It's Masters week lads

It's Masters week lads.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hello, is golf hard to master?

Is Spieth gonna be Spieth or is he gonna be

how much are paid the guys who cut the grass there?

No idea but probably pretty good. The club is very autistic about the grounds being perfect and to be fair they don't try to Jew people out of money (the concessions are very cheap and there are very few commercials and no advertising on the grounds).


It will be one or the other. No chance he makes the cut and shoots even par.

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>south american only cares about the lawn

top kek

how old is this sign/why are snacks so cheap?

It's recent. Hard to believe, but they want people to feel welcome and not get every last dime out of them.

This joke only works if it was a Mexican flag, tbqh.

Snacks are always cheap at The Masters.

a great week ahead

When is the Par-3 comp on?

Wednesday I believe. Tuesday at the earliest.

because they already make a fuck ton of money from just club operations probably

Hopefully we see something half as kino as Jack Nicklaus's grandson making an ace.

>Wins first ever Augusta National Women's Amateur
Say something nice

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solid 6/10

Where are the Masters?

>On the golf course

I expected my waifu to win, Sad.

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these big golf majors being corrupted by barstool-level dudebros is really turning me off


Masters has a really strict code of conduct. You don't really see it there.

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Golf is wank mate

Used to get incredibly nervous before easter exams. Augusta with it's pretty greens landscape, was very soothing in the evening during revision

Golf is shit to watch but can be comfy to play if you are in nice surroundings

your mum is wank m8

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happy gilmore


>he doesn't eat a cheeky tylenol snack every now and then

a bit cringe

Was that dude who ODed in?

Never realized those bridges were just made from cheap galvanized culvert pipe kek

is golf a popular weekedn sport/recreation activity in usa? in russia i guess(i never saw/had experience) its elitist as fuck, very expensive i guess

i would like to be rich and just relax on that beautiful lawns, but idk how/where

Yea Forums:
>Dustin Johnson
>Ricky Fowler
>Tommy Fleetwood
>Jordan Speef
>Jim Furyk
>Hideki Matsuyama

>Phil Mickleson
>Bubba Watson
>Ian Poulter
>Adam Scott
>Louis Oostheizen
>Jon Rahm

How come golf tournaments have bigger prize money than tennis? Tennis is way more popular, bigger audiences and bigger TV reach

post more comfy

fuck off asshole the joke still works

move to america russia bro

Patrick Reed is our guy

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I don't even play golf but don't deny this is the comfiest sport to watch in the world

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I was wondering how there are not people getting whacked by a ball every other week, then a few months ago a friend of my parents lost an eye during the Ryder's cup

>Nearly sold out of tylenol and aspirin
>Fruit snacks still well-stocked

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You underestimate the wealth of the golf world. Think about how much a memebership for a golf club cost vs tennis. Then extrapolate from there to sponsors

Fruit is candy

Well there was this freak accident where a drive
crushed that lady's eyeball last year. But as she was being a women she probably had no spacial awareness whatsoever so she deserves to join the pirate business.

What would your menu look like for the Champions dinner lads?


Unironically this

She said they were being harassed at home by american lawyers wanting them to sue whoever, they were thinking about it last I heard

You mean adverts cost more for golf tournaments?

Oh yeah, she was alsp pretty good looking and so sad, lost her eye forever with no recovery chance, even with miopia or blurriness, poor women


where's Tiger

What’s your favorite Masters hole lads?

>HARD MODE: no Amen Corner

apparently when she got hit her eye exploded so yeah I don't think there was any chance

Its probably was so painful, maybe she screamed or even cried, i am sad when women cries

A reminder of the true American GOAT's performance

Piss off boris

Looks like rain for the week in Georgia. Hopefully it won't be too bad.

Amen Corner

>tfw went to the practice round today

Course looks beautiful, lads. Hopefully the rain holds off once the tournament starts.

