Malcom shits all over fraudicius jr

It's true, more goals and assists in liga while playing 1/4 the amount of time
and at half the cost lmao
but you won't hear about him in your typical halal media

where were you when you realised the chocolate messi is actually the next goat?
You were in 4chins, reading this exact words

cheerio faggots

Attached: 152137_la_verdad_de_la_comparacion_entre_vinicius_y_malcom_quien_sale_ganando_[1].jpg (800x800, 119K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>where were you when you realised the chocolate messi is actually the next goat?
watching him play for based Corinthians back in 2015

Attached: malcom-1068x675.jpg (1068x675, 69K)

Vinicius was playing in the Real B team and then they called him to main team

The only reason he is being criticized too much is because he was hyped by others so much and thought to be the one to replace Ronaldo but he isn't even playing in ronaldo's position. The one to replace ronaldo should be benzema. Vinicius is a talented 18 yo winger. He is still developing

I don't understand why all the responsibility is on him. Valdano already said that Raul had the same problem as vinicius and that these problems are fixable in training


They're both frauds

>My Ngubu is better than your Ngubu
Who gives a fuck

Vinicius was playing in the Real B team and then they called him to main team

The only reason he is being criticized too much is because he was hyped by others so much and thought to be the one to replace Ronaldo but he isn't even playing in ronaldo's position. The one to replace ronaldo should be benzema. Vinicius is a talented 18 yo winger. He is still developing

I don't understand why all the responsibility is on him. Valdano already said that Raul had the same problem as vinicius and that these problems are fixable in training

t. crying halalfag because vinicius a shit

brazilians are not ngubus

I'm sure most people who browse Yea Forums read Marca and As whenever they want to get their dose of soccer news.

Can someone please tell me why this player is being hyped up so much?

Is it just because he's Brazilian and plays for Real Madrid? He's a forward and he has 4 goals all season, his statistical output and age is very similar to that of Callum Hudson-Odoi, a player that Yea Forums seems to love to shit on.

Odegaard will be Real's star

basically, Real Madrid is a mess, their season is a disaster, this favela teenager they bought for millions represents hope, they let him play with total freedom and excuse his mistakes to try and give their fans something to look forward to

halal have nothing else to hold on to

>barça fans

Attached: 1554737462_893905_1554737531_noticia_normal.jpg (1200x675, 71K)

>my n(obody) is better than your n(obody), sad!
uh oh, al-fonso off his meds again
>Vinicius 4 goals 2 assists in 1000 minutes
>busqets 0 goals and 3 assists in 4000 minutes
oh no no no, scatalan jews cant play footy, SAD!

Attached: jew.png (640x574, 9K)

>Busquets is meant to get goals/assists

Attached: Brainlet.jpg (558x614, 18K)

>a "legendary" scatalan doesn't need to get more goals and assists than an ngubu born after 2000 in 4 times the minutes

>this halalfag believed marca and thought fraudicius was actually good
lmao even stevie wonder has more shot accuracy
OH NO NO NO! this is catalanoid jew shot accuracy and he talk shit about an 18 year old pacy nog

t. Mohammed Ngubu

and redpilled

>the seethe is real

>3 cl in a row while you bounce in the quarterfinals
hahahah i didn't know fading into obscurity was so painful for uefalona fags, don't worry al-fonso im here to give you attention

Attached: catalansandtheirdaddy.png (713x326, 598K)

uhhhh, France is Ngubu: The Team though

>hungary halalfag has full meltdown when someone points out fraudicius can't score for shit
lmao dude calm down
>fraudicius is so shit you have to compare him with busquets' scoring ability and still only scored 2 goals more than him
lol pathetic!

>throwing busquets under the bus to make an 18 year old look bad

That's like saying Ramos is better than Maldini because he scored more you fucking idiot

>malcom shits all over fraudicius jr

both are shit only one is a hard turd and the other is diarrhea.

>both are shit
halalfag detected ha

you're right, everyone who doesn't agree with your kindergarten argument is a halalfag

wow congrats Jordi it only took them 20+ overpaid niggers to finally get one who isn't complete shit

Attached: 155067127861.jpg (2329x1800, 1.05M)

Vinicius was playing in the Real B team and then they called him to main team

The only reason he is being criticized too much is because he was hyped by others so much and thought to be the one to replace Ronaldo but he isn't even playing in ronaldo's position. The one to replace ronaldo should be benzema. Vinicius is a talented 18 yo winger. He is still developing

I don't understand why all the responsibility is on him. Valdano already said that Raul had the same problem as vinicius and that these problems are fixable in training

Ramos is better than Maldini

Better career, better stats, more handsome

fuck off bushwhacker it's completely different, those are both first-team defenders. we're talking about 2 midfielders a supposed "world class" dm and an 18 year old kid with plenty of action just little end product, and the kid with 3000 less minutes played still managed to get better g+a. even casemiro who is also a dm got more and he only also played 2000 less minutes.

He would need to actually play for you to say that. I'm not saying you're wrong, just that you don't have proof considering Malcom plays once every 20 matches

this is the life of a brazillian. if you have any potential at all dumb hues media hype you until you are a god and sign for a big team before youre ready, then the pressure to live up to your own hype kills your career. gabigol, robinho, these guys, there are 100s of them

and the few that make it to somewhere near their potential get into traps and coke and their careers are over by 28. ronaldinho adriano kaka coutinho pato etc

so really its the hardest place to become a GOAT.

>not rating Douglas
Come on mate he has a treble, more than Donaldo ever will have.

cringe retard zoomer
Busquets is a defensive midfielder, Vinicius is an attacking midfielder/forward.


>halal plastic customer
>compares Busquets with Vinicius
>CM/CDM vs. Winger
>muh goals
Can't you suck off Penaldo in the countless shill threads from twain?Instead of ruining even more threads with your garbage opinions.

Attached: eb7.png (638x359, 314K)

>fuck off bushwhacker


>compares a 4000 minutes played "cdm" which in uefalona means playing 20 meters from goal to a 1000 minutes played 18year old creative winger who is supposed to have no end product
>the ngubu has more end product
It's al-fonsos fault for starting this retarded thread in the first place, take it up with him. I could have just said what Luigi did here >91937800
Neither of them played enough and vinicius created a lot more just couldn't finish all of it being 18 years old while malcom 22 should be approaching his prime has 1 more goal in a friendly which really doesn't matter when we're comparing 3 or 4 goals in the whole season. I just played along instead to embarass al-fonso and other uefalona fags like you in your autistic mindgames
>countless shill threads
HAHAH this has to be ironic, if anything it's you r*ddit faggots who are constantly shilling here

messed up the link to Luigi

>from twain
no user
that IS twain

I can't see him defending his NT, could you please point it out for me?

>barcelona makes the gypsy seethe
a classic
but does Yea Forums know why this happens?
let me tell you about the history of barcelona
for the 1992 barcelona olympics, catalans wanted to clean up the city so during the 1985-91 period local police would round up gypsies, put them in busses and send them out of catalonia, most of them to valencia and some to madrid. They were never allowed to come back
still to this day you can see plenty of them in alicante

and this is why romaniafag is so angry with fc barcelona and chadtalans, they literally kicked him out the city LMAO

>the absolute state of this post

Did Twain get a new proxy or something

>jewish bankers burdening the entire nation with the results of their commie no to racism policies
>virtue-signaling ever since
what a surprise, truly more than a club