How effective would low blows be in mma?

From a Jezebel article this woman who does martial arts seems to think having balls is a big liability that can be taken advantage of in a fight.
"Not that I feel sorry for men. It's more than a fair trade, running the world, even if you have to keep one hand over your crotch at all times. But I do feel a weird sort of sympathy for the be-testicled. Such important parts of your anatomy, and you have to tie them up in a little purse before you can even pretend to fight. What a drag."

She then later goes on to dispel the myths many guys have about how adrenaline can override the pain of getting kicked in the balls. "3. Groin kicks aren't really that devastating; I've seen lots of guys get hit in the balls and it hardly fazed them.

This response (almost universally from men) is so common I've come to think of it as "groinsplaining"—you can see it many of the YouTube comments in the videos linked above. These people rarely volunteer to demonstrate their own iron balls in a real kicking situation, but they confidently assert that men in general can shrug off all kinds of damage to the groin. All I can say is, I've seen two-year-olds take down grown men via the groin, and toddlers don't even have any training. I do. I like my odds."

Attached: jezebel.jpg (636x358, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

a good cunt punt hurts too though i imagine it isn't the same. as for how effective in mma literally not at all. If the dude is trained there's just not a competition
A street fight is different but still, it's not quite the "instant off switch" you seem to be making out

i could fighy every woman on the planet and win easily while my sack was receiving accupuncture by a human trafficked thai bird

hang yourself

I have a ballbusting fetish, I can handle the pain, it even arouses me.

>linking directly to Jizzabel

>not using adblock

To be honest it's not as easy as it seems to kick a dude in the balls. Most of the time a guy will have the reflex to put his hands, twist his hips or move his leg to deflect the blow. It's surprisingly easy to miss especially in a stressful situation where the man is alert and ready for a fight.
Telling women "Girl, just aim for the balls lmao" is stupid. Better let them carry pepper spray and tell them to practice track and field so that they have the endurance and the speed to run to a less dangerous area where someone may help.

This is her teaching self defence lol, typical bullshido practitioner
Even without this evidence of her hackery, anyone who's ever been in a fight would know her complete misunderstanding of fight adrenaline when comparing a fight to getting caught off guard by a kid

sometimes I want to fight these people to see if their stuff works

It doesnt

the random MMA nobody vs great master sensei twenty level chi master pretty much always ends up with the sensei getting their faces pounded in by a literal who

This, nobody is going to stand in front of you leg spread, ready to take a kick that will leave you dangerously unbalanced in case of failure.

The sucker punch is the go to move, best risk rewards ratio by a far margin and easily coverable.

I'd like to give them a chance the guy in the video looks so limp. Terrible enthusiasm for an attacker in my opinion

Women never seem to realise just how long it takes to get your foot off the ground to crotch height. A person could easily twist and pull their legs together in that time. After that she's going to be off balance and prime target for a heeming.

can you punch women in the tits in mma?


absolument degoutant

>ballbuster fags are infact training for the gender war

Attached: graecopithecus-freybergi.jpg (799x1280, 108K)

All she's doing is raising the stakes to a dangerous level and hoping the person she's attacking will go into flight rather than fight mode. It's a viable tactic against men who really don't want to fight a woman. In other words, it's a self-defence tactic that's only really fit for the best case scenario, in which there are other non-violent tactics that achieve the same outcome. On the other hand, deploying that kind of attack is bound to provoke a vicious and dangerous response from exactly the type of person women need to protect themselves from the most. Someone attacking your face or balls is an immediate and major threat to your physical integrity - disabling the attacker through the use of overwhelming force is a natural, instinctive reaction (and not just in men seeking to hurt women). The irony is, this can put women in a position where they're actually suffering far more harm than they would have experienced otherwise. It's a stupid way of going about self-defence, in that it doesn't eliminate or mitigate harm in the worst case scenarios but in fact accelerates and intensifies it.

Let her fight against a male MMA fighter then, low blows being allowed. I'm sure someone would be willing to fight her and she seems confident, so I guess backing down would mean she's a liar.

Just try kicking a man in the nuts, a normal woman won't achieve that. It's not that easy. But yeah, it's the only way they'll have a chance. Otherwise, they'd get trashed and so would the dyke that gave this interview.

Why do some (too many) women want to prove how "superior" they are to men? All this "women have more endurance" and "kick men in the nuts and they're beaten, it's so easy" trashtalking memes really annoy me.

Also, everything about that article - the very choice of words - makes me want to puke. I don't know what "Jezebel" is, but I want you to never post about it on here again.

>MFW jizzabell

Attached: mib_ii_ballchinian.jpg (500x338, 75K)

>ruin her entire tactic by keeping your legs closed and putting a hand over your nads
>still have a free arm to deck her in face


Someone give this broad a show!

Guys get accidentally kicked in the balls all the time in MMA and they don't immediately fall to the ground incapacitated. And that's kicks from professional fighters not some random woman

A backhand tap is the most devastating shock to the balls. It's like concussions in football, the whiplash effect is more dangerous than a forceful blow directly to the head.