL'. So it's clear the thread we're in right now is a shitposter thread that should be ignored.

Don't worry, I'm not going to bump this thread and I'll go back to the real thread. Which is here.

you ever just see porn you hate?


As you promote your own thread, personally both ops are fags

mlb is a general.

litereally no one uses MLW, what the fuck are you talking about you jibbering sperglord.

Truest post on Yea Forums right now


Everyone clear?

Okay, resume posting.

Attached: gtfo.jpg (250x250, 9K)

Yo we’re all over in /hoc/

bRyCe hArPeR iS OvErRaTeD

Milwaukee actually uses MKE

oh based this is the reddit thread I'm gonna post here

MLB's official website, aka the most accurate representation of the league refers to the Brewers as "MIL"

Attached: b1553fce5efcbd8443198bce91eb7e07.png (719x136, 11K)

mlb's official website can't even update stats properly you fucking kike

my dad said that if the red sox go 4-13 they wont make the playoffs.

is this true?

Attached: cora punting the division april 5.png (768x653, 688K)

It's the Jews who are forcing the MLW agenda on us

why the FUCK didn’t you incels come hang out with us over at /hoc/?

dead thread, dead sport

die nigger

>his team hasnt scored 100 runs

Attached: 1462848606226.png (547x717, 125K)

Racism isn’t allowed outside of Yea Forums. Reported.


Attached: 695240FA-0592-43D1-9086-E8DEB317EE78.jpg (620x350, 26K)

thinkin of getting a harper jersey

i like the latest meme of having two general's

So is this general the AL or NL?

How will the Mest ever recover?
>Twins scored 14

trout injured for at least 2 months

i was agreeing with you.

says the racist


No Angels game thread?

/mlb/ general

if you don't see one, make one, i promise you won't get in trouble.

Attached: ellie-tran-ha.jpg (183x275, 12K)

bit late now la

this is the thread

/mlb/ general

youre the one who wanted it

m'sbros where we at

Attached: sm-a.jpg (220x220, 11K)

Attached: AA5C7CD8-4194-4668-899C-2AB8DD493644.png (222x272, 135K)

Hey houspie why dont you post in the real thread bud? Everyone's waiting for you and the party never REALLY gets started without you. Just take my hand and leave these threads behind, I promise everything will be alright.

buncha fags if they can't even get the general part right, simply put


Morning guys. Just a reminder that anime has been classified as cringe and unbased. I know it's a habit at this point, but please refrain from posting it going forward.


Attached: mrnrs.jpg (344x344, 28K)

you better have been at the game, tbqhwy

>two threads
Oh /mlb/, never change

What's the best game today?

*invades yr thread*

Attached: wahoo.jpg (3600x2700, 1.59M)

>less than two hours until baseball
who READY here?

Fuck off newfriend, we don't watch baseball

hard pass

is it baseball related porn, then, cuz I could be down


Attached: 1str0s.png (534x626, 50K)

So you're a rangers fan

okay, explain


A total rebuild team, with a shitty history is embarrassing everyone right now, Unbelievable. GO M'S!!!!

>embarrassing everyone
>literally leading their division
baseball is all about how things average out over time, as opposed to every other sport.

u mad?

Attached: qtsea.png (545x640, 359K)

Not mad, I'm pumped for the Memeiners!! Been getting let down since '94,but haven't stopped supporting them.

>but haven't stopped supporting them.
same, don't listen to the Yea Forums haters

what game we streaming, lads?

>tigers already topping cleveland
Exactly as God intended.

>Weekday baseball

Attached: 100.png (500x500, 192K)

i'll shitpost in both threads idgaf!


Good shitposting knows no barriers


>only one game on right now
can we shitpost about Trout maybe


sure is a quiet thread for game day

on the plus side: no anime


>180+ posts

why isn't this the thread, again?

That's because we have several threads right now

some idiot posted an nba thread with titties earlier, that got deleted immediately, why the fuck is mlb retarded

this was the real thread the whole time

Is this the thread


/hoc/, which does not use the word 'general' has taken over MLB and you all allowed it.

It is a dark day.

Trips dubs confirm

As long as people keep posting here we can recycle the other shit threads later.

Attached: fuckmanny.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

>black hole discovered
>hoc raids mlb
Truly the end times

Ignore the other two generals fighting each and let's PLAY BALL!

