/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Orange containment track edition

>Countdown to Chinese GP:
(click menu on left for session times)

>/f1/-approved series calendar

>Other racing on each week, choose your poison


>Previous Thread:

>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>Fantasy.formula1.com: Formula Autism Official:
Passcode: b3dccf1429

>WDC Standings
V. Bottas 44
L. Hamilton 43
M. Verstappen 27
C. Leclerc 26
S. Vettel 22

>WCC Standings
Mercedes 87
Ferrari 48
Red Bull 31
Alfa Romeo 10
Haas 8
McLel 8

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 races without ever scoring a podium:
158 (160 entries)

>Max Verstappen F1 races without ever EVER scoring a pole-position:

>Hund status:
We will enter old cars because they are faster

Renault are just jealous - Steiner
Zandvoort IN, Spain mayber OUT
2021 rules far from decided

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Other urls found in this thread:


GTC 4 Lusso dream DD


wish me luck boys

makes me wonder if anyone in /f1/ actually works in f1

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Ruining Renault from the inside

Excellent plan, good luck my friend

Good luck. I think the French weather lad said he works in F1


Thx watching Australia now.

You should start by making the tea like Cyril did.

Lads, I'm 90% sure my Toonie is counterfeit. Should I try to buy a soda with it?

Attached: toonie600.jpg (600x600, 81K)

good luck user, post Yea Forums and date if you get accepted

Anyone ever got an internship in an F1 team, I was thinking it might be something cool to do on my placement year.

do it

>Renlol makes their own aero simulation software
Aren't there already a bunch of Finite Element Suites that can effectively give provide feedback on aero design?
Good luck nonetheless.

>Riccardo loses his front wing immediately

Attached: http _prod.static9.net.au_fs_2014516a-565b-4fa1-b87c-db4f5acd2f39.jpg (1396x785, 110K)

Who's /ourguy/ this year boys?

Awfully leafy in here, innit?

It's hard to find someone to support. There is nobody cool left in F1. Vettel's a onions boy. There's a bunch of literal children. Riccardo is a douche. My unconscious racism seems to make Hamilton almost invisible to me. Is Leclerc a decent dude?

>I support [a driver]
>Does nothing to tangibly help them win

zoomer detected

Does shitposting on this autist forum count?

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Imagine a world where it did

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On the surface it's hard to support Leclerc because he was born in Monaco and had everything handed to him.


Is Bottas cool? I do like Finns. Hakkinen is one of my all time favorites.

All F1 drivers in the past 20 years had everything handed to them, don't believe their lies

On the surface it's hard to meaningfully reply to your post because you're in Canada, and a clueless dork.

I'm leaning towards Alfa on my team support.


>not watching F1 purely for memes

Yeah man. I think I found my guy.

>Zandvoort IN
Gonna ruin a perfect motogp race just so Max can race in front of thousands oranges

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Charles sighed as he walked through the hotel to his room, feeling tired and honestly a little disappointed. That win should have been his. Charles pushed a hand through his hair, strands still damp with rosewater.

“...next race.” he muttered to himself. Suddenly, a warm hand clamped around his shoulder, startling the Monégasque, who quickly twirled around to see who it was.

“Mick!” he gasped, relaxing when he saw the German smiling at him almost shyly. Mick pulled his hand away, awkwardly pulling on a loose thread on the hem of his shirt.

“You did really well today and yeah.. I guess it doesn’t change much and all that- but you deserved to win.” he murmured. Charles smiled at him.

“Thanks Mick.” he answered. Mick swallowed thickly and then hesitated for a moment.

“And I’m sure they are still very proud of you, you know.” he blurted out eventually, just as Charles wanted to continue his way to his room. He stilled almost abruptly, feeling tears instantly brimming in his eyes.

“S-sorry, I shouldn’t have started about then, I didn’t mean…” Mick stuttered. Charles turned and gave him a shaky smile.

“Thank you… I wanted to win for them today.” he answered. He was just glad someone dared to mention it to his face, Jules and his father…

“You’ll get plenty more wins for them, I’m sure.” Mick said, reaching out to touch Charles’s hand. Charles nodded, a gentle smile playing on his lips. If it had been anyone else, Charles wouldn’t have believed them, but Mick had always been bad at lying, or hiding his emotions, his face always revealing everything to Charles. Mick honestly believed in him, and it made something flutter in Charles’s stomach.

“Do you want to watch a movie with me?” Charles blurted out. “i mean… I’m going to my room and watch a movie to relax a little, want to join me? Sebastian sneaked me a bag of popcorn this morning.” he explained more clearly. Mick smiled and nodded, seeming more eager than he wanted to let on.

“Sure, sounds fun!” he said, mouth twitching up into a full on grin. Charles nodded and gestured Mick to follow him.

It was momentarily as they settled on Charles’s bed, Charles’s laptop resting between them. Their arms were pressing together, and Charles had to keep himself from properly snuggling into the younger man. Mick was looking at the movie, but every once in a while Charles could feel the German’s eyes on him.

Charles, meanwhile, had already forgotten which movie they were watching, too focused on the disappointment of today’s race, and mostly the feeling of Mick next to him.