Another comfy week watching golf with anons LARPing as trust fund kiddies

>week off work
>half a pound of wacky tabaccy (dude weed, I know)

a week of fine golfery is sounding very, very comfortable indeed my lads. who are our guys, and any key information for a first time spectator of this prestigious event?

Meh, The Open is better

Defending Masters Champ, confirmed our guy, Fatrick Reed.

His backstory is hilarious too

outrageous $1 white person tax

That's the second bridge that was added. Looks fucking lame compared to the original in the background,

Amen corner is three holes though.

Pampas is kino because it's deceptively easy with no real hazards apart from the guarded green but if you're not arrow straight off the tee you're in world of shit.

>le artificial wildlife noise because you're surrounded by suburbs
>le ban Gary McCord because you can't handle the banter
>le gender equality
Fuck aug*sta and FUCK billy payne

nice blog, reddit faggot.

hopefully no tiger suits

Yes it is the hardest sport to master.

Jordan Speef is autistic as hell. All the fucking mental gymnastics he goes through all the time.

fuck you you miserable faggot

Based attendee

*shouts GET IN DA HOLE repeatedly*

Will Koepka revert to his magical autistic majors mode after slumping the past 1.5 months

Who Paige spirnac and holly sonders here?

anyone with a dick desu

Tania Tare bruh

Yea Forums:
>Dustin Johnson (/r9k)
>Patrick Reed (/pol)
>John Daly (/b)
>Li Haotong (/a)
>Brooks Koepka (/fit)
>Tiger (/gif)

>Phil Mickelson
>Jordan Spieth
>Rory McIlroy

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No. 2

a nearly 600 yard, downhill dog leg left par 5. Big drives can reach the green in two. Green is guarded by two frontside bunkers to punish those who are short. Lot of exciting shots there.

Dumb and Scot-pilled

my first time visiting augusta today as well. Watched Dustin Johnson hole out from 200 yards for a double eagle on no. 15. Amazing. Course is beautiful, a shame the day had to end early because of thunderstorms. Still worth the 8 hour drive.

i was there today and the prices are the same except beers are 4/5$

what about the truly old kings like palmer

>Dustin Johnson

u wot?

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without a doubt 10 or 16.

have you heard the man speak? he is a literal cave man.

i went 2 years ago and was sitting in traffic on master's saturday. was stopped in front of a hooters where john daly was grilling and drinking in the parking lot next to his RV at about 8 am. we thought about stopping but ultimately wanted to get into the course. biggest regret of my life.

>see the Masters
>see John Daly in Hooters

Sophie’s Choice desu

They really fucked up in that case. Surprised club members didn't complain.

>one week of bababooey and GETINTHEHOLE

Yes, incredibly so. The vast majority of people who consider themselves avid golfers struggle to even break 90.

Augusta doesn't play that game, and they can and WILL revoke your tickets if you're out of line. You can't even run from one place to another, which is why you see people speedwalking with their folding chairs to place them in prime spots first thing in the morning.

Golf is declining a bit and still seen as a bit elitist, especially the private clubs, but there are crowded public courses all over the country each weekend and programs to make the game much more accessible for kids to take an interest in the game. It's also more of a social thing to kill a few hours with your buddies and not walk the course, and instead take a cart and have a few beers and cigars.

>Watching the AG women's amateur
>See all the women getting it to pitch and spin back at 11

Was the course playing soft because of rain or did they set it up to be soft.

Unironically the greatest hole at Augusta is Azalea. Fuck your hardmode bullshit.

>Magnolia lengthened by 50 yards

I hope this doesn't turn into a DJ/Rory crush fest.

My family is blue collar as fuck, but always liked golf to the point where I got into golf early on and was given a scholarship in college. Now I'm the 30 year old boomer who plays sporadically to a 3hcp.


>Yeah I'm a Rickie Fowler fan, how did you guess?

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Orange man bad

Show up to the course as a single and the starter asks you to join a group. One is a group of dudebros your age all with new equipment taking carts and the other is all boomers with older bags and clubs who are walking with pushcarts. Who do you join?


