WTF, why can't Hazard do this every week?

WTF, why can't Hazard do this every week?

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jesus christ

RLC got an assist for this lol

Hazard is based. A winger/forward who actually uses ball control to get past players.

le dribbles into the corner out of bounds man

>nobody can name any of the guys he just dribbled past

i think there's mark noble somewhere

same thing can be said about 99% of Mesoy goals, yet some people call him the best.

>West Ham

>that flag
>that post

every fucking time


No matter who literally who that are at whichever midtable PL club, they're still the elite of world football.

because he also does it against the top 1% players, unlike hashit

It's only MAGISTERIAL when Messi does it against cortado baristas

>because he also does it against the top 1% players, unlike hashit
right, look at all of messi's solo goals at the world cup.

>yet sp fellates Messhit when he dribbles pass a 9 man team of farmers

he literally can get past 1/4 3 years in the row and will only do it now because they draw easiest opponent.

Name the top 20 CB in the world

no need, I already see his goals in cl and liga

How many goals has Messi scored in the knockout stages of the Champions League in the past 7 years?


>I already see his goals in cl and liga
>top 1% players

more than hazard

still Chelsea player and already makes you seethe so hard lmao, how long Real is living in your head rent free?

Yeah, professional players in any LaLiga club are the top 0.001% of the football players in the world.

Chile must be in the top 0.001%

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>cl and wc winners
>not to 1%

West Ham has a pretty good team on paper. Most of their players are well known at least if you follow the premier league.

>being this delusional

>following any non-top 6 EPLEL club

>Hazard threads turn into a Messi thread
>Ronaldo threads turn into a Messi thread
the GOAT for sure

>hazard living in his head rent free

too bad none of them were sologoals like that

Messöy fans literally see other players scoring a lot or dribbling well as a threat to them. Insanity.

why does Yea Forums seethe so much about hazard? he dominated in Lille at 18, stayed loyal to chelshit for years, is finally getting his dream move and is objectively very good yet he gets shittalked almost as much as nerman

>pic agrees with me

that's not sp, its le r*ddit army

*runs past you*

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h-he's fast!

We did it, Reddit!

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what's the point of this post?

>inanimate object agrees with me
based autist
>hazard's sologoal is bad cause i don't know the defenders as opposed to messoy who scores non-sologoals against cl round of 16 teams and sologoals against 9-men getafe in 2005
it doesn't even "agree" with you

>thread about a hazard goal
>someone brings up messi out of nowhere
>lol why are messifans so threatened
Mentally ill

it's a thing on Yea Forums. Every top tier player is called shit and it is "proven" in a retarded and cringy way.

>someone posts a very nice sologoal
>autist downplays it
>someone else brings up the guy who scored a few sologoals and doesn't get downplayed for it
>they brought up messoy out of nowhere
take your medication

>Messi scores sologoal against Betis: OMG OMG GOAT
>Hazard scores sologoal against west ham: lads, it's west ham

>messi doesn't get downplayed for things
Yeah, take your meds



>he's good, but he's no Vinicius

>le media favorite goatfucker with 60 messoy messoy messoy threads from shills per tapin is downplayed because sane people call out the bullshit overhype
>hazard scoring a nice goal resulting in one active thread where some autists are instantly talking shit
the drugstore is right around the corner achmet


>hazard scoring a nice goal resulting in one active thread where some autists are instantly talking shit
Wow, just like every goal scored by Messi.

i wrote something else too, pretending not to notice it won't make you look any less retarded

Doesn't change that the original argument you made was retarded and now you're trying to pivot

no it changes it very much, the argument is whether its downplayed or not, when 50 raving retards are chanting messoy messoy messoy for a tapin 3-4 sane people pointing out its just a tapin still means its overhyped. when hazard scores a worldy and theres one thread where al-fonso is already seething from jealousy with no raving fanboys who would be actually justified in HAZARD HAZARD HAZARD-posting

>EPLel defending

it's hard to tell for the image but without looking it up i'd say noble, ogbonna, tomkins, and bryan