It was only a good 15 minutes into the movie when Charles shuffled around to face Mick. Mick seemed a little startled by it but turned around too, smiling softly and squeezing Charles’s fingers.

“Are you okay?” he asked. Charles sighed, letting his head drop to Mick’s shoulder.

“Is just all a little too much.” he admitted softly. Mick moved to wrap an arm around Charles’s shoulders, patting his arm a little awkwardly. Charles let out a shaky breath and hid his face in the crook of Mick’s shoulder. The German smelled of something familiar, and while it was calming, it also made it harder for Charles to stop the tears.

“Let it all out…” Mick whispered, grip tightening a little as a sob tore through Charles’s throat. Charles felt stupid for crying, but couldn’t stop. He knew Mick would never make fun of him for showing his emotions, and so he dared to be vulnerable in front of the younger man.

Mick softly spoke to him in German as Charles sobbed into his shoulder. Charles didn’t understand what he was saying, but Mick’s voice was soft and warm, soothing Charles slowly.

“Sorry…” Charles sniffled after a moment, pulling away and wiping his fingers over the spots his tears had left on Mick’s shirt. Mick gave him an almost tender smile, brushing the remaining tears off Charles’s cheeks.

“Feel better now?” he muttered. Charles nodded, eyes falling down to Mick’s lips. He leaned in a little more, their lips almost touching. Mick’s eyes had widened significantly, but he still didn’t pull away. Up close, Charles was just mesmerized by all the little details of Mick’s face, from his long, pale lashes, to the light cover of freckles over his nose. Mick’s tongue poked up from between his lips for a moment, and it startled Charles out of his trance.

Charles shuddered and decided to just go with it, closing the distance and pressing his lips over Mick’s. Mick’s lips were incredibly soft and gentle, but the German was definitely not kissing back. Charles pulled away, a deep blush over his cheeks now.

“Oh god, I didn’t mean to-” Charles’s words were quickly cut off by Mick pulling him close again, lips coming together a second time. Charles let out a soft sound, hand coming up to Mick’s cheek to keep him close. Mick pulled away really slowly, staying close enough that their noses still brushed together.

“That was…” he chuckled nervously.

“Good..?” Charles finished for him. Mick nodded. Charles let out a sigh, relieved Mick hadn’t minded the kiss. Mick shifted down on the bed a little, rolling onto his side. Charles understood the hint and moved the laptop out of the way before laying down as well, snuggling close to the younger man. Mick wrapped his arms around Charles, nudging their noses together to make Charles chuckle.

Stop, please

“Stay here? Tonight I mean.” Charles muttered. Mick nodded, linking their fingers together and pressing his face into Charles’s hair.

“Of course.”

That night, contrary to his expectations, Charles didn’t lay awake thinking about what could have been. Instead he focused on the now, his now, which was right there in his arms.

Why can't Americans perform a pit stop?

I, for one, believe that HIDF was right all along

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Lando was exposed on the first race tho, he could have a strong points finish if he managed to pass Gio
>vettel and gasly
that's just sad

when will IndyCar legend Takuma Sato get a shot at Formula 1 again?

How was Kvyat exposed in Bahrain?

Toro Rosso fucked him over in quali and then he got spun around by Gio.

I believe he is this low because no one cares and/or expects anything from him

idiotic chart. i hope putin annexes the rest of your sorry country

it was decided by a poll, friend

you now remember this : youtu.be/Y-nopsyyVn4

The fuck? You have to sign up in mygoodstream now? lol

why the fuck are you using myjewstream in 2019

nth for the World's Worst Dressed man

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He has no cultural identity.

Is he /ourguy/?

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Friendly reminder that Kimi sexually assaulted a Canadian woman.

It'll do you no good to try and beat that dead horse in Finland, Talula. You've wasted a trip.

Friendly reminder that Lewis is a big admirer of Michael Jackson

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Fucking Fucking Raikkonen

What a fucking idiot

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based dubs
lewis is a paedo

Vettee too. F1 drivers are pedos.

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Working class boy from Stevenage


that's assen, zandvoort is the f1 track


How /f1/ does even compete?

fuck toothpastes
fuck vercrappen
fuck sharl
fuck vettel
fuck 'amilton
fuck bottas
fuck hulkenshit
fuck rickyardo
fuck kubica
fuck stroll
fuck perez



The true goats in this sport are those guys that somehow manage to read what is written on paper while they’re in a car in movement without actually wanting to vomit

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Is this the day he crashed and died?

Is Lewis bald? Why doesn't he take off his dew rag for the national anthem?

double dubs: check'd
I'd rather have a Dutch GP in Assen than Zandvoort.

Nope, first testings, 1983

>he doesn't want to see F1 cars mow down seagulls at Zandvoort

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Poor birdo

At least it wasn't Bruno Senna ramming a dog during a GP2 weekend.

>running over a bird was Vandoorne's greatest achievement in F1

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>you now remember Nando crushing two birds at once during Indy 500 practice
waffle couldn't even beat him at that

no way f1 limos can race in that track, is barely big enough for bikes and normal size cars


Is Frank Williams the most BASED f1 person ever?

