
ha ha meow

>/hoc/ music poll

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Other urls found in this thread:


stars will win the cup

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Posting one more pre playoff /beav/

For me it's Rebecca Johnston

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Here I sit
My cheeks are flexin’
Giving birth
to another Texan

Business idea
Get rid of divisions and conferences, make the playoffs 1v16

scores on the PP ... Liana Ganeyeva cuts the lead to 5-1. #WomensWorlds

How fucking anticlimatic
>a fucking train

Attached: a fucking train.png (220x220, 18K)

would love to get cat scratch fever from these lasses

isn’t >a fucking train the team that died in a plane crash like 10 years ago

You tell me, Igor. Panarin already has a place in Miami.


poor metsola :(

even his gf was crying

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they'd have to get rid of series at that point

>Leave the Capitals to me...

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feel bad for Ufa but also feel good that Bob Hartley's team is going to the finals

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Literally a vacation home
Name me one player that doesn’t have one


he looked pretty devastated. good effort by him though, he was the only reason Ufa Salavat was in triple OT

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I’m going to demolish your cock


thinking about neutral zone breakouts

Love hockey almost as much as I love female buttocks frens.

McDavid knows how to play hockey

HATE norge

Remember when the Panthers traded away future superstar Jared McCann and solid centerman Nick Bjugstad for over-the-hill Derick Brassard (who was abruptly traded for a meaningless late round pick) and "penalty kill specialist" Riley Sheahan?

Can't believe this general is still ABN!

No you don't

dont mind norge because he had a really based post once

Attached: norge.png (552x63, 4K)

Do not click.

hey /hoc/ hope you're having a great day have a laugh on the house


silly of me to think finland was cleaning his behavior up

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clean your grill once in a while yah?

i REALLY hope it's taters hiding in that foil

just me or does this finnish dish look a bit like a vagina?

Attached: Karjalanpiirakka.jpg (2048x1508, 141K)

>grilling steaks at 2:30 in the afternoon on a Monday

You know it

>doing whatever the fuck it is you're doing at the current time on the current day

Now post a vagina that looks like that.

Listening to baseball on the radio at work

stop hanging out with post ops user
its ruining women for you

i'd post ur mum but blue board

Coincidence? I think not

Attached: Bed.jpg (400x589, 61K)

>France and Italy that low
ha ha no



>Coach Q retires to Miami
A bit jealous lads

I am microwaving a potato for lunch but it’s okay because you are all my friends :)

I knew you were all degenerate trash


Attached: music.png (848x414, 176K)

calgary larpers listen to country

>tfw kissless, hugless, handholdless virgin in a country full of (man)whores

That doesn't look like the pastry you posted m8

You don't see just how wild the crowd is?
You don't see just how fly my style is?
I don't see why I need a stylist
When I shop so much I can speak Italian
I don't know I just wanted better for my kids
And I ain't sayin' we was from the projects
But everytime I want it, layaway or a deposit
My dad'll say "When you see clothes close your eyelids"
We was sort of like Will Smith and his son
In the movie I ain't talkin' 'bout the rich ones
'cause every summer he'll get some
Brand new hare-brained scheme to get rich from
And I don't know what he did for dough
But he'd sent me back to school with a new wardrobe and hey!

When it feel like living's harder than dyin'
For me givin' up's way harder than tryin'
Lauryn Hill say her heart was in Zion
I wish her heart still was in rhymin'
'cause who the kids gonna listen to? Huh?
I guess me if it isn't you
Last week I paid a visit to the institute
They got the Drop Out keepin' kids in the school
I guess I'll clean up my act like Prince'll do
If not for the pleasure, least for the principle
They got the CD then got to see me drop gems
Like I dropped out of P.E.
They used to feel invisible
Now they know they invincible

have to go pay property taxes

classic / boomer rock
modern / electronic rock
shoegaze / dreamy shit / "I think indie is a genre"
classic / gangster rap
weird experimental shit


Attached: battle of alberta.jpg (800x536, 369K)

Prefer steaks cooked in a cast iron pan t b h

alberta has no toll roads, but a great effort regardless

oh. lots of them here.

