Hate Yankees

>hate Yankees
>hate baseball
>hate the N F kneelers go to helL
>hate towel heads
>hate queers
>hate Mexicans
>hate uppity coloreds
>hate physical activity
>hate vegetables

>love my guns
>love trump
>love God
>love overly processed food loaded with HFC and salt
>love college football
>love my roll tide

God bless

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Southerners are literally subhuman

>Southerners are literally subhuman

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So this guy hates the United States, right?

Because how can you be proud of a literal traitor's flag and at the same time be a patriot of the United States, the very country who defeated what your beloved flag represents?

Wouldn't make any sense.

trash is all over man. have you ever ridden the new york subway? or driven through los angeles?

t. Morbidly obese with a southern """""education""""""""

Except its 10 times worse in the south. Look at obesity, poverty, IQ, and education statistics

>t. degree in gender studies from a Northern (((university)))

>what are niggers and spics?

that's because of niggers. white southerners are mostly these weird conservative hippies

I was about to post this verbatim

Engineering actually


why do americans pretend fat whites don't exist

Enjoy getting passed over for pajeet to cut costs, ya fucking gaylord faggot LMAO

As someone who had family in the South, white people are probably the worst, fucking bless your heart mother fuckers wouldn't help you if you were being eaten by a God damn bear, they'd just sit back say bless Jesus he will save you and continue onto their daughters cheerleader class before going to McDonald's to stuff their fat fucking faces with it

Enjoy Passover

because in this case it is quite literally basketball americans making up the majority of obesity

White southerners are just as dumb and fat. Fuckers still think the earth is 6000 years old and Jesus hung out with dinosaurs

Why can't all of America be like Colorado?

Attached: united states of obesity 2017.jpg (1200x951, 595K)

Being a Republican = being fat and stupid. Colorado is probably the bluest state

Well most the southern States got fucked because they were sitting on prime land that could be used for industrialization, and farms couldn't last because the swing in temperature and mother nature pmsing 90% of the time, the Advent of fast food and soda being the new water because all the natural water sources are polluted with the many run offs of the local operations, it was only a matter of time that they'd balloon up in an unhealthy way

Coloradan here
Ironically we were a red to purple state until about 2006ish when a shitload of califagians moved here. We’re still the thinnest state, but we’ve gotten much bluer and much fatter since those coastals locusts fled their own crumbling state for here.

>being this jealous of well-fed americans
keep slurping your soja machiatto you faggot

love BASED niggers
love ben shapiro
love israel

Also the biggest faggots as far as native population goes

They were fleeing the east coast yuppies that started coming here, trust me friend I'd rather have some old Californians than the fucking waste of whites we got here now

He hates the USA just like you should hate the BRD

1. the reason the south is fat is because of all the blacks, they have by far the highest obesity rate of any race in america, and the south has the largest population of blacks in the country. put two and two together
2. why is being a republican stupid? the left wants to jail people euro-style for saying mean things on twitter and import millions of low-IQ religious zealouts who hate open societies

DC's close; should all of America aspire to be like DC as well?

White are just as fat as blacks in the south I've been there tons of times
>dumping millions of gallons of run off into rivers and tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere has no effect on the environment
>a rudimentary wall will stop illegal immigration
>the way to stop gun violence is more guns

Guys, it's the meth that keeps the whites looking good, black folk don't fuck with meth

>dude let's all ride bikes
what about the 3 billion people in china india and nigeria? you think they're going green anytime soon?
>dude we can't stop illegal immigration so like why try haha
democrats are actively calling for ICE and border patrol to be disbanded altogether
>dude let's just like outlaw guns then no one will have them haha
shooters actively seek out gun-free zones when they committ mass shootings. and also, look at brazil, practically any form of legal gun ownership is impossible there yet they have one of the highest rates of gun violence in the world

america's problems are complicated and nuianced, your basic bitch lefty bullshit only amplifies them

Quit acting like that's speech other than from extremist, the problem is honestly old money, fucking billionaires playing politics while letting the "politicians" run around acting like they can do anything other than what the fucking money at the top says

>because China is killing the planet it's ok if we do despite having the means to be better
>building a physical barrier is the only way to stop illegal immigration also it's not our fault at all we didnt set up proxy militaries and cartels to stop communism or anything
>lol lets just ignore the gun issue all together while we have Brazil and central America level murders and shootings

>muh Southern heritage!
>*votes for a tacky New York yankee real estate mogul running under the Party of Lincoln*

Your ancestors are spinning in their graves.

I don't know never been there, you tell me

>Brown hands and neck

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>love diabetes
>love third world healthcare
>love watching my daughter blacked
>love pretending like I'm a country boy even though I make six figures and live in Brentwood Tennessee
God bless

Sherman didn't go far enough.

Attached: kansas.webm (512x640, 2.79M)

>mfw half "his folk" are black and mexican

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your faith is a fairytale
your flag is meaningless
your people....you're welcome to them

What in the red-white and blue motherfucking star-spangled hell was that??