Boomers everytime. And walking>>>>>carting

I doubt it. Greens are still too fast and undulating to be truly a bombers course.

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>ywn bunk with Gentle Ben in the Crow's Nest on your way to winning Low Amateur at The Masters

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Woof woof

I’m so fucking pumped boys. My favorite memories of the Masters was that my spring fraternity formal always fell over the weekend of the Masters, so on the bus on the way to whatever destination we chose that year, we’d have the driver put on the Masters on the TVs. We had four or five buses of dudes with dates that we mostly didn’t know and their first impression was getting zero attention because we were drinking and watching golf. It was even better on the Sunday drive back during the final round. I miss it brahs ;_;


Post your top four:

>Le occasionally in contention perfect swing South African
>Cameron Smith

Jelly of that lifestyle

Holy fuck that sheet metal is hideous.

Molinari may just be the most likeable guy on tour

The dream ended four years ago

At least you lived it. I'm a wizard

>federal reserve financing hitler
top thonk

what happens if the ball falls in the water

Hello Friends, Welcome to the Masters, a Tradition like no other.

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How many
> God Damnits
Will we hear this year?

kills your multiplier and unlocks multi-ball


Everything about that fucking place is phony.
No wonder Americans like it so much.

Give it time. They were forced to accept women, I'm sure having codes of conduct will be seen as racist soon enough.

I’m sorry desu

>making a thread 2 days early
>having to constantly bump it every few hours from archiving

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Do you really think that they need the relatively trivial revenue from overpriced snacks?


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post your masters ticket then, oh wait you can't

How you like my pics?

Rickie Fowler
Webb Simpson
Charles Howell
Kevin Kisner

Fatrick will repeat

>forgetting super reddit

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Because there is still stuff to talk about you bitter prick

crack the whip masta

I'm liking leesh and Molinari

Engage yourself in comfiness of the highest order.

>That song for making a Sunday charge.

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I don't want to go. Yuros just can't win...

Master Club sandwich review please user.

>Playing pebble beach on the golf sim at a bar
>haven't swung a club in 6 months, fucking leaf weather
>eagle hole 2
>Even par thru 7
>hit three balls in the water on the approach at 8

Golf knows how to humble you instantly

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Based jews financing both sides as per usual.

I'd give literally anything to be able to stick my tongue up her arse in her prime.

It’s cheap for the same reason that the broadcast has only two minutes commercials per hour - because a handful of super rich and powerful guys are about running things in a way that makes people realize this is the closest thing to a pure event in big time sports, other than some Olympic contests in sports where one can’t make a living

Does black twitter ever live tweet golf?

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>mfw only white golfers and two Asians make the cut and
#masterssowhite becomes a thung

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My grandpa went last year and somebody standing near him got kicked out for yelling get in the hole. Augusta don't fuck aroudn

Switch Phil and Ricky for Phil and Bubba

Speef and Ricky for Phil and Bubba*

LOL no. Figjam is reddit incarnate.

>no amen corner
Ok then i gotta go with 18 love how narrow it is off the tee box and then it opens up and that walk uphill towards the green and the clubhouse and crowd is always epic

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For me? It’s Bar-B-Que.

Kino Masters shots:

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18, baby

Paul Casey is my dark horse pick this year lads.

Not really a dark horse when he's had five top 10's at Augusta.

>When you go to TopGolf with your friends that don't actually golf

>kicked out
should have been drawn and quartered desu

>Tiger /gif/

top kek

>pimento cheese

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Dustin Johnson is such a chad. Why in the fuck would he be r9k?

>"soft drink" cheaper than water

no wonder y'all FAT!

I wonder if the sandwiches there are really that good.

Feel you, me and my friends would always have a masters beer pong tournament at the fraternity over the weekend.

