
Playoffs start on Wednesday.
Try to control yourselves and stay on-topic until then.

>/hoc/ music poll

Attached: wood.png (1080x1080, 1.28M)

Other urls found in this thread:


blues will win

go knights

bow down to your new overlords

Attached: D3pN_YWW0AM-jQD.jpg (2048x1152, 319K)

This, but the Canes.

>jazz that low
shame on you hoc

welcome to /beav/ enjoy your stay

Attached: 1544328669341.jpg (480x257, 25K)

2 types of beaver, and the onion ring shield

Attached: 589710.gif (276x276, 1.86M)

That's a GOOD thing.

about to workout
leg day

>your team
>my team

quinneville coached panarin in chiraq too. basically confirming panarin will sign with the kitties in the offseason.

the only good weeb is a dead weeb


what the fuck is wrong with them

Attached: BustCock.png (300x335, 119K)

didnt minnesota coach guarantee they would be in the playoffs?

If Seattle names their team the Kraken, will /hoc/ feature more tentacle-themed anime?

Just got the script from Gary.
>my team wins
>your team doesn't
simple as

Attached: gary.png (400x400, 318K)

Discussion continued.
Is there a better draft year overall recently?


What am I in for, bros?

Attached: B16B81A9-9553-4B83-B2FD-944EE01981CD.jpg (279x450, 39K)

im pretty sure they said it wasnt going to be kraken


Seattles team name needs to be VERY inclusive in todays problematic world. Afterall, hockey is for everyone.

>Q taking Matheson's number

How will the gay little ginger ever recover?

>stay on topic bros
>music poll
>doesn't even have psychedelic rock

Attached: 1554757660468.png (872x960, 317K)

>psychedelic rock

Classic rock stations on satellite radio dont count as psychedelic rock, ted.

hopefully by not crying after every game this season

I just finished making this brand new meme. Any thoughts?

Attached: 9DF8F178-B78D-4F10-A217-A93A1504D248.jpg (750x937, 101K)

will coach q, bob, and panarin help draw crowds to the games next year lads?

awful body. looks like the gal from sonic youth



that's just dadrock, friendo



Attached: 1522962256940.png (850x850, 272K)

/hoc/'s not for you, bogan.


was this the last time the 1st overall pick was traded? was there a more recent year where a team picking in the top5 traded down? "trading down" only seems to be a thing in handegg, probably because there are so many different positions.


Just took a mostly liquid ontarian. Should I be scared m8s.

>Implying Psych isn't a genre

>tfw winter storm warning

cant this shit just fucking end already, i kinda like warm spring temps

where's C. I haven't tried either one yet?


We won't know if Colorado has the first overall pick until Tuesday.

Attached: that's not okay at all.png (420x420, 282K)

thats not really the same, but yea lmao fuck the snes.

I doubt we will ever stop feature this guy's music
By now it's so closely ingrained in the brand of the team

And we play this youtube.com/watch?v=mqkRjztL20Q before the start of every homegame.

You could always move to the south.

Attached: GfehXyK.png (1280x720, 1.11M)

Not only won't they, but if they do they won't trade it

was it shit?

Attached: 2016 draft round 1.png (998x694, 92K)

Psych rock songs longer than 10 minutes -> classic boomer rock
Psych rock songs shorter than 10 minutes -> pop

Not exclusively. King Gizzard, Pond and Morgan Delt are all millennials/zoomers

>Willingly living in the south
Would rather live in Alberta desu


Attached: pengs.jpg (427x577, 55K)

>living with a bunch of fags up north is somehow better

>at sandwiches

Attached: 8361558F-8653-4CA9-88B4-ED3503175242.jpg (625x330, 37K)

>Would rather live in Alberta desu
t. pic related

Attached: country roads.png (978x473, 79K)

looks like the kill bill gal

Here's some music of your people >pic related

Attached: 1536672560525.png (617x435, 549K)

Alberta proud, strong and free

>only 1 non-bust in the whole first round

But for Jake Bean's name yes.

with a generational talent at #4 how can it be shit?

>that pic

based and (c of red)pilled

Attached: 1491525039558.gif (128x103, 14K)

>Jake Bean mentioned
yes hello
thinking about them beans

Attached: checkers blue (dark).png (270x270, 11K)

Working on an EPIC post for Canada elimination day

still maybe a year early to give a proper analysis. odd that the later drafted dmen turned into the better nhl players so far.
mcavoy, chychrun, cholowski are doing better than like juolevi and bean. sergachev is doing decently, but that could be a result of being on a stacked team. if he was still on the hasbs i dont know if he would look as good.