Join up

>all these shitty genres
>no punk rawk

Draft lottery tomorrow lads, hoping for some memes to come from it

Lottery odds (Fewest Points to Most):

Colorado Avalanche (from OTT) 18.5%

Los Angeles Kings 13.5%

New Jersey Devils 11.5%

Detroit Red Wings 9.5%

Buffalo Sabres 8.5%

New York Rangers 7.5%

Edmonton Oilers 6.5%

Anaheim Ducks 6.0%

Vancouver Canucks 5.0%

Philadelphia Flyers 3.5%

Minnesota Wild 3.0%

Chicago Blackhawks 2.5%

Florida Panthers 2.0%

Arizona Coyotes 1.5%

Montreal Canadiens 1.0%

gary told me that the kitties win


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country music is awesome you pussy

>"I think idie is a genre"
No one outside of dumb white girls thinks this

where did i suggest otherwise?

Almost heaven...
South Alberta...
Rocky Mountains,
Through the Crowsnest Pass.

Life is cold there,
Colder than the rink.
Colder than... siiiiipppp... ahhhhhhh...
Colder than my drink.

Country roooooaaaaaads...
Take me hooooommmmeeeee...
To the place...


Attached: howdy.png (793x654, 931K)

jesus christ

>Colorado Avalanche (from OTT) 18.5%
Imagine trading your first overall during a tank year

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Someone last night thought it.

This is truely beautiful

>Imagine trading your first overall during a tank year
but they didnt do this at all you dumb fuck

Got a giggle out of me


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I almost died on the crowsnest pass when some dumb bitch didn't have winter tires and couldn't stop

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Imagine thinking Duchene was the answer to your problems

>Israel that high
Going to become Jewish, lads.

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>they didnt do this
Even if they didn't intend to, they literally did

I can guarantee that edmonton gets top 3

duchene was meant to be nothing more than a carrot
sure that plan didnt fall through
but the idea that the sens traded their pick with the intent to tank is asinine

Imagine the outcry on social media and /hoc/ if the Oilers meme'd their way into another 1st overall

some of those mountain roads are brutal in the winter time. I couldn't imagine driving through there with summer tires. that's a death wish

Kappo kakko and jesse pulujarvi, the 1-2 punch of the oilels

No fucking shit, no team tanks for another on purpose
Regardless of if they intended to or not, they traded their first overall during a tank year, dumb leaf.

>they traded their first overall during a tank year
no they traded their first overall before the season even started
what about this do you not understand?

I want the oilers to have a team completely filled with 1st overall picks and them still suck

>kitties get Q
>win the draft lottery next
>also acquire bulju during offseason


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I haven’t had a steak in years.

where is the vocaroo of this

Are you retarded, the Duchene trade happened almost 10 games into the season.
On top of that, they proceed to fall to the bottom that year. Even if they didn't do it intentionally they have tanked both this year and last.

Colorado owns the draft pick of the worst team in the NHL, I'm laughing at how retarded Dorion is letting that happen. Especially letting it happen to Joe "Let's trade everyone away for pucks" Sakic.

>being gay


if odds I get drunk on a Monday
if evens I be responsible

>Are you retarded, the Duchene trade happened almost 10 games into the season.
you mean last season?
not even going to bother reading the rest
you are either a troll or drooling at the mouth

the memes, gary

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Based responsible Canadien


They tanked last year too, dibshit.
Imagine getting fleeced by Joe "I can only relate to speedy manlets" Sakic

Here, please don't hurt me.

Attached: All Teds, report in.webm (832x468, 2.63M)

Broke into Teds house. This is how he lives.

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The stache is OURS

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tkachuk will be a better player than kakko or hughes anyways so dorian won

Yeah I'd say he won...
Won a pink slip coming his way

and sakic is about to crash and burn into another playoff run
keep burning off these prime years of mack
im sure the saviour of colorado will appear in an 18 year old manlet

didn't the rockies turn into a baseball team?

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Yes, when MLB expanded to Denver they took the Rockies name, which is why the Avs aren't the Rockies.

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Not even an Avs fan friend. I'm just laughing at the pitiful state of Dorion's decision making.

decision making?
lol it was a damn if you do and damned if you dont moment for him
the only saving grace would have been if melnyk told him they never intended to pay karlsson before it was too late


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>damn if you do and damned if you dont moment for him
He didn't NEED to pick up Duchene. Turris is arguably better than Duchene ever was. Dorion was under some pressure to get back to the ECF sure, but he didn't need to go to such lengths to do it.
The Avs got a number of pieces from the trade, not just the first overall, the Preds got Turris in exchange for some of their already too deep D-core, and the Senators got to give the Avs a draft pick in exchange for alleviating a locker room cancer.

