Takes advantage of a 30m radius around him with absolutely no one attempting to mark to run at goal and score

>takes advantage of a 30m radius around him with absolutely no one attempting to mark to run at goal and score

UHHHHHH utterly MAGNIFICENT again from that man the 3rd best player in the world

That is quite simply sublime! You will not see a better goal Martin!!!

Attached: Hazard2.jpg (860x573, 56K)

shit meme

Attached: mw.gif (367x498, 1.38M)

this guy is the most over rated player on the planet. enjoy your flop madrid

based nyanposter


Attached: 1550201825708.png (730x790, 207K)

Cringe and bluepilled

Keep seething customer


you've never actually played in a game have you?

I hope halal sign this loser as their main star

le run around and press bum into defender man

>2 prem titles
>fa cup
He has won more than Livershit and spurs combined past 10 years

Lmao ASSBLASTED mad spic

Attached: images (3).jpg (203x248, 11K)

>He has won more than Livershit and spurs combined past 10 years
so has my school team

he's not top team material
probably one of the first victims of the next messi syndrome

you niggers can't just strawman everything that happens on the pitch and pretend it wasn't impressive

let's not pretend hazard does that 5 times every game
even deulofeu and adama have impressive dribbles and goals yet they are both average players

You can't say he's a loser then when he's won trophies.
>not top team material
He's 100% better than everyone in his position in real madrid, don't even try chat shit.
>yet they are both average players
Come back when they out dribble a brazil team in a WC knockout game

>the cartagena municipal cup is more meaningful than the league cup
It's bad but not that bad, Santiago

Wowwwww look at all that vacated space he drifted into so sugoiii desu ne

>You can't say he's a loser then when he's won trophies
you can, he's a loser that ended one season with like 3 goals. Yes, that's a fucking loser eveywhere and not top team material
>He's 100% better than everyone in his position in real madrid, don't even try chat shit
not better than bale
and you can argue vasquez and asensio have performed better than him at higher level
even isco might be better fat ass dribble drobble man
>Come back when they out dribble a brazil team in a WC knockout game
again with hand picked shitty little moments lmao
even arbeloa had good dribbles in wc and unlike hazard he won it
means nothing
no great attacking player would end a season with 3 goals

calm down Jordi you still have fucking Messi ok

>he's a loser that ended one season with like 3 goals
People have bad seasons, Benzema scored 5 league goals only last season.
>not better than bale
pfttt haahahahaha, one trick pony that can't maintain 5 games without being injured, even on a technical front the guy has become robotic going to madrid and is not the man they bought him for, but brainlets like you pretend to ignore this because he scores goals in finals while doing nothing in the build up.
>again with hand picked shitty little moments lmao
Damage controlling, the whole point was he dabbed on a nation known for being dribbling gods, the same way people highlight zidane for dabbing on brazil.

Suck it up kid, madrid are gonna open up the war chest for him this summer and nothing you can do to stop it


>not better than bale
and you can argue vasquez and asensio have performed better than him at higher level
even isco might be better fat ass dribble drobble man

Holy fucking christ, how delusional do you have to be?

>that mentally ill spaniard

le funny Martin meme
how contrived. sad!