Western Alberta is paradise compared to the south, especially the deep south

I don't believe you, Edmonton.

Attached: Crowsnest Pass.png (1212x684, 1.3M)

there is no C. this is not the poll for you.

sergachev looks solid as fuck, but if he did play for montreal, then he could've been much more different playing under julien and weber

not OK? it's better than OK, sonny Jim.

>Joel Quenneville was hired as coach of the Florida Panthers on Monday
>"It's exciting," forward Jonathan Huberdeau said. "Enough is enough. At last he's going to be the coach that's going to bring us to the Cup."
...Huberdeau makes it sound like the Panthers have lost 3 Stanley Cup finals in a row and is on the verge of a dynasty, wtf. Now I suddenly understand why and how Leafs fans are so delusional. It's in their Canadian blood.

Attached: KeksimusMaximus.gif (300x169, 2.21M)

Attached: Yeeee Haw.png (1200x627, 1.03M)

>Canada could be eliminated in the first round

Attached: 15952019.jpg (400x388, 23K)

get better music taste you fucks

REMINDER: alberta rockies are rightfully bc clay



Reminder that Canada is rightful American clay.

last one. still early to tell on this draft as well

also no bulli canada

Attached: 2017 draft round 1.png (873x714, 93K)

Is Revelstoke way the fuck out of the way for most people? It seems like it hasnt been as overrun as places like Whistler.

huberdeau is a french canadian though, not just a normal canadian

it allowed him to have a "sheltered" development playing behind hedman. he was able to play in favorable situations last year, and rarely played more than 20 minutes a game. if he was still on the hasbs they would have been forcing him into a bigger role early on because they dont have that same blueline depth.

Edmonton sucks, Calgary is okay. I'm talking about the mountainous part

only have two slices of wasa crispbread and I am VERY hungry but I also should save them for tomorrows eggs with brekky. pls advise

It's about halfway between Vancouver and Calgary so yes

everything east of the continental divide is ours

reminder to eat your beans

>Penguins are underdogs @1.95 on bet365 for game one.

Fuck, I get that it's in NY and the Isles had a good season. But I'll take that line anyday.

>all of the other wikipedia links are still blue
>Carolina Hurricanes is purple (clicked on)
hello, fellow caniac

Attached: view from the press box.png (1454x1102, 1.98M)

if you want a mountain resort that hasnt been completely overrun yet you can still go to big white or sun peaks.

REMINDER, norcal is rightful Jefferson clay

Revelstoke is pretty based. The eastern side of BC is filled with good ol' boys who still burn diesel and run shit up like a motherfucker

I thought those were only a thing in northern europe

>when you're so tired from playing hokkei all day that you forget how to sit in a chair
We've all been there.

Attached: kongs.png (429x411, 17K)

Big White is awesome. don't tell people about it though I still enjoy it being le secret club

We can get them in the ethnic food section of the grocery store

im not a caniac though, but I took from their page for a shitpost. my team is in your division though

I have no idea why necas was selected in the 1st round. He's a bust.

Publix has them. Therefore, crispbread is sunbelt. Welcome to the family, Jusi :3

I’ve grilled some bratwursts lads, sides of German potato salad and sauerkraut

pretty much this. once you are east of kelowna the people are completely different. im not even trying to be disparaging, just making an observation.

For me, it’s a big heaping bowl of black beans. Very good!

same way how gurianov was picked like 12th in 2015 over all those other players

how can Q even make barkov more elite

Attached: 1537345416547.webm (764x484, 2.93M)

What does Finland think of the sunbelt?

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elevate his wingers play for a start

Had sausage today too but with savoy and mashed potatoes and also some green beans rolled up in bacon

(except for >my team)

Not a fan t b h

Attached: 1531138307460.webm (640x360, 1.02M)

The first overall selection in the 2019 NHL Draft belongs to...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................the Edmonton Oilers


The second pick goes to the Arizona Coyotes

I've seen my grandmother do this. She had a quadruple heart bypass two weeks ago.

Attached: Old Wojak.png (635x457, 258K)

>Kappo Cucko

What about the 3rd?

Attached: 1447452083544.jpg (298x427, 38K)

Didn't ask

the draft lottery is rigged right? like why dont they have the balls anymore? because gary couldnt control it?

..................................the Colorado Avalanche

Rock and roll pt 2 should be used again

>not met with instant hostility
>my team is in your division though
I think I might know who this is.

