How do we stop the zoomer slander of this guy? He’s obviously one of the greatest of all time

How do we stop the zoomer slander of this guy? He’s obviously one of the greatest of all time

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>b-but muh messi against 10 men atlético

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No one is """"slandering""" Cruyff, Maradona, Di Stefano etc, because those guys are not entitled narcissistics cunts like Pele

We Yea Forums don't accept Black white tv ages players

>the flayer of figueirense
>the nemesis of the new england tea men

>b-but muh poole against 10 men I don't even fucken know powerhouses

maradroga gets plenty of slandering too, my dude

Not regarding his footballing skills.But Maradona doesn't need to come out on every possible opportunity to put someone down or compare someone to himself.

Just look at Pele twitter, it is pathetic.And obviously it is not him writting that shit, but Muhammad Ali has a decent twitter and he is fucking dead.

figueirense would have world champions in their team mate

show me a better goal than this

please learn english monkey

agree. the real fraud is total football.
>still no stickie

Attached: they-dont-think-it-be-like-it-is-but-it-do.jpg (523x720, 198K)

>never played in the premier league
throw him in the trash

Literally and unironically, who is this?

yeah no, i'm 40 and he's the most overrated player behind zidane

Fuck Pelé. He's a meme, like Bill Russell or Di Stefano. Wouldn't do shit in today's competition.

The argument will against this will always be If they were in today's world they would dominate the leagues just how Messi and Ronaldo do it now.

>I've scored alot as well.

Attached: Clinton-Pele-Dance.jpg (1000x724, 398K)


>messoy fans: Pele is overrated because he scored against farmers

>also messoy fans: check out this hattrick against 9men Eibar messi messi messi messi messi messi messi mesai goat

Reminder that 60s Brazilian league was much more competitive than modern day PL and La Liga

>be an italian farmer
>plow the field and milk the cows for the whole day
>return home
>you just want to go to bed and fall asleep because you are getting up tomorrow before the sun rises
>remember that you have to play football that night for juventus as a CB because the guy who usually plays it had to stay home and watch over his cow who is giving birth that night
>you are tired, you don't really care, and you get dribled by some brasilian negro

he is the greatest goat of all time because he beat B*CA in a Copa Libertadores final with Santos

O REY > > > > > Maradona and Freshi

>feelsguy edit

Attached: hill of the hank.jpg (545x670, 61K)

the red pill

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kys tripfag

he was alright when football was still a slow as fuck game. wouldn’t stand a chance today

that’s cgi and still looks slow af,m8. not impressive to dunk on retards

Maradona is getting slandered all the time and the other two are dead

I'm literally in this picture, I'm not even joking.

me too m8, me too

It's slowed down. Pele would be fast even by today's standards

people don't slander Cruyff and Di Stefano because they aren't in the GOAT debate. Maradona doesn't get slandered because he played in Europe, not in Brazil, so european zoomers automatically think he faced better opposition than Pele.

Attached: pele-e-jairzinho-na-copa-de-70.png (1350x890, 1.17M)

>he faced better opposition than Pele.
He did

Maradona also eliminated every world champion in the World Cup, unlike Pele

maradona played in the 80s.
italy won the 82 WC.
pelé played in the 60s.
brazil won the 58, 62 and 70 WC.

It shouldn't be hard to guess which league had better players.

Teams KO'd by Pelé:
Wales 1958
France 1958
Sweden 1958
Peru 1970
Uruguay 1970 (had won the WC already)
Italy 1970 (had won the WC already)

Teams KO'd by Maradona
Uruguay 1986 (had won the WC already)
England 1986 (had won the WC already)
Belgium 1986
Germany 1986 (had won the WC already)
Brazil 1990 (had won the WC already)
Yugoslavia 1990
Italy 1990 (had won the WC already)

Attached: are u ok.jpg (500x500, 33K)

goals scored in WC finals by Pele: 3
goals scored in WC finals by Maradona: 0

>b-but h-he scored against Wales, Sweden & Peru in the prehistoric age

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Pelé played against farmers and factory workers. Fuck him, he's a meme like Bill Russell and other oldfags who played against normalfags that played "pro sports" on the side of their regular job.

Pelé would literally be another pacey n*gger if he played in this age.

sure buddy, sure

>'Pele wouldn't stand a chance against the powerhouses of today'
>worships players that win a free kick every time a defender makes contact with them

Quintessential americANO post, now tell me again how N'Anal Hazali would've dominated "soccer" in the 60s without all the pampering, world-class trainers, strict diets and advanced tactical knowledge being hand-fed to him during a match; Pelé was way more than his physicality (he wasn't outworldly in this regard even during his age, your pacey shit is uninformed zoomer folklore), his skill was leagues ahead of the game at the time, and his role was fundamental for the sport's growth, and that doesn't change just because he's always been a bitch outside the pitch (Pelé with his mouth shut is a poet).

Do you think he is slower than Kane, Lukaku, Piguain, Cavani, Lewa etc?

Do we need to go over this again? Players back in the 60s and 70s were maybe at 50% of human potential. It doesn't matter how much rougher you think the sport was back then

> he wasn't outworldly in this regard even during his age, your pacey shit is uninformed zoomer folklor
His jump and sprint speed were extremly strong

Complete nonsense
Pele, Eusebio, Best had 50% of todays ability with the ball?

Maybe because he’s an asshole and he tried to say he scored way more goals than he really did.

>tfw i saw on french tv news a segment where they compared Mbappé to pele saying : "will he be the one to surpass pele ? he is a 19 year old cup winner !"

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Those are 3 players; we're talking about a sport of millions. And yes; Pele, Eusebio and Best were worse because of the era. If they had access to training, drugs and nutrition etc that we have then they would be better, just like every other player of the time

None of those players are alive to defend themselves.

>not entitled narcissistics cunts

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This is the best young player in the World

They had way better ball control even without today's advantages

WClets like messi and ronaldo are not even close
end of discussion

>its a new zealand "50% human potential" guy again
don't you have a flat earth to believe in

That is not Garrincha

and if Messi and Ronaldo had 60s levels of those things they would be shite

It's true you fucking moron

He's not even the best brazilian player.
Pic related is the true GOAT.

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who is she

damn pele looks as brazilian as they come

>comparing 173 cm/65kg manlet to 190cm/95kg tank

of all time? no. of his time? yes

>prehistoric age
we're not talking about urgay here

messi would be a literal midget

good post

Yeah, cause that's really important for football. American on vacation in Croatia?

I was talking about speed.

This, but unironically

Being tall and heavy doesn't prevent you from running fast
The NFL is full of such players

Thank you Amerifriend. Brilliant player but should be nowhere near the greatest ever list.
There are only 2 over 6', and they are the slowest 2.
Pele is a tier 2 player in comparison to players today.

>He’s obviously one of the greatest of all time

NO, Christiano Ronaldo is the goat!

>the NFL is full of such players
but they wouldn't handle 15 minutes of proper football. Some RBs and WRs could do it, but anyways, speed isn't the most important thing in football. What use is a pacey ngubu who has no ball control or is a retard when it comes to decision making?

Nah. I'm 173cm/61kg and I'm skinny as a toothpick. Pele was probably closer to the low 70s

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Cruyff is the most overrated player and coach historically. I remember everybody shat on him while his coaching time in Barcelona & the day he died journos and people started talking about how great his vision was.
He is the greatest. 3 world cups and zillion goals. He was unstoppable. I personally love Maradona the most, but that's my personal opinion. Objectivelly Pele means football.

>when the farm equipment beats you at football.

how do we stop the globalisation/dumbing down of football?