
>rags edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


business idea: Death Grips arena music

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what happens if you ask?


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>Caps in blue
>Don't even wear blue except for meme games these days

no zoomers, no homos, no trannies, no non-whites

Did not realize Dundon owned the Canes
Never forgiving you absolute cunts for folding the AAF

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All kino matchups, how does Gary do it?

cant wait until gary opens that 1st overall soilers envelope


ban AAF faggots from /hoc/

Fuck the canes, dubs for caps sweeping them and dundon weeping

I’m Gary’s main advisor you can thank me

Dallass will do to the child predditors what the child predditors did to the shitcocks in 2017

Zoomers, transgenders, homosexuals, non whites welcomed!

Ban Tom Dundon from owning things associated with sports

>yfw dallas isles final

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just having a think about Dundon and how he wont invest in defense because your team having to come back from deficits makes for more entertaining hockey

good katt

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Hes known for investing in things and ruining them, dont be surprised

i'd be okay with this

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im actually looking at GA stats and canes aren't looking too bad 2bh

goalie win shares are all that matter desu

Stop it this is a RIP AAF thread now. Fuck the canes

>1st in shots
>16th in GF

Pucks on net boys, don't even care where you are on the ice.

GA stats more like GAY stats. This is playoffs not stats 101. You retarded cousin fucking sunbelt faggot jew york whatevers. This is Winnipeg's year and so are the next 3. Playoff is wear the men play men and the boys eat dirt. This is Old Time Hockey

canes dont look too bad in terms of shots allowed either

okay sam

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oh good, I almost forgot why I actively root against the jest


Okay I'm not afraid to admit it. Nickelback is fucking awesome. I'm not ashamed to say I like listening to them. I may or may not be a Flames fan but Nickelback is fucking awesome. Stay mad haters.

ITT: stat babbies who don’t live in hockey markets



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we're in here btw

/hoc/ has the worst taste in music on this entire site

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>and for the 27th year in a row, canada is eliminated from stanley cup contention

t. butthurt jazzfag mad that nobody else likes his skoodily-doo-wop dogshit

For me its this

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Yo Nickelback is fuckin sick you pussies

Hockey Chads listen to rock and roll go be a fag somewhere else


t. Boomer whose failing memory and early onset dementia won't let him enjoy anything else aside from the same 3 chords repeated for the entire song and a chorus that lasts 2/3s of the song

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Of course Sam likes Nickelback

ha ha ha fucking S E E T H E

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p-playoff hockey makes me nervous.

lol if he hadn't stepped in the league would've folded week 2
Stop acting so entitled, faggot

It's pretty much the only thing that keeps me going desu

For me it's knowing deep down in my heart >we will be a first round exit and already stockpiling alcohol for the remainder of the playoffs

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interesting how anons prefer listening to ambient background music over country "music"

Not me, lad. >We're gonna do some damage.

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sharks in 5, screencap this

Weaklings and women OUT

>a bunch of sisterfuckers playing banjo and talking about tractors
ambient is shit unless you mean Aphex

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>only 29 entries
Step it the fuck up, /hoc/.

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don't worry about tfw no gf lads, we're all better off beating off


Why are you pretending to stutter?

I kinda feel bad for you sharkies. That brutal no hope outlook is kinda sad

this is fucking alpha

For me it's rap with a featured appearance by Billy Ray Cyrus.

>Toronto beating the lightning


this was a shitty fucking draft

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>wrangler on my booty

Panarin and Pup

>laffs beating the broons


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Keep crying we're all laughing

i watched The Ballad of Buster Scruggs last night and im in a cowboy frontiersman music mood. Gr8 movie btw might be my favorite one from the coen bros

Ok here me out, You might not like Alberta at all, but this song is pretty sweet no?


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for me it was meeting a canes bro at work, knowing he shitposts, and not seeing him ever again. feels bad. even saw a canes game with him last year

seems like he wasnt doing to bad. what happened??

