Going to transfer

Gonna transfer from community college, sure UVA is great at sports, but which school is the better one for its party scene?
>inb4 sports are more relevant
>what is something that only a handful of people can do and everyone else spectates vs something everyone can do

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UVA has better academics and employment prospects and those are the only reasons to go to school, degenerate

Something tells me UVA likes to LARP as a little ivy league school and thus people there try so hard at academics that their party scene lacks

JMU is shit. Don't go there. Full of Yankees.


JMU is known as a girls college so there is that

Ivy League is literally just a fucking brand name at this point, many unis across the country offer superior educations to all but the top Ivy League schools

Dunno about parties. But UVA is a shithole. Looks nice but something is just off. JMU is a more comfortable place.

apparently 60% of the population is chicks, which is great for guys because guys are in high demand
>supply and demand
Is it safe to say that students that go to those schools dont really party that much because they worked so hard to get there academically speaking, and have to keep working that hard once there in order to graduate?

B-rate school for UVA and Tech rejects. Yankees are around 25% of the student body though

>muh party scene
well you're a college student anyway so you're gonna turn out to be a useless degenerate either way

UVA if you care about your future and academics
JMU is you want to party and be in debt the rest of your life

From what I read online from JMU old timers tech used to be the safety school for Uva and JMU guys before they got the acc invite. It's interesting how time can change things

Tech rejects? No. Aside from Engineering Tech's a factory. After William and Mary JMU's perhaps the third best public u in the state.

Fuck William and Mary, jesus, talk about a socially dead school, people there have to spend so much fucking time and energy doing school work that there is like literally 0 time to do anything else
IDK why uva gets so hyped up, W&M is the number 1 school in VA for academics, and fuck it for it

Gonna break down the colleges in VA as far as I know them
Hipsters, hippies, dude weed LMAOers, shitskins, feminists, leftism, crime, tons of cops, dead party scene
Niggers, straight outta compton VA edition, not much partying, beach is cool I guess
???, not really sure what goes on out there, hard to find info about it, in the middle of nowhere, I doubt its much from the lack of word though
Glorified community college, they non ironically enforce a "dry campus" policy whereby if they catch you with alcohol you get kicked out or some other kind of punishment, 0 party scene
Not 100% sure, seeking info, suspect they LARP as a little ivy league, have nice bars and clubs (been there before), but too much of a focus on them rather than pure partying (house parties and such), too much academics, a lot of potential wasted on schoolwork
Used to be the number 1 party school in VA and one of the best in the country in the 2000s and 2011 was the last call for it (last year Quadfest was a thing), after that the cops cracked down HARD and chocked the life out of it and now its just a shadow of its former self, will most likely never be relevant again (definitely never was academically but that wasnt the point)
Suspect its the best school in the state for partying, has a pretty good academic system which is better than all but VT and UVA, but doesn't let it take away from partying, which comes first
Not sure, based off the demographic numbers it seems to be an engineering obsessed sausage fest, almost like a shittier version of UVA


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Williamsburg is just full of old people who sick the militia on students out past 11

Also a little moar about UVA and JMU
>Apparently UVA is preppy, not sure what that means, some people describe it as being yuppy, bougie, or stuck up depending on who you ask
>Has a decent greek life with polo and khaki clad frat boys but is overshadowed by UVA's harsh academics and focus on bars and clubs rather than traditional partying, day drinks, pregames, after parties, etc
>Strong greek like, same as above but without focus on academics, disregard for bars and clubs as there are little to none anyways, probably wouldnt care if there were some
>People care more about partying than schoolwork, as long as they graduate with a decent GPA then who cares
>Cops give no shits and neither does school
>Laid back and chill student body, not preppy or stick up their assy like UVA but not so chill that they dont wanna do anything like VCU
This, if a college has old people its gonna end bad because they just wont kindly fuck off and let people party

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Pretty accurate desu.
Liberty, CNU, Richmond, and W&L deserve mentions tho. Only one I'm somewhat familiar with is W&L

Thanks for confirmation, need moar tho from other anons
Check out this decade old song, still gets played by students to this day, was at UVA a year ago and a frat house I got into was playing this

Attached: college rap.png (1332x753, 165K)

Is this thread a sick joke? JMU has a better party scene and it's not even close, and I speak as someone who grew up a lifelong UVa fan but went to JMU instead.


