/cbb/ general - TITLE GAME edition

General discussion.

Game thread here:

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's over. Tech can't recover

fuck virginia

Boring game

Rout, not worth watching

this game is gonna be a blowout

TT wins by 10.

college basketball sucks

>TT defense

Fuck three threads what the fuck WHY

pass it out holy shit


I though ncaa games were supposed to be close?

Chris Tucker really is something special.

His performance tonight might be better than anything he showed in The Fifth Element

>college basketball sucks

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where he perform?

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Did they just call on offensive foul on Tech when that UVA nigger tripped money?

Win or lose all of these guys are brads/chads. They probably fuck whole sororities and are living their best lives right now.

user, why don't you tell us some stories from your days as a player?

Woke up 4am to practice M-F. Got shitty grades. Had knee surgery, lost my scholarship.

Imagine if you could do all that and keep your grades spectacular.

anyone else noticing CBS skipping parts of the game for sake of ads, its getting ridiculous

They're not skipping. They are 'ad timeouts'.

the rate of STD's in Lubbock surpasses even Arizona State.

There are 4 threads...

Sounds about right.

What if Texas Tech wins? lol

Can I get a race check on UVA 0?
He looks like a chigger but could easily just be Ilongot or some other fucked up austroasian highland tribal.

>big 12
>winning anything
Not possible, but neither is Virginia making a deep run, so here we are.

literally can't find any of them, so linked the game thread in use. go there.

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just your reminder that this thread will literally die tomorrow and there won't be another /cbb/ until March.

link them

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The real issues right here folks

His name is Kehai Clark so that helps zero

duke would bootyblast both these shit teams

>be duke

next game bread:

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NOBODY actually watches college sports.
This is rhe fucking WORLD FINAL and this thread is on page 8

I'm still proud of my Red Raiders, good job Virginia

>the city of muttholms

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Won one Yea Forums group, finished 3rd in another. Whats it like knowing that my basketball knowledge is scientifically PROVEN to be better than yours?

Aren't you supposed to be in prison?


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That was the right play to throw it away there, he was clearly going to be tackled for a loss

Lol go back to irrelevancy, Tech.

Imagine going to the worst school in the state and this being your one chance at relevancy and your team chokes

It's just not fair, Virginia committed the same foul at the end of regulation and they got away with it

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Sure kid

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how much white pussy will Hunter slay tonight?

It was a perfect clean block

A metric fuckton

what the fuck is wrong with this game that they can slap the ball out of bounds and overturn the call because it looks like the player's pinky was still on the ball as it left the slap. just slap it out of bounds and it's your ball again! dumb shit sport.

Whilst being poor as shit, gotta hand it to the kids that made it out with a degree and some good memories.

Won $50 tonight. Feels pretty good.

You people have serious issues. Get help


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based savior of the white race Kyle Guy finna boutta get unpersoned

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Welp now my uni has another reason to mimic this boring Virginia offense. Thanks for nothing tech

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Based Virginia picker. Won $200 myself.

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What's the chimpout situation in Lubbock?

No one was going to watch your team play anyway.

Even though TTU, loss I’m so proud to see a team like that go all the way to the championship game while taking down teams like Gonzaga, Michigan, and Michigan St. along the way. Really hope Moretti and Edwards return for next season.

>Oregon bailout
>multiple bs calls and no calls against Purdue
>multiple bs call and no calls against Auburn
>blamed TT for Guy tripping over Diakite
>no call on Guy fouling the TT wop
>5 minutes to review muh pinky though
face it, UVA was having a 30:30 script written for them starting when they lost to UMBC last year. Lucrative storyline, >muh redemption, gives the precious ACC another title and coach to be "elite" when K and Roy retire

oh and Nike wins another one, while getting off scott-free from the FBI

Virginia didnt deserve to be in this game, then refballed TTU, countless over the backs for the fucking "story", changed calls, uncalled tie ups.
Fuck this gay sport

Not that much, people sulking back to their homes cursing that badly called foul. Cops are out in force keeping the peace

Lol imagine being this upset over a game

This tbqh
It sucks going out that way.

>not caring about the waning integrity of the game
imagine being an unathletic fatass lmao

That projection

>wanting to inject more ambiguity into the game and thinking that will reduce the amount of bad calls or refball
lmao, even soccer is adding replay retard. If the teams were reversed nobody would even care. Get over it.

I will and that's what matters

6'1" 185, still 4.0 tennis, and scratch golfer, played varsity bball
It feels good knowing that I"m better than you :^)

I mean.... he's not lying, maybe he went to a Mexican restaurant and they forgot his food

God I hate forced story lines so much. But It's true.

I just want Tech to not be shit on for once

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Jerome is a really good point guard

The people crying about the video review seriously need to get shot

Clearly off his pinky, this isn't debatable. Clear and obvious evidence so no fucking bitching

Who is the biggest loser of the tournament?

