>Game in about a half a bong
>Fuck your poor streams
>Katy Perry didn’t show tits :(

Let’s go fags

Attached: 68E8CA22-EFF1-4D58-ACEA-ADB8F8F8C16B.jpg (1124x1077, 166K)

Other urls found in this thread:

tortilla tech

UVA student here, sucks but we're going to get BTFO hard tonight.

Virginity has swords. Tech has revolvers. Tech wins.


This broad better bring out Juicy J

This is not the real thread

Do I have time to fap before the game starts?

Yes it is. Fuck you.

Hell yeah brother. 20 bings until tip

you? of course

Always nice to see the kids before college

>not black

This cannot be the real thread. What an abomination

Wreck Em Tech!

go tech

Attached: 1382214444727.png (534x625, 64K)

aka the instrument not even orchestras want


Why did that guy foul Virginia on the 3 pointer?

>this post

Fag. This shit sounds based

This, that was great

amazing ending. Ready to watch some niggers slam a ball through a hoop now.

This was the first time I've felt uncomfortable listening to the anthem. He absolutely flubbed the high note. I fucking winced.

Attached: 1443284706148.jpg (540x360, 25K)

i don't know

Attached: afa.jpg (1500x858, 739K)

Change the channel, I’m sure Katy Perry is still on somewhere

Don't split the thread there is another one

Virginia needs to score at least 55 to win


If cbb doesn’t want to join that’s them, this will be the comfy thread then

That other thread is a fucking general

Then convince them to come here, I tried. They’re all mean :(

they probably didn't notice it because the OP is a fucking retard

Well this game is fucking boring as shit so I'm leaving this thread. I thought that you faggots said that march madness was the best sporting event of all time. LOL
Anyways I just downed
>6 bud lights
>boneless wings
>pizza sticks
>and a chocolate molten lava cake
This Seahawks fan (AKA real sports fan) is leaving Applebee's one happy guy. Mrs. is driving :) boutta go piihb.

PS. see you in the superb owl chiefs

Attached: photo_img_2302.jpg (4000x3000, 2.44M)

That's because there's no need for there to be two college basketball threads when there's one game on you retards.

Tech is getting BTFO

Fuck off fatfuck

>actually posting in the /cbb/ general

Bet you smoke dick too

not immediately obvious in the search, but ok

Taco Tech

Wtf was that bullcrap

5 minutes and only 2 buckets what the fuck

>College Players
>Making Free Throws

Virginia struggles a lot more to score.

/ouryear/ hoos fuck Big 12 and most importantly fuck Texas

Who's watching both this and Raw after WM?

nope, still not getting it

Attached: big12-fake.png (700x321, 73K)

gotta write a lab report

The D

Know the only real difference between a sax and an onion? People cry when you cut up an onion.

Glad to be shitposting with you lads for one last game.

Attached: pampam.jpg (1709x2573, 3.04M)

>0-7 from the field


Tech will throw this game away if they start memechucking

Based Texas will win check my digits

Texass Tech not hitting shots

6 minutes without a basket why

lol you retards watch this shit unironically?

fukken bots are on high alert

Tech feeling that chicken bone

refball in full effect already

there's my nigga ty jerome


I had to quit RAM once my relationship got serious, can't have that shit getting out. Now I mostly just fap to Mandy Rose.

ADD zoomer detected

Where're all the chucklefucks who were declaring that Texas Tech was going to btfo Virginia at?

I thought Texas Tech had a good defense.

Attached: russ.jpg (1920x1080, 405K)

>first one to twenty wins
nice """""""sport"""""""" you got there

Right here and they will.

Based canucks

its about fukken time the only reason tt is in the final is because of the favorable refball

Is Ty Jerome white??


Not compared to Virginia

wtf tech

id rather watch cricket then this shit

>oh you have a tattoo, do you not work?
Based Boomer btfoing thots

same with Virginia

so do that and don't come back please



Attached: culversdraftstock.jpg (810x455, 49K)

Fuck you.

it's just some bantz bro get that stick outcho ass


why do you type like that

>More commercials than fieldgoals.
What did the commercial Jew mean by this?

The refs are only calling fouls on Tech, this could get VERY ugly

now THIS is a basketball game

(blogger's note: i mean this unironically)

Attached: boom.jpg (250x229, 8K)

where my /hoc/ friends at

(((others))) disagree


lmao what even is that greenland? I don't know how to check on mobile

Hahaha I’m a retarded racist old man so funny hahaha

haven't posted in a year tbqh

Yeah okay.

