/mlb/ general - INFILTRATION edition

NYY: Severino (shoulder) headed to NYC for MRI
SEA: Tim Beckham (hamstring) sitting out Monday
HOU: Peacock to work as reliever for two weeks
LAD: Justin Turner getting night off vs. Cardinals
CHC: Lester pulled due to left hamstring tightness
PHI: Cesar Hernandez not in Phillies lineup Mon.
SF: Giants acquire Tyler Austin from the Twins
TB: Kevin Kiermaier getting the day off Monday
CIN: Senzel (ankle) out of boot, running Monday
LAD: Bellinger homers again as Dodgers sweep

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Other urls found in this thread:


/hoc/ here. great OP, lad

Are we finally acknowledging that cricket is better?

3rd or 4th for based White Sox btfoing trumpy

Is this possibly the worst rebuild of all time? I honestly don't know what else to do at this point.

I'm in the middle of my office only one sitting at my desk with my Sox jacket on on the verge crying while the rest of my department is coming out of their cubs home opener watch party exclaiming and celebrating. Why does it have to be this way?

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The rebuild itself will be fine, some of these players will be good to great. It just takes time.

Cubs win!
Cubs win!

Attached: Cubs Win!.webm (472x418, 817K)

Well that IS obama country

I mean when they are finally good then the only fear is that cub fans migrate there as they are all faggot bandwagoners

I've already waited this long I guess
I just wish there was something I could do that isn't just sulking after wasting 3 hours everyday watching/listening to them lose

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what is that from?

Such a weak argument to break the Cuban deal. the Cuban government funding Venezuela with what little they get is less of a threat than human traffickers getting rich with cartels.

gettin' real sick of your shit, /mlb/

Attached: m-tho.png (1000x1000, 154K)

It is a anime and therefore cringe

Cuba's out, Japan is on the Rise and eventually Korea as soon they develop koreans that don't just play esports 24/7

Enjoy being below .500 in 3 weeks

16th for The Washington Baseball Eagles

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oh kys

Wait how do you know it's from an anime if it's cringe?

it pisses me off that most of the city just goes on the winning side. I just wish they'd fuck off and stop watching that way you can only have the real fans

normalfags will always be filthy casuals

all anime is cringe, but not all cringe is anime.

Attached: tmyk.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

For me, it's the 2019 World Series Champion Los Angeles Dodgers.

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Reminder that true baseball fans hate Trump.
Also Trump is a pussy who will never throw out the first pitch to start the season.

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>cubs and red sox fans all support trump

>President Noodle Arm

Hey, where's the barb and the kids guy? I'm getting up some sausage patties. Wishing I bought that Phillies grill tools set I saw at the Bank yesterday.

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I mean you could just say you don't like or understand anime, but sure.

Grilling up*

Mmmmm... the little lady's at the salon getting her nails done... kids are in a new after school woodshop club... gotta get an education, its always important to have some other skills too...Mmmm..looks delish Earl, lemme whip up some of my famous steak n veggies while it's hot

Houspie wins!

Goddamn It! i guess /mlb/ loses again.....

Anime is cringe as fuck

Attached: houspieseeth.jpg (960x895, 339K)

Nah. but using cringe in a sentence is ironically cringe and i'm saying that knowing that. god damn zoomer culture


Wubba Lubba dub dub

I stand corrected


Zoomer culture is based now give me (you)'s and call me cringe Wubba lubba dub dub I'm PICKLE RICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL XD

White Sox vs Rays attendance today was 11,734.

Did white sox fans actually man up and actually boycott the team like they kept saying they would?

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Nigger Faggot

Sorry to interrupt the faggotry, but

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Imagine being obsessed with a single user that may or may not even exist.

When you could just DOYERPOST with the rest of us.

Attached: coolkid-hou.png (583x594, 56K)

Those red ones the sausage ones? They look fantastic.

The Anti GOAT

When u dab on the haterz

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Are the Mariners good? I can't tell.