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ESPN Classic airing old Masters highlights

Fucked BASED, getting the arm jewellery used to coming second to golf.

dey racist making some muhfuggin Massah week so close to black histry munf das some bullshit

Winners dinner was tonight. What you choose Yea Forums?
I choose ceasar salad, bone-in ribeye, and creamed spinach

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Depends where you are, if you are in a big city than it can get pricey but if you're in a more rural area it isnt so bad. I live in Atlanta and we have a lot of different golf options in the area.

wedge salad, bone-in ribeye, mac & cheese

FMSU, partner

They are, I went to the practice rounds a few years ago all the food is good.

Casear, Ribeye, steamed broccoli.

I'm watching the '97 Masters on YouTube and it's ridiculous. It's no wonder Tiger Woods crushed everyone. These guys weren't even real athletes back then. Nowadays even the nerdy guys like Dechambeau are fucking jacked.

Correct answer: Azalea

Hard mode answer: Pink Dogwood

Rib Eye
Steamed Broccoli

>tfw low-carb

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>time for normie jokes lads

Wake up it's par 3 Wednesday

God they're so up their own ass

Childhood is loving Amen Corner.

Adulthood is loving Firethorn and Redbud.

Childhood is idolizing Jack and Arnie

Adulthood is realizing Gary Player makes more sense.

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I believe we have footage of her driving away from the clubhouse following the awards ceremony.

>For real though, I might get tickets for next year just to walk around the course.

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Is BEEF in the masters?

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This. /r9k/ has both men who are involuntarily celibate, and men who couldn't be celibate even if their dick was literally about to fall off.
>They both have surprisingly similar views about women.

They briefly considered bandwagoning Tony Finau last year, but unless Tiger gets back into proper form they're gonna give a hard pass.

Augusta resident here
Enjoy the pleasant weather while you can.


It's impossible to master.

Sadly no.

Par 3 Contest about to go live.

What the fuck is barstool bros and why does Reddit hate them?

I'm in awe of the size of the Barn Rat.

Barstool sports. They are considered by progressive sports fans to be "problematic" thanks to their exceedingly casual misogyny.

>Mark O'Mera got a hole in one today


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Ready for some zoomer par 3 golf lads!

Worst Champion to win it..
Danny Willett

Most Hated Champion to win it..
Patrick Reed dough boy last year

Who everyone wants to win..
Prob Rory or Rickie Fowler

Who the Media wants to win..
this should be fairly obvious bro, tiger

>Rory or Fowler

You better mean reddit when you say "everyone"

Bling Bling hole in one

The big boys begin teeing off at about 10am eastern

>Give me another green jacket.

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that pic looks like Oblivion literally

New idea, play the us open at only 4 venues. I'm tired of Americana links style courses like shinnecock, erin hills, whistling straits and chamber's bay.

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Jesus fucking Christ, the s*y levels are very high on reddit. I wish they didn't broadcast that they are in the same demographic as I am by watching the Masters

lucky fucking bastard

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What venues?
I’m thinking:
Pebble Beach
Pinehurst no 2
Bethpage Black

There's something about golf that seems very random to me. Ever since Tiger went to shit it seems like no one is truly consistent.

i was there on monday, and while the experience was fantastic, don't let anyone tell you the masters is some amazing culinary experience. it's decent pimento cheese between two slices of wonder bread. if they charged more than 1.50 it'd be robbery. the egg salad sandwich is the same way.

This year's US Open is at Pebble Beach and the PGA is at Bethpage Black, so you'll get your wish.

I agree that the American links meme has been slightly overdone in recent years.

It's the nature of the sport. Even the very best only win like 5-10% of the time.


*transcends reality and ascends to a meditative higher consciousness on the foundations of accepting and being at one with the baba booey*

Got a thing for trannies mate?

>he's afraid of HIGH TEST women

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>Morning Y'all
>Morning Dan
>I think I'll have a latte this morning

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just want to die lads

Why m8?

This is why I hate ESPN
No morning coverage AT ALL

Fucking bullshit they're only covering feature groups.

You now remember when Gary Lineker presented the masters

So Golf Channel is the only way to watch rd1 and rd2 prior to the afternoon???