Jones and Steel will be good players. I'm really high on Jones, he reminds me of Perry.

Attached: anaheim.png (720x720, 129K)


New Jersey was using it for awhile but it's sort of taboo on account of the fact Gary Glitter is a pedophile.

we should go back to playing 4 teams for 32 games of the season, that was fun

is great!!

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Man Elias really set the bar high for the rest of his draft class

Attached: spooky.png (740x1022, 972K)

careful with prospects who played for the london knights. a lot of years they are very stacked and its easy for prospects to be system babbys with very elevated numbers.

I didnt realise that song was called that. Good song though. Is there a band that did a famous cover of it? Cause the gary glitter version is not the one I remember.

I have an insider at the NHL, he said the top three are going down like this:
1. LAK
2. COL
3. EDM




yur welcome fren

Attached: Iku_headbop.gif (240x240, 62K)

huh, I guess it was just part 1 I was thinking of

I would call the Isles weeb a super gaylord faggot but him and the other 100 people boo'd the shit out of John Overrated Shit Tavares so he is actually quite based and redpilled

Tenner on the Penguins. Thinking of throwing another 10 each on the Blues and Knights. But 3 opening road wins is a lot to ask. More confident in the Knights but the Blues are mighty tempting.

Any thoughts or is this too hard for you guys.

Attached: Screenshot_20190408-191658_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 377K)

i-i still have my islanders tavares jersey. it suck that he left us still...

Attached: sad computer noises.png (580x454, 22K)

sam cosintinos pre-draft list for laffsnet was wrong about pettersson and quinn hughes. keep that in mind when you are looking at his pre-draft list this year.


Attached: collusion.png (896x1760, 297K)

reminder jesse puljujarvi

Attached: cut.jpg (2048x1152, 345K)

Literally who?

business idea: /hoc/ sausage party

I'm basing it off what I saw from Jones in NHL action this season, although coincidentally Perry was a London Knight too. Jones was with the Ducks for about a third of the season and his production wasn't great (2G/3A) but he was really close to putting up a lot more points, just seemed like he was a little nervous in his first NHL games and gripping his stick a bit too tightly. He brings the kind of pesty energy to the ice the Ducks need and he plays the style >we are committed to playing. He seems like the kind of player who can get 25 goals a season with 15-20 of them scored within 5 feet of the crease, something the Ducks have been sorely missing with Perry's decline and injuries lately. As for defense, I know +/- is a meme stat but being -1 on a team with a -52 goal differential is a good sign.

the guy who makes the draft ranking lists for laffsnet every year.

Ok /hoc/ doesnt gamble, no surprise since you are all 14 year old retards.

This is mindbogglingly retarded
Is he seriously making the accusation that the NHL ownership committee is actively trying to rig everything for the avs to be good again?
And how is trading for better picks collusion?

I'm not a monkey addicted to loot boxes

Does every player on the winning team get a day with her in the offseason?

Attached: hoc.gif (248x207, 1.94M)

Your still 14 considering you equate sports gambling with retard pay 2 win video games

based civil fren

Attached: that ''fuck JT'' smile.png (1136x1006, 2.26M)

>Get lucky in trading with mediocre GM
>Talk about maybe getting another first round pick from another trade
>Call tampering and collusion because it's benefiting a specific team
And I though /hoc/ was retarded

Knights are the more sure bet


Attached: retarded.jpg (277x421, 50K)

>Sharks have two first round picks in the last 4 years
>Trade one away
>Potentially don't have a first for 3 more years
I know we hit on late picks and the euro market but goddamn our prospect pool is gonna be looking thin

Attached: sharksdrink.png (429x411, 15K)

Business idea
Ted theme park

I'm about to scratch $40 of scratchers, but that was a special occasion. I got a $50 bill in a card from my dad for my birthday and I don't really need anything since I have a respectable wagecucking job now, so I stopped at the gas station to get some snacks and spent the rest on scratchers.

Attached: hockey.jpg (686x942, 69K)

That would probably be extremely uncomfortable to walk around with.

>Your still 14
based retard

So are my massive dong and ballbag

nothing like paying the idiot tax

Attached: 963C2AAF-12FA-4535-BEA9-66BBD27109D7.jpg (828x855, 179K)

>not using the money on a dinner / movie date for you and some qt

women dont care about being uncomfortable as long as they get the attention, which she will get in abundance from thirsty boomers

>All CGY/COL games will be in comfy mountain time

Attached: 1528662560368.png (270x270, 10K)

Loot boxes are equivalent to slot machines. If you think they are the same thing as sports betting, you're an idiot.