No way I look at this trade and say Dorion made a good decision. He's redeemed himself slightly by accumulating a number of future draft picks, but saying this was a decision he needed to make is pretty stupid.

You can't reroll on that you little shit

Finland will win the Stanlee Bowl
Not Canada

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>yfw dab lose win the stan lee cup

Attached: Blues.png (513x580, 593K)

>Dorion was under some pressure to get back to the ECF sure, but he didn't need to go to such lengths to do it.
you missed the entire point of the trade if you seriously believe this

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sunbelt tier coping mechanism

What was the point of this trade then?
Enlighten me.

Is this the weakest draft in years?

based retards arguing past each other again


too late lol

both 1st overalls are yakupov tier

any draft where a finn goes first is a weak ass draft

>Calling out coping mechanisms
>Senators fan

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the top tier of prospects is a little weaker but the 2nd tier of players after kakko/jack seems a little deeper than the last few years.


the bad part about the trade was that he could have given up his 1st round pick last year, and it would have been 4th overall (brady tkachuk), but he said the snes were going to improve and this years pick would be higher than that, but then they were absolute shit and finished dead last.

damn them for having optimism

snes smile and optimism, gone

Colorado will probably roll 4th anyway

last year they finished 2nd last and got shafted in the lottery too. it was a very low bar they set and they couldnt even clear it.

No way caps don't repeat this year.

My cock: hard
My team: in the playoffs
My memes: the best
Who am I

>faggot's team finishes dead last and doesn't even get a top pick
>other team in the discussion is in the playoffs for the second year in a row after being a complete dumpster fire
>C-cope! S-seethe!
Loving every laugh

losing all their key players had nothing to do with that ofc

Ted 5

I don’t drink beer

glad to see that getting raped in the first round is an accomplishment for denver

Pecker Rinne

The only real hockey team is Columbus
The real fans are all boomers just like me

that's a nice lamp

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You should all fear ted

they are another team with absolutely terrible goaltending now too. anders nilsson was a waiver pick up and was basically their starter for the last few months of the season. any team that has ahl tier goaltending is going to struggle. there are examples of this all around the league.

sleeping on the teds tbf lads

>Green on Brogan Rafferty: I like his size. I like the stiffness of his stick #canucks

i probably wouldnt be able to pass an nhl penis inspection tbqh

if the teds beat the lightning in round 1 I'll get a blue jackets tattoo

which cheek?

anyone have an idea what Kari Lehtonen is doing?

is he retired?

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does anybody get the feeling that the NHL is getting overrun with gay fans? every hockey website like hfboards, r/hockey, /hoc/, twitter, 9gag, etc. is filled with dick jokes and gay jokes but if you call anybody a faggot they lose their minds. if you don't want to be called a faggot don't say faggot shit, faggot. We need to purge all the gays

Keep track of your Finns finland

Screencapped to haunt you with when you inevitably don't follow through.

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The travel would be absolutely brutal.

I'll let ted decide

Post yfw Arizona, Florida, and Vancouver get the first three picks in that order.


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sounds based

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Hockey is basically a slighter more butch version of figure skating.

fuck you shemales are the best

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yikes sweaty hockey is for everyone


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...and that's a good thing!

you fags are just proving my point. cant you go back to watching Ru Paul or something and stop trying to make my hockey gay

stop posting trannies

*get sent to the box*
>There must be some misunderstanding
>There must be some kind of mistake

Attached: Amazonka.jpg (1080x1350, 208K)

no hockey used to be a tough guy sport. I never remember gays having anything to do with hockey until like a year ago when they started the "hockey is for everyone" nonsense

t. queer

thats just the fans and the marketing shit, if you go to any junior/college team its still going to be a "toxic" masculine bro culture. players in the nhl are still calling each other faggots.

Ive never met a faggot that played sports in high school. It has nothing to do with the sport but the attention they get.

3 > 2 > 1
Would lick all their buttholes

For example. Twitter got mad because some player for the Leafs said something that sounded like "fucking faggot" and they went on a virtue signaling spiral about how homophobia is so bad. but those same faggots comment on every highlight with some variation of "UGH MY COCK IS SO HARD" like fuck off you dumb faggot. Go talk about your hard cock somewhere else, I don't want to hear about your penis when I'm watching hockey highlights.