They're all sausage. The red ones are hot, the other ones are sweet

Does posting 0-2 Count as Doyerposting?

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They haven't played a good team yet instead feasting on the super shitty ones.

What hot would you compare the hot ones' flavor to?

this is sikopithyy!!!!1

Calm down Psycho that's not a WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 THIS IS CRACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Listen to the sound of that hit and enjoy the magic.

>All those butthurt yelichfags.

Attached: catch-baez.gif (316x316, 942K)

I dunno man, it's just hot italian sausage. Have you never had it? Have you ever had a bahama mama from 7-11?

Why do baseball rebuilds take so damn long

what the HECK is ur problem!!!!11 this is incanetty!!!!!!!!

Only shitty ones do.

baez is pretty based

Because Jerry Reinsdorf is the owner.

Attached: reinsdorf_3.jpg (600x421, 60K)

But Yelich is better than every cub

>it's just hot italian sausage.
Yeah, but that's sort of the info I was looking for. So a burger made out of Italian Sausage, or did you mix it with something? Having any sides with them? Also, doesn't look sunny. If it isn't too cold out, that looks like it'd be a comfy fucking meal. Way to go you SoB. You made me hungry as fuck.

Attached: Crying Wojak.png (628x725, 10K)

Absolutely based.

return to reddit

uh oh here comes autistros!

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If they hate it so much, why do they keep watching it?

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Mike Trout is overrated as fuck

Yeah, just ground Italian sausage with some breadcrumbs and an egg to keep it together. Sauteed peppers and onions on top.

Why is /mlb/ so obsessed with houspie? what if he's not here anymore?

Can't return to where I've never been user. What's the problem with Wojak? I use him all the time. You're the first person who has minded in years.

i have a theory that he never was

Hey who's fans would you still go to games if they were free?

kill this poster now!

It's obviously a cabal of autism that has a discord to shit up the thread for keks.

Attached: Rockies Win Thicc.webm (414x614, 752K)

>Throw the perfect breaking ball into the dirt
>It still gets hit for an RBI

>*homers again*
>*grand slams again*
>*makes your ace look like a scrub*

Dodgers will win the NL west

Attached: dodgers win milk.webm (828x450, 1.86M)

its literally one dude who spams threads with that name when he doesn't get to make the OP. "Houspie" doesn't exist, but the guy who spams it is very real and very autistic.

They haven't even played yet

Attached: suckling.webm (534x350, 462K)

>Seahawks/Rockies fan

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74 degrees. Perfect.

>baseball is all about hitting balls really far
I remember when I was 12

So is the "Houspie Spotted!" Guy gone or was that him?

Draft picks are a crapshoot even if you get the #1 pick he might wash out in AA.

Assuming he is a decent MLB player teams are also bigger and your bullpen and rotation wont get fixed by one high pick

Attached: banana.webm (1070x1080, 810K)

Depends, do we have an ownership who cares as well or is it the same piece of trash it is now?

you gotta believe

Attached: Rockies Win.webm (1044x564, 858K)

houspie has been spotted

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But i didn't make either thread

I like baseball. I like cricket. But I LOVE hockey.

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Big dick Gallie

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to recap:
The name he assigns to any OP who isn't him / calls him out
>Houspie spotted!
The same autist spamming thread.

Case in point:

Attached: astros win2.webm (526x456, 758K)

Attached: Error AZ.webm (834x458, 1.35M)

houspie has been spotted on the premises!

... quick basebal-related question, if i fap to this am i weeaboo?

Attached: padres.webm (620x344, 1.98M)

But aren't we all houspie?

Attached: padres1.webm (630x356, 1.31M)

That's not even japanese so no. i think it's french

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Attached: pirates win.webm (776x564, 558K)

Go stros

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Attached: rays farm system.webm (360x360, 1.73M)

Thanks lad.

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Let's say you could swap bodies with any player for one week. You are in charge of the player’s decisions, and you can do whatever you want in the player’s body. Who would you choose and what would you do first and during that week?

Is mama kill?

