Just a reminder who are /ourguys/ in this title race

Just a reminder who are /ourguys/ in this title race.

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>choosing the lesser evil
based and Yea Forumsilled

Fuck both of them


Pep is a nationalist
Klopp is a multicultural refugee loving cuck

Liverpoo is the most reddit team there is. At least with city you can revel in being the bad guys.

They're both reddit , city is closer to Yea Forums because it makes redditors seeth when they win
like seriously , typing "city bad cuz money" is the new orange man bad

Other way round

Does that imply Yea Forums has no culture?

>being bong
>going by cringy internet rivalry over local/national rivalry
You should be supporting/preferring City or Liverpool depending on your teams relationship to them.

Yea Forums hates Liverpool because they know if they win the slip memes will have to come to an end.

Good luck with that. I'll never forget Steven Gerrard saying "this does not slip" only to literally slip and give away the title the following week, neither will Yea Forums


Anyone who disagrees should remember we took a vote on this a few weeks ago and Liverpool won.


FUCK liverslip

BASED city


It has counterculture

I want City to win because Liverpool have gotten lucky as fuck and it would be annoying for them to act like they've been the best team all year

>Their existence create extreme butthurt in the old club customer base.
City is Yea Forums.

>has a flower
>has a Colonial boat
what did they mean by this

fuck goatfucker plastic toy
go liverslip

Both are Reddit

Man City by far. They're a soulless club that no one cares about, win the title and it'll be forgotten about within a week. If the murderous scousers steal the title they and the media won't shut up about it for at least a century, how the plucky underdogs spent £400m and won the league at only the 30th attempt

good post

Sp/ has become Reddit tier with just wanting the favorites or bad guys to win, really sp/ users what Liverpool to win to see everyone, including this board, seethe

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> only want either the good guys or the bad guys
only two teams in a match, user. you're really working with some Reddit tier logic for sure

Sp/ is about routing for who'd be the most fun to win, so Liverpool winning would be so much more fun than repeating 2014 memes

No it would be more fun seeing liverpool fucking up again from the great position they were in.

I actively like City desu. High attendances in the lower tier, based fans like the Gallaghers and they play the best football in the league. Much more likable than Liverpool

And by a large margin too. Even Arsenal only had like 12 votes - Which proves it's the same 10 people posting that "general" of theirs.

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>source: your ass


Liverpool have a huge following on reddit.

That’s because Yea Forums is full of redditors.


true, Yea Forums is a bunch of conspiracy minded, victim playing losers

myth building 101

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