That's what the snacks are for, a comfy evening of funposting.

Attached: binnish.jpg (1000x728, 60K)

Thanks for outting yourself as a zoomer who was still in diapers the last time the avs made the playoffs

Sam Steel is a stud

>writes NBA several times
Checks out

he has a pornstar name, not that i watch that garbage

Who’s got the biggest cock in /hoc/

Fernie is the GOAT

I was in diapers last year?
I don't remember that

Hal has a monster

Attached: jesse-puljujarvi-this-guy-fucks[1].jpg (702x739, 55K)

Sounds lonely.

Attached: 1538363102603.jpg (882x960, 76K)

Definitely not me
I only got a baby 3 incher


based women
comfy is just code word for boring

Holy fuck this Ottawafag is literally obsessed and seething

Attached: 28fj3w (2).jpg (633x758, 62K)

of course >my cock wins out, >your cock first round exit

my cock is massive. you wouldn't even believe it if you saw it

That's just an eel he's stuffed down his trousers.

trump in his head literally 24/7



reminder that hockey is for everyone!

Attached: 1544584662082.jpg (768x1024, 117K)

not me, and I'm a grower too

Sports gambler is doing well on jeopardy

>Can't even alliterate right

Yeah, I bet.

Attached: another average day.png (1754x998, 1.43M)

me on the left
(i'm actually right btw)

Probably me

Attached: Penis.png (1101x636, 137K)

Burgers really are retarded, aren’t they?

me on the right
(i'm actually left btw)

little dick cric

Attached: alliterate.png (632x347, 17K)

get baited

the lengths people will go to lie about their penis

I’m the hottest goalie in /hoc/ and my hockey IQ is off the charts

>merely pretending

today i learned i have a long yet skinny dick

I hope so. They're long overdue...

Attached: eternal pain.png (686x636, 206K)

I'm the hottest goalie on /hoc/

Attached: 9f3ju05h250s95.png (600x800, 632K)

post your girl cock

Attached: 27E3EBB5-F3D0-4A95-9EC6-C0908D90219B.jpg (4032x3024, 3.68M)

I'm the hottest hottie on /hoc/, ama

I’m the hottest goaler

Attached: 561ED8C3-6469-4962-93A8-61CEF6FF1631.jpg (444x667, 128K)

Post tits

looks tasty user

>bone-in pork chops instead of boneless
I think Reddit might be more your speed.

that's not a question

shouldnt you be facing the play?

U have a kik bb

Post tits?


>female broadcasters
So fucking annoying. Who thought this was a good idea?

I'm honestly not sure what that is
no, I'm shy

it is a good idea because hockey is for every one

TOP5 players in history

prove me wrong

Attached: 1402887230077.jpg (424x362, 34K)

Attached: finnish_goaltending.jpg (720x550, 62K)

Is all you eat meat and potatoes.

How are the Monsters coming along?

Attached: grilling.jpg (480x480, 53K)

>he’s never seen a steak

laine is back on to fortnite now. big buff must have finally given back his ps4.

I'd suck the fart out of her asshole like a bong hit

Pork chop STEAK you retard

Not a lie buddy. Not that it brought me any pussy. Was in a relationship for 6 years and that's it.
According to zoomers:
1. McDavid
2. Kucherov
3. Matthews
4. Laine
5. Gretzky

Kucherov only gets his points from secondary assists. He's the most overrated trash in the NHL aside from Brayden Point (who also plays for the Tampa Bay Lightning)


McSecondary babby
>126 points
>40 goals

They're beef rib eye's you moron.

>Kucherov only gets his points from secondary assists
Like McMeme then? Eat a big bag of dicks and continue to ride McMeme's cock

>mfw bob boner becomes head coach of seattle next
>leads them to the scf
>meanwhile kitties continue being mediocre even under Q

Attached: 1550474296902.jpg (1012x936, 38K)


>Kucherov got the most assist by a winger ever
When the hell did he get so good?