>doesn't win a playoff game

Who is the Eli Manning of Baseball

I would choose Bryce Harper and join a REAL winning team, the mets

>But aren't we all houspie?
In this user's diseased mind, yes.

Also you can't stop me! i live in your mind!

Wellington Castillo/Yonder Alonso/James McCann
Get close to and then murder Jerry Reinsdorf

Cool, brb.




Attached: hou-aboard.png (320x300, 54K)

Touch call: Switch bodies with Justin Verlander and bang Kate Upton all week, or switch bodies with some 21-year-old prospect and bang random thots.

Nope, gonna have to go with the latter. Let him deal with STD's when he gets his body back

Absolutely based.

>fat sloppy titted Kate Upton
>hordes of younger better looking sluts
It's not even a decision

Attached: dodgers under black managers.webm (624x332, 2.14M)

Choo Choo Motherfuckers!

Howie Kendrick says, "This is a great post!"

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pikachoo motherfucker!

Fucking brutal dude.

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Most prospects get shit tier THOTs. At least until you get to big cities in AAA.

A ball and rookie ball are all in meme cities. Maybe the players in the Florida league get to fuck big titty jews.

San Jose is the only good city in A ball

Attached: rizzo dancing.webm (832x468, 2.7M)

Shit man, I didn't know Torre, Mattingly, or Lasorda were black.

Still, young in shape ballplayer probably wouldn't have too much trouble trolling bars.

Tonight is the night Chris Davis breaks the record for hitless ABs.

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Dodgers were good under Lasorda. Guy had balls.

Dave Roberts in the front office house nigga

Let's go Winstros!

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Unless you got a fat signing bonus you would be broke and have to beg for money from girls.

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Isn't she with the yankees?

>*Caribbean drums*
Ayy I gotta new pitcher for y'all called Yu Darvish
He gonna walk dat three times from first to third





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holy based!!!!11
lemme have the beat
solja boy tellem

No the stadium is in the ghetto and I am nervous getting an uber to take me from there to the train station

yanks v stro's, let's do it

>no interesting games today
MLB BLEW it with the scheduling this season so far

>flips bat

Attached: 1str0s.png (534x626, 50K)

What? You're not a true fan of a team, win or lose?

It makes no sense whatsoever.

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Who the actual fuck said that wrong as fuck quote?

Natinals vs Phillies
Nationals vs Philthies
Nationals vs Phillies

Nice tits
And a face to protect them.

>white sox
>higher winrate than the reigning world series champions
some fans dont deserve to win

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homebrew 3d model used in shitty fan music videos for hikki retards, he's posted his favorite videos here before

Trivia Time for you faggots!

Only three pitchers in MLB history have been the primary Closer for one team for 10 or more years. Name them and the teams.

Two of these should be really easy.

Are there more riots going on in Baltimore? The place is completely empty

Baltimore has always been a Basketball town

I hope Davis gets the record

It would almost make this whole clown show worth it in the end

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That's why everyone is watching tonight

Perhaps despite not losing as much as the Red Sox, the White Sox are still an unwatchable team

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People who post in generals should be shot, myself included.

Mariano Rivera

The Red Sox have an owner who cares about winning while the White Sox don't. Care to refute that?

that's one.

Trevor Hoffman, Mariano Rivera, uhh, Bruce Sutter?

He'll probably fucking mash a home run first time up then whip off another 0-40 stretch.

MLB changed the rules for consecutive game records to include multiple seasons. It wasn't that way not long ago. Pete Rose used to have the longest hitting streak in the NL until they changed it.


Wait is it Rollie?

you got the first two, the last one is harder to guess. Even if I gave you the team, you might guess another closer.

I want to say Rollie Fingers, but I fear he was a starter for a chunk of his A's stint.

Are you stupid or did you not see how their pitching is so bad they gave up 34 runs in the last 4(!) games?

Not Rollie, but it was an AL team.

Royals Icon Dan Quisenberry ?

