Do you agree with the severity of the punishment for crimes like this? Is this the way to tackle racism?

Do you agree with the severity of the punishment for crimes like this? Is this the way to tackle racism?

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Other urls found in this thread:

What was the offensive post?

Does free speech not exist in the UK anymore?

And before people respond with the usual reflexes, yes, we are not allowed to deny the holocaust in public here, but we don't get fucking arrested over tweets here unless it includes a threat or announcement of a crime, etc.

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Would sending a message like this be legal in Germany?


>England isn’t a third world cou-

Imagine being so retarded and butthurt about football of all things that you send someone a racist death threat from your real account

Rude and uncalled for but not arrest worthy desu

That would be borderline desu
Because he didn't directly threaten to kill him and his family, but the "I hope you'll die" part could be seen as a little bit threatening.

Depending on the prosecutor in the respective region that lad would live in here, he might get charged, but every somewhat competent lawyer would be able to get the charges dropped I think.

So generally, yes

Should at least get the capital punishment for this

You filthy black bastard I hope you and your family die you slave cunt

People getting arrested for banter these days smfh

You absolute madman.

Ive reported this post to the police

>free speech
Pick one.

Just hang the brainlet and be done with it, too many radgies in this country anyway.

Already on my way to the cop shop to turn myself in

Racists are so cringe... Before white, black or yellow we are first HUMANS. We should remember that, I love people of every race and religion

>make racially charged death threat
>agree to be taken in for questioning
>released following a slap on the wrist

IT'S LIKE 1984 IT IS!!

Who exactly are you satirising?

People who are retarded enough to do this are no better than blacks desu

I don't think the UK ever really had free speech. Most places don't. Even in the US where you won't necessarily face legal consequences, your life/career can basically end if you tweet the wrong thing.

>arrested after handing himself in
hm what

it's not legal, stop arguing about free speech. Insults are never legal, just making them on the internet gives the easy proof you're guilty

"I hope you and your family die" is not a death threat and it should not be an arrest-able anything

>being so much of a backwards and fragile manchild that you make racist threats to the man who kicked a ball in the back of your favourite team's net1
Obviously nowt has happened to him but he'll forever be known as being a thick and cringey cunt.

He’ll get a fine. You have to be a serious cunt to do any actual prison time in the UK.

They'll probably just dock a few quid a week off his dole money for a couple months.

Social media was a mistake.

Yes it would be. All the clowns who say it'd be illegal are likely some borderline illiterate engineering students who vote left. This can't even be considered hate speech since, by German laws, hate speech requires for you to call upon other people. This is a mere DM, uttered in private, with no threat whatsoever. It doesn't even encourage suicide, something that might be punishable if the recipient of the DM was mentally ill and on the edge of necking themselves. There's no defamation, no threat, no promotion of hatred towards other people, and the recipient of the DM isn't an officer of the law. Nothing about this is illegal by German law.

I think its time for America to finish what we started with the revolution.

What part of "uttered in private" don't you understand? The people who got arrested in that incidient were part a group that promoted hatred towards other ethnicities. You don't seriously believe that a DM is an equivalanet to that, do you? Your actions must have the potential to disturb the public peace, something a DM dosen't do that, Pajeet.

People get arrested in the USA over social media posts too. Why is everyone so obsessed by with the UK and act like it only happens here?

This was a DIRECT NON PUBLIC MESSAGE, read for satan's sake

He sent a message to a complete stranger online. I doubt that it going to count as being “uttered in private” in law. The guy handed himself into the police anyway, it’s not like they came for him at 3 am in black uniforms.

Is there a great difference between an offensive DM on twitter and the shit that’s posted here every day? Does the direct nature of the twitter message make it worse? How long before they come for dear Yea Forums(nel) posters?

>I doubt
Doens't matter what you think. You don't have the faintest clue of how the German legal system functions, so why do you delude yourself into believing for your worthless opinions to matter?

hopefully not long, maybe we'll actually be able to discuss football then

The difference is police investigate allegations so unless you are going to track down the identity of a an anonymous poster the police can’t do anything about it. Yea Forums dies the day Hiro makes everyone have a permanent ID or whatever.

why aren't you willing to put a name and face to your statements and beliefs?