2010 wasnt so bad

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I mean how many of their movies have you seen? also fallout new vegas soundtrack is kino


I enjoyed it too tbf

>All those tards passing on Forsberg
>Trade him to try and save your job because "lol we didn't think we'd have been able to pick him there anyway"
>Lose your job
>Gifted another good team

I know they wouldn't have fleeced the Blues for Oshie if they had kept Forsberg but I'll always hate McPhee.

You ever see him play? He has the IQ of a CHL'er. All the tools no toolbox

for me, its converting my south carolina bro to hockey and making him a canes fan

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the only good player before him is fucking rielly and lindholm, and I guess trouba.

Pretty good value everywhere.

>tfw traded Coyle and someone else for Burns
Sharks made out like bandits

i wouldnt count No Country for Old Men desu because the book was 1000x better than on screen but thats still a decent one

im actually a Motley Crue / mumble rap / nightcore Chad , and I'd also like to point out how Laine Bulju and PLD are probably 3 of the best top 4 picks ever maked in one draft

this is true desu
/hoc/fags unironically like shit like hoobastank and chevelle


are those the scene kids who dance around under highway overpasses?

this draft has some really good players down the line, but its first round is odd

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>Motley Crue

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Inside Llewyn Davis? Blood Simple? not even going to mention Lebowski. I hesitate to give Buster Scruggs a try because I feel they've run the western genre into the ground

>the book was 1000x better than on screen
The movie was nearly a 1 for 1 adaptation of the book and nailed the atmosphere, are you a fucking crackhead?

Approved music:
Boomer rock
Outlaw country

reminder /hoc/ is a boomer general.

I want to buy a ranch in California or Nevada and live out my life simply.

Shut the fuck up zoomie . I'm also into other elite talents. Like Winnipeg Jets forward Mark Schiefele and rock band Helix

this is when drafting bigboys was still favorable. gudbranson, mcilrath and forbort probably wouldnt even be 1st round picks nowadays.

i've had take me home, country roads stuck in my head all day because of you faggot.

Dawg will hunt

/hoc/ is a boomer and rock and roll general and Christian nation

did the furpuck meme start with a predditor furfag? im trying to keep all my autistic facts in check

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greatest western film coming through

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And that's a problem because?

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>no punk
>no grindcore
>half of these aren't even real genres.
>no "i'm based and listen to everything option"
shant be voting.

notable people drafted past the first round

miko koskinen
Ryan O Reilly
Jakob Silfverberg
Robin Lehner
Dmitry Orlov
Tomas Tatar
Tyson barrie
Reilly Smith
Casey Cizikas
Sami Vatanen
Mike Hoffman
Anders Lee
Erik Haula

primus is fucking TRASH

Damn, Beau Bennett completely out of hockey now

no ya dingus, it goes, Primus Sucks!

no, retard it’s “primus sucks”

What time is the draft lottery tomorrow?

no it's


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Last one.

>drafting zach boychuk over karlsson

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Les Claypool and Death Grips have a song together, wish it was on Spotify

go knights

Core tenets of /hoc/:
All core tenets of boomerism

fuck the knights

>mikkel boadker drafted before ek65
what the fuck is this

You say Taylor Swift, I say AC/DC

You say Lady Gaga, I say Johnny Cash

You say Hannah Montana, I say Queen

You say Owl City, I say Tool

You say Jonas Brothers, I say Nine Inch Nails

You say Justin Bieber, I say Nirvana

You say Lil Pump, I say The White Stripes

95% of normies choose crappy pop over and over again. If you're one of the 5% who still listens to real music, hit this post with some (you)'s!

I wasn't expecting much from The Claypool Lennon Experience, but damn do they work well together. Incredible


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this is when drafting big immobile defensive defenseman was still a thing. luke schenn was that type of prospect too. those types of players have basically been phased out of the nuhl.

Based and Boomerpilled

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Fuckin Fin gets me every time. He is like the sped kid who doesn't know whats going on

Not a fan of "le comedy rawk XDDD" bands like that even if they're otherwise good musicians

Based flames cat

>Sbisa was 19th overall

tied at 59 lads

unironically listen to all those based boomer bands to this day

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Stop bullying Fin

To be fair, this draft also gave us carlsson and doughty, and both are still effective defenseman in their own regards

pretty shit games on tonight and tomorrow, lads

There is no hockey on and how could a score be 59-59


Whatever happened to mcilrath anyway?