Doyers @ Tardinals bread

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soo close but no cigar.

right team, wrong closer.

red sox had something like the 3rd best offense and only 2 wins and one of the best bullpens in the league until yesterday

They also have an owner who cares about winning and thier fans.

[spoiler]Wouldn't have partied so hard on that boat ride as José Fernández.[/spoiler]

one to go.

You can do it, Chris!

SO CLOSE to the homer. ends up and atem ball

Let's go Chris!!!

Anibal Sanchez threw the first Eephus pitch of 2019

>scuba kek


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going for the record next at bat
lets all watch and laugh at oreos

>tfw test increases

This is a man's life not a game.

I would smash it

You have a good heart, leaf. I like to think I do too but saving dudes' lives didn't occur to me.

I will make fun of an incredibly rich and handsome man if I fucking please.

>pay Harper to be an all around great player even if he does choke
>pay Trout to be the GOAT of your franchise and baseball as we know it and never make a postseason appearance
>pay Chris davis to go hitless and give more reasons as to why no one should take your team seriously ever
good season desu

I'm happy so far

Sam? Dr. Sam Beckett, is that you?

Attached: Quantum-Leap.jpg (650x300, 48K)

Based boomer show!

>go to deviantart
>type your team's name into the search bar
>bring something back to share with the rest of the class

Attached: 1522967873841.jpg (750x1125, 171K)

And that's it. 0-47.

Chris Davis 0-3
He's done it.
>orange ducks

Chris just broke the record. The stat Baltimore deserves.

Tell me about it, some of those episodes are kino af. The story arcs about helping his brother and helping Al induce manly tears every time.

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quick, name a worse contract in baseball than Chris Davis


I want to rewatch the whole series now asap. One of the best tv shows of all time imo.

Chris Davis jerseys will be out of stock tomorrow. Everyone loves a loveable loser and Chris is now the biggest loser ever.

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God I hate people. Just because Filly is a horse...

The absolute state of Phillies fans

Eloy is now batting .257. I told you motherfuckers to watch out.

Are the White Sox legit cursed?


Crushing records

Everyone kind of assumes that winning a world series automatically ends a curse. I disagree. The Black Sox live on.

Just bought two club level tickets for 18 bucks for Wednesdays day game

Mis (you)


Why are so many baseball players kinda fat?


Because it's a chad(dad) sport

Post pics of the biggest bums in MLB

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What about the Bambino then?


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I believe that curse is broken. The Black Sox curse lives on. The Billy Goat curse is TBD.

>Black Sox Curse lives on
Shame the 2005 Lockout happened. that was the year the White Sox would've won it all

phillies win again!!!!

Jesus Christ how are the Bucs this fucking trash

Fix your farm system or something fuck

*homers in your path*

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Good game, Phillies. Stay mad, Mets.

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I wouldn't even bother saving a picture of Rosenthal

What did you get for your 330 million tonight?

A win!

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0-3 with a SO and a BB and a missed cutoff throw

In a winning effort!

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Does Harper have TWTW

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a bloo bloo bloo

>missed cut off throw
What happened in the play at the plate?

Get used to him missing the cut off man, throwing to the wrong base and having runners advance/score. On the bright side, he strikes out a lot with RISP and is prone to extended slumps.

That's just the kind of pithy, well thought out rebuttal I've come to expect from a Phillies fan.

Let's talk about the best looking women in baseball

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sweet baby ray's

Chris Davis is 0 for like 60 in his latest PAs

Answer the question. He missed the cutoff man. What happened next? Tell the story. Start when the ball leaves his hand. Where did it go?

weird to bring up money while your team has one of highest payrolls in the league, higher than the phillies, only to sit at sub .500 even more so because harper still has good numbers

>Start when the ball leaves his hand. Where did it go?
Over the cut off man's head.

The Tribe curse lives on and on. It will never end

The O's like phillie don't need davis to win. i guess like harper he can go hitless and still have his team win, if only the team was a contender



And where did it go from there?