Yeah and you do, that’s why you are posting on Yea Forums instead of being a successful judge or lawyer. Sending somebody an online message isn’t private.

what's the world coming to lads?

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You idiots in here pretending sending a public figure a death threat in their DM counts as a "private message" are fucking brain damaged

It wasn’t a death threat. He didn’t threatened to kill him.

>these unqualified assumptions
Listen Pajeet, just because you're a loser doesn't mean that everybody else is as well. Maybe leave your peasantry board every now and then. Then you'd realize that there are quite a few successful autists browsing this website, especially on /sci/ and /g/.

Tell us: Who sees the message? Why isn't it private? Besides: The message is neither a threat nor does it encourage selfharm.

>I hope you die
>death threat
It's an entirely different story had he said "I'm going to kill you and your family"

so do muslims ever get arrested when they do shit like threaten jihad against the english on twitter and shit or is this only when white people hurt brown feelings?

Privacy implies a shared consent between both parties. The second somebody takes it public it’s no longer a private matter.

Yes. What do you think mi5 are doing all day? Terrorism plots are foiled all the time by intercepting online messages.

I don't see the issue this is just standard banter

>severity of punishment
he hasn't been charged yet you mong

Holy shit how embarrassing just let the mudslimes take over and fix this shit already

LMAO, holy shit. Guys, nothing is ever uttered in private because there is the potential for one of the recipients to take the coversation public. Hear, hear, privacy is a jewish scam that doesn't actually exist! Woah!

>social media
>not a mistake
Pick one.

Hahaha, damn, finally poltards get they asses fuck, i will grab my pop corn. You've been fed by jews, blaming muslims, now's your turn...

Yeah, so it’s probably why you shouldn’t message a complete stranger calling them a slave cunt and hoping their family dies. I’m sorry you are so detached from reality that you can’t see the difference between talking to somebody you know and trust in person in private and sending online messages using a third party application that keeps whatever you send.

t. Yusef

I don't think you're in a position to pity anyone, Pajeet. Especially given your inability to differentiate between a private and a public conversation. Can't say I thought highly of British education before, but this display of borderline illiteracy really managed to make me scratch my head in disbelief.

Sending a message to somebody isn’t a private conversation if you’re using a third parties services.

This is a completely retarded argument. Every service is third party.

Same way phonecalls can't be, eh?

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Talking to somebody in person or delivering a written message by hand is private. You’re the retard if you don’t think the prosecution don’t use telephone recordings, text messages and online messages in the court of law

Yeah because the police famously don’t wire tap people and use it as evidence. All it needs is approval from a judge.

>hand delivering a written message is private
>using the mail service to deliver a sealed written message is not private

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If you’re suspected of being a terrorist or something they will be checking your mail.

Let's say i'm talking to my doc. Doc has obligation to keep it private. I's it still not private?

>he doesn't understand the difference between evidence and the type of converstaion that is being held
I seriously hope you're some immigrant. A face to face exchange can be recorded. Ever heard of people wearing a wire, Mr. CSI South Hampton? So technically, face to face conversations aren't private, either. The difference between a private and a public conversation is the amount of recipients, nothing else. If you PUBLISH something, that is visible to a group of people or an amount you can't control, then it's public. If you don't, then it's private. Simple as that. What matters is the intent.

On one hand I think he deserves it for being retarded enough to post something like that using his actual name and on the other hand it's obviously bullshit to arrest someone over this.
Basically, don't trust the police or government. Ever. They go after the easiest targets, especially cops in their specific branches look for more funding. It's much easier to drag that cunt down than investigate actual physical crimes.

A doctor doesn’t have to keep it private if they feel the relevant authorities have to know

I already said it’s no longer a private conversation once somebody shares it with everybody but people started sperging out like I was a retard. The Swedish guy is acting like you can never be prosecuted if you send something directly “in private”

This is as stupid as "we were winning, until we lost"

>this ist he sort of brian-damaged ape populating the British Isles

>seeing race and colour
it seems you are the racist one here, friend

He's an asshole but he didn't deserve to be arrested.

The only similar thing that would be arrest-worthy will be something like creating fake account after fake account to harass someone.

You have to be arrested to be interviewed under caution. He handed himself in admitting to a crime.

