Lionel Messi's career in a nutshell

Attached: magisterial performance.png (2000x2000, 1.3M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>"m-m-messi can't score penalties he's too weak minded"
>shows screenshot with four penalty goals

Dont watch soccer but this seems incredibly cherrypicked

>Twain's career in a nutshell

Attached: 1536608316737.png (1600x1200, 451K)

Messi has scored 606 goals in his club career.
OP has discovered that at least 10 of them were after someone was sent off, which I think we can all tell invalidates all his goals.

he missed 1 in 4 penalties so far

I'm sure classy players like Pepe and Sergio Ramos didn't deserve those cards.

600 goals against paella chefs and 6 goals against actual defenders, this picture is about the 6

Whether they deserved them or not is irrelevant to the fact that scoring against 10 men is easier than scoring against 11

imagine being this autistic, holy shit kys my man

>at least 10 of them were after someone was sent off
there are many more, these are just the highlights from 1(one) CL season knockouts and around 3(three)-ish la liga seasons

imagine if someone went through all CL and la liga and copa del rey since 2004.

Attached: c07.png (644x942, 97K)

it’s not like you have anything better to do, so have at it. this is essentially your job at this point

>the fact that scoring against 10 men is easier than scoring against 11
>Real Madrid 2 - 3 Barcelona
>Missi 33'
>Red Card 77'


Why don't you do that, then do the same for Ronaldo?

Really hope Barca get the treble this year I wanna see a total Twain meltdown.

>being so cucked by messi that you pay for proxies to shit on him

Attached: 1550946800965.jpg (500x500, 263K)


No meltdown unless Messi wins the Copa too (which he wont)

LOL, I remember when al-fonso literally made a thread where he posted pics of how his proxy system works and cried about jannies who keep banning him, he was accusing the romanian dude of using proxies as well ever since.

got screencaps or a link to the archive for that?

Based, messoy is a fraud

I don't unfortunately, maybe ill look for them later. I remember posting in it saying noone aside from him is autistic enough to proxypost then he said I must be twain

Why do you hate Messi so much? I don't even like either Messi or Ronaldo, I'm just genuinely curious why it is that he sends you in an autistic rage every day that you need to post a new thread at least once every 3 hours

I bet his lifelong crush is dating a midget with money

Ronaldo is dating a midget?

yup, and an argie one



Attached: C45FD0DC-F77C-4B25-A2B9-FA84593A5948.jpg (460x287, 43K)

>he was accusing the romanian dude of using proxies
The guy literally can't speak romanian.
here you go guys it's like halfway through the thread

>always winning against Real Madrid

pretty based if you ask me

>I don't even like either Messi or Ronaldo
>Dont watch soccer
too obvious, try again

post the one where he "found out where I live" and described in great detail a neighborhood in some shitty spanish town where I presumably roam at night

or the one where me and a couple of others are actually AI bots and he knows exactly what company made us to promote commie propaganda on certain american websites

Al Fonso is trully the gift that keeps on giving. I guess thats what you get when you mix an overweight dropout with Blaugrana DNA who watched too many Alex Jones videos.

LMAO I missed that one, it's okay though surely he'll make up some new mindfuckery soon enough.

>the gypsy and the h*ngarian
you two make such a cute couple

Now you only need that one urugay poster for the perfect rentfree posting

Attached: 1536661580974.gif (375x221, 3.96M)

Is that you einstein?

They're the same person.

is this guy memeing or just mentally unstable?

You tell me

Attached: Twain proxyfagging.png (1903x5796, 3.4M)

He unironically can't believe there's more than 1 person who dislikes messy

get help mate

LMAO, so since I owned you in an argument earlier, you now believe al-fonso when he says I'm the same guy as the Romanian? you messoy cucks never cease to amaze, Let's pretend for a moment that it's true, what would it even change? all you messoy fags are constantly getting exposed for your peanut brains. amúgy meg nem vagyok román, bazdmeg. fogd már fel te húgyagyú labanc



Google translate just makes you look more stupid mate.
Get some help

I used to think you were funny but right now I honestly think you should seek help.

would honestly donate him money so he can afford it

>Scores a goal in the cl semifinal dribbling by himself at least 5 or 6 real madrid players
>b-but muh 10 player real madrid!
Daily reminder this faggot gypsy is mentally ill (and messi lives rent free in his head).

>pepe sent off for putting his leg in the air within 30 cms of alves
>messoy gets past defenders who are now afraid of even getting within tackling distance to not risk getting sent off
>your life sucks so much that you actually celebrate a worthless team like uefalona
woah i get euphoric thinking of the magesterial midget messoy
also its not google translate retards, TSU has like 130 million facebook followers and you honestly can't believe there's more than one fan of him on Yea Forums when it wouldn't even change anything if i was just a proxyposter, your arguments are just as stupid either way

>he’s a soinaldo defender
>on the Internet
>on a tapestry-weaving forum
>he pays real money
>he takes his “””job””” very seriously

>literally google translate tier
Stop, you're embarrassing yourself lad

nem gugli a faszomat már, mit nem értetek majmok, mit mondjak hogy felfogjátok? boci boci tarka se füle se farka vazze, ha ez sem elég akkor kár törnöm itt magam

>he actually, and this isn’t a joke, ACTUALLY puts forward currency to pay for a Yea Forums pass to defend cr*st**n* p*n*ld*

>imagine being this autistic, holy shit kys my man
>it’s not like you have anything better to do
>I wanna see a total Twain meltdown.
>I bet his lifelong crush is dating a midget with money
>T W A I N
>the gypsy and the h*ngarian
>seek help.

actual arguments: 0 (zero)

Attached: messoy.jpg (827x827, 143K)

TSUUUU would never stoop so low to score against a team with 10 men.

Attached: tsuuuu.png (731x623, 354K)


Attached: real bayern.png (660x511, 33K)

>Ronaldo scores against 10men team
>Messi fans: haha what a fraud

>Messi scores&assists against 10men team (statistically 5x more often than Ronaldo)
>Messi fans: trully the most magisterial undisputed all time strong mind GOAT

Attached: 154976499209.png (757x615, 184K)

>statistically 5x more often than Ronaldo

>is twain
>is paying to defend p*****o

Is this the guy who pays to shitpost Messi?