Marquette. they were like 8-2 against the top 25 and completely shit the bed down the stretch and flamed out in the first round

All those higher seeds that got upset

Marquette completely mentally imploded and didn't do anything close to good basketball worthy of the tournament

All those teams that missed the tip ins that wouldn't killed off Duke 2 times in a row
Coach K failing to make the most talented team play anything close to team basketball

UNC and Kentucky being ass despite all the 5 stars

Tech for doubling Jerome going to the rim, up 3, and allowing a wide open 3 from Hunter to tie and go to OT

Seriously Tech was 2 good defensive plays from winning it all and chocked

Wasn't Marquette a memechucking team that got BTFO when they ran up against an NBA-level athlete like Ja Morant?

>be the "Big" "12"
>blow it
Checks out.

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Ja didn't even do much impressive shit, he got a lot of assists and didn't score even 20 points

Marquette's defense was horrid, they completely ball watched and allow a shit ton of cuts and open corner shots

>be any conference but the ACC
>blow it
Checks out

That's your logic

1. MSU - only lose 1 starter, get their leading scorer back
2. Michigan - Core of what was the best team in December stays mostly intact
3. Marquette - Everyone back from probably the best BE team
4. Auburn - Lose their best player, but everyone else is back
5. Virginia - Might lose their two best players, but also their worst player
6. Kentucky - Not sure who's staying or going yet, Herro coming back would bump them up
7. Kansas - Assuming Doke is back
8. Maryland - Lose Fernando, but everyone else is back
9. Seton Hall - Probably a tad high, but Myles Powell is the truth
10. Gonzaga - Breakout year for Norvell coming up
12. Villanova - They might be back to being 1-2 seed good, but I don't think they'll be back to final 4 good
13. Louisville - Returning a lot of talent, and a good recruiting class
14. Texas Tech - Despite a bare cabinet Chris Beard gets the Bo Ryan treatment for preseason rankings now
15. Oregon - Finished hot, we'll see if it carries over
16. Tennessee - A few important guys could stay or go
17. Houston - Waiting on a breakthrough for this program
18. UNC - Get absolutely gutted this off-season. Might have a year like Kansas just did.
19. Ohio State - Had a successful rebuilding year
20. Utah State - Has the best shot blocker in the nation
21. St. Mary's - Could challenge Gonzaga for a regular season title
22. Cincinnati - If Cumberland stays
23. Arizona - #1 recruiting class, but I don't really follow that
24. FSU - Lose a ton, but Kabengele might be ACC POTY if he comes back
25. VCU - Everyone back for what was probably a top 5 D last year
Bracket Buster Subedition
1. New Mexico State - mini-Virginia with a redemption tour after they should have beat Auburn
2. Harvard - Was without the reigning Ivy League POTY this year and they still almost beat Yale in the title game on their home court
3. Davidson - Kellen Grady is NBA level on offense
4. Colgate - Hung with Tennessee
5. UTSA - Might have the best scorer in the country

it's extra gay because we already got >muh ACC redemption! narrative in 2017 when UNC beat a deserving Gonzaga

Yea Forums SEETHING over this one
The champions were deserve

Imagine thinking the refs only missed calls against virginia. I
magine thinking moretti didn't touch that ball last
Mind boggling

The game was exciting and the refs are very fine people, on both sidelines let me tell you, very fine people


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only game left of the season now is UCLA v. Coaching Search

They should just hire lavar ball

Culver missed 17 shots last night

Gonna be great when their win gets vacated when its showed they threw the game last year and their was a ref conspiracy this year lol

>throwing games

UVA as an institution has a stick so far up its ass that it burps leaves. they would shut down any sport just to prove a point. that's why i'm honestly shocked they could compete in big-time bball, much less win.

Hunter ate that ass up
Had him so shook he was jacking up pull up 3s with 8 seconds left to win the game like a retard LMAOOOOOO

Ass blasted tripshit BTFO

Anyone that complains about the replay reversal or Virginia winning are literally the most low IQ casuals imaginable.

Obvious evidence it was off his pinky with 3 different camera angles
Tech collapsed on the same exact floater drive Jerome missed 1 play before, up 3 with 17 seconds left.

Then tried to win the game on a contested pull up 3 with 8 seconds left, was given 1 second to win it because a retarded mistake by Virginia, got blocked clean, then completely collapsed in OT taking only contested 3s and suddenly making dumb fouls to give Virginia a lead with FTs

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first time this trip ever said anything true, although they didn't throw the game last year, they were just garbage (which is why they had to be shoehorned through this year)

yea the ball may have brushed his pinky as it was being punched out of bounds by the UVA guy, how the fuck do you reward that shit by giving them the ball back when it was already called for TT.