Attached: stars-benn.gif (500x277, 955K)

i would eat Sophie Turner's ass

same. maisie's too

I'm a Tech alumni and I think we are gonna get destroyed.

We are sucking BAD.

I didn't know penguins were so angry.

Lemmy literally rolling over in his grave


me first

better than her face

Looks like i'll be getting an early rest tonight.


hope tech wins because of this

were not friends

Wrong pole.

I was taught by a medicine man from the Facelee tribe he was a very wise man

Virgin's don't allow anything easy

>can't even score a free throw
jesus what an awful tournament

FUCK Texas Tech
that is all

are you human or one of the many bots in this thread

don't worry, no charge for them

This nigga Owens gonna look good in a Celtics jersey

Fuck you and fuck wiggers

Attached: D6B10674-1916-412E-AC44-E543748F2198.jpg (2000x1125, 140K)

Clearly a bot

This poster is white AND based

Are literally any of these fucking players even going to translate well into the NBA? I saw players coming out of high school into the NBA 10 years ago that looked better, what the fuck

Attached: 4rewfd.jpg (1086x992, 73K)


Texas Tech needs to make a run soon. Virginia seems like the type of team you can't fall too far behind on because then they will dribble the air out of the ball desu

that was a foul on the final play but its should not have been called

Virginia-Auburn confirmed the real NCG

>10 minutes in
>1 basket

Fuck me this should be Auburn BTFOing Tech right now


looking way too ez

lol its a game

>it's another mediocre players miss wide open shots and people call it "good defense" episode

Fuck this semen slurping sport

Attached: 1547495196997.gif (282x257, 1.8M)

the ball is remote controlled i swear

Your stream is way behind

Culver looks like he will at least be a competent defender.


3 4 3

>thinking that was the refball everyone is talking about

you dont think I think you think I know youre thinking I might be a bot too but im not im human



>90 minutes in
>0-0 tie with one team winning

Attached: 1554663714435.jpg (439x439, 13K)

lots of 3's now lads

Attached: busty_jenna.jpg (640x976, 74K)


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This shit has it all... memechucking and defense


Really love Phil the autistic announcer, and will miss him when the tourney is over.

based memechucking saving Tech's season





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Attached: mahomes.jpg (1024x935, 194K)

God I love Jenna so fucking much

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memechucking? I haven't been on spuh in a while


or ever

nah fuck you


my buds are ragging on me for drinking smirnoff ice during the games. I'm not gay, and it's really tasty, is there anything wrong with that?

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Attached: 023.png (680x680, 221K)

it's a term that retards use for "getting open and shooting a long shot with skill and accuracy"


Another 3 WTF is Virginia doing?

cmon man stop or im leaving...i know you and I are the only one in this thread

Tech's style of basketball is disgusting, Virginia is only slightly better.

Attached: Will it ever end.png (391x327, 246K)


Tell me about it

Attached: 5C42ADF5-639E-45E5-9087-672E1946E94A.jpg (750x742, 137K)

Yeah that’s bitchbeer.

Smirnoff is based but it's a girl's drink bro

Stay jelly

and fucking stay in your containment board

lmao good lord why would you drink that shit

Yeah you probably are gay.
Better suck a bros dick. If you like it you'll know for sure



Nice shooting Virginia




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Why deny yourself something you like because of other peoples opinions on it. If you want some have some.

TT is known for their 3s. That's their only offense.

Attached: logofthisguy.png (200x219, 88K)

Let’s go Tech

raider rash

t. Yea Forums

Tech takes the lead

the refs won't let the east coast team lose this. don't worry

This is true, most of the women there look terrible

why are these threads so dead for a national championship

is Yea Forums dying?

take truvada before you get too drunk

that was really good defense

Cavs getting btfo

>le not shooting open looks
>le travel
Does Virginia even care?

Dab on em

Attached: 6F7F71F4-84FE-4C8C-9956-49D91772F507.png (1024x1024, 646K)

If Virginia wants to win they're gonna need more points

The fuck kinda hair is that from that guy on UVA bench?

based refs

Stop using 10 year old pictures and accept your 6/10 waifu is a solid 2/10 nowadays.

