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Other urls found in this thread:



schaub was never good

>Real sport

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this thread aint it chief


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This is what is ruining heem

Mad cuz your mom’s a fan?

Cody Bless

Attached: AE16E0F9-E967-4A57-94C2-C94B504F9F2A.jpg (1200x800, 115K)

That is what makes /heem/ great.

>saying the same shit over and over again

more like Dillon Anus

Heem has never been more popular yah virgin spastic

>implying you haven't been complaining like a nerd for years

Baldur's gate character ass looking nigga

for the first time in my life im ashamed in public when i tell people i post on /heem/

>shitposting at 4 in the morning about vidya in an ugly bunda fetish general
go to sleep you NEET shitstain

Can't wait for Danis' second fight. Shit is going to be kino.

I don't do picks often, but the last one I got right was Swanson vs Lobov

>Dern gadooshing abc was a year ago

tyron wins the rematch

Heem has ruined my life
I keep accidentally using "heem" in real life
eg "That guy got heem'd", "I wouldn't want to get heem'd", "brutal heem, my young buck"

No one knows what I'm saying

let's hope for a career-ending pregnancy

I also imitate Schaub when I think someone has a retarded opinion.

i did call it back in december.

I say heem and gadoosh irl and everyone loves it. They think I’m super creative and funny. Thanks frens :) other people in my friend circle are saying it at our viewing parties

Hey guys, new to the sport, whats up with these memes about Jon Jones doing steroids?

Don't the fighters get tested before every fight?

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*enters the thread*

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why are all women figters lesbians

Dear Coral, I wrote you but still ain't callin'
I left my trip, my post, and my Schaub webm at the bottom
I sent two replies back in March, you must not-a got 'em
There probably was a problem at the Broward server or somethin'
Sometimes I scribble filenames too sloppy when I jot 'em
But anyways, fuck it, what's been up? Man how's Brendan?
My girlfriend's pregnant too, I'm 'bout to be a father
If I have a daughter, guess what I'm a call her?
I'ma name her Joanna
I read about your Uncle Tiger too I'm sorry
I had a friend kill himself over some mom who molested him
I know you probably hear this everyday, but I'm your biggest fan
I even got the underground shit that you did with spammy
I got a room full of your posters and your pictures man
I like the shit you did with Lukas too, that shit was fat
Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back,
Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan
This is user

Clawja is straight

Attached: do it for her.png (1400x1000, 1.4M)

the state of this thread

Sup. I'm a veteran of the community (Been here since 189). Jon is clean

Askren was out

if they weren't they would get pregnant

Attached: tattoo chad.jpg (387x466, 34K)

Same, im not a very social person so i find that drawing from the banter here has helped me a lot in social interactions. I often burst out in Mcgregor or Schaub impressions and get lots of laughs.

I disagree

Things have slowed down, the perfect opportunity to remind people

Attached: chuck accolades.jpg (1639x220, 119K)

Prime /heem/ heems /box/

I invented this quote

>inventing anything


Attached: 1552594311151.jpg (378x448, 25K)

daily reminder that white people invented chili con carne

White people invented stealing

For me? It's Ladd

Attached: top ladd 3.png (598x333, 411K)

who else /pulsating/

I own this picture

>tfw no gf to pulsate my cum into

Attached: How-to-make-the-perfect-grilled-cheese-square1-660x430.jpg (660x430, 44K)

Post more ladd

she could easily beat me up
I love that for her

We invented colored tv

>Head coach at my Unis boxing club is pregnant by someone she is coaching in the club
/heem/ was right again, women coaches aren't inherently bad but I have had a few problems at this club. The lack of professionalism or structure at this club is a problem too. Cements my opinion to start looking elsewhere for a better gym, the club is great for the price but there are a few problems. She teaches us some techniques that work in women's boxing and lower weight classes but don't apply to me. I also get overlooked a lot because she has a few favorites, even when I am doing something wrong. I am looking to make the hop to MMA and get into kickboxing and wrestling. What should I look for in a gym?

Attached: Yes, it's just a tattoo artist..png (598x601, 939K)

Move to Miami. American top team. It's the only way

>Evil Cowboy fighting soon
can't FUCKING wait

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I'm gonna take take my horse to the old town road

I'm gonna ride till I can't no more

Attached: 1554674704367.png (1017x739, 961K)

Too far south for me, I am looking to move anyways (Upstate NY rn) but am still looking at options.

