Is it true? Did he really anally rape someone?

Is it true? Did he really anally rape someone?

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I hope so, I don't want to support a homo.

>Did he really anally rape someone?
Yes. Her name was Atletico Madrid.

Ronaldo is the master at coming from behind.

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I thought it was a girl

This is how you do sex in America:
First you get written consent to perform an anal penetration, signed by both parties and witnessed by at least two lawyers.
Then you start having sex while a special observer records the act.
The stream is pipelined into a neural network AI which interprets the screams, and if it thinks you crossed the rape territory it says "I think you're hurting her" in HAL voice and then a SWAT team bursts in and shoots your penis off.

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This is how you rape in America:
1. Rape
2. Sign paper admitting guilt and paying money to the victim

does the pope shit in the woods?
he raped her and is based for it

Twain still suffers from Stockholm syndrome


They have special condoms that require 4 people to open ,

plus if shes under 30 youre fucked either way

Yes he did, AMA

No, it's a cover story to make him look like he likes girls. CR7 is a power bottom.


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Simeone's career

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Can confirm
t. burger

>when russia inserts itself into sexual matters

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