Attached: disgusting tbh.jpg (1500x1785, 590K)

No one fucking cares about either of these shitty programs

Fuck Virginia

>grad transfers

Attached: 6151F99F-5743-4E57-ABB3-77B63A3C8CEF.jpg (1178x1390, 134K)


Come shitpost in d*scord

no but /cbb/ is.

we didn't even have a regular general until a couple weeks ago; the CBB season starts in November

>mahomes dancing
confirmed for white

Mahomes couldn’t afford to buy his girlfriend a ticket to this game I guess



>is Yea Forums dying?
it was dying in 2011. it's been dead since 2015

this game can bring boomers and zoomers together. it has it all.


Attached: 5265CB74-E09E-49FE-BA7B-50DBCD8361B7.gif (260x218, 838K)

Le quiet jumper man

am i high or is this broadcast in 1.5x apeed or some shit


can you play as a graduate student?

that's gonna be a cringe, oof, and yikes from me dog

"I am ashamed of the pain I have caused my daughter, my family, my friends, my colleagues and the educational community," Huffman said in a statement.

She probably has a job somewhere else she needed to be at on Monday

are you human or are you dancer?

He must fuck everything under the sun and she has to know that.

Attached: 892698-troymcclure.png (480x480, 154K)

>Only 5 minutes left in the first half

OP i just want you to know your thread suck balls

you might be having an aneurysm

>bringing a dumb roastie to a sporting event

well.... are you high?

maybe you hit fast-forward on your remote

Attached: 439-4390041_41kib-800x894-pepe-dab-pepe-dab-png.jpg (820x974, 162K)


Ya got one half right


at least learn how to mix a martini or something


Still looks solid to me bruh

baseado as fuck

Lmao no one becomes friends with someone because they have a cheap ass hoop put up in their fucking driveway.

oy vey we need our extra marketing time, better slow the second half down.

drag his ass

>big event
>not show the Joker trailer

Attached: 1554756271983.jpg (1455x881, 165K)

Based Stephen A

is this one of the bots yall takin bout

it worked for me

>that truck commercial
>all those boomers doing the soiboi face

Still a mommyfu fag

Attached: 68B79BF6-E355-4E4A-8297-0FCFC697AEE5.jpg (750x737, 170K)

seriously. what the fuck was op thinking? what the fuck is tortillas vs uva? no streams? what the fuck does katy perry even mean

this thread is so shitty everyone was posting in the general

You must’ve gone to Virginia.

my cousin would always bring his coworkers to my house to play and they'd buy whatever we asked for as long as we let them play when my parents werent there

fuck that guy

some young guy from sum yung guy

Joker is like 6 months away.

Attached: 1554458221142.jpg (719x716, 337K)

some nigga walked up to me and shot hoops with me in my driveway when I was a kid
didn't become friends though

God she is so fucking hot. It's unfair how ridiculous she looks for her age.

Do people actually like Texas Tech? What a hideous style of play to watch.

Yeah that's what a grad transfer is. You have five years to complete your four four years of eligubility. Most grad students players were players that red shirted their first year so they didn't play.

Why is Raferty still here?

Is Guy white my guys?

Do you finish the grad degree? I would hope so, if you're working on this for five years I assume the NBA isn't happening.

what a guy kkkk

Reminder that tyler herro led the nation in freethrow %

>virginia tackling taco tech players

they don't call it the beautiful game for nothin

he passes the eye test

He is a white guy my dude

I think most do

>wow Chuck he did a great job getting fouled right there, excellent play!

Basketball is such a meme sport.

Are people with green eyes white, spee?

>at one point virginia led by 10
point and laugh

how do people whistle like that? i just end up spitting all over my hands


Attached: CA6B3ECC-DDA6-4F9B-8DDC-1C3B8787A9AE.jpg (713x734, 126K)

refs let the acc team get away with so much contact

haven't been here in like 3-4 years. Are you the same shitty person I remember or somebody role playing?

More like virgins lmao

Guy is gay

Guy is getting married to a female

That execution tho

virginia has too many white guys



At like 2 min Taco Tech missed an open three to go up 5 and I think they would have won if they made it and since they didn’t they will lose


I don't know but he's a real gym rat with some sneaky athleticism. Real coach's kid that Guy.

Yeah gross

Attached: 4A89229F-571B-4D11-9514-013A4506FB43.jpg (749x740, 147K)

Tracy Wolfmommy

White guy with jerome on his jersey is my nigga

Let's go virgins finally a win for the incel

Woke post

Guy might be gay but he'll still fuck yo bitch


Reminder that TTU is bigly a 2nd half team.

