Say something about them

Say something about them

Attached: why.jpg (3500x2167, 2.52M)

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too white

Orange men with funny drunken german accents

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It's impressive that they've somehow managed to be even bigger chokers than we have over the years

that based racially divisive 1998 team

1988 > 1974 > 1998 > 2010

Netherlands past 50 years: 2 trophies

England past 50 years: 0 trophies



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Where is the 2019 picture?


Theyre not a golden generation


>2 trophies
The 1988 Euro and what else?
If you're counting tinpot minor tournaments, then we've won loads of them

>2 trophies
Euro 1988 and what else?

Nations league 2019

Attached: 69E9C8C6-9A44-44BB-8FDE-93C743D5803B.jpg (420x420, 52K)

Euro 2020


should have wrote 1.3 trophies then

FUCK tim krul


something about them

Can’t believe Europe got whiter since I was a child

the 98 team that was pretty much ajax in the world cup was amazing and should have won something

the 2010 team was pretty shit to be fair I mean of course they had then top players like robben, RVP and kuyt and old fucks like van bommel and gio but other than that they were pretty forgettable

the 2014 team was great and played nicely with LVG

I'm really looking forward to seeing them in the euro and WC

Yeah you forgot Sneijder and Stekelenburg was very good then

The only relative shitters were van der wiel and mathijsen

The 2010 team is more diverse. 3 indos and one moroccan (well two if you count van persie larping).

In 2008 I learned that McDonalds is the only establishment that doesn't lock its doors when people are basically rioting outside.

Attached: 1309338453155.jpg (600x450, 76K)

mgimo finished?

>losing to Germany in 2014+5

Wish they would have won a world cup

coolest man in football

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Man I love these Nike kits

based black man

jewish too


Why is Belgium so dilapidated?

Usually great home kits, when the shorts are not orange. Sometimes cool away ones too.
The level of their game dropped considerably with the manager in 2010, when they started playing 4-5-1 instead of 4-3-3 as usual. They got to the final but played like shit. Pity, because their Euro 2008 was amazing until the choke (as usual).
And obviously, the had the most underrated GOAT in the 90s

>orange short
I hate that, only topped by also having your socks orange as well. The GOAT colors are orange shirt, white shorts and blue socks.

WHo is in your opinion the most underrated GOAT in the 90s?

van basten, I guess?



You are not wanted here.

Thats what she said

It that supposed to be a joke?

And they say germans got no sense of humour

as youve just conclusively proven

those were pretty cool

Attached: 883444.jpg (1280x842, 191K)

A joke is not unfunny because you don't seem to understand it

How is your joke funny? Explain it to me then.


Face it Yea Forums, >we are the most consistent memorable moment producing team in the world. Just to name a few of the top of my head:

>There is bear cun
>Battle of nurnberg
>btfo pool of death in 08
>gio bloot
>De Jong karate death kick
>flying dutchman
>no era penal
>meme keeper sub for penalties

And that's only the last few tournaments. A WC or EC without Orange sucks dick. Admit it Yea Forums, love or hate, you NEED >us


based and orangepilled

It's not really a secret that the Netherlands delivers a lot of spectacle. It's surprising how many boomers and zoomers from non football nations support us

>only two have pretty good hair
Why are you so bald?

Dutch genes
On the bright side: Van Nistelrooy is going full gigachad

Attached: download.jpg (694x463, 112K)

Never really noticed how thin RvNs hair was.

It wasn't and then it all evaporated in a few years

too much testosterone

You can already see it in the 2008 picture. I never really noticed it before.

i am 185 tatar guy with dark blonde and thin hair
Could i pass as local in your cunt?

>a bunch of blondes and 2 black guys in the second picture
looks like the spirngboks

Lanky and balding is the standard here

only if you use a lot of hair gel

Nigga, we clay now.