Totally autistic. Hates his family. Purposefully drove fast and rolled cars. Preferred going running than spending time with his family. Regularly says what he thinks in the most fucked way. Totally one eyed. Everyone still likes him.

Is he a GOD

Reminder that all the Williams kids are shitters, who wish their dad loved them more than he loved Formula 1. Claire is the only one that knew the way to resolve her daddy issue was to get involved with racing. She's still a shitter but at the very least Frank will speak with her.

>undoes seatbelt while upside-down
>lands on head

Sounds more like a DUMBFUCK than a GOD

Dont make me remember this

I thought the boy wanted to take over and now he's butthurt that Frank chose Claire.

>Claire is the only one that knew the way to resolve her daddy issue was to get involved with racing
>hurr hurr I don't know what I'm talking about so imma make shit up :DDD

Johnathon ran a GP2 successful team to prepare for running Williams, then got fucked by Toto who installed Claire instead because he could control her.
Now he runs "classic team Williams".

Isn't it kind of mean that he had her run the team? I mean this isn't like being CEO of Yahoo or something where the board of directors actually run the show and you are just a figurehead. You actually have to do something to be successful.

Your degree in shitposting and homosexual leclerc fantasies aren't valid work experience.

>homoerotic fetish for Frenchmen
>not valid at Renault

user, pls.

>french and english Arab race mixing
Yeah okay retard. Let's hear some more of your hot takes. What other high quality posts are you going to deliver today?

>What other high quality posts are you going to deliver today?
Holy fucking kek the irony.

>using kek unironically
Needn't say more

been on HRT for 6 weeks now lads

>t. used "hot takes" unironically
Holy fucking kek the irony.

Nuke us, pls

please stop

Uhm... GIMI

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The >fucking state of Max Chilton

Attached: Chilton tries to be cheeky and gets bullied the fuck out.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

Or what? Serious question

Based Tony

I really like how you can see the aerodynamic effect the cars have by the feathers left behind

Accidentally removed the webm woops

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Kmag >>> H*lk

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Reminder to not fall for the HIDF's narrative that Retardo getting exposed means that Hulkenberg isn't also a shitter.
If Hulkenberg wasn't a shitter he wouldn't be at 158 and counting.

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reminder that ricciardo is unexposable

Imaging being exposed by a hedge.

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Not this shit again.


>He took his resume
>Pump eet
>Wait until he's in
>Then we doomp eet
Joking aside, good luck lad

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Dude HRT was disbanded since 2013 :^)

Do my boys proud.


Not even remotely /F1/ related but I have applied to several openings at NASCAR concessionaires and have yet to receive a callback despite a superb resume and prolific understanding of American tastebuds.

Cheese, butter, and fat?

Don't forget starch and sugar.

Starch used to be taught as a major food group in the US. Lots of dairy too.

dairy wouldn't be so bad for us if we didn't pump it full of sugar.

I want to get pumped by him

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I'd rather pump LeClerc tbqhwyf

>It’s absolutely zero interest on the number side. If it’s 10 less than somebody else or 10 more, that doesn’t dictate at all what I will do. When the feeling changes I will go and do something else but that’s how it’s going to go.

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Never forget get




you better bring ricci a wdc by 2021 bitch boy, he'll bully you out of renault otherwise

Stroll is far too little above Perez, he's mega exposed

If you don't wish success to a driver who has no podium after 158 races but is beating a multiple race winner there is something seriously wrong with you.

The fact that the thing is actually the case shows that there is something wrong with F1 rather than with Hulk.

Reminder that Renault and all connected entities are unexposable.

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What's he thingken of?


Good thing Briatore isn't there anymore.

>Shitardo is exposed b-but hulkenchad is even worse!!

Delusions of anti-hulk posters are getting more amusing race by race

Imagine getting exposed as a carbabby by le no podiums man

wasn't really his fault imo. just a racing incident, because Kanaan decided to come in in the last moment when Rahal's car stopped on track

on that matter: everyone in F1 used to laugh at Indy and other american series for always having yellows for the tiniest thing that happens on track. In recent years, it has switched. F1 have become the yellow/FCY/safetycar pussies, while Indy let's everyone race unless it really isn't possible anymore, and even then they first let everyone make a stop, so nobody gains an unfair advantage, and only then bring out the yellows.

>there is something wrong with Hulk rather than with F1

You got that right :DDDD

>Ricciardo has always been an overrated divebombbabby shitter
>Hulkenberg has always been an overrated no podiums shitter
>shitter A beats shitter B

Guess what?
They're both are still shitters

Ricciardo is the worse of the two for not being able to immediately adapt to a lesser car desu senpai. say goodbye to muh divebombs.

>if I antagonise people that will make the thread much nicer
Refer to for the correct approach.

>gimi can adapt to a new, slower car with less downforce
>Shittiardo can't


Just imagine how it must feel to know that you are exposed by a bored old man and someone with no podiums

Can we have one (1) thread without this same like/hate circlejerk?

This is /f1/, so no

good post

>hates >muh cuntry driver
>cannot stop mention this hatred
>avoids the counterargument by also hating hulk
>but still takes every opportunity to mention this
Prove to me that you're not a contrarian, I'm sick of your bullshit.

