Ladies and gentleman, your Virginia cavaliers MVP

Ladies and gentleman, your Virginia cavaliers MVP.

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>can't review double dribble
>can't review out of bounds unless under 2 minutes.
>comes down to "did the pinky touch the ball" bullshit

this is why Basketball blows.

They spent like 5 minutes reviewing that last call. Ridiculous.

college basketball*

It wont go down as it, but that is now in the running for the worst call in the history of sports.

When instant replay was introduced, this is the kind of shit people warned against.

You simply CANNOT start looking for pinky touches on poke-steals. That shit is insane, totally arbitrary and makes it way too easy to change the outcome of close games.

That play should never have even been reviewed.


oh, someone stole my post

yeah if there's a final four mvp it was def the zebras

Instant replay opened pandoras box. theres no equivocal definition of what is or isn't anymore. every time something bad happens, everyone freaks the fuck out and suddenly there are new rules. its sad actually.

NBA sucks just in different way

seriously, how many fucking MVPs does Black Ref have at this point? is there any doubt he's GOATAT

>I don't understand how rules work, the post

>I don't understand how basketball works, the post

I understand that instant replay is cancer. The NFL is going to allow replay for pass interference calls AND noncalls? welcome to reviewing every play..

this bullshit tonight? will be neverending. just you wait.

instant replay on millimeters is stupiid.

god damn fucking pinky bullshit, he literally slapped the ball out of bounds and got it back for his team.

reddit spacing aside, this dude is right

I would say the elite 8 mvp- through the championship game. They blew the shove during the purdue game as that somehow isn't talked about as much as the auburn double dribble.

you could literally argue PI on every play if you really look into it. so all it takes is the coach to save his challenge for when it actually matters and boom suddenly a no call is now a PI

How can you retards say the refs are biased, then argue for leaving out of bounds decisions up to the refs?

TT was playing hero ball, they had no hope anyways

>up by three with 20 seconds left in the game despite endless refball against them
>no hope
this is your brain on ESPN

Imagine attempting to argue that the ball shouldn't go to the other team if you're the last person it touches before going out of bounds.

perfect ending

Endless refball like Odiase palming a ball out of bounds and Tech getting possession. Cry on Reddit, bitch

The solution is simple, undo the awful nuNFL pass interference rules where you're not allowed to even look at a WR without it being PI. I have a feeling this will happen naturally once every play becomes a PI (almost every incomplete pass in big moments is called PI now anyway.)

You missed the part where Culver didn't get called for the travel and when Mooney was immune to the 3-second violation, standing there for like 10 seconds.

because im older than instant replay and remember that everything was better when a ref could make a shit call and we could be up in arms but we knew we didnt have control.

now, a bad call happens and people pay for billboards or try to pass legislature and the NFL feels forced to install new retarded rules that will just keep making it worse.

we've already seen that instant replay still doesnt make every call right, and still makes people feel games are rigged. and has only led to stupid rules changes to try to "clarify" every bit of minutia. this has not helped the end product in ANY sport.

based boomer

Yeah because making rules more ambiguous and adding more space for ref discretion is DEFINITELY going to stop people from thinking games are rigged.

greater than mike and tammy brody

nigga must have like 50 rings by now

>implying ESPN hasn't been sucking TTU cock since Sunday.

Theres more than 1 white person on UVA and UVA is a good school populated mainly by whites and asians. This is why ESPN (and plebbit) hate them.

Go back

It's what THEY wanted


Lol I didn't even watch the game. Just saw virginia won and made an OP to reflect it.

you’re dumb as fuck. Having instant replay reviews is way better then knowing a ref blew a call and you can’t do anything about it.

Yes but replays = more suspense = more ad money
Get over it gramps

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