My god....

And I guess that obese fuck constantly eats all the food away so there's nothing left for the creepy living skeleton there?

It's really so fucking weird. Like 1 out of every 10 flyovers can eat horrific shit food yet they don't gain an ounce of weight.

Seriously, the Souf thinks they have all the guns in the US while ignoring their dependence on Humalog.

Thank you mr skeletal.

Your average Southerner

Oh shit its Dylann Roof

actually based

Mexicans and dixies were allies against evil yanks

wtf is wrong with the thin as fuck kid?

i mean, great that he wants to fight the stereotype of the fat american, but he may have gone a bit too far with this

there's like literally no fat or muscles whatsoever around his arms

The Yanks are fucking evil.

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based portubro

He lives on chewing tobacco and Mountain Dew.

Self-hating Mississippian here.

Funny story. I swear it's true. I was chilling with a coworker and he I was telling him about quitting smoking and vaping instead. He apparently also vaped. But not to quit smoking. He fucking vaped mountain dew flavored vape juice with 0% nicotine so he could quit drinking mountain dew. I shit you not.

occasional reminder that bradysknee samefags constantly under user and multiple other trips, and is most likely a mentally ill attention seeker.

>54 posts
>24 unique IPs
oh look he's at it again lelmao

100% Believable. Mountain Dew is Caffeine, Horse piss, and neon-yellow food coloring.

Missouri and Kentucky were Union states. Why do confederate tards always claim them?

>the Iggles miss the playoffs

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Got it wrong lad

Should have ended 'simple as'

not even close fag LMAO cope though

Southerners dont speak that way though

>Self-hating Mississippian here

Why don't you just move to another state then?

Well they should.

Probably saving up for the big move to Florida.

Because I'd rather try to fix the least educated, fattest and poorest state in the union rather than run away. It's a fucked up place, but it's home.

Probably too poor. Mississippi is the poorest state in the USA

Hmm, that's actually a very noble attitude I guess

Well good luck with that and if it makes you feel any better, according to the map here you guys are actually only the 2nd fattest state in the US, West Virginia (a Northern state interestingly enough) got you beat in that regard.

Japan very cleaning, very nice, even fat people enjoying being nice.
Don't know what American problems are. Maybe we are okay because of the drugs like Adderall that we can, everyone in America taking Adderall. Not good.

If you google "brain drain" autofill will probably put Mississippi in there. Almost all of our best and brightest get the fuck out.

are you larping as a japanese?

I read today that 25% of Japanese people between the ages of 18-39 are virgins. What in the fuck is that about?

>Hick Virginia
It's literally the stereotypical hillbilly state. West Virginia is most definitely Southern just listen to how the people there speak

hedonistic culture and history

Love the USA, hate the ZOG

Californian hands wrote this post, you can tell because because it sacrifices comedy for leftism. Imagine giving a shit that your food has fucking salt in it. God you people are faggots.

after re-reading, you're probably right desu senpai

Honest question: is University of Alabama noteworthy for anything OTHER than "Roll Tide", particularly related to actual education?

>Colombia GDP
>$2,448B GDP

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Trump makes me wish I was born American

Well, he's not trying to build a wall to keep you out, Ice-Mexican.

I've unironically encountered some Cletus-types on the internet that oppose Trump. Like they'll type out manifestos denouncing him in the bless-your-heart vernacular desu

To be fair, Trump is a Jewish puppet.

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Good times.

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>implying Putin is Jewish

Put your trip on bradysknee

>the south

don't lump us in with those fuckers

>be Canadian
>have free health care
>"gee, i sure wish I could pay $10,000 out of pocket for this"

They are the kind that think the Bushes were good presidents though

>>hate baseball

I've met my fair share of unemployed rednecks who haven't missed a Braves game in years

Did W watch the Super Bowl with Sex Traffickers?

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That Iowa figure seems awfully low
>t. Iowan

Do Americans really do that

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Also, hecho en Chine.

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Did he die?

People like to include Mississippi and Alabama in the same breath, but man Alabama is so much better. A tier below Georgia. Huntsville is going to be a major city 50 years from now. Buy real estate now while you can.

They are like Kentucky.

They fought with the loyalists during the war but they are culturally southern and chaotic now

You were literally a few votes away from electing in a pedophile.

It was over a states fight to leave the union

because they don't realize it's about class, so rich whites convince poor fat whites that everything is the blacks or mexicans fault so they blame them instead

The long con since the 1700s.
>at least you're not black!

>Huntsville is going to be a major city 50 years from now. Buy real estate now while you can.
Not as long as y'all keep trying to elect pedophiles and pride yourselves on being retrograde dumbasses against basic progress like keeping your roads paved and making sure your prisons aren't bathed in blood

t. Georgian

>meme says you can't read
>you don't read it
And... scene.

Uh huh.

No one cared about loyalist slave holding states. The war was fought over the federal forces not retreating from sovereign southern land

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