Attached: 1512415359370.jpg (641x530, 46K)

>only tow teams wear green as the primary color and they're both in the central
>everyone else uses red and blue for the primary colors

Attached: 46fd2532d909221084c06dfe82a4712f.png (420x420, 184K)

virgin left panel
>wears glasses, poor-eyesight clear admission of weakness
>laptop, no real work gets done on a laptop, probably uses it to pretend hes a writing a screenplay at starbucks, career in pr (closet gay)
>messy desk, disorganized retard
>nu-beard to hide weak chin
>only owns like three books (back shelf), illiterate retard
>manlet twig, looks like a child in his deskchair, too weak to even recline
>picture of a fruit on shelf, subconscious expression of repressed homosexuality (Freud)
>overpriced metrosexual sweater and pants, he uses to get women to notice him because hes shy
>crosses his legs out of habit because hes self conscious about his penis
>no window

Chad Right Panel
>just beat up some faggot in the parking lot, took his classes to hang on his computer as a trophy
>desktop computer to manage his international business from home
>desk is organized, his favorite pens are meticulously categorized in their holders
>fuckin swoll, regularly breaks desk chairs from the sheer force of backward momentum
>sits confidently and relaxed
>perfect jawline, no need for nubeard
>has a massive bookshelf of books, too big to fit in the picture
>office window overlooking his 20 acres
>massive dicc, always ready for bj from his wife

Seattle won't be in til 2021

Gretzky babby

if the kitties dont do anything about the goal crease they arent going anywhere.

Messier babby

>USA Hockey still hasn't overtaken Russia yet
How does Russia produce so much talent?

Attached: autism2.jpg (567x561, 32K)

>mumble rap
aren't those the same thing?


But it's honestly better that you didn't know that.

young russian zoomers have generational talent to look up to.

No but both are fucking garbage.

I think he was just kidding, lad.

43 procent of their population isnt excluded from the sport

Yes idk maybe

fuck im bored

>mumble rap
Did Iggy Azalea invent this and make it acceptable, since she's been called out so many times for not having lyrics or being able to rhyme?

Yes, and both are fucking garbage and anyone who listen to it deserves nothing but a beating until they are nothing more than a living potato.

how gay and basedpilled will Xeattle's official name, logo, and colors be?

Attached: 1547894679298.png (600x626, 390K)

Really hope by "gay" you mean happy. It will be very based pilled and happy.

I can't add anything more to this.

hi bored i'm dad

Go Blots

Attached: disneyb_owl.png (1277x720, 631K)

Anything else than green as main colour would be a shame and a breeding ground for impenetrable hate

>mumble rap


t. knower

Attached: peak hoc.png (1080x1080, 1.17M)

Seattle somehow land McMeme in a trade before the expansion draft. Don't remember the details, they always become cloudy when I post in ancient threads.

I don't like that cunt either, but it doesn't make my point any less true. Kucherov is an overrated shitfuck

I've never been more disgusted by one of my "countrymen"

>eat sizable rice-based meal
>hungry again 30 minutes later
Why is rice so Jewish?

what do you truthfully expect from a PNW city that birthed hipsters, chain coffee, and re-named their county after Martin Luther King? The same city with """"fans""" that push the >MLS meme and call their niggercollide team >"""Us 12s"""

Attached: 1538543179768.png (212x218, 83K)

Sorry lad, if I come across something once I pretty much remember it forever, might as well use that to fill other people in on stuff and answer questions if I can.

t. seething retarded flyover hillbilly
wew lad

Actually kind of based


hockey is ________________

>and re-named their county after Martin Luther King
ha ha what the fuck



>birthed hipsters, chain coffee, and re-named their county after Martin Luther King
None of these are bad things. They do have awful fairweather sports fans, however.

For me it’s listening to music made by bands with drums, guitar, bass and a singer that sings about getting fucked up and fucking slags

>None of these are bad things.

only for white christian males that are 6'+ and have 8 x 6" dick

Attached: B R E H S.jpg (700x466, 76K)

i like motley crue too m8

Nobody needs filled in on the useless subtleties of the varying forms of nigger speak.

ya boiling

>For me it’s listening to music made by bands with drums, guitar, bass and a singer that sings about getting fucked up and fucking slags

Attached: 1536368554596.jpg (622x464, 175K)

the old thread isnt finished anymore

yikes, thats going to be a shan't from me, hold on while find the appropriate folder and place this in my cringe compilation

the greatest sport of all time and no one can refute that. /hoc/ runs Yea Forums


Attached: 1510122813647.gif (280x210, 1.41M)

ya ding-dong diddly seething

Why do the Sharks keep Jones around? You would think after all these years, they'll try another goaltender by now.