Did people from holland hated the team top right because of two niggers?

this guy was so lucky his eyes were fucked, the only reason he was marketable and remembered was because of those fucking orange glasses

Gullit and Rijkaard are very much loved here, and Rijkaard spitting on Voller was seen as a grand showing of patriotism aka the idea that non-whites felt the same as us

What year did niggers(and others) start to be a thing in holland?

No because they were both rightfully Dutch (from our colonies), not some kind of immigrants.

1945. Rijkaard and Gullit are both born in the Netherlands in 1962

Holland had colonies in Africa, Belgium and Holland have had blacks for as long as England and France

Might come as a surprise to you. But people generally arnt racists over here.

Our blacks are from the Caribbean though.

>But people generally arnt racists over here.
Not in 2019, but I was curios how it was in 60s and 70s

>No because they were both rightfully Dutch (from our colonies), not some kind of immigrants.
Didnt know this.

Often anti-immigrant resentment follows economic cycles. It's only since the last few years it doesn't, but in the past they were generally welcome until the economy tanked

Netherlands has always been global place due to being a center of trade. People really didnt care, especially when times were booming.

We didnt have much in Africa, just in the Caribbbean like this user said and Indonesia.

And they are originally from there or were sent by Dutch slave traders?

Names are often a good indicator. If they have a dutch name, chances are theyve been born here and brought up in dutch culture. Also, some of our white players are of indo (dutch and indonesian) descent. Sometimes it's obvious, like with van Bronckhorst, sometimes not so much, as with John Heitinga.

Do native Caribbeans still exist?

NEVERlands was always my favorite NT to play with on games, since everyone used to choose brapzil. Also their players always looked the coolest.

Attached: davids.jpg (1612x2000, 897K)

A tribe was literally called "caribbeans"

H-Haha, no we're good b-boys. W-We didn't do any slave trading, goy- I mean friend.

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It's our civic duty to spit on the germans.

Ive learnt something. Thanks Ruud, Luuk, Klaas

Johnny Heitinga is seriously the most low IQ looking person I've ever seen

>falling for his shitpost bait
Käsekopf bitte

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Literally two of the most popular Oranje players of all time.

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>'i-it's just bait!'

2010 was a great side. Deserved runners-up. But spain was just better.

The greatest failures in history



jesus ruud, part it to the side or keep it short.

Ze speelen de ball, heel goed naar Dennis Bergkamp

A small snippet from an article on David's time as a manager in England at Barnet
"Davids’ second season with Barnet was a farce. Before the campaign began, the Pitbull assigned himself the No.1 shirt and made an arrangement with the club that he would not travel to away matches in distant parts of the country. Both decisions prompted murmurs of discontent."
"On the pitch, things were even worse.

Now 40 years old, Davids’ performances in the Conference were of a far lower standard than those he had been turning out in League Two.

After missing the first 10 games of the campaign, a wildly undisciplined Davids — playing sometimes in defence, sometimes in defensive midfield, sometimes as a number 10 — went on a run of three red cards in five games.

He blamed the decisions on a conspiracy.

“I think I know for definite now that the league is targeting Barnet,” he said. “I don’t know how many games we have played now but there is weird decision-making all the time. It is ridiculous. I don’t think I’m going to play any more.”"

>tall but bald
>midget but full hair

Can't have both

de jong was a shithouse too

kek what an alpha

>a fucking colgate flag

OG tricolor

I cant believe the 2010 WC was 9 years ago.

In England, there are two teams we will always go out of our way to watch in major tournaments, even if we aren't the ones playing them. Brazil and the Netherlands.

based and /elite/pilled


They appear to be wearing orange uniforms.

Orange trägt nur die Müllabfuhr

Fuck bear cum, we dominated that game, and lost because of fucking Ortega, I remember that game

It's weird how two of the best goals in World Cup history (Michael Owen and There is Bear Cum), where both scored at the same tournament and both were against Argentina.

Should have won it in 1998

Yeah, Owen was insane that night, praise Batty


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