>Stinger looking like he's about to snap the fuck out
It's like that class picture that had the Columbine shooters in it

finnish goaltending


Tfw preds traded away the pick the sens used to take erik iarlsson

Carlson too. He's not even a particularly great skater but it's amazing how much more awful so many of the other dmen ahead of him are. Doughty/Pietrangelo/Karlsson/Carlson is a pretty good selection of dmen with hindsight 10 years later.

how do you guys listen to the same music over and over again for decades?

Why is the FurTed some kind of cricket

yeah, same here. that dude can play a hell of a bass, but his band is lame


He's on my 2nd pairing in Chel and he's my designated fighter (on D). Forwards I use Roslovic, Craig Smith, or Smech

Well if I had to sit next to that fetal alcohol syndrome penguin I wouldn't be happy either

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You can usually hear them at their games


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April Wine was a hell of a show. Seen them at the Burt

recently was called up from Grand Rapids to the wongs lineup for the last bit of the season

Filly don't do rebounds.

Jagsguy being in that class photo will always be my favorite useless fact of all time.

65-64 one minute left oh shit

carlsson and doughty are more offensive tho. that was back when teams still heavily believed in the whole >you cant team size thing. most drafts around that time had a few dmen drafted near the top 10, who we can look back at now and think it was a shit pick, but at the time they picked him because of his size.

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Fucking kek forgot all about that

Only organized sport (that isnt mma or boxing) that allows and condones fighting. Stupidest thing in sports. Love watching skilled hockey, fighting is boring bullshit.

t. my mom?

confirmed for never having played a contact sport.

only thing that could make this game better is if it went to OT


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Good night, /hoc/.

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t. Kypreos

Pietrangelo is underrated as fuck


night night...

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actually its 11:26

we going OT lads!

Proud of Detroit for not participating in this degenerate shit

Thank you for sbisa he has done absolutely nothing

you know its true

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Al the Octopus would take up all the room though 2bh

t.5'6 manlet that got scared when checking was introduced and quit contact sports

S-shut up

thinking about that redditpost someone posted here the other day about a guy who was transitioning into becomming a female but identifies as a woman and stopped playing mens hokkei because he couldnt hang.

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No happy that Game Of Thrones premiere is on same night as a #VGK game. Gonna be a long night

God natt kompis

Jesus, Jessica, are you on the rag?

Gonna play D&D after all the rest of that you fucking nerd?

/hoc/ d&d campaign when

actually my wife is letting me have a few friends over to play settlers of catan while she goes out with her boyfriend

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not drunk enough yet lads

i'll help

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For me it's supporting my local youth team that I grew up playing for, supporting my local college, AHL, and NHL team.

start pounding em, friend

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I call dibs on Wizard

I call dibs on the bagina

Patiently looking forward to the offseason where I get banned every 3rd post because god forbid a hockey general have off topic posts when there isn't any hockey

pepe the thief for me (am a perds fan)

It belongs to binlan

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>spurdo the barbarian

other than ted dick spamming, do off topics really get bans in here still? I thought the moderation left us alone here for the most part anymore.

My boyfriend expressed some well-founded concerns about the team yesterday before I informed him that our apartment is a designated "Knights are winning The Cup" zone until further notice and to keep the negativity to himself.

Would actually be down for this.
All the players have to pick classes based on >their team. Flames fans are pyromancers, Hurricanes / Lightning are sorcerers with lightning spells, Sabres play as fighters that can only use swords, etc.

based knights reddit posting. glad someone took it up in my absence.

Who needs friends when you have drugs

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same, but what about he shorks and cucks.

So I'm a Wings fan that some of you (kippers et al) may remember from last season). Been quiet this year for health reasons (but still rocked my Vegas shirt a few weeks ago on the plaza) but am happy to be back here for our second run for the Cup. So let's go do this!

thinking about the Calgary Flames Thanos Stones

What time is the lottery drawing?

