Why are white players so much more intelligent? The difference in IQ is honestly astounding

Why are white players so much more intelligent? The difference in IQ is honestly astounding

Just watch these guys win the national championship over ghetto thugs. Pottery

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It’s nothing to do with IQ and everything to do socio-economic factors, most black basketball players trained on a concrete court without any professional training, meanwhile white basketball players mostly has a privileged upbringing with access to all the best training facilities and coaching there is to offer

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yeah no

>white people trying to claim superiority in basketball out of all fucking things


A white team from wisconsin beat a 34-0 black team that was the most talented team in history. White teams win all the time.

Stay mutt

It’s a myth that black basketball players are poor. The majority of NBA players come from upper middle class backgrounds. Ofc there are notable exceptions like lebron, but most of these kids are from well off black families.

Based and redpilled


They both honestly play like low-IQ chuckers. Diakitay unironically has the highest bball IQ on Virginia desu

confirmation bias


wow it's fucking nothing

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>that one white loser who live vicariously through other white people's achievements because his only achievement in life is getting autism bucks from his parents

imagine being this cucked

More entertaining than NBA


>Larry Bird
>Slow, white, high IQ
>Sunk game winners in Jordan's face
Fuck /runfastjumphigh/

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everyone knows the NBA is unironically racist against whites to block them from playing

GMs have undisclosed rules to only allow a certain number of white players on a team

Really? Sauce?

>a few white guys are good
And you ain't one of them
It's still dominated by black guys as much as you clutch to the outliers

I highly doubt one of those ugly Texas Tech hicks has an above average IQ, defitnely not anywhere close to a UVA student of any race.

Sorry Tech, you got fucked by the refs tbqh.

polshitters are this gullible

>m-muh reverse racism

lol every single shot made was a direct set up by one of them

Owned the game with 4d chess.

>larry "if God played basketball he'd be michael jordan" bird

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This is literally true. There is nothing keeping whites from being successful in football or basketball and the massive disproportionate number of blacks is due to bias.

You dont see this in legitimate less corporatized sports

>my ass

I tune in every March Madness just to remind myself that the largest skill gap in all of sports is that between the NBA and the NCAA, nothing makes a game more exciting than midrange jumpers and missed layups right lads?

>hurr its logical that niggers being 13 percent of the population and getting dominated in plenty of sports are the massive disproportionate fill in corporatized american sport

Stop being a brainlet

nice meme

the college game is unironically more cerebral. Inarguably more defensive and team oriented.

NBA is all transition and iso game. Really a joke

I'm not going to comment on the IQ issue but its not true that the black kids only play street ball. Every player you saw on the court today has been playing on AAU/Rep teams since at least 10 years old meaning they've all been playing in nice facilities and had quality coaches. The one thing that is never lacking in America is the ability to play (certain) sports.

>thing based on meritocracy has disproportionate numbers so there must be a problem

Please tell me more about how the nfl needs more white CBs

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>based on meritocracy


When SES and other factors are accounted for, niggers still score lower

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have you been frozen for 15 years?

And those are American Negroes, who have close to 30% white DNA on average

I didn't even think of this, but it explains the massive salt on r/collegebasketball.
The hate is unreal. I got hypertension from that shit.

>NBA shit
Not helping your race's image.

Sports are literally the most meritocratic institutions in the world. I don’t even know how you’ll try to refute that.

Do you think that Olympic sprinters are also favored and not actually disproportionately faster? Face it black people have certain genetic advantages that make them on average better than other races at certain sports. I’m not claiming that black people are flat out better athletes than whites. There are some sports that whites dominate because they a have a genetic advantage in them.

Have you? The NBA is getting dumber

Many teams ISO most of their offense. Teams like the Rockets run 100% ISO every play with Harden. Record high possessions, 3s, and fouls make the league a circus product. No half court game at all

How did Chamberlain do last night with his granny shot against the 76ers?

the rockets iso constantly, but the biggest shift from the mid 2000s to today has been the abandonment of iso in favor of more motion to get 3s or horrific mismatches on rolling bigs. which necessitates a much more complicated defensive set up

In sprinting it makes some sense because of muscular differences. For things like basketball, swimming, weightlifting, cycling, and much more it does not.