Whether you agree with this law or not, it falls under harassment legislation to send this type of message. The same thing if it's a private message through social networks, phone network or sending hate mail direct through your letterbox. If you think people shouldn't be protected from this kind of behaviour by the law that's your view. Even as a strong free speech advocate myself I don't think this falls under free speech rights. I don't think you have a right to directly communicate with someone simply to insult them and tell them that you wished they were dead.

>private message through social networks, phone network or sending hate mail direct through your letterbox

so you admit it's private, HOWEVER of course it's not if that receiver decides to make it public. not talking about crime. and in this case it really isn't.

>making something public changes the nature of the conversation, document, data, whatever

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I think supporting laws like this is a sign of mental illness.

Living was a mistake.

Literally just_bantz.jpg

>it falls under harassment
No it doesn't you filthy black bastard. At least not harassment in the sense that it would warrant an arrest. Such harassment require repeated actions that can have an impact on the persons circumstances and their daily lives. The only "offense" this text qualifies as is being a nuisance, which gets you fined, or a slap on the wrist.

If something like this has potential to get you arrested, then you know that your country in in fucking tatters.

bit rude tbqh

just banter

Yea Forums-Sports

>arresting someone for this
I guess he didn't have his big boy words loicense in order

Athlete related news are spuh

someone says this to your child, what would you like done with them?

HARD MODE: answer honestly and sincerely

>blocks phone number
>solves problem

I'd tell them no stop bothering me and my family and never talk to my wives son again.

Racism doesn't need to be tackled. You wouldn't believe the things that blacks say about us when they think no one's listening. Everyone is racist by nature, you can't get rid of it, it's a legitimate survival instinct embedded in our DNA. People who claim t to not be racist were raised in middle class communities where minorities don't show their true colors.

>The absolute Britfag and Deutschefag cope in this bread
In the US this isn't close to being prosecutable.
>"Hope" doesn't show direct intent to harm
>Offensive words protected by the 1st Amendment
I could literally stand in a public place and shout "n*gger" at blacks 100 times and couldn't get arrested. Sure, they'd beat the shit out of me, but

The government couldn't do shit. They couldn't prosecute me for shit. Sure public ostracization occurs, but fuck the police for arresting me for saying something.

>Absolute Communist state of Europe.

>In the US this isn't close to being prosecutable.
It neither is in Germany. Don't listen to the Kevins who claim otherwise.

>continuing your posts on Yea Forums
pass user detected

from the country where men better get their consent slip signed before going down on a woman

>he believes in flags
Leave my country, Uemit.

wow, using umlauts
just like a real german

Do you know what P2P messaging is? Kind of but not really third party.

Niemand mit dreistelligem IQ hat eine deutsche Tastatur. Gibt leider nur Dreck mit deutschem Layout, mein tuerkischer Landsmann. Muesstest du nicht momentan fuer Enteignung protestieren? Oder bereitest du dich gerade fuer den FfF vor um am Freitag die Schule zu schwenzen?

>Absolute state of cucked Germany
>Get arrested for posting to social media
holy shit how is cyber racism real lmao just close your eyes nigga lol turn off your app and walk away hahahahahaha

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holy shit you euros need to storm the bastille again and hang all the marxists ruining your countries. the immigrants aren't the real problem, it's the globalist left that has its demonic claws on you.
anyways, if you drop an N bomb at a live stadium you can get banned from there, but policing morality or decorum like europeans do is a scary 1984-like precedent

>man released pending charging decision by CPS
>Cucumber poking Services
what the fuck are they going to do? Poke a cucumber?
>refugees welcome Wa-Alaikum-Salaam

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what is shitty soiboi level parenting instincts for $500, Alex

>something's in our DNA therefore it must be good.
God damn it, when are lobotomies coming back? I also have funny dreams where I sleep with my mother. Everyone is a motherfucker by nature. So should we also start breeding creatures with four spleens and seven teeth?

>So should we also start breeding creatures with four spleens and seven teeth
The Brits already have it coverered Famalang. Dirty white devils.

Attached: come on now!.jpg (748x421, 44K)

>buy game
>say word
>life stolen

>oi do yer 'av banter loiscence la'?

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>Cope: The Post
Britfags literally just royal subjects, not citizens. No free speech rights under British law. All Britfags accept the Queen's strap-on dildo directly into their buttholes without lube.

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this level of thought police will lead to violence