>Game of Normies

Any animal team has to play as Druids, unless they can come up with a strong enough metaphorical connection to something else.
Like Bruins could play as a berserker or something that just wears a bear pelt.

Druids with wild shape

4:20 brah lol

Im bringing a min/maxed wizard

>penguins are fat waddling manlets that look like danny devito


how do we go about setting up the campaign?discord? i bet we could get enough people.

stop trying to force a /hoc/ discord

8 pm et

definitely nevada, taxes in CA are too high and you can't even get any fun guns

roll 20

there already is one. this wouldn't be that. one and done. in fact we can even move this to /trash/

What would the islanders/canucks be in D&D

oh yeah, duh. i'd be down. we should set one up for the off season

An Oilers fans review of his first visit to Las Vegas.

Before I even got to my seat I was high fived by several Golden Knights fans who were simply wanting a fun and competitive game, and clearly appreciated some of the Oilers players.

I was stunned by now nice the arena looked, it's laid out so well and the upper outer deck is a sweetass touch!

Even though my Oilers lost, it was nice to see another McGoal. I was particularly impressed by how well the fans were engaging their team at pretty much every appropriate time. Oilers fans could learn a thing or two about that.

The entertainment packages on the jumbotron were great too, with Predator getting two clips shown that were put to effective use.

All in all I was blown away by the whole experience. I can't wait to come back in the future and see how the playoff fever is around here. Great fans here, hope you get to experience a Stanley Cup win. I'll root for the Knights after the Oilers, Jets and Habs.

My uncle is a rancher and he works his ass off

This 2bh.

As bad of an idea as this probably is, I'd at least be down to give it a shot over the summer.

>your DM for the evening

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>always trying to force campaigns in the sunbelt

the virgins won la

i think it can work. it's not like we need a bunch of people. after pixelzone i'm convinced /hoc/ has a decent enough attention span.

He truly is the rigger

fuck off gary

>D&D with the /hoc/ lads might be a reality
No time like the present to learn the game, I won't pass this shit up

I'll pass it up 8 days a week. Take your retarded virgin bullshit some where else. It's fucking playoffs


i think latvia plays d&d. he might be in

yeah m8

so i'd be an archer huh? Well, that'd be my second choice I guess

A lot of Carl Cox and Maceo Plex for me lately, anyone else feel me?

piss drunk on a Monday lads, so stoked for the playoffs
thinking about 62 wins

who do you have for the cup


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Tuesday hangover that sounds grim

lightning probs, but I'm going shorks or jests

Do any of you see any massive upsets happening this year? Honestly, I don't see any of the underdog teams doing jack shit this season.

I have the official bracket

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I'm feeling one of those rn
Thank goodness for based excedrin

bloos>sams, unironically

feel like carolina and dallas could both pull upsets

Im down, I haven't played in a long time so I will be rusty

>he thinks the jets will make it out of the first round
oh no
oh no no no no

west is ripe for a 3 seed or wild card winner

It’d be more of an upset if the jets won

Avs will win check the digits

>Sharts over Vegass
I'm glad you believe in >us

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meant for

>he thinks the Jets won't make quick work of saint lose'is

i can't wait to come here and humiliate canada when all three teams are out in the first round

Leafs and Blues desu

sweet. i guess i'll remind /hoc/ after the ploffs?

for /hoc/ maybe.

for me, it's Alvvays lead singer Molly Rankin's Father, Aunt's and Uncle's band.


don’t think anyone here wants to see the jets succeed

I guess, I will do the same. Ill start working on some characters based on different teams for NPCs or whatever

Feeling this as well

Wheeler is a pretty cool guy

Until then.
Shall try to come up with campaign ideas in the meantime. Thinking that the party could be in service to the duchy of Lord Stanley.

Please help a NHL dummy out - What do those “x” and “p” mean?

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based as fuck. have you dm'd before?

>records since the break
>jets: 16-15-3
>blues: 23-6-4
for anyone with a brain

P for pussies and X for xtreme

fuck yes brother.