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based astros

bow to the queen of /mlb/

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oh fuck you assholes... we yankees fans are SOOOO much happier than yall.. its pathetic LMAO.. you just jelous so ya seeth all day calliin us "stankees" as if the first month of the season means SHIT! fuck off


what the fuck?!


Anyone in baseball more /fit/ than Thanks?

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What the fuck is his problem?

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Peer pressure desu from all the money he stole from the organization

fucking phone post


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I hope you're not really excited about beating KC

It went to the glove of Jean Segura. Who then fired it to the glove of JT Realmuto, who then proceeded to tag Ryan Zimmerman to get the out


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Since the beginning of last season, this man has hit 25 homeruns that either tied, or put the Phillies ahead

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Can Pujols please just retire already

First career grand slam for Kevin Pillar!

>there are human beings who have masturbated to this image
frightening thought

this is insane....

>This is a 10 in phillie


Sorry i'll spell it right

You're a good deal south of the mark, my friend

How dare you the Phanatic's mother is a classy gal. Nothing like that Boston floozie

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If i were bostonian i would kiss you like Tom"The Cheater" Shady does to his son every night

mmm yes... maybe a barbeque mmm

Come on over after the kids go to bed. We'll break out the single malt whisky and put on a world war one documentary.

Don't forget the astros are probably gonna win the world series after the mariners collapse happens in two days

Can you even satisfy a grill like this without an 8 x 6 inch dick, brehs ... ?

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You also need a tremendous snout. No wh*toid snouts allowed

Not bad

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Based breh poster

it's all about shehadi

Who is the Anthony Recker of NFL and NHL?

Not much devianart Astros stuff so i'll just post this

Attached: jerseygals__elie_by_jayqc80_dcls2xt-fullview.jpg (600x777, 94K)

Lauren is great too

Mark Sanchez in football and i don't know anything about hockey

>Mark Sanchez in football
Why Mark Sanchez? What does he have in common with Recker?

I am

>make 50k a year
>have a wife and 4 kids
>make time for Smash and friends as well

And I'm a White Sox fan. It's hard but fulfilling, just like my life. What about you guys?

Not this time Reckerposter/Godgers

>4 kids
>50k a year
Lol do you enjoy living in poverty?

>4 kids

What in the fuck.

Nice bait friend. Enjoy the (you)

If the White Sox dont win tomorrow I will probably either kill slef or turn into cusb fan

Don't lie you're already a cubs fan

Who is slef?

>tfw STILL the best team in baseball

Attached: Vogelbomb.jpg (1600x1066, 271K)

>Not this time Reckerposter/Godgers
Is Inspector Godgers a Reckerposter? What evidence is there of this?

I am
>73 Years old
>make 8.5k a year in Social Security
>Have a deceased wife with 8 kids, 21 Grandkids
>make time for yelling at colored people on the subway

And I'm a Yankees fan. It's hard but fulfilling. just like my life. What about you guys?

>best team in baseball
>lose one to the based Sox

On one hand this makes the Mariners shit but in the other hand it makes the White Sox cool, and based.

Poor user's depressed because he was 4 kids and no money

>no gf ever
>no friends anymore
>15k/year part time almost done with school
>live with parents

not his fault the organization is a bunch of FAS survivors. If anything it's yet another cautionary tale of signing aging mashers to monster contracts.

Organizations are starting to catch on though. The past few offseasons have been full of 32+ year olds REEEE-ing about teams not blowing hundreds of millions on long term deals for them, but the analytics are right. Someday in the future something will need to be done about the current system of locking up talent on the cheap until they are 27-29 years old. Salary should look like a bell curve with the peak salaries around 27-30 because those are the most productive years for hitters generally.

>living with parents
>no job

No, think of Slef's family!

May I suggest having sex, like all White Sox fans have done?

oh fuck off and die... it isn't that easy when you aren't born with the social grace typical of sockies fans

this, I've never reckerposted. Now either come back with the data or don't come back at all.

hmmmm no i don't think they do. too busy crying about the whos

when is ohtani coming back

Man dont drag slef into this...

Hey kid, FUCK YOU

We are the WHITE SOX dont call us that shit meme.