>48 more hours
>the waiting

Attached: 50981235.gif (400x300, 3.47M)

changed my bracket

Attached: bracket challenge.jpg (989x807, 140K)

just wait for the playoffs lad
that's where jonesy emerges

Attached: jonesy.jpg (810x540, 45K)

the one true scenario

Attached: bracket.png (883x651, 98K)


Attached: 1517912835345.jpg (298x309, 112K)

>tfw >my team doesn't even get to play until day 2

Attached: AAAAAAAAAA.png (1280x715, 782K)

*loses to an expansion team*

Attached: 22809.gif (270x200, 3.26M)

>tfw no hokkei

Attached: 15503759167561.jpg (480x369, 30K)

been noticing a lot of people taking DAL & STL to beat NSH & WPG, is this a real possibility or just wishful thinking?

ya worked yourself into a shoot ya mark

and that's where he always falls too

that's a nope for me tbqhwymf

>DAE just LOVE trump?

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Dallas has a chance with Bishop. He's the2nd best goaltender in the league based on % right now.

I also think people are sleeping on the Islanders as well.

binnington and bishop>>>>rinne and helybuck

also report and ignore that wojak poster. he wants to post again for attention

Attached: 225088.gif (389x292, 1.73M)

who else /shitfaced/ on a monday

Attached: 1548191973117.jpg (235x270, 20K)

Nobody is talking about Trump. Beyond obsessed.

based and alchoholicpilled

>Carolina made it far those other time so surely this unrelated team is guaranteed to make the conference final

A lot of embarrassing brackets tbqhwy

Attached: 1539191459092.jpg (951x972, 317K)


wew, take it to pol faggot

But you're talking about him right now

>n-no you're being retarded

theyre underdogs. I could really see them upsetting the caps, and possibly go far. mrazek isnt bad either

t. seething craps fan

Just got back from the liquor store going to drink bourbon alone like most nights

t. shannon

for me it's the Juno award winning jangle pop band Alvvays

Attached: Alvvays-cover-photo-1503938891-640x427.jpg (640x427, 89K)

ESPN+ has Isles at the bottom of the heap.

None more embarrassing than >yours, friend.

Poast shannon brackets

Attached: Shannon bracket.png (1513x1860, 1.45M)

Penguins are absolute dog shit this year. They will be swept, easiest bet of my life

I'm just started to get my hangover from drinking nonstop over the weekend


Attached: tfw.jpg (655x491, 67K)

i wanna believe on that so much but theyre the pengs. I just hope the islanders beat them so we dont get another pengs craps series.

don't take the b8

He spent half the video talking about those runs

hope you don't have the Islels going far, pongs just got Malkin and Letang back

Hurricanes are just this years Devils. Prove me wrong.

you're not wrong

Islanders did fine against the penguins this season, even if two games went to the garyout. I really cant see whos clearly going to win

Carolina isnt being carried by a goalie alone though.

Attached: Isles liz.png (720x960, 724K)

I know it gives me hope as an Isles fan

I’ve had to completely retool my drinking problem this past year. I always have Mondays off, so I usually start cutting back on Sunday so I get the brunt of the shakes and sweats Monday morning. Spend most of Monday fatigued, and will maybe have 5 beers max, and good to go Tuesday.

You’re going to get heemed weeb

does shannon watch tv while he eats dinner?

and so what? I still watch them in the playoffs when literally nobody had them making it this far. I just want the series to be close, and if it is, im happy, win or lose

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haha got'em

Carolina has better goaltending and much better defense.

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What's the point of living if you don't have dreams?

Pens just got literally everybody back. It's all well and dandy if that user wants to stay positive going into the series, but we all know how this is going to play out.

Worst possible outcome

>regular season matters


most of that was earlier in the season. I see it more as a battle between two rising teams if it does happen. Islanders need barzal to wake the fuck up, and carolina needs to pray that de haan can return. its also worth noting that if the islanders do advance, the rest of their playoff games will be at barclays

Attached: Jannu tea.png (428x386, 160K)

just pls win first round so I can see the Isles in Raleigh. Fucking Rangers f f f f f f f

checkt your wasted quads

>Worst possible outcome
I don't know, I'd kinda like it.

My hangovers creep up usually around Monday night, the headache lasting until mid-Wednesday.

Isles wins evenly split home/away. Ice doesn't matter to them

Same to you, bud.
As nice as it would be see the Penguins and get revenge for the 2009 ECF loss, I'd rather they didn't even make it that far.

if you watch this video from start to finish you'll become a Flames fan, guaranteed.

>our year

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just took a wicked moronto. had to call a plumber over to snake the toilet it was so bad. he asked me if i was scared m8 and i said not at all, he said me too and we both laughed.

>our year

Attached: mask.png (601x508, 140K)

hi yes are yinz talking about the 3peat?

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yeah, but for the fanbase that means going on the >LIRR to get to barclays.