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I have, I am not a fan. I will if no one else wants to though

>regular season matters in the ploffs
you fucking mong

x means experience and p means playoffs

Absolutely seething rn

Weird flex but I got to meet Bark Andre Furry at CNA today and I’m super happy about it.

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>Bark Andre Furry

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what sort of exciting final will gary give us to help “grow the game?”

you on the right?

Colorado and Carolina

don’t think I would even watch

If you look at the football model, fans of opposing teams are allowed to talk in /nfl/ threads. If a fan of one team posts in the opposing game thread, they're banned from both the opposing thread AND their own team thread. I'm not saying we need to go that far. But we have a place for opposing fans and Knights fans to talk - /hoc/.

And again, I'm only suggesting this for the playoffs. That time of year is too intense, too personal, and too meaningful for some people. It will not be handled well. There's no need to tempt fate, especially if other team subs aren't nearly as lenient as us.

Not even a weeb but I love falling asleep to NHK world. Very soothing

yeah it doesn't matter which team is the hottest in the league and which league is having a complete breakdown
based retard

my little sister unironically met that dog and was so hyped about it.

>he watches the playoffs when his team isn't in it
pretty based desu

For me, it's reserving the verb "to meet" for other human beings.
One does not "meet" a fucking dog.

Who are our biggest rivals?

I’ve been following the Knights for over a year now, but I’m sort of a more timid person when it comes to sports and I struggle to harbor much animosity for very long. I know a lot of teams dislike us (or at least playing us) like the Flames, Sharks, Caps.... and in the beginning they were pushing for like, Arizona or Kings to be our rivals, and the Jets hate us for blocking like, 3+ of their trades, but what is the collective opinion of the fanbase? Do we have a true rival? Or are we just shit on for being the new guy and like... not sucking LOL

You should have seen how hyped she was to see my dick
Just kidding it's very underwhelming

What the fuck else am I going to do

I appreciate your honesty

p is for post-op teams, x is for gender neutral teams (think ‘latinx’ instead of latino or latina)

probably columbus and florida desu

has anyone set up a 3.5 campaign?

Jets or Knights are going to win.

No problem, not much point in lying to strangers on the internet.

watching raw lads

I scored a goal once in high school floor hockey

Gary wants the sunbelt, he was pushing trashville for a while but they have proven too shitty, probably carolina vegas

W-watch baseball?

I used to crosscheck the weaker kids in floor hockey after I'd get my Hattie so I could get kicked out of gym class and go buy puffed wheat

x-clinched ploffs
y-clinched division
z-clinched conference
p-clinched president's orb


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what a liar

so ridiculous I didn't even laugh

Would rather sudoku

Night lads

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cheeky, night

based and sleepypilled

ruined my night reading this cringe post but
Based and RP'd

how is it?

Columbus in 4

If Columbus gets swept in the first round, is it really like they even made to the playoffs?

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it's like they barely did now desu

even the dog knows its in danger

It's not like they have any draft picks anyways

/hoc/ bracket group?


anyone got tickets for the ploffs?

that dog is going to need its own therapy dog now

for me, it's looking stupid in an argument and closing the thread instead of responding

imagine not expecting an '04 repeat

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for me its seeing that happen and then continuing the argument on his behalf

I like to call myself a retard


how about you guys

What thread, lad?

why didnt you pick a lester winner?

based and ratpilled

Yeah they're yours for 10 large each


Yeah, I’m gonna take my horse to the old town road. I’m gonna ride ‘til I can’t no more.
Yeah, I’m gonna take my horse to the old town road. I’m gonna ride ‘til I can’t no more.


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Imagine thinking the Norris won't go to Girodano

t. not a Flim Flamer

What the fuck is that one for again

based and texaspilled

Yeah lets just rename the Ted Lyndsay award the year he fucking dies classy move NHL you fucking pricks

which games?