I thought his pitching wasn't coming back this year at all.


The only reason you guys post so much about the White Sox is that you're still seething about 2005.

where are facts? someone get me the statistical analysis...calculate the lambda... just get me the data...

You MotherFucking Orioles fans that were cheering Chris Davis breaking the hitless AB record! Yeah Fuck you!

Fucking Cock Suckers!

Very classy of you. He even hit a very hard shot that almost got out if he could have just got a little bit more mustard on it.

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Why would we seethe at a 24 year old world series?

w-what do you need the wavelength for?

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Sometimes my wife and 4 kids see me staring off out the window and they ask what I'm thinking about and I tell them it's about how good the White Sox will be in 2 more years after this rebuild kicks in and they get smiles on their faces and then they stare out the window with me and we cry silent tears if happy.

He hit Fucking 3 hard ass hit line drives in a row and didn't have anything to show for it!

you just seem like the kind of guy that would be interested in recker, and it's weird that you've never even mentioned taking down the reckerposter even though he's been shitting up the place for a couple years now

Who are the best looking women in baseball?

I gotta mess with the variables... I think this thread is suffering from dynamical chaos... I just need the variables so I can put the pieces together.

He is on my analysis. I have my eye on him, I don't like saying his name though as it always gets the reckerposter out there, but since you pressed me I will oblige.

Attached: IG & crew Analysis of the offseason.png (2440x682, 106K)

Yeah that was a shame. All 3 hits had an EV of 90+ too. Why didn't the A's players just let them drop in instead of tryharding to rob the poor man.

Try going through the mainframe's back door

Piece together? this thread is shit and we all have ourselves to blame. or we can just blame houspie as always

Update this already


So you agree?


Attached: 1477258264042.jpg (640x640, 51K)

Did you really expect chokeland players to have class?

Why does Godgers have Boomer barbeque posters on his graph? they haven't done anything but eat bbq

Going to win it all and I hope I never have to hear our broadcasters reminisce about 2001 fucking ever again.

Attached: UjiHjFqX_400x400.png (400x400, 106K)

She is still employed in my heart.

Attached: untitled.jpg (498x500, 42K)

They haven't done any barbecuing, just simple grilling

What other women in baseball do men here consider good looking?

I mean if they don't somebody else will.

is he elite?

Attached: 330_million.png (388x158, 28K)

Oh, well that's still harmless and they don't spam every ten seconds

i fucking HATE the cubs, but it's Kelly Crull and no girl is close

Attached: Colorado+Rockies+v+Chicago+Cubs+gi1hDne385Mx.jpg (1024x683, 154K)

Your wish is my command

Attached: IG & crew Analysis of the offseason.png (2440x682, 118K)

>92 runs scored
what did the mariners mean by this?

I hope no one sticks a snek in my boot.
Would be very uncomfy.

Attached: rags20.png (598x598, 450K)

He's a better hitter than Smoak, Ackley, or Montero ever were desu. That eye and power.

Attached: i.png (350x254, 105K)

Anthony Recker

Is he finally breaking out?

he hit a homerun a few nights ago and the camera panned over to him five minutes later and sweat was pouring off his head and he was still breathing hard.

Definitely /ourguy/

wemo lade

Attached: wew.gif (205x274, 18K)

>turn radio on
>"remember that game with KGJ back in" CLICK!
I know when I hear that the are being blown out and I didn't need to listen.

>definitely /ourguy/

Attached: vogelbach.jpg (725x924, 65K)

a schwarbie vogie ws!? oh my!

Yep that elite

>you just seem like the kind of guy that would be interested in recker
What kind of guys are interested in Recker?

Will they win the championship this year?

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Who or what is Recker?

all signs point to losing to the WC berthed Cardinals.
>multiple entries get multiplied

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A dodgers tradition

goodnight /mlb/


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>Anthony Recker
Why do you respond “Anthony Recker” to a question about women?

What would your walkup music be? Party Boy would be mine.

You post makes your point perfectly.