>female coach
>for striking
thats your issue

>tfw I killed the man in the wall

Attached: 3D63F7A0-1DD2-418D-9F90-6A0E312EDC58.jpg (767x431, 930K)

Riding on a tractor
Lean all in my bladder
Cheated on my baby
You can go and ask her
My life is a movie
Bull riding and boobies
Cowboy hat from Gucci
Wrangler on my booty

Attached: 1554074656313.png (177x171, 56K)

serra-longo then

I could see a few problems right away, can someone give me a full rundown on female coaches for mens sports?

Strongstyle MMA

Attached: tayn_pure_strikes.webm (480x852, 1.74M)

> female

holloway pulled out
poirier pulled out
ferguson has been declared interim champion

Artem quite literally today confirmed that headgear, via mass energy equivalence, in fact, amplifies the force of strikes

>1 specific example of a female with bad striking proves all females are bad strikers
I mean fuck dude, she's literally even admitting her striking is shit right there. I could just as easily post a webm of Brunson or Askren or some guy with shit striking and it still proves nothing. I get that you want to meme and everything, but fuck off.

they should just give him the actual belt, khabib has refused to defend so he's not the champ anymore

I also watched his spot on Ariel Helwani's MMA show and can confirm that Artem said this bullshit on air

i sometimes am immediately tempted to do this on other threads but then I realise and have to actually counter the argument instead of shitpost it because of how stupid it is

It's tough my guys

if you take the 100 best strikers in the world what percent do you think would be female?

Too far south, I am literally on the other end of the state
Possibly, although I haven't heard much good about Ohio


Attached: cowboy.gif (480x270, 647K)

Probably not many because there are significantly less women in combat sports than men

How do you go from this?

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To this?

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that walkway is a ramp, otherwise rogan would get absolutely MOGGED

cmon bro im eating

How true is this?

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post more felice

oh yeah for sure that's the reason my guy

Oh no boner no again.

Attached: stop-it-boner.-no-meme.jpg (600x561, 28K)

please don't bully dc in this thread

Like this

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How much did Artem get for the bare knuckle fc fight?

bout tree fiddy

Uh, yeah, that's definitely 100% the reason. Don't blame me because you ask stupid questions. You could have very easily framed that in a way that supports your argument, but you chose to ask something absolutely fucking useless like "durr why is more gooder men in MMA than women!?" I genuinely struggle to imagine being this much of a peabrained simp. Don't reply.

Marreta will fold jones like a beach chair

Nobody can beat Jon. He has no weaknesses.

why are you this upset about it?

yeah leaving your drugs in the car after you crash is for sure a strength my guy

He deserves it for being an obese little cheating fuck against Stipe. I'd adore seeing Jones crack a shin off of his manlet dome piece and drill his stupid face into the canvas a second time. And no, I'm not just being edgy, I genuinely want to see Cuckmier in tears yet again for what he did to my boy. He literally stole the GOAT status from him.

Attached: 1553711656165.webm (640x480, 2.46M)


Not an argument.

His only weakness will be age

I'm having fun here my guy. I enjoy belittling and embarrassing bigoted retards like you on the internet. It's literally a hobby of mine lmao.

lol stipe is an overrated bum. not even a top 5 all time hw.

this is how i feel, even if he gets ko'd this year, it will be because of age

>J-Jon will lose...t-this time!!!

Ngannou would scramble DC's brains. Even Werdum would have given him issues.

ross pearson retired

Why didn't Tyron just punch Marty?

>he enjoys being objectively wrong for the sake of (You)s

yeah for sure a bright future for you buddy

heem, kickboxing or jiujitsu?

>Bryan Callen is in the Joker movie

Attached: clawja 3.jpg (640x471, 33K)

he was having an out of body experience

fucking finally, this guy has been gadooshed since forever, he was close to achieve Artem status

Does Bare Knuckle have any longevity? I can't see many MMA fighters or boxers moving over en masse just to get more injuries, less pay, etc. At least not the big names. And Bellator has already cemented itself as the official retirement home. I guess they could survive by poaching mid-level cans from UFC and turning them into main event stars? But for how long? And how many fights will the fighters be able to do before the injuries catch up with them?

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Sure I'm wrong, when all you've done so far in this conversation was ask a meaningless question and say "u-ur mad lol!". Oof I'm really feeling btfo here, could you let up a little? Show some mercy, please.