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>sunbelt hockey

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And the mark messier leadership award goes to

Matt Duchene

What a bitch

>mcdavid overheard telling trainers "It's broken"
>out 2 weeks
>sitting out worlds
Not that anything the IIHF does is meaningful, but if the oilers were in the playoffs he'd be playing sheltered minutes in game one. This is what happens when you let the crew steer the ship. They should trade him before his sissy glory boy attitude affects the rest of the lockers room

Based Youtube had this in my recommendations


I agree trade him and a first for Matt duchene

maybe if team canada was paying him 12+mill/year like the soilers are he would feel pressured to return.

The jets should trade trouba and a second for Duchene and dzingel I think

Maybe if he wanted to shed tthe glory boy sissy title he'd worry more about the name on the front of the jersey than the back. That's the tea sis

he went last year and was the only person who did anything again for team canada. literally goes on to a new team and its not any different than the shit he puts up with playing for the soilers.

based desu


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And the Lester Pearson award goes to

Matt Duchene

what are you talking about m8

Oh I'm sorry what did he win for us? Or did we get bounced by fucking Latvia or Germany or "not so Great" Britain again? Connor Mcdavids not a fucking leader. The only leading he does is down the fucking plank. He's a leaver more like

Mmmm bark youtu.be/HfTubrLqXCE
Build the lodge stop the river

Trouba's young and good, I think Byfuglien's lagging behind desu

also John Lennnons still alive

>This is what happens when you let the crew steer the ship.

>there's a fallen tree right behind the /beav/
are all beavs this retarded?

I just don't like the way he handled his contract situation last season. You want to play for a winner you respect the management. I'm a company guy and trouba spit on the jets. Fuck him

where are the other players? he was the only player on team canada last year who was ppg. why does he want to go and carry another team all by himself only to get blamed by people like you?

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>I'm a company guy
no company gives a shit about you m8

Hit the Listerine and go to bed, Sam.

He needs many trees bud

You're exposing your own ignorance. A team that let's a guy like Mcdavid wear a letter on his chest has an obvious culture issue.
I actually quite enjoy the company I provide myself

Your company man reply makes zero sense

what is the trophy for the pesäpallo championship called?

>I'm a company guy

Attached: 1550759006861.jpg (739x415, 26K)

Doesn't have to. Im always right. That's one of the reasons I enjoy spending time with myself
"Retarded alcoholic faggots playing baseball but more gay" world (sauna parking lot) championships

did the womens meme tourney start yet?


that doesnt look finnish. there arent enough k's, y's, and p's.

redpill me on mcmeme

>cant wait to see a sharks game user, mind taking me?

Attached: 0_gK3vj1QerLhAON1K.jpg (630x630, 86K)

yes, i do mind.

kinda like that song, but it's short as shit and gets boring fast

sorry dykes dont belong near hockey

Attached: just confetti my shit up.gif (480x480, 748K)

>tfw excited to see my bing bings in the playoffs

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this chick keeps asking me to take her to a kings game guys should I?

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WOAH Did someone here just say Bing Bing! I know that sound!

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i miss cosmo

watching mortal kombat to get pumped for ploffs lads.

no. a man could sit in that seat instead and actually enjoy the game.

>Yes, I'll take two tickets to see the Toronto Maple Leafs in game one of the playoffs please.

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holy shit those thighs

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yeah Trouba acted like a cuck and I don't think he's fully invested, but three weeks later you're gonna be glad he contributed to our Lord Stanley

Specifically GCW and Stardom . Since my girlfriend Hana Kimura is a Jets fan. Just like me

i don't see the issue

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nobody is going to get mad at you for getting help sam

It's Narcissa, bigot

I actually want to get the opposite of help. I just want to get fucked up and listen to sports games on the radio and post on /hoc/ intil I die

>your at work and a heavy box of metal bearing falls off the top of the lunch room fridge and you injure your back
>it takes 5 weeks for a doctor to see you for your excruciating pain
> finally get surgery and begin the long process of rehabilitation

Attached: CTeJUDlUAAAemRT.jpg (600x450, 59K)

shutup zhenya

>at last it is your first day at physical therapy and the dude on the right
is hogging EVERY machine
what do you do???