And yes, that is meant to be a statement.


Why is engine layout restricted in F1?
They should make it like in Le Mans.
Open layout with fuel restrictions.
That could spice things up and make it more attractive to other manufacturers

Fuck it's funny how the Austards loved to laugh at Vettel when he got exposed by Retardo
But when the shoe is on the other foot they can't take it.

Oof, a strong scent of samefag in the air

Because money, and such a system wouldn't work with salary capping.

Because Merc and Ferrari would then spend 10 Billion Dollars on some meme engine Layout, like a 1 Liter quad Turbo V3

I like both, therefore your argument is invalid.

Would make the shitters fuck off then.
This is supposed to be the epitome of racing. But eh, F1 has been a joke for a while

>all these people thinking regulations actually made teams closer

They've done quite the opposite. Budget differences were as big before as they are now relatively and the differences between the top teams weren't as big with the rest as they are now.

The 2014 regulations destroyed the balance.
This year the midfield is a bit closer though.

Problem is no one cares about the midfield being closer but rather that there are more than 2 teams competing for wins in 80% of races.

>The 2014 regulations destroyed the balance.
Thanks to fucking Mercedes. I do not fucking understand why Ferrari and Renault gave a green light to that fucked up set of regs.

Good luck, hope you last longer than Joe, Lee, or Palmer.

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We all would.

>Not supporting his far more BASED brother

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Because Ferrari wanted to beat RB

Do you know where you are?

Are there any good ass pictures of leclerc?

what being a shit driver lmao?

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Why do instahoes always put some dumb motiovational speech in their pictures?

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because they are sluts

But why put it there? What's the point? If I was a slutty instamodel I'd whore out my body without pretentious "BABY UR BUTIFEL" tier motivationals.

don't think they think like that, at least carrie only posts that stupid sideways tongue out smiley every post

At least Carrie sometimes has legitimate information in her descriptions.

yes far superior posting compared to the likes of floersch or particja

To try pretend that people follow them because of any reason that isn't their tits or arse

Me on the right

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me on the left

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What does this mean?

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>tfw you spot some one season shitter and you know he is going to try and talk to you but you don't want to waste your precious time

God protects.

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literally the only behind the scenes scene of gimi

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Protip: keep all your gimis in your porn folder so people won't see them and think you're weird.

>Having a porn folder


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>porn folder
you boomer or what?


>not having several different computers



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Pretty much this.

>Is that time of the week in which my hopes start raising again just to be disappointed yet again on Sunday

Mixed feelings about it

its american hours now
australians need not exist

Heard the crack even here in Germoney


I think it feels nicer than last year, I really thought "WE" had a chance after the first two gps and this lingered for quite a while especially with Hamilton fucking up pushing his car etc, but it really died in Germany that was horrible, very disappointing. This year Toto is right, it's better to be ze Unterhunden chasing.

By no means am I saying merc were the unterhund last year but it wouldve been a lot closer if some sccidents didnt take place for ferrari. Vettel couldve had a good finish in china if max didnt nuke him, couldve won in baku, could've won germany obviously, couldve won in italy, and a few other podium finishes where he didnt win
obviously with ferraris fall in pace pace in the second half of the season mercedes wouldve caught them, but it wouldve been a good deal closer

this year looks even more promising, unless the car suddenly goes to shit or is unreliable, there are little excuses to be made for the red lads



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Yes, I suppose what I was trying to say was it is better to start off behind, if Le Clerc really blossoms and Ferrari get the unreliability under control it will be close definitely, maybe even closer than last year over the season, just have to hope Hamilton gets a couple of DNFs and it's game on.

Only one Safety Clerc?

What's with Mclaren drivers and their sabbaticals?

>still no Audi f1 team

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>multiple Leclercs?
>in MY F1?
It's more likely than you think.

>Arthur Leclerc, brother of Charles, added to Sauber's young driver programme

>Obviously I think he comes from a spoilt car, so he has to reset a little bit and the references are a bit different.

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Is Karting expensive?



Lewis' dad had to downgrade to a seven-bedroom to fund it, so yes.

That's still a lot of bedrooms...

well some carts are really cheap, pic related example

Attached: cart.jpg (900x900, 139K)

Well the chefs and maids have to sleep somewhere.

To a certain point no more so than lets sat Ice hockey. After domestic karting you need to find sponsors. Or need to have rich parents
t. drive Finnish karting when young

Then ES didnt want to sponsor you ?

I'm such a boomer ES wasnt even a thing back then.

This is the only guy from our country that got close to Formula 1

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I'm 1990 born used to drive with Bottas same karting, he was fat :DD.

The only time our anthem was played on a podium

Jose P Laurel's son won the Macau GP so that's something

It's not yet too late for us... We can still get there, pare.

Closer than any of our youngsters after bottas

>Has a young driver program
>Doesn't have a team to use those drivers














Well done, lads. Sad, but true.