Astros desu

Attached: stros-.png (534x626, 50K)

>mods used to delete extra generals to keep board from having too many posts on same sport
>this appears to no longer be the case
>where the fuck do I post
Truly a flailing cesspit, when the fuck do the games start so I can be comfy in a gamethread

Post in all of em. That's what I'm doing. /mlb/ takeover!

Watch out we don't want /heem/ and /hoc/ to notice and want to fight us.

>posting in any thread but the Sox Thot

heem can't even finish ONE thread


No shit. Hopefully Hiro kills this board soon.

replace it with something sexier

/csp/ /hsp/ when

fuck that, where muh nsfw Yea Forums

>gets to third base


Attached: Seattle-Mariners.jpg (1365x1024, 293K)


Attached: Seattle-Mariners.jpg (1365x1024, 293K)


Phillies and Nationals throw hands


>Mad Philthies fan
lmao, Nola is shit

Ichiro's gone its over we'll never be a good team again

The curse of wasting the majority of Ichiro's career will not wash away quickly.

>literally leading the AL West

Attached: kid-sea.jpg (344x344, 16K)

>At this moment, literally leading the entire game

I want to believe. I really do. Been a fan since Jojima and Olerud days. I want to believe.

I'm okay with this being the M's year, they deserve it

Oh god im finna boutta finna nut

Attached: marners.jpg (144x109, 3K)

Attached: seawsum.jpg (222x222, 21K)

careful, or >we'll be accused of bandwagoning again

>A's leading oreos

did >your team win today, user?


>white sox
No and I don't know if they'll ever win again

do they play the red sox at any point this year'?

probably but the yankees' modern era death row are next


leading the yanks and i am erect

>2016 WORLD CHAMPS vs lowly team from ny borough

Attached: 1stros.gif (641x631, 30K)

haaaaaaaave you heard of

>being a yankees fan


why are boston girls the best girls

cuz they're easy as fuck?


Attached: rags16.png (481x584, 543K)

Attached: 706a3ef.jpg (2224x1244, 161K)

Attached: rags22.png (826x738, 1.32M)

Good game, Phillies. Stay mad, Mets.

Attached: Rizz.jpg (879x879, 146K)

>mets vs phillies
it's like cheering for the special olympics

Yes, they did

Attached: anaheim_angels_logo1022504.gif.png (290x320, 74K)

>my team
Really makes you think

still fucking drunk, /mlb/.

did >your team win today?

>tfw early games tomorrow are Marlins/Reds or A's/Os.

Calling in sick and sleeping late, boys

imagine unironically being a Rangers fan.

Fuck, even doing it ironically would be pretty pathetic.

>curse initiated


Attached: pf.png (267x277, 81K)

It's happening

>148 games to go

>on pace for 160-2
it's happening bro


>no body

next four days off, user.

i'm just gonna watch baseball

>Hump Day Baseball

imagine unironically rooting for an NL team.

Like, when the pitcher is batting, do you get up and get another beer, or play with your kids or something?

>Cleveland Memes

FUN FACT: Any Phillyposter is automatically trolling

good morning MLB1

because theyre used to disappointment


Is this the NL thread

The NL runs /MLB/

>he doesn't know about muh designated posters

Who has the gif of ohtani reacting to his translator doing lewd finger stuff?


based day games

what's this


what time does your team play user

>tfw your team doesn't play for four hours


Braves are going to be investigated
That is a insane deal

what happen?

The Yankees are gonna massacre the White Sox.

everyone is going to massacre the whitesox

Attached: yum.gif (320x200, 266K)

who massacres the yankees

posting on both threads like a boss.

anyone watching the Royals?

based gay dames

>people getting mad at the Braves because players actually want to play for them


Attached: 1str0s-.jpg (529x626, 66K)

that says a lot about your taste in women


>morning games done
well fuck, do i drink now or do i fap

Attached: iah.png (470x475, 470K)

Prepare your anus

Attached: UjiHjFqX_400x400.png (400x400, 106K)

*doesn't get your message*

Attached: t-mob.jpg (660x342, 12K)


Attached: 274C7804-9EB3-4410-AB69-9472252189AE.jpg (1125x1395, 244K)

>just walking around with this pic on your phone

Real new

>park gets renamed T-mobile park (low T)
>people start to make fun of it
>team is elite and at the very top of baseball
>no one makes fun of it anymore

>park gets renamed gruanteed rate field park (the down arrow)
>people start to make fun of it
>team is a dumpster fire and at the very bottom of baseball
>everyone continues making fun of

Makes you think...............