Attached: bolognamayomustardcake.png (640x628, 697K)

Texas plays like what it looks like when a kid is learning how to play NBA 2K

roy williams looks like he's got that "3 week old piece of garlic stuck in his teeth" stinky breath

>we just gotta play harder and tighten up!
>we gotta open up our opportunities and close on it!
How every sport interview is and why I hate sport interviews

Refs are the only thing keeping Tech in this game

this Infinity commercial is literally boasting about Roy Williams and the cars he gives recruits to stay at U*NC

>implying trips ever leave

fuck you
virginia cannot win

Based me betting the over on first half total 53.5

why are you in this thread...GET OUT OR ELSE


Is Buffalo Wild Wings legit

They let you post here again?

Blue is preferred obviously but any color besides shit brown have the potential to be white

>why I hate sport interviews
>posting in sp
fuck you


>White guy with jerome on his jersey is my nigga
>White guy

Attached: banana lol.jpg (400x300, 23K)

not really

scrappy junkyard gym rat. real dogged. more heart than a cardiologist will see in his life time. Guy is a real guy's guy. a gamer's gamer that plays the game in all the right ways. class act that aced all his classes and then tutored the best.

>tfw auburn fan

Attached: just.jpg (600x600, 47K)

>major direct ties to the university


Legit garbage

It's okay

everything on the menu is overpriced as fuck but I like some of their sauces so I'll buy it at the grocery

t. Assblasted nig from Houston.

Go sip some cough syrup, Dewaviest

I would drag my ass through mortal kombat spikes to see that guys pound her pussy until she has to hold on for dear life quivering everywhere and he comforts her through the orgasmic ordeal kissing her softly

If you order extra crispy with extra sauce then it can be if you're going for some wings and a couple cold ones with the boys.

Confirmed for not having a childhood

The refs wouldn't call anything on VA the first half. Nice try though kid.

Attached: 1553231200652.png (505x489, 490K)

Wtf she's supposed to stay the same age forever

jerome is a very jewish name...why you love the jews

basketball is 80% luck

Wingstop is far superior.

Attached: oliveoyl.jpg (624x352, 21K)

I like the mango habanero. If you want some decent wings, cheap happy hour beer and to be left alone to watch some sports, it’s great


Attached: 1444962134667.jpg (320x287, 24K)

normie-tier garbage.

>r*eddit tier memery.

chuck confirmed for not watching the game at all

not an argument

Chuck, there wont be any easy baskets in this game first of all. These are also slower paced teams.

>major direct ties to the university

Attached: 1552543497699.jpg (710x540, 83K)


For me, it's Wingstop.

Chuck doesn't know what the fuck is going on at any given point. He's a meme.

>basketball is 80% luck
Don't you mean it's 80% niggers?

same bs just different name...fry wing put sauce nothing special other than the high price

bags of wings 2.99lb at sam club or costco get 50 wings buy sauce nothing special and your wings taste better

Dude, his dad is a nigger. The CBS Sports crew did an interview with him during their practice on Friday.

Fuck no. Average food for expensive ass prices.

This is ten percent luck
Twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure
Fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name

Attached: 1522035435158.png (900x900, 576K)

>you will never be Jenna's pubescent son
>you will never walk in on mommy jenna in the bathroom as she gets out of the shower, a slight smirk on her face as she sees your rapidly rising boner before playfully scolding you and sending you on your way
>you will never listen to her masturbating in her room, violently beating your meat to the thought of her pleasuring herself
>you will never admit to her during "the talk" that you don't want any of the girls your because they can't begin to compare to her
>she will never give you a pity hand job while you two are watching some chick flick one night
>you will never slowly begin asserting yourself as you realize she's finding enjoyment in teasing you, casually touching her tits and ass whenever you get the opportunity
>you will never get her tipsy on wine one night and finally ravage her, coming in seconds because her mommy pussy is literally perfect
>she will never hold you in her arms post coitus, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you fall asleep, click still inside her

Why do I exist

Attached: 5HY5G0g.jpg (1024x724, 191K)

It's okay

Yes dont listen to these fags


1. Hooters
2. Twin Peaks
3. Ken's
4. Wingstop

98. Walgreens
99. Chipotle
100. BWW

20% basket
80% ball

For me? It’s Jenna Fischer.