No, it's a meth money laundering front

you really need the (You)s this bad, huh?

Attached: 1552103409947.png (454x600, 397K)

What exactly do you think we're arguing here? I think it's safe to assume that nobody in this webm is a trained professional when it comes to striking. This obviously has nothing to do with any kind of formal martial arts, much less the teaching of them. You're reaching here my guy.

As long as you keep supplying them, pal


yeah here's your (You)

*heems you

six of these are mine lmao

For me, it's Joanna

Attached: DQi-cOxW0AE0xVS.jpg (824x1024, 80K)

She must have had some daddy issues

Not memeing. Women are great at picking up on BJJ, but they literally do not have the coordination to strike.

>Bryan Callen as a stripper

Attached: 1553818286972.gif (320x240, 2.65M)

Nah you've been flushed kid, take a breath.

those shorts are killing me bros...

Attached: joanna.jpg (1080x1350, 194K)

this is unironically the first webm on heem.com i ever masturbated to

Attached: 1547040484728.webm (1280x720, 1.91M)

u mad lel

Ok, is that just your opinion or what?


people are retarded


Stopped reading here.

I fucking hate brendan schaub

Name me some top level strikers in WMMA

I hate Tiger more for some reason. Seems like a spoiled little shit

Attached: Tiger makes out with mom.webm (480x600, 2.72M)

Mackenzie Dern
Chris Cyborg

Attached: Schaub walk off KO over an MMA legend.png (893x601, 831K)

Why is MMA such a freakshow? You got clowns like Dannis, Lobov, Schaubi, then on top of that terrorists like Jones and Khabib or schizo pedophiles like Ferguson and Conor.

Literally no other sport is filled with so many weirdos.

What gives?


Cyborg (inb4 durr she got knocked out!!! xD le can)

Now, I know that you'll probably just call everyone that I just named a can or something but whatever. You obviously aren't interested in actual discussion.

Do you expect a lot of well-balanced people to partake in human cockfighting for shit compensation?

schaubposting is driving everyone away from heem except for preppy zoomer cazzies

OC reaction images are mostly based but can we please at least cut back on the same stupid schaub shit gifs over and over before i heem myself

Attached: 1553195485385.jpg (900x600, 64K)

Not the guy you're going back and forth with but Shevchenko and Rose are the only ones with decent technique and footwork

>good striking
Rewatch her getting dominated by Shevchenko. It wasn't even back and forth.

>schaubposting is driving everyone away from heem except for preppy zoomer cazzies
People have been saying this for 5 years LOL

Attached: baby brown.jpg (640x640, 62K)

Imagine being this naive.

Yeah, see, this is what I mean. There's no point in even trying to pretend to have a discussion if you're just going to say dumb fuck shit like this.

>can we please at least cut back on the same stupid schaub shit gifs over and over

Attached: 1554422028591.gif (480x270, 1.98M)

major off, my guy

Attached: schaub.png (405x613, 143K)

>people were saying zoomer 5 years ago

sure pal

I'm going to go play DMC5. Later friends

Attached: schaub submits a can.webm (712x398, 798K)

>grasping this hard

>still saying Yikes as if it invalidates someone's point
Your buzzwords don't work in arguments

Didn't you just say 'zoomer' and 'cazzie'

Attached: (you).png (600x600, 832K)

I wasn't the user you were responding to.

>Eddie Bravo has the whitest teeth in this pic

didn't see that one coming desu

That's even more cringe desu

>buzzwords! buzzwords! get ur buzzwords here

You have admitted defeat

Attached: tips (2).jpg (203x199, 12K)

>accuses people of using buzzwords

>says buzzword as if it magically invalidates an argument


Not an argument.


this is a pretty good thread, but its not THE thread

>3 words
>calling it one word
You okay, retard?

is brendan schaub a buzzword?

for the next and upcoming thread, we should let the bong make the thread

Not an argument


shevchenko - only one who deserves to be on this list
nunes - brazilian tranny
cyborg - you already know
andrade - 3peat
rose - not enough power to compete with most any fit male her size
GDR - has one decent win in mma
Holm - probably the runner up on this list
Waterson - kek


Not him but how can you have Holm as the runner up over GDR when GDR literally beat Holm in a striking match?

weak up Jacare

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*dabs to Mo Bamba*


Not a bad record, to be honest
Over all, I mean
Kinda tails off in the last quarter

Attached: not bad.jpg (532x612, 107K)

Why would you respond to someone saying Nunes isn't a good striker because she's a "Brazilian tranny"?

