Happy Thatcher's dead day Yea Forums

Happy Thatcher's dead day Yea Forums

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Stfu, amerimutt

Thatcher was based

lick those boots

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>hasn't been Prime Minister for 20 years
>hasn't been alive for 6 years
>socialists still S E E T H I N G

based maggie

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it's going to be really enjoyable watching theresa may get ousted

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Fletcher is dead?

>thatcher gets elected
>kills all coal mining jobs

>reagan gets elected
>saves all coal mining jobs
What went wrong?

class system doesn't exist in america
th*tcher's primary goal was to eradicate the working classes from any position of influence

hello is this bundes?

Heh. Fuck the working class, load of scruffy cunts.

This is actually the exact opposite of what Thatcher would have said wtf? Isn't this an IRA quote

>class system doesn't exist in america
t. rich American

Fuck Thatcher, but fuck commies too. Bunch of vindictive assholes.

what the fuck are you telling about? we have at least 8 classes.
blue collar
lower middle,
upper middle,
white collar,
ultra wealthy

>be scum who's barely worked a day in his life, prefered to be hooligan, striker, and/or benefit collector
>somehow be considered "working class"
thatcher is the greatest leader of the modern era

absolutely insane post

What did she do?
Is it true that she's responsible for Hillsborough?

she personally crushed 96 people to their death

the cover up almost certainly went all the way to the top; her dislike of football fans was obvious

saved britain from socialism


>Not being grateful to the person who cucked Argies to death and kept Falkland british.
Seething commies roflmao

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>caring about the falklands

How the fuck was it ever considered controversial to defend your country against an invading fascist country?

She didn't kowtow to commies, so she was the devil incarnate, along with Reagan.

>having this level of self hatred
Bet you’re a paki diaspora or just a butthurt coal miner

Free markets are good, I think, but only within a country. If you trade with others, you can lose your productive power to your trading partners e.g. China.

This is why we should create big countries. Canada and USA should unite, the West of Europe should unite, the East of Europe should unite. Then, at a certain point, we could create one massive entity of Europe, North America and New Zealand/Australia. Isn't it obvious from the flags on this board that there is some tendency for us to unite?

Stay out of LatAm business unless you want another Olaf Palme.

>praising an antisemite


He was killed by the deep state

Stupid people like to invent all sort of weird theories for why things happen. Really, it's quite simple: she believed in entrepreneurship and she believed in trade. That's all it was.

> Then, at a certain point, we could create one massive entity of Europe

The issue there is that then one cunt votes to leave Europe and makes a big hassle for everyone


I still don't know if she was pro or anti dairy. She helped invent soft serve ice cream but also cut a free school milk program for little kids.

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True enough but the EU is undemocratic. If it's done, it should be done properly: have an elected parliament, create an army and stop trying to interfere with everything. Strong tariffs would be a good thing so we can build our production.

Plus, it's probably too big. All the Eastern Europeans coming into the West are like the Mexicans going into the US. Who would want this?

>class system doesn't exist in america
You're retarded if you actually believe that. We call your version of the aristocracy "WASPs" here in America.