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>all this braindead spam because "muh front page"

3 laps left, I am le clerc in china (as Sauber) on heavily worn inters, max who is in the lead has just come in for slicks, who do you think will win



Luigi Pepperonilton



F1 should return to Indy


Don’t know who the driver is but he looks a lot like LeClerc

[Sound of Pirelli tyres exploding]

>not been following threads since yesterday
>skim over missed stuff
>someone trying to kill WAGlad

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Apparently dishwashers melting the insulation at the back of themselves is relatively normal.

Our problem was a bunch of wires at the front connecting to the controls had cut themselves.

Therefore when you opened the door or shook it or it got a bit steamy it would short and trip the breaker and everything in the house would turn off.
Then of course it would continue to be shorted and so we couldn't turn the electricity back on again until we closed the door or it dried.

It was fun problem solving that.

I bet Pirelli's Superhards wont even last half the race distance

>Mentioning S*perh*rds on /f1/
This is haram

Hell fucking yeah

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will this be able to be watched able ?4

Mika is warming up for that triple crown.

Verstappen won and Hamilton came 2nd because my left front assploded on the big straight in the final lap, very disappointing.

Reminder that new 2021's regs models are fucking shit.
>Le 800kg car

Yeah, more ground effects and less aero won’t help overtaking much if the cars are even more pigfat and yuge


What if Brawn is just an angry boomer who just want to kill F1?

He's a brainlet who thinks BIG CAR MEAN MORE SAFE like a typical SUV buyer

Brawn > Newey

So, I've been a fan of the sport since 2009 (aged 11). Within the F1 sphere at least, this has never been an issue - of course outside in the real world, it's always been something I've had to defend myself over more than discuss.

Anyway, like I said, within the F1 world, I had personally never been asked about which male role model convinced me to watch the races, or whether it was Nicole Scherzinger dating Lewis Hamilton that got me to watch. That was, until that documentary on Netflix. On other forums and even in general discussion, as soon as it's clear I'm female it descends into 'so you're watching the season because of Drive to Survive, right? I bet you can't even tell me who [insert 70s/80s driver] is.' Even in person, it's become an issue with the series at the fore. I was out with my boyfriend and some of his friends, and the pub we were in had Sky Sports F1 on, with a re-run of the Bahrain race. When one of them noticed that I was glancing at the screen every 30 seconds, he asked first if I knew what I was watching, and then if it was after the Netflix series. I couldn't even finish my sentence before he turned to my boyfriend and said that it must've been hard to convince me to watch it with him (my boyfriend got into F1 because of me!) since I wouldn't have known the first thing about the cars/drivers/system.

Now I've always been quite a girly girl, so I can understand people maybe being surprised when I say I'd rather spend my weekend down at a racing circuit watching motorsport, but I'm just fed up with having to justify myself. Since the documentary, it's just become yet another barrier to actually having a conversation about something I really enjoy since people automatically assume I either find one of the drivers attractive or have been forced into watching by a male loved one, and overall know nothing about it. This is just a vent and it might not even fit here, but I just needed to get it off my chest.

Me > All aero workers > Aero Shitters > Brawn/Newey

/f1/ >>>>>>>>>> everyone else

Based and redditpilled

Post your femenine dick and your Ruskie bf please :)

While Brawn did work with technical direction and some aero, he is a different type of engineer to Newey.
Then he did full on team management, which is also different.

Stop being obsessed.

when will the suffering end. since 2009 I've been thinking "things look bad now, but just go with it, they will get better again in a couple of years.."
those couple of years are becoming a lot of years now.
but what else are we gonna do? pic related

Attached: forever.png (500x366, 132K)

So brave of you to share this!

In fairness I believe they never try hard enough to justify themselves to correct their wrongs, instead they vent about it online.

>but I just needed to get it off my chest.
post picture of getting everything of your chest

F1 cars are HUGE.
These are basically to scale.

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That part about "bet you can't even tell me which 70's 80's driver, bla bla" is my biggest annoyance regarding formula 1 fans. It's always comparing sizes instead of a nice discussion regarding the sport.

Refuel ban was a mistake

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I’m so sorry you have to deal with this! I’m so privileged as a male... been watching for about a year and walk around in my Red Bull team hoodie all the time. I couldn’t tell you a single racer from times before started watching, but holy shit this sport is awesome.

If you enjoy a sport/activity/anything you shouldn’t have to justify it to people. Fuck them and I hope you enjoy the races :)

Girl, I feel you. The double standard is so real too. I once had a guy friend who definitely tried to test me on F1 knowledge by asking really weird, obscure, specific things that I know wasn’t for us to discuss but rather to put me down. You know, like gatekeeping.

And of course there’s the usual “oh you like Driver X because he’s hot”.

My solution is to just enjoy F1 and get rid of annoying friends that don’t serve any purpose to you anymore. Life’s too short for unimportant hassles!

Why are people so self-absorbed? Nobody gives a shit if you're a girl. If you don't show tits you can always gtfo or just not mention it.
Knowing most drivers starting with the 70's is mandatory btw. Don't give in to the Netflix shitters.

>by asking really weird, obscure, specific things
"How long is Grando's dick in proportionc of Bottas cuckness?"

"How long is Hamilton's dick? I bet your answer is above the 80s! (mm)"

"What do Ruth's ass smells like? Does she look like a bitch?"

