What nasty things did he want to say?

What nasty things did he want to say?

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troy deeney is a proper cunt

Looked like a loose park rapist in a gimp mask

I don't think deeney is smart enough to think up a really biting insult. probably "it looks like shit mate haha"

Jimenez BTFO by the Uruk-Hai

Harvey Price on a roll

Tell me about Jimenez! Why does he wear the mask?

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Is it something along the lines of waaah you can't wear that if you're not black?

only black people can wear lucha masks smdh


>says he won't say something nasty
>implies it instead

You fucking nigger

If you think that, you've clearly never seen Deeney give an interview. He's genuinely well-spoken, almost eloquent, and his answers usually show a lot more thought than you'd expect from a footballer.

based deeney
proppa' lad

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Thought it was a wakanda thing, the shape is similar to the auba one

>yuro football fragility

Hard Brexit Party PM Troy Deeney when

Not really, he just says quirky stuff to the media often instead of generic pr responses

He probably wanted to tell Jiminez that he is a fat, pathetic and utterly repulsive manchild who does it for free and is universally hated by everyone on Yea Forums.

? Jiminez isn't fat
Anyway troy showed that wolves cunt what for, as usual anyone he passes comment on gets seen off. Jiminez and any wolves fan must be feeling like absolute shit today. Well I'm over the moon, so fuck you

it would literally have been, "he's a dickhead" or "what a cunt," nothing major just shit you couldn't say on tv

Smelly spic

>Any wolves fan must be feeling like shit today

Yep, long trip home and feel terrible today, good luck in the final

Yup, everything checks out.

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>doesn't do the pardew dance as soon as he puts on the mask
what a waste.

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I'm checking his instagram and as expected Mexicans are calling him a nigger and saying stupid shit like viva Mexico
I hate this shithole so fucking much

Based. Fuck Wolves. A literal nobody club filled with cunts who think they're hot cuz they got money now

>do some cringy ridiculous celebration for your 'fans' on the other side of the planet
>lose the game
>have a sperg out because you got called out on it

But he is a nigger. He was sent to prison a few years back for stomping on some guy's head who was down and out. Deloufeu is a nigger as well 2bh.

I have nothing against Watford as such but when they've got these two cunts in the team I hope they get smashed in the final then over the next few seasons slip down into a relegation battle where, in all fairness, they should be given their history and stature.

Hahahahaha stay mad racist brainlet! As a Watford fan let me just say that I am having the most happy time!

>Deloufeu is a nigger as well 2bh.
No he isn't

Watford's team is full of classless cunts. They were 30 seconds from losing the game until Deeney got his foot clipped just in the area, he got nowhere near scoring a proper goal the whole match. Some penalties are far too big a reward given the circumstances of the infraction.

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Troy Deeney would be a nonce hunter if he wasn't a footballer

Good for you m8, enjoy it. I just don't like your club or your criminal thug of a captain giving it large. I'm entitled to my opinion.

Yeah, it's already pretty clear that we upset you. Stay mad, my unintelligent friend!


Tragic. Go out and make your own success instead of riding the coattails of a bunch over overachieving, mediocre niggers who will be back in the Champ in a couple of years.

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Stay mad, Wolves cunt

Uh, if you don't like sport why are you on this board? Watford are a permanent premier league team now.

truly, deeney is one of us

and deeney isn't entitled to his is that it?
or does the idea of a second chance turn you off

>classless cunts
Look like pretty based cunts desu

why does he wear the mask?