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>Last year
>Patrick Reed wins the masters
>The very next day ESPN has an article with interviews with his parents talking about their strained relationship, haven't talked in years

I'm not a big Reed fan but it's crazy how the media keeps a file on everyone so they can tear them down when they are flying high.

How does he do it lads?

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Chicks dig unfiltered golf opinions.

He's the Stephen A. Smith of golf

He went hard 9n Brooks yesterday.

"Who sacrafices their golf game for a magazine shoot?"


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Why couldn't he convince his wife to get an IUD instead?

Side note, wife gets her period for one day a month.

Pins for today

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Where's smart money at?

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For ppl bitching at ESPN, it’s not them. The Masters likes to keep coverage short. They want ppl to go go experience it. LEL

Fucking lmao at the pin placement on 4, that's gonna wreck some people early.

Honorary starters in 15 minutes of

>Tugger is wearing nothing but turtlenecks all week

It's over.

Are there tons of hot chicks at the masters?

>Ladies and Gentlemen, the 2019 Masters Tournament is officially underway.


le epic vasectomy face

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Masters app is fucking based, there's a video of every single shot being played and live course ball flight tracking.

Is this the most graceful, pure event in sports?

I don't like the scoring system but the Ryder cup is more fun

Any streams, lads?


are you me? will be showing Amen Corner and featured groups in an hour or two.

Doubt there's anything right now, though. Augusta National is pretty autistic about keeping coverage tight.

If Tiger doesn't win this I'll kill myself

I don't get it are any channels showing golf yet? or is it all still pre match?


Featured groups online starts at 10 eastern Tv coverage starts at 3 eastern

>my pirate tv doesn't have Sky Sports Golf in HD
>CBS SN only in 720p
I don't wanna watch the Swedish broadcast

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If you have Android, download the mobdro app and cast it to a bigger screen

It's fine I have an Apple TV for it. Will have to settle for 720p I guess

F yeah!

But she got the one with hormones because it mitigates her grouchiness when it's her time.

I'm in paradise, lads

Amateur 2 under atm. Augusta getting easier every year.

oh nice feature groups today

post yfw Yea Forumseef finally gets out of his slump and wins his 2nd jacket

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Who /riding the Tway train/ here

here we go

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Name a golfer that chokes harder than Sergio.



God what an ugly language

pls no bully

Holly is a tranny buddy

This is a good thing

>tfw Watson wins his third green jacket for his field hockey wife

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>Fanny Suenson is back

Also how do I hit woods off the deck like Stetson?

>Stenson being to cowardly with his chip

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>Swedish commentators seething over Garcia's action on the green while Stenson putts
Dirty Southern Europeans with their no manners

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>Europeans in general

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I don't remember the American national anthem being played in France last fall if you know what I mean

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What makes hitting out of a bunker more difficult than the fairway/tee? Having the elevate the shot more, or is it the sand itself?

t. never played golf

Same thing that makes running in sand harder. It's a low traction surface. The unpredictable way the surface deforms under a moving object acts on the object's travel in an unpredictable way.

Both. You have to clip the ball, while giving it enough loft to get where it needs to go.

you guys made me laugh thanks for that

>-1 Stenson

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They really need to put a chick-fil-A on the masters grounds and be the only one open on Sunday.

Why don't they have a live broadcast until later in the afternoon? Fucking autistic snobs

Thot begone

>hole 4
>234 into a well guarded pin with stupid fast greens

I'd need to send a 3 iron sky high and pray.

Be one of the best ball strikers in the history of golf. Simple as.


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yurop might not recover if he does that. however america might not recover if rory gets a jacket and wins the slam.

should be a great weekend of shitposting.

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>Tiger in the fairway on the first hole of a major

It's over

Can confirm, unless you played in high school and spent every day playing AND being trained its essentially impossible to break 80. I've been playing since I was 6 years old and have never broken 80 on a legitimate course. At my best I was average 82-84 when I was playing all the time. Now I average 90 exactly.

A lot of time golf is experience, especially in competition. What not to do. The best players minimize mistakes.

