The difference

The difference

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between what and what

why would anyone marry the town cumdumpster?

absolutely fucking based white kraut aryan man

>makes a test tube baby before marrying a literal prostitute for whatever reason
>never wins world cup

>marries the favela cumdumpster, has many vile tattoos branded upon his skin at her behest
>never wins the world cup

>marries 10/10 childhood sweetheart, no tattoos, practicing christian
>wins the world cup WHILE being the most important man in his squad

degeneracy never pays, atheists

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The diferential

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The differences

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Are we pretending any of you are going to marry virgins?
You'll end up with someone that has far more mileage and like it

why is Yea Forums so obsessed with messoy's family?

Damn, look at how much more soulless her eyes look in OP's picture

The point is that she dated chad until manlet Messi turned out to be the GOAT

ronaldo confirmed 100% shitskin genes

Yeah, that's women in general. They're attracted to successful men, go and become a success and it'll happen to you too

she can only take so much of messi constantly forward rolling about the house, filling the fridge with sprite and hiding various objects in secret locations because maintaining possession is 'la masia' way

at least the kids are not his

meh if I was the best soccer player in the world I wouldn't marry a troll faced slag, tBh, but that's just me, to each his own I guess maybe messi has a fetish for this

You're implying the one you posted with that trashy haircut where they almost shave the sides is some angel and hasn't licked asshole. She reeks of experience


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The contrast

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Looks like smells of weed and piss

>juniors face


Messi and Antonella are child hood sweethearts though

but her sides aren't shaved

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>that gyno

Why don't they test for steroids in "soccer"

because then ronaldo would be found out

[citation needed]

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>implying they do in NFL, NBA or whatever your hockey on ice league is called

It's funny how you all call Messi an autist. To me it seems like ronaldo is probably the biggest autist in sports.

Fuck you're right

doubt it, ronaldo shows clear signs of psychopathy.

messi is a kinda-weird introvert but only so on the spectrum, if he was autistic he wouldn't care about pressure

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she was Aimar's literal cumdumpster

nice headcanon

>While Messi started on his road to becoming the greatest player in the world, Antonella was in a relationship with another Rosario neighbour, one that lasted three years.

>if he was autistic he wouldn't care about pressure
lmao it's the opposite. Autists are terrible st handling any type of pressure or nervousness

your standarts are laughable my man
that girl is honestly less than average looking in a large portion of the world

he'd just focus on the ball and forget anyone is around him if he was autistic.

t. actual autist
t. Vasil Troyanov Boyanov

i know that you have no concept of how relationships work because youve never been in one but 3 years is a long time and they were probably in a fairly stable relationship. If anything Messi is a homewrecker

Dont't fall for the fashion/modelling 10/10 bullshit

are you dense? I asked for proof that they were childhood sweethearts, you/someone else linked the article, your/his own article literally states she was dating someone else while messi started out

how does it feel to have one of the most famous people in the world as your love rival?

He's dead, Messi made the call

relationships can have twists and turns. Normal relationships arent always straightforward. they clearly liked each other from childhood. As was stated in the article. Clearly Antonella wasnt sure if messi would ever comeback. But I guess the story you are looking for is Suarez and his wife.

yea she clearly liked his money but was fine taking chad's cock before the money came in : 3

sorry ricardo diaz delahoya, but that's not childhood sweethearts

Juinor entering the age when you start to put your hand on your penis to hide your boner

Idk about you but some of us probably will

Are you guys serious that she isn't a qt. Cumdupmpster or not, at least acknowledge that she's a beautiful woman on the outside. She might not be in my taste but ok, I'm really curious how you look to call her ugly

she's pretty hot but messi is much cuter, he could do much better than her even without money. I don't understand how he can settle for that

Look at Hazard's wife, it's pretty common for men to marry down. Matter of fact Hazard married a girl he went to school with who didn't pay attention to him at all before he became successful
Women are generally like this and men don't know better that they're more valuable than they think

Imagine being the kid of someone like Messi or Ronaldo. Must be hell not being able to live up to their legacy. Junior will never have the drive that Cristiano had, having grown up so rich. I hope Ronaldo actually raises him well but I strongly doubt it, probably such an awkward father.

Do you think any of Messi's kids aren't his?

They look like him so I would be surprised

not all of us are american

the first, heck no, he is either antonella's previous lover's kid, or possibly suarez's. the second two yeah are clearly his

they all look like him imo, and they also don't look very well to me. as in, they may need the same injections the father took.

Holy fucking kek

>Ronaldo shows junior the hard work it takes to be at his level of success
>Messi shares glory with his kids they haven't earned

Yeah and she definitely also took lots of dick while Messi was at the academy in Spain.

Messi is literally an autistic Manlet. Being a rich superstar is his only way to get got women

No. She was the cutest girl in the favela so Messi was obsessed with her from childhood. Of course she had no interest in an autistic midget so she took a ride on the chad cock carousel for years.

But when Messi became a superstar she dumped the favela hoodlums. The fact that he was an autistic manlet/brainlet didn't matter anymore. The luxury cars, designer clothes, fame, and $$$$ made up for it. Truly a love story for the ages.

Made all his test tube babies male to keep his bloodline

that's it.

you can be millioanire, billioanreire, CEO of Very Important Ltd, but if you never were teenage boy experiencing teenage love with teenage girl, you will never be able to feel that

>tfw was no teenage love cuz ugly introvert
i d-didnt need it anyway, yeah-h

Messi was identified as a special talent from when he was about 8 years old though

tfw you realize Messi is more white than a dude from EU

Ronaldo is an octoroon, not joking look it up

based and mullerpilled

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lmao stop larping Pedro go fuck your cousin again

who did she cheat with to end up with the one she's holding and the one next to Messi?

I would Antonella Roccuzzo

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The middle looks like the cripple from the shriners commercial.

lmao speak for yourself, I'm betrothed to a qt muslim girl. muslimaxx and you might get the chance to do so yourself

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