I liked the overtakes :ok_hand:


reminder that there are no roasties on /f1/
only (you) farmers

There aren’t many woman in my group of friends who watch F1. Those who do, watch for Max, because he is a Dutch driver. None of them will plan around FP’s, quali and races though, like I do. I usually watch F1 with my husband and his friends and at first they were very surprised of my F1 knowledge. Now they know better than to make snarky comments lol! But yeah, when I tell people I love F1 and Mercedes, the first thing they’ll say is “Oh, you like Mercedes because you think Lewis is hot, right?” or “Oh, you’re a Mercedes fan because there is a black driver, right?” It doesn’t really bother me to be honest. They usually find out quickly that I know what I’m talking about and that I really love the sport.

I’m a member of a Discord group with 40 woman from different countries who enjoy F1 as much as I do. If you’d like to chat with other girls/woman (age range in our group is from 17-33), send me a message! :-)

Sounds legit. You want my credit card or just my bank account details and PIN?

It’s his birthday today, say something nice about him.

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A leaf

Based. He exposed SCUMMACHER.

>Hey, bitch, do you even speak english?
How did he get away with this?

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he won the indy 500 by completing 505 miles before the rest could even manage the required 500 miles

>hey bitch
>not "Oi, love"

Try harder next time, Ukiebro

what a wacky looking car

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He squandered an amazing amoutn of talent, it's quite impressive really.

If I'm honest desu I always liked Jacques. He could have done more than he did, but when he came into F1 he just didn't give a shit which was impressive to me at the time. I still think he had a huge level of natural speed, his Indy 500 is the stuff of legend, and now he's a decent source of memes. If his career ran backwards, he'd be at least JB tier (I know I've said this before but I stil believe it).

Anyway back to off-topic shitposting.

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>Be an US company
>Buy the most prestigious Motorsport series
>Do communist things

Attached: cooldudeontheleft.jpg (1080x706, 175K)

New thread theme song


>If his career ran backwards, he'd be at least JB tier

behold, JV's based reversed career:
>Villeneuve starts his career in a fairly new series called Formula E, not a great succes
>He tries some Rallycross and Nascar while waiting for something better to come up. He isn't very succesfull up untill that point.
>Somehow Peugeot sees something in him for Le Mans, and it pays off, he finishes second in his first attempt, dnf in second atempt due to mechanical problems
>finally gets a chance in f1 at BMW Sauber where he replaces Kubica halfway the season
>gets signed for the next year too
>switches to Renault for the following season, but gets replaced after 3 races by Trulli because of poor results
>signs a multi year contract for the next seasons with BAR Honda
>he drives 5 years for them, but unfortunately the team is in a downward spiral and getting more and more of a backmarker
>gets the chance to join Williams. They don't have a great (mechachrome) engine that year but there is the promise of a real works Renault engine in the next season
>that promise becomes reality and it shows immediately in the next season. In the first race of the season he is able to battle with Schumacher, who controversially even rams him because he can't believe the pace of the Williams compared to his mighty Ferrari. Villeneuve's first wins follow and at the end of the season he is crowned wdc!
>next season he gets Hill as teammate, and although it comes close, Villeneuve has to hand the wdc to Hill.
>In a very surprising move, Villeneuve decides to leave te succesfull Wiliams team and formula one altogether for CART
>He has immediate succes, winning the championship and the famous Indy 500
>In his second season he comes second in the Indy 500, but manages only one win that year and he decides it was his last racing season and retires.

>fathers a really shitty son who becomes a meme driver in his own right, but cuts off all communication with his family and crashes himself to death in a fit of rage

I'm starting to get a bit concerned about Sophia, lads, she's taking the cheeky playful sexy thing a bit too far lately and descended into vulgar.

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Fucking kek

let her orbiters worry her



That's a british slag isn't it

>That fucking stare

Yeah Michelle Marsh

>i will suck your soul from your dick

A broken clock can be right twice a day I guess


what the fuck is that green tube? fleshlight?

Da fuck is that?

when were you sophia went tabi tier

I was sat at home posting formula when new post appear

"sophia is vulgar"


Attached: 1550693065890.jpg (1080x1080, 94K)

Indy 500(+5) champion
F1 Champion
CART champion
Booty blasted NASCAR drivers with his on track bants
Doesn't destroy teams
Big comfy firesuit, doesn't give a fuck
Beautiful family

F1 Champion
False lemans champion
Not even the best rookie at Indy
Meaningless WEC success
Pure luck Daytona 24h win
Destroys teams
no kids, no wife

I think it's pretty clear lad

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It's all good.

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How can >we convince a team to allow JV to make his F1 comback, lads?

is that a dildo? why the fuck does it have a hole?

The plan is already in effect

Attached: BAR comeback.jpg (1080x1350, 998K)

she has the same body type as me

what are best f1 podcasts you listen to "ironically" or uniornically?

Dump him in Fe and welcum in STR :)

I don't bother as nobody outside of the teams and the FIA has a fucking clue about what's actually going on.

no way that's a dildo. It's way too fat for that.

Just like life, mate. :^)

Could be some kind of vibrator judging by the wire at the bottom. Might also just not be a sex toy.