I invented buzzwords

more like last third haha

i was gonna make the argument that holm has done consistently better against higher ranked opposition than GDR but honestly you're right

She is more of a brawler from what I've seen, I could be wrong since I don't really watch WMMA

legitimate title contention not even once

He was a Big Nog win away from heeming Cain

Andrade, Nunes and Cyborg all get away with just being the toughest strongest females when they have to compete with men they would lose that edge and then they don't have much else

Reminder Conor already decimated Holloway and Porier

Attached: asskren.jpg (1000x576, 129K)

If your favorite fighter promoted CBD oil, please unfollow them on all social media


>having a favorite fighter
what are you 12?

Porier knocked out Conor's tooth.

For me, it's the bbq corn nuts

>corns nuts

alcoholic tier snack senpai

Porier got his ass whooped. fuck that fake nigger

Conor was my favorite fighter now i like colby but he needs to fight. Might go all in on ferguson especially if he fights conor. Holloway is reddit. Ngannou is my nig

Ngannou deserves respect. Holloway has never fought a wrestler

Ngannou got outed by Stipes wrestling than went and fought the two best wrestlers in the division and knocked them out in like a minute in total

Imagine being this caz. I bet you like cheetos or something homosexual like that.

I honestly think Seth Rollins would heem Whittaker

Glass body vs glass body

so you're saying corn nuts are your favorite snack and you don't have a spiraling out of control drinking habit?

Attached: Screenshot_20190114-162051~2.png (1080x1449, 881K)

oh for sure blaydes and patchcorn cain are MUNSTERS

At least he never lost to any total cans. All the guys that beat him had pretty good careers.

it's not even the feet but jesus this photo makes me uncomfortable

you can see her bud'ole

What really does it for me about this .webm is she is being such a blatant footslut as a public figure wearing the uniform of her employer. I don't even like feet sexually, but this behavior is fucking lewd and gets me worked up.

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this guy gets it

Attached: Screenshot_20180819-104712.png (1080x1920, 1.62M)

tfw your boy is getting close to title contention
bottom textualization

Attached: me.jpg (1200x800, 203K)

Travis Browne is a beast of a peach

Are you really this homosexual?

I think every webm ive seen of her is something lewd, in a bad slutty way. No thanks for me desu.

I've reached DMT like states while kundalini breathing in an isolation tank AMA

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Hypothetically, if Conor had retired after 205 then fought Floyd as a free agent, he would have made more money, right? Would the UFC be able to take any legal action? If he jumped ship

Shit taste
Patrician taste

Dont be afraid to change gyms and get the most of the trial classes, if possible check the morning classes too, they tend to be give by different people, look something run by old ex boxers, active fighters rarely have the time to also teach and leave that work to slightly over the average chumps

prime schaub would heem ngannou

Attached: IMG_6454.jpg (1056x1200, 170K)

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Favourite female fighter?

Its been fun being an mma fan and talking to you guys, but I'm leaving mma and jumping on the Bare knuckle boxing hype train. Bye.

wake up Dustin

Attached: Max Holloway.png (520x325, 160K)

based italia

See ya in a week

bare knuckle is disturbing

For me it's M1 Medieval


Well it's definitely more entertaining than normal boxing.


In the early 2000s I watched some UFC highlights on TV and thought that it was cool as fuck. The first highlight I saw featured a rear naked choke finish and I wanted to try it out. The next day I went to my cousin's house and I made him fight me. I put him in a standing RNC. I saw him lift his hand to tap out but he went limp all of a sudden. I let go and he collapsed and hit his head on the concrete floor. His body started to seize and his eyes started fluttering. He woke up after a few seconds. He was okay afterwards, he didn't end up retarded or anything. I consider my fight record to be 1-0.

Could use a BJ Penn to relieve some tension.

It must be like shooting fish in a barrel if you look anything like her father.