I never get the headaches, it’s just a general fog. You make sure to eat, right? A big thing that always hurt me was on these benders is straight up not eat. Get drunk Friday, pass out. Take care of shit ASAP on Saturday morning and start drinking all day, no meals. Then I’d be hungover Sunday and not be fully recovered until Tuesday at the earliest.

Nope, no one was.
Especially since Washington took an actual 3peat off the table last year.

*blocks your path*

Attached: thebear.jpg (512x286, 26K)

>he thinks a threepeat can happen now

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caw caw faggot

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That's not the sound an eagle makes.

I like getting pretty drunk, grab a pillow and blanket from my bed and then sleeping on my couch. I can’t do it sober though, since I’m taller than my couch so I can’t fully stretch out. But I don’t need to be super hammered either.

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Barclays is almost over. At least one can drink on the train.

based, passing out on the couch is comfy as fuck



come on, even you gotta admit that video is hype as fuck

i can guarantee you that i won't

Attached: file.png (66x82, 7K)

>go to deviantart
>type your team's name into the search bar
>bring something back to share with the rest of the class

Attached: predator_kirby_by_ravensora-dbagph9.jpg (894x894, 62K)

>>go to deviantart
No thanks

I'll be honest, I didn't actually watch it.



I really don't think you're cut out for voice overs. Terrible diction, boring as fuck.

cursed kirby

Reminder yinzers are God’s chosen race

what manner of abomination is this

Attached: dear sweet fucking jesus.png (2070x1220, 1.19M)

basketball championship about to start

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Gay and gay. Go to bed, Tavares.

We're the smallest subreddit in the playoffs. We are the anti-reddit team.

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I'd post a webm of all the times the pongs knocked you out but I'm sure the imagery is emblazoned in your mind now

>preggo photoshops of models
Okay, this is genuinely based.

man this would be really fucking weird to come home from the bars too

did that mad lad kill the firefighter and dance on his grave?

might stop drinking lads cuz i had a few beers this weekend for the first time in a while and just got pretty depressed afterwards.

>washit crapitals win against the pongs for the first time in 2 decades and win their first meaningful anything
>they are now all uppity faggots who think the league is theirs for the taking
like pottery

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For me it comes and goes. Sometimes I get suicidal thoughts a few nights in a row while drinking, then completely fine for months at a time.

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It's actually incredible how delusional they became lol. Like they're the only team that's ever won a cup

It's almost like alcohol is a depressant

Crosby will be in back in Nova Scotia golfing and Malkin playing for Russia in the World's once the Pens get knocked out in the first round.

Attached: Geno-Crosby bros on the golf course.jpg (500x398, 55K)

>Yinzer frogposter continues to post about a threepeat that was stopped
>casually point it out
>what an uppity faggot, they think the league is theirs for the taking

Attached: uhhhhhhhhhhh.jpg (1024x682, 396K)

what do you guys think? i had winnipeg going to the finals but i changed it

Attached: 2019ploffs.png (1512x921, 187K)

Didn't mean to reply to

>taking an obvious meme seriously

Yes a stick up your ass type faggot

That Shorks team is dangerous IF Jones can save a puck and Karlsson is healthy. I've made my memes about them but they look kinda scary this year.

He killed him dead. The flames take no prisoners.

Try and seethe less when I post Kuz blowing out Murray's gaping 5 hole first.

like they have the potential (LIKE EVERY OTHER SHARKS TEAMS THIS DECADE JESUS) but they are gonna falter either early or late

yo tripping balls user!! I've been away from /hoc/ for a little while, what team are you picking to win it all??

Pens-Knights final lads

D-Don't make fun of me, I a-am eltie

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Who's seething lmao? Back to back losses on back to back cups. Cute one cup you have their kid :^)

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>of the 11 times the penguins and capitals have met in the playoffs, the penguins have won 9 times

Wew lad I sure am seething right now!



>smelly, dumb, yinzer scum

Love Vasy

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me bottom right

what's your favourite fire related song?

Attached: Snoop Cowboy.jpg (717x711, 103K)

sick of sharing this thread and sport with so many zoomers, faggots and non-whites

me with the digital camera right in the center

Mad and angry

volcano / lava dome

no contest


Attached: mr305.jpg (400x400, 15K)

Murray is the new Rick Dipietro. The fuck can get injured by a coaches shot in practice.
Do the Pens miss Fleury yet?