Attached: sweat_guy_spiral_by_chadrocco-d866ob4.jpg (534x488, 250K)

How tall is she? I need to know and the angle towards the door is deceiving

*challenges call on the ice*

that was the fans tho and the nhl marketing department had an opportunity to shill >hockey is for everyone. he clearly said "fucking faggot", and the nhl needed damage control for the fans.

Only the toughest of tough guys can handle a dick in the butt. "Tough guy sport" is synonymous with gay.

You might be thinking of basedboys, instead of gays?

Finland is a discord tranny

a penis could pop out and I would still be happy

Never forget

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>Only the toughest of tough guys can handle a dick in the butt
whatever you fucking homo. keep thinking you're tough because you have some sick twisted fetish. your butthole is made for poopin

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literally 1 day without hockey and everyone's talking about dicks, good job


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Who would win in a real matchup, an avalanche or a forest fire?

you're talking about buttholes more than anyone else here

Hockey is for everyone

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the fire gets extinguished as it melts the snow


Attached: [pours you a nice, tall glass of breastmilk].png (560x650, 550K)

Kind of looks like my dad when he was younger

Stop watching hockey

Attached: Varg.jpg (762x464, 110K)

Then why didn’t Trudeau dump an avalanche on Alberta when it was on fire instead of importing African firemen


hes even more cancer than duchene. all the teams he played on end up finishing in the bottom of the standings.

You ever seen a forest fire?

Attached: download (50).jpg (275x183, 5K)

well the whole hockey media is trying to brainwash me that it's somehow virtuous to fuck a man in the asshole. "woo hoo look at me I fuck men in the ass, put my flag on all your equipment shitlord" it's disgusting. they dedicate games to these sick freaks

just to annoy you obviously

1. he's dumb as shit
2. it happened in the summer

curious how only /hoc/ has made the connection that goal scorer = team cancer

>whole hockey media

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Who would win in a fight, a shark or a knight?

It's not a gay-only thing. Only the toughest straight guys are able to appreciate the ecstasy of prostate stimulation.

hes shit

Attached: Murray.jpg (4604x9920, 710K)

Masculine reminder homosexuals WILL burn in Hell for eternity

Imagine only looking at a single variable.

youve got some cold hard facts on why skinner is team cancer user?

Is the fight in water or on horseback?

U wot m8

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I'm so comfortable in my sexuality so that I can enjoy a good dicking without being gay

Yeah and avalanches happen in mountains not the prairies

Anyone else like these odds for the poojackets? 85% penalty kill all season. Bobrovsky is hot.

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>believing in jewish sky zombie story
>"believe in me or else!!"
*tips fedora*

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will appreciate the memes if Ted upsets the lgbtning but if their fate is in bob’s hands it shant be happening

Reminder that to be white is to be European and to be European is to be Pagan, NOT Christian.

Are the kn*ghts going to use a giant fire extinguisher in the flames pre game show

*prays for Finland*

the rainbow used to be a sign from God to Noah. It was a symbol of the covenant that God promised to never end the world with another flood. Then these ass-fucking freaks took it as their symbol just to annoy Christians. Then they took marriage, which is a Christian bond between man and woman in holy matrimony, and made that gay too. These cock suckers deserve no respect whatsoever. Now they are trying to make hockey gay. Well I've had enough of these sickos trying to make everything gay. Hockey has nothing to do with your sexual preferences. Stop trying to associate everything with ass fucking. Burn in hell. end rant

what if the leafs do beat boston?

jeff skinner hes never been on a team that finished higher than 10th in their conference. hes never really even been in the wild card chase before.

I'm glad someone here has some common sense.

he should stop playing for shit teams then lmao

that cup win is ove's only redemption

Easily the best cheeky bet of the first round.

circumstantial at best
who can seriously say that the canes would have done worse with him on the roster?

no that's taking the jets to win

Not in the playoffs

both are kinda similar in the vain that they clear out old vegetation/brush/tree growth and allow new stuff to grow in place. But an avalanche is literally the structure of snowpacks collapsing due to weight and loading. They named their team after something thats meant to break down

jets have a shot, but them having to play binnington is tough. Either that series sees them get dominated by the blues, or the jets take advantage because of the home games

Unironically Canes over Caps.