Chael and Ariel talk mandrama, machida,


Attached: byroncanoli.jpg (584x1297, 58K)

Damn Khabib is gonna fight the winner of poirier/max in abu dhabi

I don't know about the rest, but this post makes it seem like Mayweather is not one of, if not the, greatest boxer of all time. Which is not true.

you mean khabib is gonna fight max in abu dhabi

It's an easy win, either one of those dumbasses gets wrestlefucked

Attached: reddit joke.png (386x94, 6K)

155 max heems khabib

Attached: Heemed.jpg (1080x819, 226K)

So Max is doing an AMA on reddit tomorrow. Lets all ask him about Schaub vs Ngannou.

>having a reddit account

> I often burst out in Mcgregor or Schaub impressions and get lots of laughs.

From your mum?

why not both?

Would I learn this style of slick takedown in BJJ wrestling or judo?


Thoughts on Stipen?

its a pretty basic head and arm throw, there are a lot of variations of it in Judo and wrestling and while you might never use it in competition you should also learn some form of this in BJJ, we covered hip tosses in No-gi like a month ago.

judo. You saw rousey do this to people a lot.
inb4 >wmma XD

Just jerked off to felice, lads.

Cheers guys. I'd like to learn Judo, looks like fun.

Why are all male models gay

Hey, user.

Attached: felice.jpg (1080x1226, 123K)

she looks like a mix between Jenifer lawrence and a man.

Max is pretty ugly, I think I'll pick him.

I invented /heem/ btw

Attached: FLW god.png (1224x654, 615K)

Alex Caceres

Vegans fall apart but he's a pro fighter? Somethings not adding up

is this the mike tyson podcast?

Who says that?

>implying /heem/ hasn't been like this for 4+years

sv3rige and meat eaters everywhere

Now that its been established I could heem everyone here, what general should I start heeming left and right next?


they need a good heeming


Daily Reminder Conor is a deadbeat

Attached: 56904919_346061959588603_4140429618161123328_n.png (615x730, 423K)

When did it all go downhill for goobs?

Attached: 20140927_jla_cs1_1185.jpg.0.jpg (1200x800, 129K)

right about here

Attached: Nate beats a child.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)


how the fuck do the diaz brothers even make money these days?

They sell merch and often do special guest BJJ seminars at gyms.

Attached: 3456789.png (601x750, 614K)

not Nate

Attached: 389792835235.png (640x640, 440K)

That is really cool. But if you are a big guy and not a cuck you would be in the /heem/ Whatsapp chat already


Monkeysoup cuck

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how many songs you think he can name from joy division?

at least 1

They should sell smoking pipes and other WEED LMAO 420 ;D redditor trinkets. Its all they are known for these days.


Attached: file.png (664x374, 441K)

Gonna be honest guys, the only reason I Schaub post is to fit in. Anytime I be myself here, I get shit on by everyone for my opinions. So I decided to just post Schaub just so I could be accepted here.

Daily reminder MMA officially finished boxing in the last 2 years. Fury vs Wilder only had 300k ppv. It is our time now

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Who is your fav LW fighter?

Boxing is done bruh we /notechnique/ now

Attached: Let Me bang Bro.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Kek even looks like he was about to cry at the end like the original video


Most popular words ITT.

Attached: words.jpg (1195x248, 41K)


>reminder retarded saying schaub shit

Attached: 1554376649286.jpg (750x737, 99K)

>MMA fighters trying to box

Attached: 39315da2ed9cd1302ef7329171f37a83.jpg (683x649, 61K)

you wouldn't know a bang if it hits you in the face cus youd be starched

Canelo looks like he just came from Auschwitz here

Attached: Pac Broner.webm (1280x720, 1.36M)

I showed my friend this and he thought it was a gay porno

Pearson has announced his retirement

>he's only 34
Looks older.


Attached: five years of brain damage.jpg (1213x406, 136K)

Was the dudebro era of MMA the best era?

When UFC gave Bisping his Hall of Fame status, a UFC spokesman said Bisping is up there along with other British MMA fighters like Pearson.
As long as Pearson has been in the game, and should get respect for that, Bisping has obviously surpassed him. I think the UFC spokesman just sperged out and said stupid shit.

Don't get me wrong, I respect him for continuing to try. I just think he should've been cut a long time ago. UFC is meant to be the best fighters. He isn't the best fighter.

One could assume at first
Not sure my guy, started following mma about the time that TUF came. And it's the only one i've ever watched, golden shit.

I wonder if Rory's vegan

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I'm a Legend!