Attached: international.jpg (3600x2396, 2.09M)

>being old
I bet you're a fat, kissless hugless 40 year old virigin


REMINDER islanders had louongo at one fucking point but instead traded him and chara away because of mike milbury.

Based and worldwidepilled

Attached: mr international.jpg (649x649, 38K)


not even close, go dilate

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It's comforting to know that the Chinese are killing off the yinzer plague with fentanyl.

lol Milbury raped the Islanders future. I'd be livid if I had to see his face on my tv screen if I were an isles fan

I wanna fuqq those thots

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Are the Orientals pushing fentanyl as revenge for the opium?


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He ruined the islanders in the early 2000's. They made the playoffs sure, but the only good series in that era was against toronto in 2002. Saddens me to think if the islanders didnt trade for yashin like fools and kept chara.

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I miss making fun of Glass jaw Rick

that new aviator mod for Hitman is SHIT

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*blocks your path*

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fight fire with fire

Dude I get that Gudbranson sucks but no need to compare him to fentanyl.

Im not ready for these nostalgia feels :/

just waiting on muh relocation, lads

Attached: hou.png (309x367, 9K)

best Metallica album

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Attached: 2018-1019 Stanley cup bracket.jpg (741x535, 63K)

A fine Aussie lad recommended this song to me a couple of weeks ago.

criminally underrated

there is an eternal debate about everything from kill 'em all to the black album.

for me, it's AJFA


gotta round out your fire-related playlist, user

Is there a section on beavers? I only watched the first episode.

Attached: tubmlingdown.webm (1280x720, 1.42M)

>fight fire with fire
>ride the lightning
it fits so well


There is an NHL team that at this moment has all its fans saying or thinking.
Our NHL team to be out of the Playoffs again, let's go and support the team of that league, what's it called? So the Major League Soccer!

Test out that hockey IQ

this shit's a straight mo'fuckin banger

eww its back

you're god damn right it is

Ah the things we forget when they're gone.


Stop replying to it

did he dieded?

>not being a fine astute gentleman

Hope the canes get fuxking swept for what that scumbag owner did to the aaf and its employees

Y'all having a good time out there?

Attached: mrworldwide.jpg (330x465, 37K)

What the owner do?

everyone else ITT is shallow and pedantic


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fuck the AAF

Attached: dab.webm (1280x720, 1.65M)

underrated post

will he start cheering for the kitties next season?

Steel and jones sounds like a cop show duo

Bought into the league and cancelled it prematurely just to gut app content leaving guys stranded at away games with no rides homes, no hotels, no apartments, and no insurance to deal with football injuries basically. Absolute fucking lowlife

What do you think?

Attached: tumble2.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

Fuck weebs and animu posters, and Thomas Dundon

Didn't it come out that the other people who were running the show were the ones that fucked up and he just took out his money before they threw away more of it?


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he rolled out of it so he should be ok

it's fine

this is correct
while this is technically also correct, he committed $250 million to bring the league to solvency, then bailed before the season even ended so he could keep their gambling app.

The dude is shit.

Wait that was the fucking Canes owner?
Never speaking to you relocanes cunts again

It came out as a poorly planned investment that didnt pan out for him. Regardless you shouldn't strand people and leave them with bills you promised to pay. Dudes were getting evicted, 1 guy broke his arm the week before and will be without insurance. Have you ever tried to work with a broken arm? It sucks ass even as a desk jockey, nobody going back to being a garbage man or construction worker will be able to work injured

Literally who cares though? If it was such a great idea wouldn't there be rich kikes lining up to take his place?

end of thread reminder that bulju IS generational.

Sam Steel sounds like the most badass motherfucker around. I don't even have to look him up and I know he's an Albertan. That's a cowboy name if I ever heard one.

i've got the thread lads

better be good

owners literally put all their eggs in one basket. they gave control to him, he raided it for parts and shut it down.

while that's also on the original owners for being idiots, it's equally on Dundon for being an evil asshole.

I care when scumbags cancel something I like, possibly ruining dudes lives recklessly in the process and not living up to their promises. Dudes quit jobs in order to pursue that opportunity. People, families are being evicted because people trusted that their paychecks would be signed. Filthy corporate shills make me sick m8


Imagine not knowing that Ebersol was behind it.
Imagine blaming the guy who wanted to pull out of it once he found out it was a scam, instead of the guy pulling the scam in the first place.

Better include some anti canes and anti dundon rhetoric


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Still don't care. A bunch of violent drug addicts lost their jobs, who the fuck cares. Stay out of /hoc/ threads pls.

They passed their piss tests and were likely making more than you at their measley 75k per year