Is there a more overrated player in MLB history than Mike Trout?

>1 playoff appearance
>ZERO Rings

thats a sexy ops

32 dingers

found a new one of these guys I like theyre like a gold mine for me

Classic Kershaw

dont forget that he was shit in that one appearance

Attached: 1539407032120.jpg (534x401, 74K)

As many rings as Kershaw, Machado and Puig

What are the characteristics of a Reckerposter?

.800 club getting smaller

>the Mariners are having a Seattle Pilots turn back the clock day


Attached: pilots.png (642x795, 813K)

I, my good sir, would walk up to only the most amateur and obscure basswave HOT JAMZ

And as many playoff series wins as Harper

the pilots are in Milwaukee

getting hyped for that Mariners-Dodgers WS
20 runs a game

>it's Trout's fault that the year he broke out the team that drafted him signed Pujols to an albatross contract that basically fucked the franchise for the next decade

Attached: brainlet.webm (640x360, 2.46M)

it his fault for signing two extensions with that team when they still havent done shit

the history will always be in Seattle. Plus, Milwaukee didn't have the balls to continue rocking the based captain's hats so they don't deserve the copyright.

Attached: pilots hat.jpg (245x206, 7K)

>Chadres win

Goodnight bros :3

Attached: tony-gwynn-smile.jpg (900x600, 52K)

i could live with that WS. Great storylines of course, never beens vs possibly losing 3 in a row...

>Greg JohnsVerified account@GregJohnsMLB
>Seattle's 32 home runs are the most by any team in MLB history in the first 12 games of a season, breaking previous mark of 31 by St. Louis Cardinals in 2000. #boom

Attached: DINGERVILLE.png (634x383, 364K)

So if the mariners win a WS how far will the memes go? will the fanbase turn into whatever the seahawks when they won a bowl?

Bummer, Pillar's grand slam wasted and Parra left the plate bleeding from the mouth after getting plunked

GG Pads

not as bad as the seahawks but worse than the royals

This year they will probably be .500 ish but Trout bet his team will improve in the future and he's probably right. The Angels fired their retarded GM who hated having a healthy farm system then hired somebody who knows what he is doing. They're going to make significant improvements in the next couple years when their best prospects reach the majors, and even this year Trout's numbers should improve when Ohtani can start DHing and he finally has some protection batting behind him. When Pujols comes off the book they will no longer have a negative-WAR black hole taking up a lineup spot and the salary of two productive players.

>turn into

you're my favorite trip bajp

who is your least favorite?

I kind of feel like the Sounders and Seahawks have absorbed a lot of the obnoxious fans but you never know.

nobody, not even Yea Forums knew what obnoxious shitbags seattle fans were before the seahawks won the owl. That was a true surprise at the time.

Lifelong Mariners fans that appear during lucky streaks will always keep their behavior fresh in our memory.

Come off it you disingenuous faggot. As if there's any team's fanbase here that won't be a shitshow if they start winning or one that doesn't just disappear when they're not. You just seem to be extremely butthurt by Seattle and the way you keep bringing up the Seahawks would pretty much give you away.

oh no no no

Here's an essay on why exactly I'm not an annoying asshurt bitchboi:

MAriners have one of the most consistent fan bases on /mlb/

Saying things doesn't make things true.

t. butthurt lastros fan

sorry sir

>late season/postseason/offseason - 0 mariners fans
>lucky streak - 10 mariners fans
Maybe they are consistent after all.

we make mistakes

Oh no no don't become like the cubs posters no more apologizing.

That's right, be proud of being an obnoxious bandwagoner.
Fly the M!

we are so sorry

There is no postseason for the Mariners you dipstick.

You would think some of them would join us in enjoying our national pastime, but, no. None of them ever have.

offseason mlb was a shitshow

I just like the Mariners

Attached: 1473828453383.jpg (1024x683, 127K)


hey I'm sorry

Please accept our sincere apologies


So. When does the collapse begin Marinerbros? I know it'll happen and I just hope it's sooner rather than later. DONT GET MY HOPES UP AGAIN YOU FAGGOTS

Attached: seattle-mariners-bringing-you-heartbreak-mlb-ip-and-disappointmen-sh-27857667.png (500x425, 112K)

we messed up... and we're prepared to pay for our wrongdoings.