No amount of MMA could stop Jason Voorhees

Attached: 74943229-e1540227016826.jpg (932x700, 75K)

Gayson whoreheemed

*uncle picks (You)*

What now, big guy?

what did he mean by this?

think you had a freudian slip right there, my guy

>Mayweather is a midget at 5'8"
>Mcgregor isn't a midget at 5'8" because he wears lifts
>implying Nate Diaz wouldnt get heemed by prime Jose Aldo
Very not true

In many ways i am the UFC LW champion

No, it isn't the reason, because absolute numbers aren't relevant


He may be able to survive getting his head chopped off but can he take losing a close split decision to me after I wrestlefuck him with very little offense throughout?

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Attached: heem gaycheese sleeps Edson].webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Junior was pulling guard, early stoppage.

I broke down the main event for you lads
Please be kind

*uchi matas you*


feet kissing should stay on /d/ with all your friends

I could watch this for hours

Attached: pitofapeach.jpg (480x360, 9K)

>wearing full plate harness and also carrying shields
not historical senpai, that ain't HEMA

t..thanks bro

>smacks holloway

Attached: 0DFBE62A-7D41-4403-9608-36680417F6FF.jpg (640x420, 260K)

Whos your guyses favoritist fighter ever? Mines is vovchanchyn becuz were the sam heights so i no i cud be the bestest heavyweight evar too if i wasnt lazy :)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-09 at 6.23.51 AM.png (297x635, 198K)

pls no bully

Attached: currentphysique.png (360x283, 181K)

Uhhh does this mean the #Schaubslimdown is over?



Standup comedy is dead. And Brendan Schaub killed it.


Prime Schaub is the biggest meme of all time

Schaubs stand up special comes out on Showtime May 17th! Will be instantly available on the showtime app. He said they should be releasing a lot of clips in the upcoming weeks and they filmed an “embedded like” series following him up to the special that will be coming out also.

And for all you poorfags don’t worry, Schaub said he gets to give out a promo code on his podcast that gives feee access to the special if you don’t have showtime.

Attached: A5014AF2-EB78-43EE-9CB0-C1B2D3C9C471.jpg (1200x800, 54K)

Exactly. Schaub was always in his prime.

>watching the embedded video
>it's only the first day of fight week
fuck lads I can't handle the wait I'm getting pretty pumped to see Max win. The Ortega fight still feels like just yesterday. I think he might get heemed in all honesty but still very excited.

Attached: usa_today_10927019.0.jpg (1200x800, 107K)

Brendan shuab

Gastelum via KO R2

My boy costa is clean after all

he looks like Prince here

His prime was getting KO'd by Big Nog lmao

Attached: heem Green sleeps Ross.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

one hunnderd persint.

do you miss him?

Don't worry buddeh, fight week always goes by quick with all the media, embeddeds, weigh-ins, etc. There's also a big press conference on Thursday, potentially with DC, Brock, and Jones.

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More of the GOAT
Fucking 5'7" as well, amazing. That's my height btw

Then explain this, y'cheeto finnered hater

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based and igor pilled

Fight week vlog week or Embedded?

fight week doesn't mean anything when there's a UFC card almost every weekend

Anyone taking the picks?

Ever notice that everyone that does those stupid little vlogs almost always loses? Smif, Tyquil, Cody No Brain, Alexander Hernandez, Chad Mendes, etc.

>not mentioning the original

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sex gifs

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is she fighting any time soon or what?

Khabib vs Max in Abu Dhabi
Poirier vs Gaethje 2
Cowboy vs Iaquinta
Conor vs Nate 3
Tony vs the voices in his head
Barboza vs Felder 2
Pettis vs ???

Cringe card

i dont like the buzzcut but she is so cute1!!!111!1!111!

I've never seen a black person that doesn't walk slow. Like ffs get out of the fucking way, you monkey-lipped coon.

>a card in a mudzime place
What could go wrong?

Prime Rose is best girl

Attached: heem rose and misha.jpg (1080x1080, 125K)

she cute

Unironically, for Max,

Khababy is easy work. Chad boxing reach > incel wrestling techniques


How long until Conor ends up dead or in prison?

No, because the fact he "retired from MMA" wouldn't make his contract with the UFC (in which he signed they had the right to have him fight for them a certain amount of times) expire

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She's 9000% hotter with hair. jesus

Who wins between Ortega and Poirer at 155?