Attached: B7784CC0-A68C-4DA7-A482-CDBA65FAC3C7.png (750x1334, 3.32M)

His dad looks like an octaroon so there's not even a word for what Ty is

Why is this meme being posted in every thread?

thats the mom bull you father fuck off you bot

I hate this fucking board

>Game bread
Are tortillas considered "bread"?

Just go to the store and make your own. It's cheaper and they'll taste better.

This is still a banger. Middle school me heard this for the first time and got so pumped, I never came back down.

Have sex.

what kind of slob eats wings?

>Charles Barfly stuttering through yet another tortured analysis

Lex tried to claim >we privileges by using that phrase

Wingstop owna', lemon pepper aroma/Young, black nigga barely got a diploma.

Attached: zzng611e2qulf76gtcxn.jpg (620x400, 53K)




Attached: 133CB063-EED1-4625-9B92-ADEE9963E83A.jpg (599x450, 54K)

Spicy garlic sauce is good, but last time I ate there a medium order of wings and a beer was $24.

Expensive as fuck.

f*ck off, r*cist piece of sh*t

Hooters is complete garbage


What did she mean by this?

>sweetie this is mommy’s alone time
>ok, you can help clean my asshole

Attached: 3D32E22E-6B44-48F6-A025-7A11FB6F1F4A.jpg (709x735, 123K)

Does Yea Forums live tobacco free?

mom bull in the background

Who cares? I like chuck for his color commentary.

b-b-but the waitress flirted with me~

You said that last time and what happened?
That's what Custer said and what happened?

yall know becky is the ELITE mommy to cuddle with

Attached: e73b1309-f4f1-4c46-bbc2-41becd200174-USP_NBA__San_Antonio_Spurs_at_Miami_Heat.jpg (517x712, 44K)

His dad is a le happy merchant tier looking jew. Why are you lying?

yes. used to smoke regularly too. I get embarrassed remembering it.

you probably just go and awkwardly talk to the waitresses whilst checking them out


I'm the original Jennaposter and even I think this is weird.

Attached: wot.png (250x251, 170K)

No halftime show???

For what school?

where is this from

everyone is jewish including the black

no dude
its that one cute one Torbe got with alycat?? i think??

also nuria madurita

I need to go to bed just get this fucking this going again.

If I told you to get some bread and you brought back tortillas I'd be like what the fuck but I'd probably just use the tortillas for whatever I was going to use the bread for.



You know it

>not having a sat feed and watching the cheerleaders

sorry bro its a bitch beer

What team is going to draft Guy?

Yes. But I'm a raging alcoholic.

jenna fischer is so bland and overrated

>extremely slow thread for championship game
>game isn't is boring as shit
>no halftime faptime

Yea Forums is dead

Attached: 1550867881664.jpg (523x720, 198K)


>go to iona
>don't go to iona
what da

My private collection. She also likes baths.

Attached: 73F9398B-6648-4D62-9D10-8ED9EA5DE594.jpg (750x738, 92K)

That a textbook kike. I was wrong.

He’ll play in Europe

where did you get it


The woman arrested at Mar-a-Lago had a hidden-camera detector and more than $8,000 in cash, attorney says

Here's your faptime la

Attached: 1554123822969.jpg (1080x1213, 335K)

next year, lads

Attached: 8ae1be39427d20db6e84e1ad04ec77df.jpg (1023x576, 52K)

Jannies banhammer faptime these days

instagram fag


How does one obtain major and direct ties to the university?

Attached: 1552611517717.jpg (605x450, 71K)

But so is UVa..

Anyone else drinking hard cider, lads?

the last name should have been your 1st clue

>Winning anything ever again


Why would she upload a nude selfie to instagram? What is she, a slut?


Attached: braaped.jpg (625x482, 31K)

>Military Lawyer Show 17

CBS makes me ashamed to be a boomer.

>”want your game analysis without all the yelling and fake debates”

The city of E!SPN

Lol can't wait for Missed Again to shit the bed in the S16 again next year.

Attached: t64bfns7f90j4jf.gif (481x200, 368K)

How can she be overrated? Literally no one talks about her other than /us/.

Attached: DB1FCDCE-7F24-41E9-8F3E-C4FD6BFA6372.jpg (300x169, 38K)

it has to have been a half a hour already.

I knocked down some stella artos cider, too not bad

Not happening

Attached: 920x920.jpg (920x656, 36K)

>CBS makes me ashamed to be American

based and high test

Why don't college teams sign a big Euro who can score in the post? They clearly need a way to get buckets when defenses actually contest shots.