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I've heard its a lot more similar to heavyweights like WVU, Penn State, ASU, and FSU than UVA is

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Also is there any chance of this changing any time within the next 5 years or is it gonna be like this for a while?
>scare of what happened to Radford happening to JMU

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I mean in my view if you can get into UVa you should probably go there. I got on the waiting list for UVa, visited the JMU campus and fell in love.

considering UVa's academic standards and JMU's guy to girl ration and campus culture, I would say probably not.

Have you no reading comprehension?
>went to JMU
>probably not
Several other people have pointed out exactly what you said.

I do not live in Virginia
I got my BS in Texas and went to grad school in Michigan
If you want to get a job outside of Virginia or the DMV you're gonna want to go to UVA or Tech (for engineering). UVA's alumni network is legendary and will be a boon for the rest of your life.

As for the party scene at UVA, it's Greek or bust, according to my classmates who went there for undergrad.

>Ivy League is literally just a fucking brand name at this point, many unis across the country offer superior educations to all but the top Ivy League schools
Fact. A few years back the WSJ did a study on the schools that put out the best/most successful students for recruiting and almost every school in the top 10 was a land grant (Pen State, Texas A&M, Illinois, Purdue, etc); Cornell was the only Ivy on the list. Outside of that and Dartmouth the Ivies are seen as expensive daycare, at least with undergrad. Business, law, med, and other grad and professional programs are still top tier, though.

You're right about LARPing as a little ivy league and academics but there are plenty of house parties if you know the right people. Most people I personally knew rarely went to bars except for Pint Night.

>tfw fun school blue blood

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Longwood’s only claim to fame is being able to party in close proximity to Hampden-Sydney

t. never been to Charlottesville

I work in DC and you don't get certain jobs if they don't see UVA/VT/Georgetown/GWU on your resume.

Can you get into Virginia? It's a lot harder to get in there now than when I went there. Good luck!

>many unis across the country offer superior educations to all but the top Ivy League schools
True. Ivy educations are pretty meh. Bunch of worthless classes and pass/fail. However, they are still much harder (except Cornell) to get into that schools like UVA, Vanderbilt, etc. Generally a smarter student body (although affirmatives bring that down).

Most employers will see you were smart enough to get into an Ivy and prefer that over a slightly dumber person getting a better education.

Boomers are so fucking lucky. Apparently GMU used to sponsor free keg parties on the quad.
That said, the fact that you are ranking colleges by parties in the most autistic fashion is hyper cringe.
You would have been a burnout for sure, if you aren't now.

GMU being a dry campus is a load of crap. There is a bar smack dab in the middle if campus and I drank everywhere without fear of any consequences. But everywhere else checks out.

Lot of kids from Long Island or New Jersey. Know bc my brother went there. I would go to UVA if I were you. Much better reputation and academics

More employers are recognizing that most Ivy grads got in because of money or diversity quotas. The education isn't as rigorous as other schools and come job interview time the Ivy kids get fucking clowned. Smarts has little to do with getting into Ivies now, connections do.

Lmao fuck off. I went to soccer and basketball games all the time as a kid at UVA. My older brother went there. I had soccer games in C-Ville. Seen plenty of it. The city is nice, nicer than Harrisonburg although I prefer the Shenandoah to Central VA.

It's the culture. UVA seems unnatural, the whole "muh GROUNDS, not Campus" shit and just general faggotry. Everyone is either some loser who dreamt their whole life of going there or a burnt-out smart kid who couldn't quite cut the Ivys.

JMU is more natural. The community is nicer. The students in general seem less culty/cunty and much more like people than UVA students.

Go to a fucking trade school. I just saved you a ton of money and you'll actually be in demand when you get out