>she will never bounce on your dick like that
Why even live

she was also 21 tbf
also just found out Rose's middle name is Gertrude lmao

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This is actually dangerous considering Pat Barry's current state

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Max got wrestleraped by Conor, Khabib will work him. It'll be an even more dominant mauling than 229.

that fetal alcohol syndrome face looks much better with hair

for me it's bums

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>10 years ago

I think Gertrude was one of the fake names I got on Google+ day on Yea Forums
I dominated /heem/ that day

plastic ogre

>Max got wrestleraped by Conor
>using a fight from 2013 to prove a point
He's a completely different fighter at this point to the one Conor fought. Max has a 83% takedown defense.

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Happy Rose

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You literally can't even prove that his takedown defense has improved at all, all you can do is speculate.
>Max has a 83% takedown defense.
Lmao I remember when people were citing Barboza's TDD % as evidence that he'd legid heem Khabib for sure my guy. Go ahead and name some of the elite wrestlers that Max has fought in recent years.

No need to waste energy arguing what would happen

We all know Dustin is going to get clowned so Khabib will end up fighting Max

Let’s just wait and see

>I remember when people were citing Barboza's TDD % as evidence
>uses a fight from 2013 as evidence

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Max is a can

Guillespie beats Khabib

There's no other evidence to use in this regard. How else am I supposed to judge his takedown defense? Am I supposed to just arbitrarily assume that he's improved leaps and bounds for no reason? I don't know, even if I were to go that route, it seems pretty shaky. 5 years is a very short period of time to go from getting mauled by Conor on the ground to defending Khabib's takedowns. But for sure keep spamming brainlet wojaks, you dimwitted seething little manlet lmao

Imagine hating manlets SO MUCH that you have to subtly shit on them through that whole post, forget that gooby is one and imply that you can just walk of the street and fuck up Floyd in boxing with 20 pounds edge.

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every fighter is a can


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Its really odd. Tall guys for some reason get super insecure when they're around short guys who are superior to them. Then they make up things like napoleon complexes and stuff when they're the ones who tend to be insecure. I don't get the obsession with height, it's weird.

Reminder that I'm ranked top 10 in the world on UFC 3 and I unironically have a higher fight IQ than (You)

t. 5'8"

That's not even that short. Inb4 xD le cope!!!

Actually I'm 5'7". Also the guy in the pic ( ) is clearly a 5'10" guy who wants to pretend he's bigger than 5'8" guys lol
Floyd is like an inch shorter than Tyson who's 5'9" yet Floyd is a "midget" and Tyson isnt? And what about Igor, who's fucking 5'7" and one of the greatest heavyweights of all time? The guy is a dummy butthurt lanklet its very obvious.

>Max has weak take down defense against grappling experts

Attached: max-holloway-brian-ortega-ufc-231-getty.jpg (1000x667, 114K)

>bjj guy who has never taken anyone down
Even his best sub win was on the feet lmao he couldn't take the guy down as he was choking him.

I refuse to believe anyone plays that clunky shit

>Max is CTE'd Ortega is gonna kill him

Attached: Max doin da dam ting to Ortega.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

forgot about that

>Being able to defend takedowns from a CTE'd BJJlet means he can defend takedowns from Khabib
In fact, I'm pretty sure I actually remember Ortega landing at least one successful takedown, so thanks for proving my point, you fool LMAO

>rose v andrade isn't on 236

why am i so fucking retarded

Lol i remember when heem used to care about the picks

Just take the picks already Lukas, you know you're going to do it eventually
Btw, thawlts

Now I remember why I forgot about that April fools theme

Reminder that for a limited time, you can purchase a full year of subscription to the world's #1 sports streaming service, ESPN+™ for only $109.99! You only have to pay $110 to watch fights that used to be free. What a deal!

Attached: Max playing around.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Tyron Woodley would comedyheem Schaub.


True. It’s a nonissue, though, since there are no manlets superior to tall guys, so it’s completely hypothetical.

At what size are you a sizelet?

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Personally I'm going back to names

shut up lanky ill bust ur knees up

*steps on you*

smacks hollway is a munster fershure, his distance.


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Diaz bless

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heem? more like heem lol

>Bork is fatter than DC without roids

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Bork is 41 years old

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3 years isn't that big of a gap my guy

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Who should Cain fight next? Blaydes?