>punch the ball out of bounds
>get it back in your possession
great sport faggot

I was mad about that. The guy just needed a two to win

This honestly does feel fake for the sake of the ncaa's/media's story they wanted. From the uncalled double dribble, to fouls, to maybe a pinky touching the ball after uva slapped it out after a great steal... This was gifted to them. The more I reflect on it the more disgusted I am.

>Make defensive play to take the ball out of offensive player's possession and take away chance to score in transition
>Hurr durr that's bad

Shut the fuck up you fucking loser

>Hit the ball out of bounds
>somehow it’s your ball even though you hit it out

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Faggot nigger. There was another out of bounds that was hard to tell and Texas Tech got it. If they wanted to rig they would've given UVA the ball on that one.

Didn't you see that a couple of cells from the ttu players hand were clearly in contact with the ball?

>that magical foul uva had on their own player for tripping over his own player

You bloody cunt, that play close only in the sense that players were near, ball spin didn't change and clearly was TT ball

Because his pinky was the last living thing to touch the ball before it went out of bounds. That's how the rules work. Are you dumb?

>being this delusional
The salt UVA generated with their superiority is amazing. So many faggots with nothing in their life upset it was last year over again.

>m-m-muh missed shots excuses piss poor and biased officiating
what about Guy's uncalled over the back?

what about Guy getting 2 free points for tripping over thin air, which erased a Tech 3-point lead + possession?

what about Guy fouling Davide at half court before Hunter smacked the ball out of bounds?

UVA got all the calls and momentum help after the 3:00 mark in OT

Cry more, bitch nigger.

>everyone is mad and I can shitpost
>that makes a horrible job by the refs and gifted natty okay

>I don't like UVA
>That justifies my delusions of "muh refball"
Your tears are delicious.


Fraud-u-lent. Enjoy having an asterisk next to this one virgins, no amount of seething will take it away.


Um. Who's seething?

Ironically, the only people seething are the ones claiming that UVA are not the champs

Imagine having to settle to going to Texas Tech instead of UT or A&M

Okay, I'm imagining it.

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>having to settle for one of the only worse in state schools than TTU

The ball was in his hand until it was poked out.
None of the angles proved that his pinky was still actually touching the ball clearly enough to overturn the call, but they did anyway.

>I like Virginia
>That justifies the 4 straight games of referee assistance they received
Your cope is palpable

This. I couldn't believe that they didn't call that. It obviously threw Moretti off balance allowing for the ball to be knocked out in the first place. It was absolutely a reach in foul and once again, the refs just happened to miss it.

>Referees literally just do their job and enforce the rules
>Waaaaahh why are the refs helping UVA?
Seethe harder


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>worse than Tech
Denton is awesome, or it is compare to Lubbock.

D-I college experience, public school edition:

UT > UH > UNT > TxSt > UTSA >>>>>>>>>>>>> UTEP >>>>>>>>>> Tek

>literally dead overnight until November

Feels batman

They didn't enforce the double dribble

do they ever

It’s their job

>find "Hoiberg"
>0 matches

Nice thread, faggots

That’s old newz

Coach K is planning to retire from coaching at Duke. Rumors is Lebron is trying to get him to come coach for the Lakers and form a superteam.

What team will Chris Beard be coaching next season?

texas tech. but in a couple years he will be at texas

is it, though?


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That's fucked up. Not only should the whole program be given the death penalty but the people responsible should be in jail immediately. Trump wouldn't put up with this if he was in charge

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Hey Rock...

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Hey rock eeee

This doesn’t seem right

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>middle America and Cali
No, it looks exactly right.

good one


Also just noticed I left a hole at 11 where Duke should be. Idk about their incoming freshmen, but maybe this will be a more traditional Duke team with all the upperclassmen returning. A Goldwire-Tre Jones starting backcourt would be throwback K.

KU will infuriate me in March

the big 12 is always there to infuriate you

literally whom

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A Michigan school will make the Final Four and lose

that was 2019

>/cbb/ over

>college baseball incoming

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1) /CFB/
2) /cbb/ in march
3) /cbb/ the rest of the time
4500) College boreball
90000000001) every other college sport

which one is cfb? is that the one where alabama and clemson play the only important game each year?

that would be like saying the only meaningful sex is the sex that creates a baby.


>having to listen to ACC fags talk shit for six months

Get it the fuck done next year, Zags, and ACC please know that you suck OUT LOUD at football.


>ACC please know that you suck OUT LOUD at football
They're the 2nd best conference right behind the SEC though?

bitch i said ACC not B1G, name one quality acc football team other than clemson.

there isn't one, fuck off until september


at what, golf?


Everything after 2015 is pure fucking kino

A&M comeback down 10, Loyota, UMBC, etc.

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>college football = /cfb/
>college hoops = /cbb/
where do i start looking for college baseball