>yfw canes isles and NBCSN has to air that series instead of another pongs craps series

Attached: Cheek.jpg (231x301, 16K)

>but them having to play binnington is tough
binnington is gonna get exposed hard

which series is pierre covering?

take a fucking bet

Okay, I'm thinking this is BASED.

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>throwing money away

Craps in 5

Uhhh Boston

cant wait until tom wilson absolutely destroys little babby aho

hmmm I wonder just what player he constantly dickrides in any chance he can.

Uhhhhhh subban

Columbus in 4

post yfw da leafs are literally winning a chip this fucking year and there is NOTHING this faggot ass league can do to stop it

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be more mad, leaf

lgbt rights are here to remain

and nobody is making hockey gay, that is just overblown panic mode thought just because nhl supports gay rights

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true, but I doubt NBCSN would do nashville dallas on primetime lel



Can't wait for Wilson to think that he can take liberties with an unknown team and then get jumped by the entire bench and beaten within an inch of his life.

When did you realise that the Florida Panthers are turning into a dynasty?

Keep politics out of hockey, and lgbt ain't nothing but politics


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wow that sounds very realistic especially for a team that plays little kid games to entertain their fat fans

if i was a player, id tell egregious lies about myself when pierre puts together his little sheets of fun facts and trivia for games

Who would win in a fight
Me or randy

I'm picturing a panthers coyotes scf and its beautiful

Carolina is unironically a dark horse coming into the playoffs.

Your mom unironically has dark men coming into her room every night

too many manlets
dougie is the biggest body they got

because dumdum doesnt like wearing white jerseys for some reason

>"......And perhaps the greatest storm surge of them all is upon us: The opportunity to skate the cup around your own home barn in front of your fans....What a magical scene to behold....."

holy mother of fricken based


Nothing political about equality and hockey being for everyone. A culture of exclusion is what's political.

>led by euro twinks

only according to you randy

When did you realise that the Florida Panthers had no Finnish fans before 2013?


been a fan since 1999 herra sven

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when this happened

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Imagine how much nhl twitter/hfboards/reddit/some of Yea Forums would seethe if this happened. Two garbage franchises in the stan lee finals over giants like the >rags and laffs. Is there a more kino matchup desu?

My political values

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way to carry on through the anguish user

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god damnit why did you have to remind me of lubo going out like that

Attached: sad.png (180x170, 33K)


Attached: 1550617989298.png (1000x1000, 40K)

>lowest viewed stan lee cup final ever

>be relocanes
>play children's games for retarded fans
>the fans actually stay and watch
>toughest guy on team is named dougie
>a grown man named dougie

The arena probably smells like deep fried butter and sweat

Attached: download.png (800x1200, 232K)

did you get approval to make this post?

Break down and then fuck shit up. You need to work on your metaphors.

id personally want a guy like Tom Wilson on my team so im not sure why casuals get soo upset over him


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Hillary Clinton. I will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

Attached: hlry.png (696x619, 595K)

it's up

>being a pinko commie faggot

Attached: 1495763841037.jpg (736x568, 45K)

>tfw you have a whole line of wilson players anyway

thanks mild for him :)

It takes a village to raise a finn

>not being a socialist

nuhl zoomershits are louder than regular nhl fans

Id drain my entire semen supply into Jordan Petersons daughter

Attached: 3jcyf6yma6j21.png (633x632, 534K)

Holy shit that's an ugly person

How can one man be so skilled, high iq AND handsome? It's not fair bros

Attached: Trobar.jpg (1920x1080, 282K)


fuck to you Pekke. I don't think you deserve rights for the simple fact you like to stick your penis in another mans asshole.

the tom rowe year was actually the most depressing out of the recent ones
>have an actually good coach gerard gallant
>tom rowe fires him just because of a bad start right after a playoff season
>tries to do it himself but instead goes 24/26/10

Attached: 1544942354576.png (367x321, 177K)

>randomly-chubby thighs
>doughy hips
>but still a breastlet somehow
The worst of all worlds.

Me? Hillary Clinton of course!

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its time lads.

Attached: itscanadiasyear.jpg (985x798, 148K)

its not exclusion I just don't want to hear about sodomy when im watching hockey and I don't want a bunch of fags trying to change my favourite sport

You have never had sex with a woman

sad she isnt in some weird pose and the picture wasnt heavily shopped?

>not loving mass around the hips
All that mass hitting your pelvis during sex is heaven


Attached: 2013 draft.png (871x760, 71K)

very good. now have lots of children and raise them to think like you.