Attached: index.jpg (266x190, 11K)

Please don't yell. I've learned from my mistake and I assure you I am very very sorry.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

I'm going back to Fangraphs where they respect me.

how did apology posting even start? these are just becoming abstract to the point I don't get it

>walk to get to the pitcher, they're a free ou-

Attached: 1554752724293.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

I was yelling at the team not you, user. I've been rooting for these bums all muh life. The suffering is real.

What are psycho gang posters and what happened to the woe/despair/Lord of the Rings/orc poster?

God i love baseball.

>a batter hitting a blooper to shallow left is webmworthy in the babby league

Consistently shit

Those posters disappeared since baseball is back again.

Don't forget the part where he injures himself.

>Those posters disappeared since baseball is back again.
So what are psycho gang posters?

It's Lester, he's going to work his body to limit.
If the Buster Pussy rule didn't exist he'd barrel through a catcher to make it home.
Also it's only hamstring tightness, so he was pulled as a precaution like anyone else.

more like blake...smells hah

>it's only hamstring tightness

>Needing to hold your bat to get a base hit

Attached: 1554750979337.webm (782x436, 731K)

Brewers > cusb

The > cusb list is pretty long

Get back to us when you have one of these.

It has to be recent too Resd and Tards.

Attached: cubs_banner_AP_2_t715.jpg (715x591, 138K)


Watch the condensed version of today's game instead

Attached: kumiko doyer.png (840x480, 377K)

>Everyone slobbering over Troat robbing a home run
Is there a bigger defensive meme play than that? It's not like it's that difficult.

hi kumiko doyer

Attached: kumiko.png (848x480, 348K)

Finally someone says it

Cain's play can eat shit too. They all can. A real ball pack should be designed so that it can't happen.

How many ball parks have the walls high enough that so that outfielders can't rob home runs? Those are the true baseball parks in my book.

Zounds! I believe I’ve sighted Teboq with based Heims.

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I'm gonna need your thoughts on yuri camp


ello fren

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i cri evrtim

You will feel super comfy when watching and nothing can enter your hemisphere. When it ends, good luck filling the void

Attached: comfyy.png (1920x1079, 1.69M)

Anime piss me off

what levels of comfy are we talking about here?


>Worst than royals
they'll be around eagles posters. FYI royals posters weren't bad. Cubbies were bad. Aspies are bad.

No, I'm sorry. I fail to realize we all have our flaws.

You ever sleep in on a weekend and your team plays in the afternoon on a Sunday when your favorite pitcher is about to toss a gem and youre finished with all that, when you still have close to half a day to enjoy whatever your heart desires?
It's that but wholesome. But don't blame me if you feel empty when it ends

Attached: 1521818606120.gif (600x338, 1.13M)

you know when


why is this allowed

The first Cheezburger nights predated the Seahawks Owl and we had all the pics we needed to know strange things were happening in the PNW

saved for next sunday


>will the fanbase turn into whatever the seahawks when they won a bowl?

you bet they will

Attached: ku-xlarge.jpg (640x409, 161K)

check out this cope

I can haz an excite?

>skinny white girl
>doyer fan

Attached: yeahIm-gonna-have.jpg (250x187, 11K)

imagine being the pitcher who gives up extra bases to a pitcher

I love Rize.

is that an outfielder

Attached: rize.png (1280x720, 451K)

weebies run this joint

fucking anime tards




i'm going to allow this.....

She could be if you put your mind to it.

no thanks

>hating on thots

Real new when?


we outchea, see you in the NEW


Attached: Satania_Dance.gif (156x312, 353K)

500 and on time

get a load of this faggot

>after 500
>after already a thread
McFucking KillYourself

just linking the next thread


>samefagging to have the op

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