Can you talk more about JMU's culture? That's really the meat of what I'm trying to get into when it comes to UVA vs JMU
Also any thoughts on why exactly the cops cracked down on Raddy so hard?
Also please see Something tells me that at UVA unless you always know someone its as if the parties dont really exist, whereas they are everywhere at JMU, see And whats Hampden-Sydney?
>GMU used to sponsor free keg parties
>muh autism
At the end of the day I'll find a way to make money, I'm going for a business degree and trying to be a stock broker or something similar, technically I don't even need a degree for it, could probably teach myself everything
I wasted my childhood all the way up until 18 being a nerd, and have spent the last 3 years trying to fix it and have succeeded massively, but I've maxed out what I can do in and around Richmond, and I'm using community college as a means to an end to get to a better place
I don't care if I go to a school that isn't the absolute best academically that I could get into, I wanna have my fun and live the chad life for 4 years (bachelors + masters) and then chad walk into an interview and start spouting off info about the field (go full Pursuit of Hapyness movie) to the point I get the job even without muh UVA degree TM
Plus after that use my fancy new 100k a year job to keep funding my party life style, hopefully I can live in my college town even after being done with it and keep living the life, if not then its on to a party city like Miami and it'll just never end
Fuck "settling down" by getting married, having kids, and living in the suburbs
>the virgin washed up beer belly husband and father reminiscing about his glory days
>the chad playboy still living them out with no sign of stopping
IDK mang a lotta people in VA talk shit about GMU

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Affirmatives bring it down a LOT. White kids with 4.0 unweighteds and solid extracurriculars get passed over at Ivies for mediocre minority students. Those white kids are going to your Dukes, your UVAs, even state schools. In the next 20-30 years the prestige of the Ivies will cease to exist outside of Harvard, Yale, and Princeton

t. jealous UVA reject
t. hates based, slave-owning, Thomas Jefferson

Randolph-Macon here. Just fuck my shit up senpai. Also fuck Syndney

harvard is literally nothing but jews and nogs at this point

>And whats Hampden-Sydney?
Literally hell on earth

Can confirm, Charlottesville is full of NPCs. That term didn't exist at the time, but it reminded me of Body Snatchers. Something just always felt off. I saw hipsters before they went mainstream.

>UVA reject
Kek. I had a 4.3 in HS, with sports and extracurriculars. I got into Brown and got waitlisted at Duke. Didn't apply to UVA since I didn't like what I'd seen/heard based on my mom and brother and older friends who graduated before me and went there.

I'd kms if I thought UVA was some sort of academically impressive school that's hard to get into. It's a total meme.

Nigga, use a fucking line break and hard punctuation once in a while. You definitely are on the spectrum with that wall of text, but I respect your ambition.

What’s Arizona State a blue blood in? Having the most whores?

UVA is literally recognized by playboy as a party school.

Radford got a reputation in my view as being like a party school so bad it was out of control

JMU has taken steps in the past to try to make sure everyone gets home in one piece like the "drunk bus"

when it comes down to culture, you have to ask yourself: do you care more about top tier academics or partying? JMU academics isn't terrible but it ain't UVa

Not him but you’re deluding yourself if you don’t think UVA is an academically impressive school.

when I was in college I sold bootleg dvds of Bee Movie to divorcee dads. could walk into any bar and trade a couple burned cam screeners for all the drinks I wanted

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Do you need some certificate to weld or can I just have some fudd teach me?

I spot weld the tine drag on my cannabis farm all the time and don't even use a mask or gloves

post nose

Unironically it really isn't. Maybe because I grew up around it but you could be a regular Honors/AP classes kid, not stand out intellectually and not really grind in school and still get in. The governor's school I went to was utter shit and it was like 90% certain you got into UVA if you went there.

I'm not speaking to the actual quality of academics/education, just the student body btw. Although classes are big and taught by chink TAs so I'm dubious of the quality of learning. My mom certainly didn't think all that much of it, although she studied history/culture not medicine or engineering or some other speciality.

This. Had damn near a 5.0, valedictorian, sports and extracurriculars as well, and Duke rejected me outright.

Write better essays lmao. Didn't matter in the end, wasn't high enough up to get accepted.

>Write better essays
3.98 in a writing-heavy uni major, suck my ass

Idk then bro get some cool interests to write about like sailing. No one wants to hear about whatever gay shit you wrote about

This is what I've been suspecting desu senpai
>caring about punctuation on Yea Forums
>telling me I'm the one on the spectrum
I dont really trust them, they never list JMU even though with even the most pessimistic view of JMU they are still neck and neck with UVA in terms of partying
>Radford got a reputation in my view as being like a party school so bad it was out of control
That's what I've heard and suspected for a while now, apparently it was becoming almost another WVU, but that shit cant fly in VA because our government is cucked and has been for years
>other states you can buy liquor 24/7
>at least until midnight (like DC)
>here its until 9pm and 6pm on sundays
>retarded driving laws
>massive police presences in the counties and cities
>etc etc
Its because we are a commonwealth, you cant go full WVU, Penn State, Arizona State, or FSU in fucking VA unfortunately