Amen Corner going live now lads.

Any way to watch this if you're in Europe?


True, but there is a great deal of attitude which plays into it as well. If you remain calm and take your time and get into a consistent groove you play better, which also makes you take less aggressive approaches minimizing mistakes like you said.

Fatrick losing to an amateur. At least he had a good dinner this week.

>that sergio pitch

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He has a good dinner every night



Garcia chimpout imminent

he's literally back

>Tiger on pace to shoot -36

It's happening lads

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sweden YES



Reminder, euros have the advantage with these harsh winds. Don't get your hopes up for Tiger, Phil, etc

The weather on Sunday is brutal lads. Gonna be an absolute massacre. Someone might post early and come away the winner

god i hope so you can tell his rage is building


Rose needs this one. Hoping he runs away with it early.

Tiger looks good man

>tiger spieth and rory as the final group on sunday


Why didn't i bet on the Spanish autist

Great putt from Rahm.

Because he's always an inch from a big chimpout.

"Jon Rahm" doesn't sound Spanish at all. Does he have Anglo blood?

>people realistically think Tiger has a chance to win this tournament

Li gang checking in

>implying he doesn't

>Li wins the Masters
>serves General Tso's chicken and beef broccoli at the Champions Dinner

His full name is Jon Rahm Rodriguez he's Basque went to BASED ASU for college too

who else makes egg salad sandwiches for the masters weekend?

gotta go for pimento cheese la

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Rahm punched his caddie holy fuck

Tiger is done folks. That's all

>the fucking owl in the background

Fucking comfy. There is absolutely fucking nothing comfier than the masters.

This. So much this.

you were saying?

He's back

Connors wins valero and leads the masters after 9. Must feel like a dream to the canadian kid

>these greens

I'd 11-put every time

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the lad is having a good month

Finau is building a lot of momentum. He’ll have a good back 9, probably 2 or 3 under.


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Tiger needs to putt tremendously to have a puncher's chance. Not gonna cut it

He’s such a choker now


Tiger is literally wearing a t shirt at the masters

You mean Nike dressed him in a t-shirt

Sometimes I wish there was a /golf/ general thread on Yea Forums but then it would make the threads for the major less special


as a tennis fan, believe me, you don't want a general. pure concentrated autism

>a leaf

Come on, haven't had a good leaf golfer since mike qweir.

qualified for the valero on monday then wins it now he’s leading at augusta. hope he keeps it rolling that would be a breakout story for the ages

Imagine spending $500 to follow a golfer around and say “you da man” after they hit the ball far

oh I believe you, sometimes i just wanna get a little autistic about golf though ya know

I'm sure most tickets are corporate tickets.

>it's a jealous commoner hates on the master's prestige episode

Looks like a rerun

Yeah, you’re probably right on that.

I have no problem with the masters. I wish that I could go. But the people who yell after a tee shot have always gotten to me

golf just screams white privilege glad the "sport" is dying

Don't bite the bait boys

It's pretty absurd from this perspective, but that's not exactly what's going on desu

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Could they play any slower jesus im bout to turn this off and go outside

Holy fuck Li is based

can I get a stream lads

All other sports scream roided up nigger worship.

The GOAT is literally a roided up nigger though


Wouldn't it be better to make the short putts?

>thinking you need to roid for tiger's physique

>the only purpose of roiding is to get jacked


Why do I hate him so much?

>the player with the 2nd most majors is the GOAT

>Langer at -2 thru 4

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Surprisingly, this is true in both Tennis and Golf


Always forget Rahm is """Spanish"""

Injury free tiger probably wins 18+ majors

who should I put a cheeky tenner on?

Based Li

Odds are good on Louis



Tiger's playing well but can't stop 2 putting from inside 8


Stopped watching after I learned this about Augusta National. Fucking racists.

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Get a life

Sweden NO!

>digging through the Azealias


Who is the dyke caddying for stenson?

She was on Nick Faldo's bag for most of his major wins.