Sebastian “spin on a sea of seething sectator’s tears” Vettel

>my nightlife toy

Easy solution: bigger tracks

>you now remember seth

Yeh but who the fuck takes their diddly for a walk when going out?

he's giving the siima and he will pull the matto alta soon


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Fucking retards that’s not even what she posted

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>acting like we should hang around on social media

Get fucked!

on the oval layout

*sips on angry detractor tears*

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he dead.

>90% of non-gp threads consist of social media posting

Sorry for believing someone would actually post things bona fide
I guess that AUS guy has a severe attention addiction

All of which are bad posts desu



Didn't manage to lose the 1997 championship in the best car, even though you can't fault him for lack of effort


We're six races in, Vettel doesn't have a single podium and Le Clerc has 3 wins to his name, does Vettel kill himself?

You now remember that IG page where they post weird F3 drivers memes

I'm 100% certain it is done by a fellow F3 driver

Attached: Sophia_white_christmas.jpg (921x1200, 558K)

He starts a whisper campaign that Ferrari sabotaged him by giving him bad cars. Details leak out about the drama in the Ferrari pits and how Le Clerc actively tried to drive a wedge between Vettel and Binotto. And that Le Clerc was caught giving hand jobs during testing.

Fucking hell there is more than one

Attached: Sophia_why_did_you_like_this.jpg (834x598, 75K)

For me, it's a banana carrier system.

>only 2 cars can win
>basically the world championship of driving a mercedes
lel gay.

Attached: Dale.jpg (615x398, 131K)

>chink race starts at 6am
why have these retarded races at the beginning of the season? 2 out of 3 races start at ungodly hours, they should both be night races to cater to yurop

>tfw you manage guilt trip someone by just being alive

Attached: Sophia_wine.webm (640x1136, 1.03M)

7:10 lad.

still, it's disgustingly early for the lord's day

*AAAAAAAAHHH your record at his pass*

Attached: williams.jpg (640x427, 31K)

No it's not it's a nice time, then you have the whole day to do whatever you want instead of waiting for pleb 14.10 like usual.

Is chinese wine decent now? There are always some chinese at the local wine school here

what if I want to spend the whole day having fun with my friends in /f1/ ;_;

race threads are cancer and only true casuals posts while the race is on instead of giving 100% of their attention to the race

have it on good authority that chinese wine is rebottled cheap shit from the barossa valley

I don't think it is Chinese wine, she is in Zandvoort.
I assume she went out to get Chinese and the guy running the place recognised her.

So the question is how bad is wine that a Chinese owner keeps.

in my days we woke up at 4am to watch australian grand prix, then waited whole month for second race in brazil and another month for third race and first one in europe. yep, those were fun times

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Reporting for duty!

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who cares? it's free wine

The difference between drinking it or using it in cooking.

3 legs 4 wheels are some good lads
Bonus cred for being from the isle of man

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Death to all Detractors

There will be a race at Chessington World of Adventures starting from next season replacing Silverstone on the calendar. You heard it here first

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the loud one is annoying.

Free wine is good wine.

Do you feed the milf dick as a thank you for lunches and wine

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>chromatic aberration

How can I dissolve sugar in water I want to make lemonade

Ken block and huunigan is pure aids, prove me wronk

you are right, the zoomer f1 instagram posted it

Use powdered sugar.

i used to be extremely butthurt about block when the first gymkhanas came, all those ameritards thought he was literally the goat rally driver

Vettelboos are the worst

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what the fuck does "nous" mean

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Take your pitcher out to the car, hook up the jumpers to the battery and submerge the terminals in opposite ends of the pitcher. If it starts bubbling you're doing it right.

Nous, (Greek: “mind” or “intellect”) in philosophy, the faculty of intellectual apprehension and of intuitive thought. Used in a narrower sense, it is distinguished from discursive thought and applies to the apprehension of eternal intelligible substances and first principles. It is sometimes identified with the highest or divine intellect.

Nous (m.kreik. νούς tai νόος; nuus) on antiikin kreikkalaisen filosofian termi, joka tarkoittaa mieltä, järkeä, intellektiä tai ajattelukykyä.

>tactical mind

Attached: 1546295560281.jpg (705x660, 59K)

>Some Yea Forums Philosophy101 pseud in charge of making Liberty Media's "barely important" Polls.


I am nouer :D
t. Knower

t. idiot. the knower gimmick is cringe lad.

Traditional neckwear of your country.

topkeke he just called himself and idiot because he doesn't know how to >
t. Knower

it's a really old meme from finnish boards and therefore not a gimmick
t. knower

you have no clue how it's used either
just shut the fuck up and don't appropiate Finnish internet culture if you aren't going to use it properly

lmao @ this zoomer """music"""

Also, BASED Nico

ok chuckled to that one

Attached: 1480279042151.jpg (404x358, 44K)

Since nobody has said it...
Post body.

finnish memes are the worst.
>muh gimi
and that stipid aspie-looking fuck with the bead reaction image.

