Is having a traumatized kid an sport?

Is having a traumatized kid an sport?

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It’s no wonder that Cristiano Jr looks permanently dead inside. Imagine living with this nutcase 24/7.

messi between games have fun with his kids, meanwhile ronaldo is stuck for hours on the couch with his autistic recovery blood flow device and you can't even watch the game on tv comfily because your dad spends the whole game trying to turn the tv off by shooting at the power button with a nerf gun.

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absolute mad man

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Jesus Christ, junior looks like hes always in fear cos of his dad

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My fucking sides, for me it’s Messi, but you can’t deny how based Ronaldo is.

LMFAO WTF what an autist

>can't do anything while he's with his autist machine around his legs
>his son is just standing there watching what the fuck this useless waste of space is doing with his gun

This kid tried to hang himself. Guys, we need to send help

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>Messoy barely statpads against 10men Atletico
>Messoy fans: lets shit on Ronaldo's kids, that will show him

HAHAHAH what the fuck, did he unironically TSU cause he turned the tv off with a nerfgun? based af

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I will never be that happy.

Beyond based

bet he goes to the playground with him and beats up bullies and their dads for him

didn't cristianinho once say that messi is his favorite player?

i wonder if that's the reason why TSU is always bullying him

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Do you think Cristiano is abusive, verbally or physically?
Narcissistic parents usually are

what a retard. no wonder nobody considers him goat

cristiano junior is a failed clone, I doubt he can evoke any emotions that's why he always seems depressed. I wonder why they're still keeping it around tho, fucking weirdos, gonna bite them in the ass when it finally snaps too

Stopping it will only hurt him more

junior is so ugly

american mom

I have never seen Cristiano jr as happy as when he met Messi at a Ballon d'or ceremony few years ago

wouldn't shock me if he tried to clone himself with jr in that cuban test tube lab. i mean he refused to give him a unique name that says a lot


Messi's kid is much much uglier in that photo

only in that photo, jr is ugly in all of them

>precise aim to turn the TV off with a nerf gun

Yeah I'm thinking he's based

I used to prefer Messi, but this video changed my opinion

How can one man be so BASED