Sweden NO



Not gonna lie the whole southern gentlemen country club image theyre trying to maintain will have to change sooner or later and when that happens then thats how you know shits getting real for >muh freedoms.

>Dress well and behave yourself

Seems fine

The masters is the last sporting event that I know of which is still worth watching in 2019

What's Swedish for "8"?

niggers will call it oppressive

That's not going to fly for some "folks"

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big black cock

Who are all these fucking plebs in the lead

Thats what the >Master used to tell the house negro.

It's Thursday afternoon m8, what else did you expect? Literal whos always jump out to early leads.

Beergarden is on form

The Masters is usually very comfy to watch and relax to

>Courses where 3 under leads

Kino. I hate -20 birdie fests like that course in Mexico.

Are these prices real?

It's already changing. They finally admitted women and they're pouring on the muh girls muh niglets

stands up
*klink klink klink*
that is all

based medicated pete

AN is the prettiest course in golf. Pebble Beach doesn't compare imo

Yes. They make an effort to keep concession prices ridiculously low.

>based Turks & Caicos bro

Wouldn't be a major thread without you.


starting to wonder when i'll ever escape these islands, lol. never intended to be here for so many years. it's like 6 years of the masters with Yea Forums now, christ.

and rory STILL hasn't won

Post a pic of your view

mate i'm at work lol, you want to see my dual monitor set-up?
i'll post a pic of my view after work, i'm in a nice spot at the moment
unless rory is like +5 or some shit, in which case enjoy the masters i'm out

Is anybody taking bets on when Baba Booey will be said?

>parking $40.00

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Even if it is, that is still really cheap. You would expect a beer to be 20 dollars.

Or you could take an uber and walk literally like a half mile

its like the costco foodcourt of sporting events

Or you could rent a car for $25 bucks a day

That too but then you'd have to park it on top of that.

We rented a car when we went and drove it everywhere except to the course. We ubered each time and just walked from the drop off point

you have EXACTLY five dollars. how do you spend it?

me: BBQ sandwich, bottled water, cookie

holy shit who cares shut the fuck up

I know it just seems like the masters is stuck in the 90s with the corny clubhouse ceremony on sunday.

what about fresh fruit for the fiber?

Sausage biscuit

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how tf is bottled water more than soft drinks

it's bigger

>pimento cheese
>import beer


you mad?

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Toilet water plus sugar in a machine vs tap water in a bottle shipped in 3rd party

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Sky's presentation is cringeworthy. Golf isn't something that needs to look high tech.


Less ice I assume

If you ever actually had some kids you'd consider a vasectomy as well.

>Yeah I'm I big fan of Brooks Keopka, Dustin Johnson and Tiger Woods. My wife is too.

Do you have children?


Who is the biggest faggot on tour and why is it Sergio?

Betting no

Seems really dumb more than anything else iih

I like Sergio

I don't know why he rubs so many people the wrong way

I think it started with the Tiger chicken comment

that's the best thing he's ever done

Hell nah, but pretty much all the men i know who have kids at least considered doing it. Some did.

Best week of /golf/

Meh. It would make me feel like a eunuch if I shot blanks

inb4 eagle

but then you could creampie your wife anytime you want without her being on birth control

Any woman who'd marry me would barely be worth fucking before 2-3 kids let alone after getting her vagina and tits stretched to shit

At least you actually have some control over your own seed. Women are fickle and might lie to you about birth control. Also it's usually reversible.

is there a more cuck thing to do than getting a vasectomy?

>See's you eating a Pimento cheese sandwich
>"user, don't you think you should be eating a banana"
>"and start doing 2000 crunches a day"

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>wanting children


that is literally the only point for being on this earth you fool

Thats why you gotta learn how to hold a nut back and keep your seed altogether. That tube tying shit is just unnatural and going under the knife for something so trivial would scare me desu.

this is the week lads

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Kids weigh you down. They ruin your life. They take away your freedoms. I've watched all my friends have kids and I see their miserable lives and don't envy them one bit.

