Its funny cause its true

Its funny cause its true

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Manlet receivers will always be limited in their big-play ability unless they have like a 48 inch vertical or some freakish shit

AB is a very good/borderline elite WR but he's not truly on the level of Julio/OBJ/Hopkins etc. for that reason

WHEN will they learn, bros??

>chad has entered the chat

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>5'10" is manlet
lanky virgin talk
also doesn't matter when it's all about face
t. 5'11"

>t. King of manlets

manlets btfo

this makes me wonder... how embarrassing would it be if your name was chad but you're only 5'6"?

t. kingdom of balding lanklets

It isn't in real life but it is for a handegg WR though

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She does porn now

what's her name

I liked Antonio Brown before this completely unnecessary asshurt attack against Juju

Now it's pretty clear and obvious he's mentally unstable, has been in many TV appearances trying to explain his reasoning for wanting to leave the Steelers, and been almost incoherent throughout it. Unsound logic, emotional reactions, mumbling, etc.
Dyeing his moustache blonde also helps to show he's having an emotional breakdown.

What's with Afro-Americans and using Spanish names?

Attached: we wuz conquistadores and shiet.jpg (300x300, 17K)


For me, it's Antonio DaShawn Ngubu-Jones

are you meaning to tell me JuJu isn't a hispanic name nigga?

Spanish speaking colonies in the western hemisphere had slaves too, man. A lot of black people in the US have ancestry that went through the Caribbean.

>His legal name is Quintorris Lopez Jones. The name Julio goes back to his mother, and he figures he has been called that since about seventh grade.

>"It stuck with me," Jones said, smiling at the understatement. "It's really no big deal to me. I like Quintorris. It means 'Gladiator.'"

>Where did the nickname come from? Even Jones says he's not all that sure, though he knows it is connected to his middle name. He vaguely remembers his mother telling him about a friend who had passed away about the time of Jones' birth.

>"He said to give him a part of my name," Jones said. "I guess that's how they started calling me Julio."

At least he's not named "Juju". What kind of gay name is this?

It's a nickname. His actual name is John.

>tfw all the problems in my life are due to me being a manlet

>family friend dies
>name your male child after me
Yeah, Jones' dad is a literal cuckold.

What is AB's IQ?
His last IG was really fucking stupid if he thought it makes him look better

if he's above average probably somewhere around 100

>tfw 6'3 CHAD

80% of the black people I've met in my life were terrible people, and I've met a lot because I lived in Paris for 10 years. Now I have difficulties watching sports were they dominate. Don't you americans feel the same ?

US blacks are apparently even worse than European ones

no because I've personally had good experiences with them most of the time. Every so often there will be one with the stereotypical attitude but it isnt the norm.

You’re retarded. It’s all about separation. And AB has the quickest feet in the league.

Maitland Ward

More slaves went through South America than North America iirc

barely met any blacks, only ones i have sold drugs and the black guy I ended up doing group work with at uni proved Big Ron Atkinson right. Fuck niggers, but I also find those rich nigerian girls whose dads are doctors really cute.

>having a father

>AB is a very good/borderline elite WR but he's not truly on the level of Julio/OBJ/Hopkins etc. for that reason
Is that why AB has been better than all three for years?