>too not bad

Drink some fucking water

It's good just get boneless and ask for it to be "wet" so they don't fucking jew you on the sauce.

The bone-in wings are literally grocery-tier garbage, they are basically the wings you cook in your oven. Not as good as hooters though

>tfw unironically like Kona Brewing beers

Am I a sucker?

Yes, but I smoke weed and take xanax to calm the nerves

I also enjoy psychedelics when I can get a hold of them, which is unfortunately pretty difficult where I live. Hoping I'll be able to try DMT one day, I hear it's a life changing experience



TT did just that

euros are getting paid when they are teenagers why would they go to a meme college

who /dad bod/ here?

You can't bribe them like you can a niggers mother.

God I hate Virginia. They are like wrestling fans in MMA. Always droning on about how superior their defense is.
They are already insufferable. I really don't want them to win a championship.


Attached: hiresmichiganfeelsgood.jpg (1208x1210, 177K)

>the point of beer is to get drunk and pass out
>let's put coffee in there
i dont know if "sucker" is the right word, no

the fuck are you talking about

>ywn never be jenna’s personal shower boy on your knees sucking her fat pusy lips until she squirts all over your aching jaw
literally what is the point

5 looks good but I bet there's more flab than it looks under those tight pants

>point of beer is to pass out

Bad pass

>The average SAT score composite at Texas Tech is a 1180.
>The 25th percentile New SAT score is 1090,

>put a rope around him
>swing swing

>i drink it for the delicious flavor
The fuck outta here

How do you get prescribed xanax, I have anxiety but am literally anxious about going and trying to get perscribed it. I feel like I'll be seen as drug seeking

brudda there's no coffee in it, can't imagine being as retarded as you

If Brogdon and Van Vleet (undrafted btw) are successful NBA players, then Guy will get his chance via 2nd round or camp tryout imo.

Lol. I just realized Izzo lost. I literally haven't paid attention since UNC went out.

ginny already blowing it wide open

Like 80% of all TX high school grads go to Texas or Texas A&M. The rest filter down through UH and UNT and Texas State, and if you're too dumb to get into any of those places, you go to Tech

Fucking hell tech

Attached: dumb.jpg (800x450, 46K)

>drinking low-test shit beer just to pass out
just do heroin

i'm gassy. smells so good

You'll get better wings and sauces at a local bar and probably get out cheaper

A junior. He'll be back next year.

Tech is giving away so many dumb fouls

What about Rice

You don't need xanax unless you're having borderline panic attacks, and psychiatrists are very hesitant to prescribe it since it's addictive. They can give you other meds to help you though.


say you have bad panic attacks and would like to try xanax. he'll give you a fairly low dosage. if he doesn't go to the next doc

Kona is literally a coffee company

Attached: kona-pipeline-coffee-porter.jpg (800x600, 103K)

I drink beer for a buzz and to sip on something in a relaxed setting. If I want to get drunk I'll drink liquor.

their beer is decent but can you justify buying small brewery beer that is owned by Anheuser-Busch, who make commercials bashing small breweries?

Its over

Why didn't Tech play like this against MSU, we might've had a shot then.

Attached: 1552160211377.jpg (888x1200, 135K)

Get on my level

Attached: FB_IMG_1554777190594.jpg (904x891, 89K)

Those bearded onions twins have to be a meme

That Virginia guy looks like what a basketball manga imagines a black person who plays basketball to be.

tell them you have a long flight overseas and you get jittery and anxious on long flights

I make my own Cannabis butter usually out of 14 oz of weed. It makes two batches of brownies and I get high for hours off a thumbnail of brownie.

I usually drink coffee and sometimes have a beer.
But that's all the high I need.

If I want to get psychedelic with it I just eat a bit more.

Lasts me months off like a 100 bucks worth of weed.

why, did the price drop?

is Smu rated?

not the same company

Euro bigs age 18-21 make a shitload of money playing pro ball in europe, why the fuck would they play NCAA for free?

wtf culver

Who is the Bulju of college basketball?

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Fucking retards go there

That's a serious engineering school. Obviously there are a handful of legit academic institutions, but most kids aren't going to Rice or Trinity or TCU or other private schools, most are going to the general state schools, and Tech is the shitty one.

coffee beer is for the mornings to start your day

What race is that small Asian looking dude

these retards might win this year's national championship

this but they may try and give you an SSRI. Refuse and say you don't want to take a medication every day and only want to treat your symptoms as needed.