Of course the downside is girls do want children so I'm constantly in and out of relationships but meh.

start lifting

This place is 100%, ruling class WASP. It’s not the Masters fault that they kept onto tradition while Americans kept drinking the koolaid

God the Sky presenter is so fucking bland

honestly good for you the world has a population problem and your genes are better left to die with you

ALready do bruh

>muh freedoms
>muh free time
it's time to become a man and not remain a manchild


Thanks man. Maybe I'll donate my seed to sperm banks so my based genes can be carried on in other forms because trust me, they're based.


>Peter oosterhuis is probably running down a street naked somewhere

Poor man, dementia is terrible. Always my favorite commentor.


I own my own business and do pretty well. I like fucking randos I meet on bumble. Don't know why I should sacrifice that. If that means some people think I"m a "manchild", then I'm OK with it.




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Is the Masters heavily watched in the UK or is just another tournament

sad state of our world after this sexual revolution that destroys the family unit and the institution of marriage.

maybe it's because I was raised in a family and around my relatives where I learned the value of marriage and progeny
maybe those who don't come from broken families

no matter the material success, there will still be a hole in you longing for a wife and kids. that's the way we are programmed

tiger is fucking back


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based sweden

Is there a stream? Asking for stepdad bc i stream soccer for him.

Literally just google the masters and you can watch from their website

Thanks nigga

It's my favourite but The Open and the Ryder Cup are probably bigger deals for obvious reasons. It's definitely the most popular one played over there though.

Based. I hope you can reclaim your country.

>Poodger poods is actually back

You deserve those trips

>Tiger ties for the lead
>hits the fairway on the easiest hole


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Tiger hitting the fairway is big enough news after the past few years.

I'm amazed that Rahm and Finau hit it so far with their short back swings.

Tiger was pretty great last year



tigers hgh and epo is finally kicking in

He was, which is why I think he has a real chance now with a year of consistent play under his belt. But before that he couldn't hit them to save his life.

Will Rory ever stop being a disappointment, brehs?


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it will be a hard thing to do. degeneracy is widespread, especially among the lower and middle classes (upper class tend to be conservative and family oriented)

ESPN is somehow managing to fuck up the masters for me, god dammit. Fucking tigger worship

Guys. Ive about had it with tigers nipples today.

>accidentally carry an iron 250 yards

he hasn't been relevant for many years

>tfw that's as far as I can drive the ball

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i haven't watched golf since Stenson choked it away in the olympics. What is the new meta in golf?

>adam "meme" scott

Fuck off

new meta is the same as the old meta - drive it as long as possible and be accurate with your wedges

really easy to come up short on this shot for Tiger. Don't like the flop shot here...way too risky.

>not perfecting your irons and laying up on every hole

Driving is for brainlets

>Casey 5+



Doesn't disappoint me, the little weirdo can get fucked.

Headed to the concession stand, you lads want anything?

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went with the lower shot which was smart. takes away birdie but also takes away the huge number if he went long. should be able to clean up par.

just win tiger you fuck. don't like these zoomers in golf

>tfw he was my darkhorse pick to win

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yeah no more reposts

Someone save that image of tiger with the flag coming out of his head

Who do you think attracted all the zoomers in the first place?

Looks shitty

>he doesn't support Yea Forumsieth

I shot a 104 the other day lads. Think I’m ready for the tour?


are still abusing the drives with those super aerodynamic balls?

Just gotta clean up your putting and you'll be there in no time, champ!

why do i get the feeling the "masters club" is gonna be underwhelming

Best combination you can buy with ten dollars?

>Egg Salad
>Grilled Chicken Wrap
>Ham & Cheese on Rye

still have a 50 cent tip leftover

Augusta (the city) is a nigger infested dump

Considered the biggest golf tournement there is. The general consenus with UK golf fans is The Open is prestigious but Masters is bigger.

thats a great idea, gonna make some this weekend

t. uncle toni

oh shit boys I got Koepka leading round 1 and Mickelson winning the whole thing. how nervous should I be right now?