Why are there no hockey teams with train-themed names?

i always think sam is just peak irony but then i think he might actually be schizophrenic or something


18hrs 27m until the draft lottery

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>fuck guys I just dont think tampa can win this year

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those GUNS are BUSTING at the seams

There was just something lacking in Steve Passmore's game

If Edmonton wins, we riot.

probably mackinnon. or aho

Attached: meanwhile in edmongolia.webm (640x480, 1.81M)

They might
The last time the record was set for most wins (95-96 Wings), they that set the record didn't win that year.

>probably mackinnon. or aho

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MacKinnon was robbed last year

without them their teams don't make the playoffs. why would kucherov deserve it? he plays on a stacked as fuck team that could've still reached 40 some wins without him

what the fug


so you even admit that kucherov adds 20 wins to his team on his own

Stop bringing back those memories

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Attached: swagger, longer.webm (1280x720, 1.47M)

stat padding doesn't mean mvp. otherwise mcmeme would've won it last year

Not an argument.


the goalies in this sport should not wear big pads like cmon

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that was fun, i still remember it. 3 straight 5 vs 3s

Stop it

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>supporting an anal rapist

It's already April 9th

not yet

it will be thanksgiving and christmas again before you know it

2 more minutes lad


not on the best coast yet

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a few days will pass and it will already be time for preseason

i'm keen

Attached: f13.png (392x400, 194K)

West coast faggots need not apply

t. east coast neet up at 3 am
got to sleep, nigger

Now it's already April 9th

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17 hours until the lottery

Real Pacific Hours

this could be my last day ever as an nhl fan

kys least coast seethe poster.
RPH lads

you said that last year, steve

Attached: real pacific hours2.jpg (1200x831, 255K)

don't worry, i bribed gary


Attached: Beachbelt.png (1198x988, 270K)

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>still haven't included sj
not an official graphic i reckon.

Attached: inconsolable.jpg (421x718, 42K)

there's literally a beach 5 mins away from me

Tampa is also beach belt

Thinking about the good old days lads


Attached: 1530471625787.jpg (252x250, 62K)

been playing cod 4 remastered, it's pretty fun

>nj, boston, cucks, tampons, nj, sj, duckies,kongs
all beach belt


real phaggot hours


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ah yes, my favorite poster. feels good to be back.

based piano user. youtube.com/watch?v=Qk1WtIjF9Jw

check this piece out

Very nice

thinking about how based the yellow teams are lads
>golden knights

>golden knights
That's a big stretch user

yeah, nah

i prayed to the imaginary skydude for >my team

hockey is for pianists

and beaver enthusiasts

they aren't blue, red, black, or green m8.

also, i didn't include buffalo in the list, as they are a blue team of course.

what if i play classical guitar user

So then Knights are a "grey" team, correct?

>they think i'm on the east coast

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yeah definitely.

Attached: b7.jpg (1024x682, 184K)

Being flyover is just as bad in some peoples eyes.

kek. just kys.

imagine being landlocked AND not having the GOAT burger chain

Attached: GOAT-n-out.jpg (1200x800, 361K)

who you got in the ploffs m8

What's that beav thinking about

pic related.
who ever wins, everyone loses

hate it when cunts watch me work

Attached: itscanadiasyear.jpg (985x798, 148K)

best post

literally the worst time line

>goals scored
1 million.

did you lads join shannon's bracket challenge

give me one (1) reason the lighting beat the leafs.

next thread better be a shannon edition

just did. thanks.



You mean leafs beat the lightning?

Shannon vs. Brent vs. Neil

Who will have the best bracket?


you know what i meant.

shannon. brent and neil's are trash

>not riding the lightning

end of thread reminder that hockey IS gender neutral

Attached: nwhl-18.png (765x650, 188K)


>your 2019, 2020, and 2021 Stan Lee Cup Champs

Attached: hoc-vgk.jpg (340x340, 29K)

end of thread reminder hockey IS a boys only club

>only 65 ip's
step it up, /hoc/

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end of thread reminder bulju is a generational bust


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actual new

who the fuck is brent and neil

>J E S T

Wheres Honky?