The next thing they recommended to me was kpin and i went with that. Has made my life 20% better.

Holy fuck what a dumb foul

Looks tasty. I had their island lager thing once but it left much to be desired.

Hey guys look at me dickwagging about my college!

>there's more than one Kona

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TTU is the only school I've ever heard of that has zero diversity quotas in admissions, Race is a zero factor

>What race
>small Asian

That big white guy from West Virginia with the funny name from a few years back.

TTU just needs to outscore UVA by 10 in the next 15:50 to win the game

>tech is a good team

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My PCP diagnosed me with generalized anxiety disorder but didn't want to give me anything because he felt like it wasn't affecting my professional life (which it doesn't, I work as a nurse and am really calm under pressure ironically). It's outside of work I have random fucking panic attacks.

I knew girls from my school that did that and got prescribed it, I just feel like girls can get that stuff like candy while guys are looked down upon.

this is the part where Da Hoos sweep the leg


So Guy's gonna be like the 10th man on an NBA squad, right?

it's cool that virginia's point guard is allowed to carry the ball all the damn time

Basketball players are high IQ outside of big men

>tfw only D1 program at my university is men's hockey
>tfw we've only made it to the frozen four once years ago
I wish I could watch my school on the telly and be proud we're in the finals. Maybe someday.

Those are some nice basketballs

See a real psychiatrist.

raftery is so fucking annoying

pass the ball 100x then toss a brick truly a patrician sport

Virginia should trade that Asian dude.

God, Texas Tech is trash.

>he doesn’t mix dragon berry and raspberry lemonade to get blasted

Texas Tech won't do it. The refs are gonna bring it home to Charlottesville.

Omg please be single

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Digits and TTU wins by 3

I agree we should have Dickie V and Bill Walton instead

I want Texas Tech to win, but they probably won't.

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They can get free tuition though, how else is a euro going to get that?

NCAA will give it to UVA to make up for that woman who got killed by white supremacists.


Yeah dude, you’re going to meet up and start dating. Congrats.



Damn dude you get wetted up? Can you send me some sherm?

Both of these teams are trash, I honestly can't figure out how they were able to meme themselves to the finals

why do they need that if they already are getting millions from Real Madrid

correct my psychiatrist could not be more eager to give me more pills to try. literally gave a me a free trial for some shit i never even ended up filling

but muh onions

It feels tech is taking too long to score to get back in this

Fuck the Cavaliers!

Post degree.

A county school from baltimore would bootyblast both these teams

If that's a tranny, then I accept that I'm a faggot.


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its bailey jay

Not everybody who goes to UNT/UH/TxState are just too dumb to get in to UT. A lot of people just can't afford living in Austin or College station and paying tuition for those two universities.

I got accepted in to UT but decided to go to State because it was much cheaper, had a better atmosphere, and TxStates program for the degree I was going for was more highly regarded than UT and A&M anyway.

I do agree retards go to Tech. But oh well, it's all better than going to Tarleton

Then I'm a faggot I guess

it's over. A 7 point lead is insurmountable

>A county school from baltimore would bootyblast both these teams
shooting your opponent isn't allowed per ncaa rules

bit gay desu

they already made up a 10 point lead in the first half


Why is Culver supposed to be good? Did he make a single basket yet?

New bread

why do they play zone

>Asking me to doxx myself. How stupid do you think I am?

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European college education is ridiculously cheap though, like €1,000 a year in Spain or free in Germany

Nothing gay about having sexual intercourse with a transsexual for the sole purpose of procreation.

Watch Virginia go on a run now the Asian dude is sitting.

Texas Tech needs to score 7 points in 12:00 to win the game.

Kek state is the lowest.

Yeah I should. I trusted my PCP since I've been seeing him since I was little but he misdiagnosed my torn ACL and prescribed me fucking ambien when I complained to him about having anxiety attacks the night before shifts.

I don't want to take shit everyday like buspirone or anything, just something abortive. Thanks for the advice guys.

UT and A&M are top 10% so no, much lower than 80%.

This game is over


Now that we don't have to beg for admissions the acceptance rate has been steadily dropping. It's starting to get pretty serious about the STEM courses.

Most kids that come to state wash out by the second year anyway and just stick around to party.

That's because most people don't have the money to go there


State sucks sorry. Get good.

Is that why everybody who visits state remarks about how they never have as much fun in their town as San Marcos?