I dont watch soccer but I heard this nigga is good, how would he square up in better leagues (premier, la liga) etc.?

I dont watch soccer but I heard this nigga is good, how would he square up in better leagues (premier, la liga) etc.?

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look up his stats and trophies since he actually played in those leagues

he would destroy every single one of th-

he already played in pretty much any league of the world and was seen as "le 3rd best player in the world" at one point

he's overrated and underrated at the same time

Pretty up there, great mercenary, and had quite an unique style. Its one of those players that are hard to compare to anyone but that you sometime compare a young player too even though they dont live up to it

he did pretty well in barcelona but he left because pep didnt want to suck his dick

he played in all big leagues
he is the best 9 of the last 2 decades after the Brazilian Ronaldo. Suarez from Barcelona is the only one close to him.

he underperformed in Champions. one of those players that are good for leagues but not for cups in which you lose and are eliminated.

he left because Pep didnt want any 9. He wanted "false 9 Messi". He got Ibra only to get rid of Etoo, he couldnt get rid of Etoo without that exchange.

One of the most arrogant, yet likeable players to ever play.

Ronaldo could learn from Ibra about how to play the villain


he was ok but didn't fit

>He got Ibra only to get rid of Etoo

that's also true but he definitely didn't get along with pep and that's part of why he left
still I liked watching him play, he was capable of some crazy stuff


ronaldo is a better villain exactly because he isn't likeable. I like ronaldo especifically because he's arrogant and narcissistic. Zlatan just likes to bantz

Budget Ronaldo.

His highlights are more kino than Ronaldo though tbf. CR7 is obviously the better player but he's like a repetitive, ruthless goal-scoring machine while Zlatan has some Ibracadabra moments

el moldoviANO señores

>"Look mummy i quoted the whole thread"
unironically kys yourself

Spent his entire career piggy backing off capable players and scoring hattricks against teams who are literally fighting relegation all season.
I'm not saying he's John Carew tier, he's just not even closing to being as good as plebs (and I include him in that) think he is.


*scores 4 against your country*

Attached: 2D067420-E3D7-4C80-BD26-737409975466.jpg (620x413, 37K)

Oh shut up. I hate when low IQ English fans try talk about football. Braindead meat heads. The same country that rates Kane over Rooney my gosh. Ibra has had many individual moments and didn't only score against shit teams like you're meme'ing. You're the type of pleb that judges players on their personality over their football ability. Probably think Kante is the best dm ever too.

Better than any English player. He wrecked you league with a broken knee. Easily the most underrated player in the modern era.


Wow. A Swede that isn't shitting on Ibra. Rare sight.

incredible goalscorer wherever he went, CL bottler tho

why did he go PSG in 2012? he spent 4 years there when he was arguably in his prime, one of those strikers that got better with age. He should have gone to Real Madrid during that period. Him + CR7 would have beaten barca for alot of la liga titles

Funny story, that was a friendly in late 2012 with England's C team. England played Sweden at Euro 2012 earlier that year and he was invisible.

cahill, joe hart C team?

t. town rapist

oil money my friend, he was probably the highest paid player when he signed that contract. Also his personality wouldn't allow him to play next to Ronaldo, just look what he did to Van der Vaart

what did he do to van der vaart? i guess the money is true, i think it was pique who said zlatan is the one footballer he knows who is the most obsessed with money

I think zlatan would have been able to work together with ronaldo with no problem. Messi and Ibra had 0 problems between them, it was guardiola who fucked that up.

When zlatan played at Ajax van der vaart was the golden boy and when he murderballed him in the NL-Sweden game he was pretty much gone. They said things in the lockerroom where Zlatan went on about his wife and how he would break his legs.
The reason he got on with Messi is because he's autistic but Ronaldo is all about himself.

lol zlatan acts like typical swedish balkan immigrant, violent monkey.


disgusting balkan monkey

Based balkan bull making short work of germanic cucklets

Zlatan is a dumb, aggressive, intimidating bully. He's a garbage human being. So naturally the beta males go weak in the knees and suck up to him. Because that's what betas do. "l-l-lol, zlatan is such a funny guy. when he kicked me in the neck, it was just a friendly gesture, heh heh heh."

He bullied toivonen of the national team
Or when he kicked Cassano

What an absolute chad.
Love how that blonde guy tries to retaliate but gives up half way trough it because he is afraid

PSG proposed him to play for them, he didn't want to so he asked for the dumbest and craziest conditions but they agreed so he went full "well shit, let's go I guess"

Is it true that he lived in some sort of a castle and payed rent of 40k euros per month or something

Why are nords this butthurt about innocent banter between mates? Is it because they are friendless losers who never had a chance to experience something similar? Ot is it because Zlatan raped their teams while other immigrants rape their women?

Had a guy like him in HS, tall guy, even succesfull athlete for a HS kid, always bullied people around school, kicking them, leaving bruises etc. Everybody had that "l-l-lol, *insert name* is such a funny guy. when he kicked me in the neck, it was just a friendly gesture, heh heh heh", but he only went for the weak, anybody who had courage just to tell him to fuck off never got bothered, and he was actually a nice guy towards those people.

no, he lived in an entire level appartment in paris

maybe he was right to do so, the weak should fear the strong

Well if your country wasn’t crap immigrants would rape your team/women as well

Old schoom Swedes don’t like him because of the Jante law, but everyone agree he’s one of the greatest of all time.