There should only be a handful of sports where blacks are physically advantaged yet you see huge disproportion in the amerikike ridden sports. Hmmm wonder why that is?

>Harrison twins
You have no idea what you're talking about, and you conveniently forgot WI lost to Duke

>most draft picks ever
>implying the duke game wasn't the biggest rig in sports history



>3 point attempts have more than doubled due to increasing iso

these are the people that post here.

One of their best players, Nigel Hayes, was black.

Don't attempt logic with people like that. We all know how folks that live vicariously through others can't stand logic

that explains the Rockets the highest 3pt shooting team ever retard lol

If teams aren't getting transition points they just go ISO. To act like the NBA is a higher IQ game than college is a well established joke

the guy in your picture literally turned his back to the ball and let it go out of bounds. fucking retard

Retard. Calling for a timeout was the high IQ play. Then the low IQ nigger Hunter just chucked it at him instead of holding on

his brain was so high functioning he correctly went to signal timeout in less than .1 seconds

He did it so fast the ball was still possessed when you slow the play down. The black player is the one who then threw it away after the ref was too slow to call TO. Highest IQ game play of the game

Because whites have a higher rate of autism so they are more picly about being perfect and accurate. You can see this in modern American english. Most whites feel intimidated by black speech ecause their loud simplified verion of english known as ebonics comes of as loud as rude while if you were black it would be comprehensible and straight to the point. Meanwhile white american english is offensive to blacks as they see the overuse of polite terms such as "please" and "thank you" mixed with eloquent vocabulary as pseudo-intellectual and passive aggressive, almost as if the whites where trying to display intellectual superiority.

tl;dr Whites have Autism, Blacks have ADHD

>high IQ
>tries to win the game with the lowest percentage shot in basketball

dude, you're wrong and stupid



the guy who got the board was falling down and needed to give it to someone else.

>it's another "let KD run an ISO" nba championship

I'm not a nigger but I do unironically think black speech/ebonics works better for summing up some situations desu, ya dig?

Based Virginia White boys

Do you apply this same standard to non whites who universally show pride in their people?

Just a reminder on why liberals like this have a mental illness

>high iq

>ball screens and interior penetration to pull defenders away and give your shooters room

If anyone was memechucking it was Texas tech at the end of the game trying to play hero ball

but also white privilege is real tho!

.... and this are both true. It's very much a class thing, and most black student athletes are not upper class. The ones who are tend to succeed post-college.

>wow it's fucking nothing

Shaq has a BA, MBA, and Ed.D.

Steph Curry played on the nicest courts in the country all throughout his childhood you fucking cuck

> what is aau

smells like incel ITT

NBA is trash WWE-tier garbage. only low iq monkeys enjoy it

They're less athletically gifted so only the most intelligent white players even have a chance at competing.

Subsaharan Africans never independently developed:
-written language
-forged iron
-cardinal directions

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>le incel
How's it hanging, reddit?

What about slavery?

oh yeah forgot about that and putting a plate in your lip while eating your food off a leaf

If they're "so intelligent", why is the based Black man the best basketball player ever?


How come those subsaharan africans managed to bang your mom and sisters? I guess they're not so undeveloped.

>apehoop players
pick one

The light players still wear dumb caps with stickers and talk like idiots. Kyle Korver wrote a whole article about how he hates his white skin

>socio-economic factors

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This, not trying to LARP but I've always had an advanced grasp of the english language, I'm considered pretty well spoken etc. But I use "black speech" all the time colloquially, it's less wordy and flows well.

>most meritocratic
Literally true- there are always better actors, better bands, better politicians, better doctors, lawyers, etc. than the ones youre either auditing or dealing with; in top tier professional sports however one can rest assured that the 'product' is the absolute best money can buy.

Uhhhhm racist much?