It changes nothing because nobody brang up Messi until the seething autists make it all about him again.
And have you maybe considered it's because those goals didn't appear in a vaccum and people were able to see other games from both Messi and Hazard for the past 10 fucking years and form their opinion on who's better based on that? Maybe if Hazard displayed this kind of talent as regularly as Messi and with the same outputs he would get his own threads too. But he doesn't, because he's not on the same level.

bc he's busy doing your mum every week

because you cant play west ham every week

because he doesnt play vs west ham every week

Just give him the middle of the pitch LMAO

I already explained why messi was brought up. Hazard is not as good as him or as famous, so yeah he will have less fanboys to cheer on him, but that should mean he should have less haters too. This goal deserves all the praise it gets and much more and look how the one thread it gave birth to is turning out. It's not proportional at all because of messifags feeling threatened by any top player who manages to score a sologoal.

*makes Messoi fanboys seethe*

football is so easy. just go trough the middle of the center backs dummy

>I already explained why messi was brought up
And it's still stupid to act as if it was Messi's fanboy who brought him up
>but that should mean he should have less haters too.
That's a retarded logic. Every single player has haters on this board
> how the one thread it gave birth to
There's currently 7 threads on Hazard
>It's not proportional at all because of messifags
Yeah every single Hazard hater MUST be a messi fanboy who are just SO jealous of Hazard. And then you have the balls to say anyone else should take meds. I for one came in this thread to see the webm of this great goal only to see it had already devolved into yet another thread devoted to Messi because he seems to live in his hater's head rent free.

Who gives a shit who brought messi up, bringing him up is not the problem. The problem is the messifags shitting on hazard with huge diligence and pretending their arguments have any merit when their own goat is easily fucked over by the same argument instead of the few hazard-haters fighting with the hazard fanboys. none of the other Hazard threads have comparable activity. Obviously if a player is smaller he will have both less fans and less haters but somehow Hazard has a million haters all of a sudden he scored a goal that competes with most of messys solo-goals while he was a well-liked player with few haters just yesterday.

People hate Chelsea bro. He's too good for us and this shit league

thats why Messi is the GOAT, to apply that standard to azzar is to be a brainlet

>Who gives a shit who brought messi up, bringing him up is not the problem.
Yeah it's exactly the problem. Shows who's truly obsessed with the man.
>The problem is the messifags shitting on hazard
Again you're just making shit up out of nowhere. You draw conclusions out of thin air then use it as foundations for your arguments.
> none of the other Hazard threads have comparable activity
None of the threads have activity, it's fucking monday how fucking delusional are you that you think it's a big conspiracy.
>he was a well-liked player with few haters just yesterday.
Again WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING ON ABOUT. Where are these millions of haters? Why do you say they're messi fans when they're not the one that brought him up?

No it's not an obsession. When someone scores a sologoal it's normal to think of the guy famous for scoring sologoals. You're just talking mad shit like I'm basing my accusations on nothing while I'm always clearly saying what I'm basing them on. There's plenty of people who watch PL and post in the matchthread, you're the one constantly making shit up like there's no activity. There's 400 posts in the match-thread and 80 in this one, most of it messoy fans hating on hazard. No activity my ass. Your brain has no activity if you think you can come out of this argument on top. It's no conspiracy, it's just you and your autistic friends so butthurt by a nice goal by a top player being appreciated far less than a shit goal by your favorite CL choker that you have to downplay him because it would mean someone other than messy can score sologoals. You won't duck out of this one, you were stupid and you should apologize, that's it.

Actually I misspoke, maybe you're not a messi fanboy, but you sure want to take the blame away from them for their doublestandards and pin it on the people who pointed out how cancerous those doublestandards are.

>No it's not an obsession
It obviously is. Nobody else has as much persistent haters, so much that you can recognize them by the flag.
>You're just talking mad shit like I'm basing my accusations on nothing while I'm always clearly saying what I'm basing them on.
Again, because you're saying it doesn't make it true. You've yet to demonstrate that:
-There are "a million haters" of Hazard
-That all those haters are actually crypto Messi-fans
>you're the one constantly making shit up like there's no activity
Open the catalog and look a the rate of answers. It's not the weekend or a CL night, the board is slower.
>most of it messoy fans hating on hazard.
Again, what are you basing this on? Do you read minds?
>it's just you and your autistic friends so butthurt by a nice goal
Again, paranoid ranting. I'm not butthurt, as I've said I came to the thread to see the webm only to see you autistic fucks ranting on Messi in yet another thread that had nothing to do with him.
>that you have to downplay him
Please quote me on that you delusional fuckwad.

