Based as fuck

Based as fuck

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My wife is a towel too.

Based and wifeisatowelpilled

God, this and he are mean, I think in a cosmic sense karma will come back to make him miserable, but damn is it funny

not based after he got rekt like a bitch

McGregor is a crackhead

My wife is a sock

me on the right

You lose the right to talk shit after the other guy dominates you. McWigger is an embarassment

Wake up Kebab, wake up Goober, it's all over

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t. Muhammed Thompson-Al Afad

im confused. why is he sitting next to a towel in that picture?

t. dzhokar magomegsharipov

haha freanking epicsauce

please god

>he are mean

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>at the top of your game, take some knocks along the way, but be the main guy in combat sports
>try and make money by taking on an undefeated 40 year old boxer, but lose quickly
>return to your natural sport, and cause a complete shitstorm with your autistic childish bullshit
>return to the ring finally, get absolutely obliterated in the ring against the guy you pissed off, single handedly sending you to decline and future retirement
>take potshots on Twitter at someone's wife and act like you're a big man, when you don't even have a wife
I'll be honest, I don't follow UFC, I don't like Kabib or whatever his name is, but McGregor is a huge fucking chump still running on fumes of faux irish pride. It's well known you're not suppose to bring families into shit like this (it's man to man) and it just makes Conner look like a huge crybaby that he's obsessed with someone who kicked the shit out of him.
take your lumps and move on like a real man, don't sit around crying like a little kid and taking shots at someone's wife just to be infamous and get your five seconds back in the spotlight.

Shut up T-gay! You're getting POO'ed by a Swedish meatball!


Where's noah, you mudslime terrorist rat!??


I think if the worst thing you get called in life is a towel, you've got off pretty easy.

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Bants aside, this is the truth. We all heard him say "it's just business" when he was being murdered and all this shit-talk is irrelevant if he isn't taking a fight soon. 1/16th Irish lads will defend him forever though and he's got Dana by the balls so we'll have to hear about him forever

The words never came out of his mouth, unfortunately.

he was never a good trash-talker


it's typical drunk guy stuff in an irish accent

>but lose quickly
In fairness it was the 10th round.

He's right you know...

145 - 1
155 - 2
170 - 3

Nate was x3 times bigger than Conor!

Repent, sinner! #MMAMath

Do you want your throat slit tonight?

Sorry your wife is a towel lad

Unless you can sneak into my room, go for it.

Going to play some L4D2 meanwhile, just knock on the window when you're here! :^)


based and jizz spilled

Well considering he's going to jail , his wife will look like a 300 lbs fat negro who's gonna feed him daily with a dose of piccolo

>Well considering he's going to jail
Yeah, we all know you have super secret insider information living in fucking Algeria.

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He's right though she's dressed like a towel. Wow what a life to live

Conor is too based for this world

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Towel is a slur now? What we calling them now, bath blankets?

It's a slur whenever it's pointed towards minority

He's under investigation accused of multiple cases of sexual assault and rape

I can't call someone an inanimate object? A towel is probably more sentient than a muslim ever could be.

I didn't invent these rules


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God, I can't stand Conor, but God damn. This motherfucker.

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Just the annoying ones.

I don't like Muslims, there's nothing redeemable about them. Go post more Reddit memes.

t. rachid mustafa khalil

> 911

>pls gib big money rematch i'm running out of coke :'(


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anybody who thinks taking the floyd fight was a bad decision is the biggest brainlet on the board

he made more in a single fight than probably 99% of the UFC fighters in their entire careers. incredible business move

>You lose the right to talk shit after the other guy dominates you
never stopped you muzzies from bitching about America did it?

lmao america was born from england

>geopolitics is now the same as hand2hand combat
kys mutt

>can't beat him face to face
>has to go for his wife
Khabib beat him so bad he only targets women these days

>I don't like muslims
Do ameritards generally drop their shitty opinions like this thinking anyone cares?

If yuo think you safe after insulting a family, yuo are wrong.

Unless he seriously trains and doesn't just show up for the paycheque I'm not interested in Mcgregors next fight. His Cardio in the Khabib fight in comparison to Nate pt 2 was embarrassing. The guy just acts like a cock and won't stop snorting coke for long enough to back it up.

>inb4 he le retired
He's coming back without question.

>I don't like Muslims
I'm sure they're beyond devastated.

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Mohammed is the most common name in the world. Muzzies are not minorities

>liberals shit on Christianity
i agree
>liberals defend ultra Christianity on steroids aka Islam
what fucking idiots

>make more money in 1 boxing match than all of MMA ever
>MMA is still taken seriously

you seem butthurt ahmed

what makes you think he is mad?

Connor is settling his lawsuit with the Somali eunuch who got his phone smashed.
How much will he be paying him? And will it be enough to cover hormone replacement therapy?

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Why would you like a cult that aims to enforce global domination and ultimately convert everyone (by force or ''humiliation'') to their awful ideology, which ultimately made their countries such shitholes that population there drowns in Mediterranean in order to get a chance to clean toilets in Europe?

how do i achieve that leg aesthetic?

i don't like them as much as i don't like christians

Islam is based and red-pilled

>hasn't win a fight in years
>Getting dominated by a 40 y/o man with crystal fists
Reminder that Conner got Carried the first rounds in order to deliver a show and still got wrecked, I dont mind if he got enough money to buy Ireland, the guy is a Can and I want him out of the combat sports spotlight if he is not fighting again

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I have no opinion on Christians. I mean it's bullshit just like Islam, but at least Christians are not a real threat.

It probably involves having an extra X chromosome or cutting off your own testicles.

It's well known you're not supposed to bring take downs into shit like this

poos are all emaciated manlets lmao literally the last people to talk about being weak

because TBE carried his bum ass that long, lmao.

> conor is a can
> has 4 losses, 1 avenged
SEETHING mexican that floyd still gets more spotlight than CANelo

Don't you chumps realise it's scripted? There WILL be another fight and this stuff is the start of the fake-beef hype train. And you 80 IQ marks are already frothing at the mouths and will pay your $9000 ppv shekels when the fight comes around.

kek'd with a hint of sadness

>What's racist about that? Yeah, this minority group is inferior but what's racist about it?

my sister is my clock


Nice coping mr 56% Irish, Canelo is a judge buyer, roiding can too and he got schooled by the only real boxer he ever righted, the last great Mexican boxer was Marquez

>What is the War of 1812?

This...but white men are like women they talk shit even bein beaten

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Disscussin war crimes is different autist

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>i-it doesn't count
>unrelated low-quality butthurt meme
have sex please

I piloted some of the first predator missions in the early/mid 2000s. I used to miss on purpose just to kill more muslims whenever the opportunity presented itself.

Hes going too low

Muh promotion in next beat down

How do incel latin America?