You like the Patriots, too? Cool! What position did you play in high school?

>you like the Patriots, too? Cool! What position did you play in high school?

What do

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tit milker, but im a bit out of practice and need to get into the nfl...let me practice on you

Fuck no I don't like the pats you old hag
Get outta here

QB wr and safety

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I played defensive lineman, particularly as nose tackle.

Was a corner back and Gunner on kick offs. Maybe we can go fug now :DDD

Played a little flag football safety/cornerback. I loved playing defensive back
I stopped when people started hitting each other because I'm a pussy but I was actually a pretty damn good ballhawk

I'm a Marth main I got top 4 at my locals

*shieldwaves you out of the game*
notign personnell kid

Defensive End and Tight End, won states 2 years. did you cheer?

"Heh...funny you should ask, sugar, cause doggystyle was my position. Maybe we should run a few drills at my abode later."

I remember this milf. Someone had her Instagram but she was private..

She's hosts a radio show in Boston but I forgot her name

I was the big dick player who made everyone else overcompensate on the field

Good luck with that encephalopathy man

What the fuck is "the patriots", granny?

How thirsty do you have to be to know this much information about a woman from a different country? Are you an Indian expat?

kicker is everyone that played sports for a significant amount of time will probably have at least some minor brain damage.

Im a bowler
My brain doesnt get hit


your dignity does.

Hey there foxy lady *licks lips*, how about we ronday voo at my place and we see what happens after a few bottles of wine and some heavy petting? *winks*

What position did I play? I don't like to boast *snickers to self* but I was actually CAPTAIN of the cheerleading team at my school. I can tell you're wet. *thrusts pelvis towards her*

ILB, OLB, RB, FB, TE, and if needed, QB

list goes by order of the position I played the most. I got 5 scholarship offers across all divisions of NCAA, but I opted to stop playing after I got a severe concussion and blacked out several times that day.

Nancy Quill

>ronday voo

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Power forward

>only 2 images

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