Honestly I would be perpetually orgasmic if I could go to WVU, ironically its actually easier to get into than UVA or JMU, its just the fucking out of state tuition that is a problem
>its possible in theory that by getting nearly perfect grades at community college, having great credit (which I do), being in an honors club or whatever (about to get my invitation apparently), and using letters of recommendation, that I can get enough financial aids, maybe some grants, and personal loans + my own money made from working (have a job currently) to be able to afford to go out of state

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>Honestly I would be perpetually orgasmic if I could go to WVU, ironically its actually easier to get into than UVA or JMU, its just the fucking out of state tuition that is a problem
I've got no clue how your situation is but one of my friend's (from VA) actually got a cheaper deal at WVU than VT. He was reasonably smart but nothing special

I go to JMU, did CS, got a 6 figure job coming out of graduation. You have to join Greek life to have fun at UVA, but JMU is fun all around. I got accepted to both but decided JMU, best decision of my life. Plus, UVA kids are super pretentious. Just work hard and you’ll get a good job no matter what.

Ok Feinberg

Not sure about JMU but the UVA party scene is fairly Greek life dominated.
Most frats aren't the stereotypical frat boys you see on TV, but a handful are.
Any given weekend there are 4 or 5 frat parties each night to jump around from. Bars are always packed late.

Rush isnt until spring semester so you get a semester to jump around and find one you might like to pledge. Big crackdown on pledging 5 years ago so it's a joke nowadays, pretty much just memorizing useless info about your frats history and setting the house up for parties and cleaning up the next day.

you never know how life works out. I flunked out of Marquette because lol raves and alcoholism and now I'm pretty much retired at 35 after selling an algorithm to a yuuge company I can't name for another two years because NDA. If you need a fancy degree to succeed at life, life probably doesn't need you that much. I drank/drugged myself out of school, went back, quit mid-semester to do independent contractor work as a java developer, and then went back a third time to a small private uni for an accounting degree just because. If I had done everything the right way, I'd probably be some miserable mid-level manager at some ACH shitter like fiserv

Both are great desu. Both have hot women, at least when I was in college 10 years ago neither school had many fat chicks

UVA is the choice if you want a life
JMU is the choice if you want a trash degree but at least you're on campus and can find your future wife


You are out of your mind if you pick jmu over uva.
Go to uva. Employers will pick you over someone that went to jm-literal who.

>"I cant wait to settle down, get married and have kids, live in the suburbs, and suck corporate cock for the next 40 years and then die!"

Youre gonna be doing that no matter which school you attend probably

you can find a future wife at UVA too, UVA has a lot of hot women. In fact Charlottesville has one of the lowest obesity rates in the nation.

>future wife
>in college
As a uni student, NO. Unless you go to fucking BYU, Hillsdale, Liberty or a similar place all college women are damaged goods. And even at those conservative unis most women are still damaged goods.

I toured GMU law school, they literally had a keg party at the fucking visitation. No way that's a dry campus, even though the law school is like 12 miles away in Arlington
Never had any intention of going there though lmao, they're not even a top 30 law school, but they paid for my trip to DC

My step brother met his wife in college, dated her throughout.
UVA chicks are hot but you wouldn't actually want to marry one of those slags


Bump out of interest

I don't think there's much else to say at this point

I just found the thread interesting because it was basically me circa 2007

JMU grad here
UVa's required to accept a certain ratio of students from each city/county in the state. If youre applying from Rockingham or Albemarle Counties it's therefore much easier to get in than if youre applying from anywhere in NoVa, Tidewater, or Richmond. Out of state is next to impossible. Just a fact.

OPs thread is relevant to my interests

I go to UVA. It's alright for parties, especially because all the houses are close to Grounds and the bars are close to Grounds too. So you can pregame, head to a house party, and then hit the bar right afterwards without having to drive. For frats, you usually have to be on their list, tho. So house parties are easier to get into but you have to know where and when they are.
And just because it's academically challenging or whatever does not mean there's less of a party scene... A lot of people here say "work hard but play harder".