You seem to have a persecution complex or something, for real. You only made this post because even you realized how stupid and paranoid it made you seem to be. There's no double-standards at play, when Ronaldo and Messi score a goal there'll be 15 threads on them because they've proven they're of the greats for 15 years. Hazard has to battle for the trophy of the 3rd best player year in year out. But if someone dislike him or Chelsea, then oh boy it has to be a Messi fanboy. I'm done entertaining your delusions. See you in the next thread you can't help to turn into a Messi thread you obsessed waste of bandwidth

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>not knowing england's brave mark noble


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No, I only made that post because I had this last shred of doubt that you're seriously just a simple football fan who wanted to watch a Hazard goal and then got into this mess and I went and insulted you. Thanks for clearing my conscience about calling you a retard. Looking at the board there's 3 hazard threads with no posts, this one that started out well until the autist started shitting on hazard and you confused pointing out his delusions by bringing up messi with people being obsessed with messi. They didn't bring up messi to downplay his sologoals, they brought him up because this one deserves just as much praise as most of his, except for 1 or 2 which were better. Messi being here has nothing to do with being obsessed with hating on him. There's also another one about hating on Hazard with like 50 replies. There's no active thread praising him. A player who is supposedly so run-of the mill noname, that nobody replies with anything when he is praised is supposed to have this many haters. Let alone the fact that the guy is defending messi after being called out on it, meaning he obviously is a messifan, even if you would need some common sense to figure out he is from the previous points. Since you're so hell bent on convincing everyone Hazard is just being regularly downplayed like everyone, yes, you are also downplaying him. Hazard can have haters but you have to be willfully ignorant to think this guy had any motivation to hate on him aside from protecting his messy ego.

based frenchmen shitting on hungary twain

In case you didn't understand, he was wrong the whole time

Nobody can't name 99% of defenders in any league in the world m8


Gyppo got BTFO by France
Stop bringing up Messi in everything, it's unhealthy

holy shit ronaldo

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which player does that every week?
for 15 years now

You're right, when talking about sologoals, messi is the last person anyone should bring up. He never scored any and definitely isn't known for it worldwide.
spoiler alert: there are no solo goals in this video

Dude you are pathetic. Stop being this insecure

but he did it against liverpool this season

>farcacuck seething already

you know very well

No. 41 really fucked up didn't he, should've occupied that space in the hole HAzzar drifted into


FUCK i meant number 16. No. 41 did as well as he could have, 16 really fucked up his positioning since his LB could have taken care of the man he was marking originally

Goat Frenchmen doing the Lord's work

>Hazards once in a lifetime run at age 28 is not even as good as 19 year old messi

The only thing worse than a frog who can't admit they're wrong is a frog from
>a fucking leaf
who stands behind him even after he was exposed.

He did something like this against Liverpool earlier this season. Stop spouting shit.

Rice and Ogbonna maybe Noble

but can he do it in a warm sweaty night in palermo

wow that bulgarian sure is nuts

absolutely based

>proven wrong but still samefagging
>using based as le *upboat*
is germany dare i say, r*ddit?

dude do you have any sort of mental illness? like, do you have aspergers or some thing like that? that frog is probably sleeping now

Because he isn't an American Football player

>le do it and somehow still have most goal contributions man

It's 11 in the morning in Yurop atm

>Once in a lifetime
Hazard does this every season

sixth best player in the prem by my reckoning

based marinho

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If you ignore our defence (Fabianski aside), maybe

>because he also does it against the top 1% players, unlike hashit
(not true by the way)

Name those players

For me its Montpellier Hérault Sport Club, founded in 1974.

Good taste

The question Yea Forums couldnt answer...

it was answered already

Third best player in the world tbqh


fucking based

lmao bruh defending is easy jus let the best player on the pitch have acres of space and all the time in the world to do his thing bruuhhhh

Hungary absolutely sodomized.

If this were true Argentina would have beaten France.

What? This doesn't make sense. You didn't prove him wrong at all


come to besiktas, user