>This thread has nearly 300 posts
>let's make more
>let's spam it
You all need to get hit in the head with a 100mph fastball

Why are Mexican fanbases so bad?

I'm just saying, if each of us makes 1 (One) New General the mods will finally have to get involved and ban the autist making 5 of them, until all the other ones get deleted but this one.

You you be insulted if I suggested they specifically be hit in the temple?

Thank you, Cards.

>marlins getting swept by the reds

god 5 more months of this

Attached: mets.gif (320x240, 2.57M)

real aboard

>the mods will finally have to get involved
why start now

This but unironically

god damn people drive like shit in this country


Attached: bt.gif (450x482, 53K)

Mods used to delete duplicate generals. Now they apparently don't give a shit.

all aboard

the first few weeks with new janitors is always the hardest


stop spamming your shitty thread, sperglord

what game >we watching later

this is the thread


how many will it take, this is pissing me off

Threadly reminder that the Kansas City Royals are winning the World Series and there is nothing you can do about it

>nothing i can do
correct, but i bet there's a lot the Royals can do about it, i tell you what

didn't you just lose today?

Forgot the in 2021 part

I can confidently say that I'm a better baseball player than Chris Davis

>moving the goalposts

>hes never been to Mexico before



>doyers unironically got swept by the cards
>chadres now in first place

All according to plan


Trevor Rosenthal for Chris Davis, straight up.

>Moving the goalposts
You're the newfag who hadn't seen him make that post in the last 80 mlb generals so really gg.

>implying i pay attention to royalposting

>implying literally anyone does

>Ctrl + f "team name"
>Only reads those posts


>Tellez homered to right (505 feet)
That's a long ball.

>implying this board is free enough from typos to do that

Cards taking it all the way this year boys

Attached: 7961441e5db8d6a00dccb6593ddd87662770ba234128da61619c77ec34ee6182.jpg (1067x809, 737K)

imagine unironically being a padres fan

>red sucks

>not scoring 1 run and driving in 2 more without having a hit

Attached: D36QgCoXkAA-MHo[1].jpg (1198x115, 14K)

Imagine not being a chadres fan

Time for a new thread.

Nice armpit

man, seriously, fuck you.

STROS/M'S coming up, game thread instead


If you’re the Oreos front office/manager, how the fuck do you handle Davis’ 0-61 start?

Keep trotting him out there on the way to a 1st overall pick.

re-sign him for $100 million over four years.

>ten threads with 10-100 posts
>this one has 300+

This is the thread, right?

Attached: allow.gif (500x243, 986K)

>spergy is just talking to himself in the binocular thread
it's safe to talk about baseball here, right?

>posts about baseball in a baseball thread

more cocaine


Why all the autism

>america's sport

Attached: chill-eagle-.gif (640x481, 132K)

this is the only thread, for another 150 posts anyway

Where were you when you realized Pete is the next ROTY and MVP

Attached: 9C38A6A7-C4B8-4058-9F78-28F9697E1D78.jpg (1242x515, 255K)

I guess this is the thread?

Attached: M's Sweeper.jpg (500x650, 216K)

yes, and FUCK YES

Attached: m-wo.png (534x629, 112K)

DAILY REMINDER: The Mariners will choke away this lead just like last year and will yet again go another year without being in the playoffs.

I was listening at work while watching the Masters. I almost flipped over my desk when HANIGER THE HANIGOAT hit that ball to center. When the VOGELBOMB went off, I was stunned.

Attached: m's win forks.jpg (117x125, 3K)

>The 2019 Mariners have set a new HR record
With how the league seems to have been changing to encourage more long ball hitting this would have been one of the last lineups in the league that I would've picked to have done it

you mean this lineup?

Attached: GettyImages-1141051411.jpg (652x367, 38K)


Imagine living in a city with literally perfect weather and mexican food

Yea Forums could never imagine that, it's too racist.

i'd prefer less traffic, though, i can eat other food

How many threads is enough, Yea Forums. HOW MANY BASEBALL U NEED


>Now 0-for-53, O's Davis is 'trusting the process'


>perfect weather
>going outside

How the FUCK do the Braves get these deals on their players

they got that old south money

their owner is not smart.

you can tell by the way he never wins anything.

is that why they hired sam hinkie to be their new hitting coach?

Attached: Waluigi.png (1280x1114, 530K)

$1 billion dollars, zero fucks

>M's/Stros on Friday

>2026 all-star in Philly

Attached: filly.jpg (727x511, 90K)