>when you try to ironically be an sjw but you're actually just being a literal sjw

>this in recommended

Attached: Lil Grub lives & marches on.jpg (1080x1920, 583K)

Helps if I actually link it


Attached: His name was Lil Grub.jpg (722x386, 98K)

>that stipid aspie-looking fuck
loled out loud at that description
pic related: my face when in that situation

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Attached: spede.gif (273x224, 3.96M)

>my face when I get diagnosed assburgers anonymously online

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i hate that cunt.

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Death to all Finns.

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me first pls

okay okay lets calm down and get back to the actual subject of the thread


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not too fond of this seething briton fellow !!

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Did that one Finnish lad get to try a Walking Taco yet?

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>See Raw speed
>"Yeah fucking JPM or Checo"
>JPM: 48-50
>Senna 75-25

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He literally has a kiwi as a chin

what does he do well exactly? he's not bad of course, but i don't think i've seen a more average driver. even more average than Hulk

I like his top speeds


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Indonesia tier post

>tehehehe look how edgy I am

Beware of cunts using marshals as puppets to get closer to the cars

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They are all talking about f1

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>LOL look at me I posted my ass!

this new Chain Bear F1 video is just a pile of shit

What the hell is chain bear

He's incredibly overrated.

>Chain Bear
Is that what they call Kuma these days?

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he's a literal faggot who rates calderon and who makes videos for the netflix tier fan

His whole channel has been on a steady downwards slope since the video explaining the PUs
Also amezed F1 hasn't butt fucked him yet for using "F1"

He’s a little faggot who hates anything that makes f1 fun

I see

Imagine if Bernie was running f1 social media haha

>Watching a faggot who literally uses a faggot-term in his (((yt)))-name

>make F1 communist

based toto, killing one competitor at a time.

.....Clever girl

Attached: Life_uh_finds_a_way.jpg (1080x1350, 347K)

he also loves everything that makes F1 bad in the first place


tfw found 2 pizzas in the freezer i had forgotten about

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>conveniently forgets that big €€€ is the best predictor in football team quality
What a faggot

>He wants a communist version of F1
>He doesn't know Indycar exists

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>we only need more downforce
t. Gimi

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title contender next season

>lost my /f1/ folder

Attached: 1523767501885.png (601x595, 312K)

where did u last see it ?

Your sister borrowed it and won’t return my messages

oh yeah ? well whats by sisters middle name, smatrt guy

This coming from a leaf. Your sole cultural identity is a damn leaf.








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Welp x2

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lucky guess ,,,

Welp x3

Attached: FuocoFerrari.jpg (1920x548, 66K)

>how old are you?
>I dunno maybe 17, maybe 45

Just development drivers r-right?

Why can't he cross his arms like a normal person?

Meaning that they'll maybe do a couple of sim sessions and maybe a tyre test

gimi just needs to become wider

Oh right, divegrass is on tonight so watch out for the pace

Can't understand why you need to employ an ex f1 driver to play a computer game

so close before autosage, yikes.

They are more likely to understand the differences in set ups and being consistent with their lapping

yes but what are they testing? How do they know the simulator is 100% accurate? How emasculating must it be to have driven in f1 and to be driving a simulator the next year.

>what are they testing
It depends, they might be testing for incoming upgrades before they hit the track and confront the data with them or different set ups during race week-end. I remember Gio last year drove thousands of laps on Fridays so that Vettee could have had the best set up ready for quali.
>How do they know the simulator is 100% accurate
It's probably not 100% accurate but it's accurate enough for them to use it as a main mean of development.
Plus for example RB last year ran Jake Dennis in a testing session because they wanted to check if his sim times fitted with real times
>How emasculating must it be to have driven in f1 and to be driving a simulator the next year.
A lot, and besides Blyat I don't recall anyone getting out of it in recent years

Imagine sitting at a bar on a Friday night, trying to coo some slag with your tales of fame as a Formula 1 driver. She is completely enraptured by the idea of future WAGdom and agrees to go home with you for the night. Passionate love is made while images of Victoria Verstappen run through your head. In the morning, in a post-coital bliss, she asks if she can go to the next grand prix with you. You agree, so you both get dressed and drive down to Milton Keynes. There, you slip into the back enterance of the team factory to show her you car. You lead her to a dark room in the center of the facility which is virtually empty sans pic related. You proudly proclaim this as your trusty steed, sure to earn you a future WDC. She sighs, looks down, and asks to be driven home. The drive is dead silent. Once you drop her off she blocks your phone number and you never see her again.

Fuck me I ruined it

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Coming here after Netflix. Am I the only one?

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>A lot, and besides Blyat I don't recall anyone getting out of it in recent years
esteban "i once finished 7th" gutierrez

Completely removed his Haas year.
Thought he made the jump Ferrari-Merc

Attached: 1545374617051.jpg (406x454, 80K)

>lady racer
kek, didn't she flip out at the f3 commentator for calling her that

haha yeah, me too
that shit was dope

The thread

I'm hoping in the next documentary they'll tell us all about the career ending pregnancy

The netflix gurl

H-How big is your freezer to have hidden pizzas?

Attached: 40f.png (1731x1506, 458K)

not surprising given his forgettable results. desu from what i read he's articulate and technical-minded, so simcuck role suits him very well. he's new pedro de la rosa

Post gf’s feet

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Finland is so cold that his freezer is probably his backyard