I made way too much spam/egg fried race. Y’all want a plate?

does big brother assign him a partner and give him a time?

time for a haircut you fag

Agreed. Would love for >my team to have strong players that make others hate your team for throwing hits.

Grim showing, folks.

Attached: maidens.gif (400x317, 40K)

how are fags trying to change hockey? holy fuck you sound so alarmist

>nhl supports basic rights to teh gays

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big brother is top left. top right is fashy

*blocks your path*

Attached: 1541543125546.png (500x522, 125K)

Best draft in the past 15 years
>everyone in the top 10 are playing still

I really like this image

was 2014 really that shitty of a draft class?

Attached: 2014 draft round1.png (864x687, 88K)

I wouldn't know, I've never tried.
What team do you follow germoney?

almost all the top 15 picks are still playing today. not too bad actually.

1995 seed was strong


players and teammates vouch for him too being a really nice guy off the ice, super generous, and wouldnt hurt a fly so thats why its hilarious when nuHL fans call him a piece of shit.

Draisaitl knows what is up


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Da Wongs since my dad worked in the automobile sector and brought red wings gear for me as a child when he was over there

the alarm is I don't want sodomy normalized to children and fags are putting gay flags on everything and brainwashing kids that gay is okay. It's bad for society. Gays should be shunned.

based. Enlightened centrists truly are the masterrace

this draft wasnt too bad either

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the top 10 was pretty weak, but some of the later picks in the 1st round turned into pretty solid players.

How come everyone mocks Jakke Suomi when Bennett, Dal Colle and Fleury are bigger busts?

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4 picks outside the first 15 that will be top players for their team

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canuck "fans" were the one calling him a bust right away and everybody else just picked up on it. just like some canuck "fans" are already calling demko a bust, even tho hes only played 10 games in the nhl so far.

This. Jared McCann will be the best player from the draft when it's all said and done.

dal colle has been playing, but fuck if he gets the time over komarov and filps. He isnt too bad but he is a way overrated player. I expect him to be in bridgeport next season, or start even if he proves himself at training camp

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Some busts near the top but overall not bad. Like the player >my team got a lot.

Understandable why you don't post here then since >your team is garbage. At least you got to enjoy their dynasty for ~30 yeas

They should give your green card to me, faggot.

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Those were just autists who wanted different players. Same thing happened with Pettersson but they had to eat crow.

christ dude that vacuum box has been there for months, get your life together


centrist here too, but i have no idea who to vote for this week's eduskuntavaalit

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>Bombston Ruins
>three 1st round picks in a row
>doesn't pick Barzal

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I’m literally keeping it so I can put the vaccumn back in and take it home without breaking it

As long as it's not keskusta, you're ok in my book

Gonna be posting in islanders threads because i think i'll cheer for kühnhackel an greiss this year

>get your life together
>posts on Yea Forums

>tfw wongs picked the svechnikov with a glass knee


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>dont pick barzal
>dont pick boeser
>dont even pick connor
>only player of worth is debrusk

jesus christ boston. Also fun to note that the oilers had the islanders pick because of trading fucking griffin reinhardt. That was such a good trade regardless

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>expecting trumpcuck redditors to make a lick of sense
You’re smarter than this, Finnfriend.

I agree

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They were trying to package those picks up for Hanifin but when that didn’t come to fruition they just panicked and sputtered our some random names

based and redpilled

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Should pick the bing bing wahoo with Grubauer. German tendies are based.

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What player do you think is going to hit the steroids the hardest in the off season? My gut says Eichel is gonna be bulking up big time

> projection

>This season was only 10% of my power level......Be forewarned

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Tom Wilson is an irredeemably bad person who deserves to suffer a career-ending injury.

The cantpucks should really be force feeding that skeleton they ice.

Vote for anything that isn't pro third world immigration.

Not an argument

expecting petterskeleton to bulk into a gigachad over the offseason

can agree. Im happy for griess this season as well

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based and truthpilled


But what about muh terminally ill children?

For me it’s carrots with no dressing for a snack

no need to reply, Its just Oleksiak still suffering from concussion symptoms

I expect will have a much bigger forehead come pre-season

>Poulin re-injured her knee

Nice buzzwords faggot

>unironically linking RMNB
This place unironically thinks reddit is too mean.

carrot flavor is awesome

dubs confirm

This is classic sociopath behavior: find some tokenistic program or cause to get behind so that you seem charitable, just to try to publicly mask your true personality.