Look at that wingspan, Shob heems him tho.

schaubs stand up is better than rogans... i guess that's what that fighter lifestyle attitude and motivation will get ya. its a beast


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Schaub tells stories, Rogan just screams and dry humps inanimate objects.

hair's looking good. cute


would atpimldesu

Well, that was... something.

I wanted to take a picture with Val, but shit, there were too many people.
People's champ. o7

Honestly he can’t heem any top 10 he should go to wwe

Reminder that based Gastelum heems Israel

A genetic god, his ancestors probably raped people and stole all their belongings

and thats a good thing

why? because you are scared of the reddit boogeyman?

for sure the short boxer with no reach is going to beat the lanky kickboxer even after a loss to JUST era Weedman

Cain needs to fight his greatest, oldest foe.


vitor belfort is the roy jones of mma.
change my mind.

He's coming off two wins tho and Weedman subbed him which Israel won't so I wouldn't rule out Kelvin's chances entirely

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So it's true, McGregor left Ireland because he knows he's going to be charged with rape. The stupid piece of shit cocaine addict degenerate needs to do prison time.

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Can you give an example of a Mcgregor or Schaub impression you'd do? Like in what context?

>user. i need some protein. quick!

>what the fuuuuck... what the fuuuuuuuck

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For the people that think Porier has a chance and for the "people" that thought Ortega had one too.

link that he left ireland because of this?

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>he didn't inhale shit

absolutely condemnable

So I just got some soup from this mexican food cart near my house called "menudo". I didn't know what it was, and the only other option was a hot dog with like beans and sour cream on it. It turns out the soup is made of cow stomach. Literally what the fuck is wrong with third world shitskins? Can't I just have some regular fucking soup? This is sopa de macaco tier shit. And it cost me five dollars for like a 3 cup serving. This is why we need to build the wall.

did it taste good?

good lord she's fucking revolting

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is an chimp a athlete?

thats the cheaper part of the animal so its very profitable

you'd better pray those eses washed it properly or its gonna be a bad night for you

Even when she's dehydrated theres no semblance of muscle tone. She's like the most pushed females, does she even spend money on training?

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Found the chip, life's good

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I unironically wish every single marijuana user would take an axe to the throat

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wrong thread

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>already hit the wall at 25

oh for sure my guy she's one in a million beauty

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t. Dernfag

fake news.

dude paige vanzant has a face and body of the local slampiece in any midwestern bar

There was a dead crab on my balcony this morning. I live in Toronto. In a condo 17 floors up. My balcony also has pigeon netting. How tf a dead crab get there?

She unironically looks a lot like a hooker I fucked a few times. 100% serious.

neighbor hates you?

Hey guys just wondering what the right measures are when you notice bullying on /heem/?

Asians above you prob threw it down to spite the round eye after they ate it raw

Post a picture of brendan schaub

Sounds like something a slint eye would do

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>bare knuckle fight
>nigga shooped it with gloves
one job.

wrong again

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Will /heem/ ever get an AMA?



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Again, though, there’s netting. I’m not seeing any holes in the netting. I really don’t see how my neighbors, chinky as they are, could slip a dead crab through the netting without leaving any holes. Plus, the balcony is separate, it’s not like some buildings where the balconies are one long slab of concrete with barriers between them. They’d need to swing across like goddamn Spider-Man, cut a hole in the netting, place the dead crab on my balcony, then replace the netting without me noticing. I guess it’s possible, since Asians have mystical Kung fu powers and some of them can fly, but it seems unlikely.

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bellator 900 viewer press conference. ynot a drawl dillion.

He’s not very good and his mom is a prostitute.


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I put the crab on your balcony

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Is that nigga getting read to fight or have a lightcycle race?


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i used to post Dern and i would for sure fuck PVZ




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*makes the thread*



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the virgin making the thread vs the Chad having somebody making a thread for you

I didn't actually make the thread lmao gotcha

My new thread

Moonwalk back to your farm. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Hilarious. You see, it's funny because Michael Jackson's signature move is the moonwalk. For him to moonwalk back to his ranch is absurd. He's really the Jon Jones of standup comedy.

New thread

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Isn't that the roided up old dude that trains Ortega?

>not liking pluck

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I have never heard about a soup with cow stomach wtf

>USADA: we are going to clean up this sport.
>Paulo Costa: hold my beer

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