The avalanche are going to win their playoff series against the flames

You do realize that is the pedofinn you're replying too?

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i dont like bananas

Calgary should do away with the "C of Red" and have a fun pre-game show like Vegas where you have two cowboys dueling at center ice; one wearing flames gear and the other wearing avs gaer


>gay people and brown people are “icky” and scary

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t.doesnt live near brown people


>the IQ level of a leftist

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they have lost lots of support but i kinda understand sipila about the government having to save money
ill have to look at candidate calculators more i suppose
wtf voting pro-immigration now just to be contrarian with sven

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>pregame action


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not giving you any yous for this shitpost. Go try your bait on /pol/ or somewhere that any gives a shit

I heard from an inside source that there's gonna be a guy in an Avs jersey that comes on the ice then Harvey The Hound comes on with a flame thrower and burns him to death while the crowd chants "C OF RED"

anything but keskusta or kokoomus, although you'd also have to be pretty juntti to unironically vote for perussuomalaiset

i just want the ploffs to be over so we can start offseason posting
/teamfrogdude/ btw

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I do and, guess what? They’re the same as anyone else! Shocking!

Stop letting your president lie and tell you scary bedtime stories

>using the word cuck as a leftist
>using a onions meme as a leftist
Left can’t meme is the truest fact /pol/ ever discovered

politics aside, what team has the best goal song

fuck off to /pol/ faggots

we seem to have fairly similar opinions

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>the IQ level of a Finn

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i like this idea better. how do i invest?

Avalanche, ducks and flames in that order

so this is what hoc turns into when there are no games
people ranting about politics and gays

god help us all when the offseason begins

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I can almost respect the people who accept he's a goon whose only is to injure players smaller than him, because at least they're honest about it. This whole "he gud boi dindu nuffin why duh leege h8 us!" facade is just pathetic, though.

digits confirm bulju is not generational

daduq? when did this occur?

Boston and Chicago

>tfw no swedish superstar for swedes to bandwagon on >my team

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bulju’s intangibles BTFO

this? This post right here?
Im thinking its pretty based

>spend every fucking day crying on /r/the_donald about how all the night shows and comedians are “left wing”
>”HURR the left can’t meme! Now look at this funny picture my senile grandma sent me about those scary brown people!”
Trumpcucks do nothing except project.

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welcome to nu-chan. Enjoy the hell that is endless politics because lol we gotta talk about that endlessly

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Last offseason was decently fun, mostly focusing on random NHL news, shit like Tavareswatch, the AIHL, and making oc.

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remember what to do with all off-topic /pol/ posting

don't the avalanche use the Nintendo wii music as the goal song?

This is the hockey thread, your constant seething about Donald Trump is absolutely boring literally no one cares

really wish my grandma sent me fresh memes 2bh

For me its fra

if singles, bulju is elite

certainly not voting perussuomalaiset atleast

im kinda embarassed to be from viitasaari due to hakkarainen, ugh

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Chicago's chelsea dagger song is so bad
"duh - duh duh duh - duh duh duh - duh duh duh duh duh duh"

how did this happen?

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did you shop this?

I only have one grandparent left feels bad

French busts?
Same here, friend.

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no they use chase the sun by planet funk


at least its better than torontos for this season


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I have a dream, that some day gays will all die of AIDs and stop annoying me

donol drumf is a goober. How can you SAY hockey and politics isn't RELATED? Sports have ALWAYS been political in NATURE

yeah Toronto has the worst goal song in the league IMO

my grandmas memory is starting to go. she calls my dad by my grandpas(her husband) all the time even tho my grandpa died like a decade ago.

its the perfect goal song, its catchy as hell and easy to scream while drunk


no Pekke sports and politics are NOT related. drink bleach and keel over

Make way for the new chelsea dagger

It's going to be weird when the first christmas happens without any grandparents

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>3 1sts for hanifin

both grandpas of mine are dead, but both grandmas are alive. Same with my grandma on my moms side, shes still sharp but is starting to lose her edge a bit. Kinda sucks not having older guys in the family around 2bh

>Removal of the obligatory character of the second official language (Swedish in Finnish-language schools and vice versa) in curriculums on all levels of education
>freeing up time for the learning of other foreign languages such as English, German, French, Spanish and Russian (especially in the eastern part of the country)
>tfw the party is against globalism but still want to learn a bunch of nigger languages instead of the closest neighbour, both culturally and geographically.
I would've much rather learned Finnish instead of having to choose between German, Spanish and French

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I wish my team used a good goal song like Cotton Eyed Joe or the Hamster Dance

Who chooses the goal song anyways? Suppose you get stuck with a loser song. Fortunately the Bruin's goal song is BASED as fuck

>tfw no bbw amazon gf

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still wish the wongs used Jock Jams as their goal song like they did in the 90s, but i kinda like how the shorks use it

Why do the panthers use this song? It isn't a sport song at all

I feel a hangover brewing

no these are official graphics released by garys social media team
t. future man

>spend all of 2015 and 2016 shitposting about donald trump and trying to “meme” him into office
>he somehow barely wins the election and entire public starts turning against him with record low approval numbers

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sports is another avenue for people aside war to challenge each other in competition

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nhl 2003 disagrees with you

Hey it’s Bawwstahn we’re talking about, don’t be surprised

imagine taking Zboril and Senyshyn when Barzal was still on the table. Boston fucked up

Imagine being such a faggot you get in a serious shitflinging contest about Trump on /hoc/

you are probably mexican

You can't. We're already past the point of no return.

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It’s the same commiefornia faggot who brings it here like anyone gives a shit

it's a pretty good song but it's not a good pump up song IMO


barzal was an undersized twinklet during his draft year. hes bulked up since then but he was barely 170lbs on his draft year.

he wont stop if he keeps getting replies

still I haven't even heard of those other 2 clowns. Seems like Boston's scouting team fucked up. They had 3 picks in a row and got nobody

for me it’s watching hockey and shitposting about why Sweden is gay and genuinely forgetting who the president even is because it has no impact on my daily life whatsoever

>8values doesn't have the eco-fascist result

Is this supposed to be intimidating? I can take out those cats with one swift kick.

>because it has no impact on my daily life whatsoever
this isn't true though.
>tax cuts for rich
>tax cuts for corps
>military spending
>israel spending
all negatively affects us.

>imagine not having a local artist writing songs specifically for your team
>imagine not have a local band having one of their hit songs about your hometown as the goal song everytime when your team scores the first goal
>imagine not having different goal songs for different individuals on the team

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Are you listening?

26 bongs until kakko is confirmed a soiler

bolts finna bouta choke in round 1

got an advance copy of the script from gary lads

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not really m8 lmao just live your life and stop whining about garnold druynpf one way or the other

ECHL player at best

I'd be okay with this.


the town I grew up in actually had a local famous band make a song for them, shame their team sucks

>just live your life
kinda hard to do when my money keeps going to schlomo and ezra

>ECHL at best
he was AHL star of the week recently though

Imagine being an Original Six hockey team, the only hockey team on the planet worth a billion dollars, and you haven't been to a final in 50 years...

morin had a completely torn ACL in his post draft year and needed major surgery. basically career ending. kind of sucks that he never got a chance but at least we can meme about him.

dude lmao just smoke weed and dont give a shit who is president :DD 420 blaze it while watching hockey

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>“Dale told me to go and work out with Barky this summer.” -Henrik Borgström

time to spread that hockey autism even more and passing first and hating the empty net

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>Trump 2020!

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im gonna vote for Rice President Andrew Yang

That was pretty catchy. Vasa is the only Finnish city I've been to.

future #2 and #3 centres in the same draft? incredible year
Overall it'll probably rival 2003

> posts a Hillary image
> trump
The left truly can’t meme

>derailing the thread complaining about trump
literally just as bad and off topic as anime

I don't really care about politics. I only care about my passionate love for the USA and Sweden.

try ignoring him next time

even monahan is a strong C. maybe not franchise player like barkov/makinnon but still a 30+ goal scorer.

just did some googling, they apparently changed it this year. Their loss.

Also apparently klamydias singer formed a supergroup with Alexi Laiho(from Children of Bodom). Did not know this until now.

been a long day, lads. im blanking on a few end of thread reminders

end of thread reminder that bulju IS generational.

What about qts?

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ha ha Bulju :-DDDDDDDDD

Agreed. I've always been pretty high on him, mostly through stat watching though.
Best goalscoring c of the draft

bulju will go to florida and win the stanlee bowl with the gang

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Gary would never let this happen. >His team is the yotes.