You'll miss us when we're gone

>you'll miss us when we're gone

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>the future is all pacey Ngubus that have at best 2 years peak
Close the sport tbhlads. I probably sound like my gramps talking about Brazilian Ronaldo.

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sure, I guess, but I won't miss the fucking tedious messi vs. ronaldo debate. it makes watching the CL and international competitions a strain because it's all people want to talk about.

I honestly won't. I admire Messi's gift and skill, and Penaldo's tap-in-stats but both aren't really important for both club and country. Juve and Barca will be european powerhouses regardless. Portugal will still be solid, Argentina will still suck with or without Messi.

the midget maybe, but tsuu not so much

Messi and Ronaldo will be missed by most people around the world that's a fact. Everyone has their own players that they miss or will miss in the future. Personally I still miss Paul Scholes that lovely red haired cunt.

>Juve and Barca will be european powerhouses regardless.
lmao Barça is completely hopeless without Messi

>they will retire within the next decade
idk about you lads but I'll be finished with this semen slurping sport when that happens. what will be the point

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>he thinks people will stop comparing them when they're retired

i think about the day messi retires and I simply know i'll cry

I can't see their arms. Are they grabbing each other's asses?

Nah, the future's bright.
Can't wait to see the next generation in action: France's mighty Ngubu, Germany's quintessential Mustafa and England's brave Mboto-Johnson battling it out to be the next GOAT.

>soccer is a real sport

I won't miss messy, without him uefalona can keep doing all the refball in the world they'll be trophyless. If he played for any other team I could actually respec him.

But I'll miss TSU, sometimes when I'm feeling down I just remember the most recent insane performance he pulled, I don't wanna be thinking about some obscure game that happened in 2020 10 years from now

thoughts brimming with such profundity they required two separate posts

Football is over for me when these two retire. Not going to bother with the Ngubu era.

I'l miss Messi so fucking much.

Gonna really miss Messi but not Tsu.

tsoy already left liga and nobody gives a shit

why not? tsu is a compelling character within the drama that is soccer. whether you hate him or love him he plays his part and gives you a show.

... about leliga, which wont change until the uefalona refball is finished

As a brazilian I have seen great goal scorers. Tsu is a machine but to enjoy him you need context. His performances apart are not impressive until one bring up it's a CL quarters or something. Messi on the other hand is pure magic week after week. It's a delight to watch him playing the game.

im probably better than both of these bums

Tired of these boomers 2bh

I'm still a bit disappointed we haven't had a Ronaldinho type player, yes Messi and cr7 are fantastic players but footballs lost its flare a bit and been replaced by pacey nogs

neymar was the chosen one, but like anakin, fell from the light

more like fell from non-contact and rolled around like a faggot for five minutes

No one is going to miss Penaldo. Did the stadium cry when he left Manchester United? no, they applauded

Did the stadium cry when he left Real Madrid? no he was getting boos and whistles most of the time anyway

and he'll get a soft clap once he's done at Juve unless he wins the CL. but either way he's not as iconic to the decade as even Buffon to that team so who cares? This is what happens when you are not loyal to a team, and he left Sporting too young to leave a profound impact.

Now imagine the amount of 40-50 yr olds crying when Messi leaves. All you have to do is look at Totti's farewell and it will be the equivalent. I already miss Messi typing this just thinking about the images. Sure cristiano will be missed for an hour after some match thinking "Cristiano could have maybe done this" but it's just a small glimpse into memory, probably smaller than Ronaldo9


I won't even notice.

Ik let's get sentimental cunts

I miss:
>van Nistelrooy
>Baraja and Albelda midfield at Valencia
>AC Milan being classy as fuck
>Bayern being mostly ugly
>Guys like Ronaldinho and Riquelme getting love for being entertaining and not for dumb fucking stats
>Kanu the friendly giant
>Damien Duff


Messi's retirement will crush me.

I hope PK7 suffers not only a career-ending injury tomorrow, but one that affects him for the rest of his life.

>absurdly narcissistic
>throws tantrums when his teammates score instead of him
>tries to steal goals from his teammates
>"I think that because I am rich, handsome and a great player people are envious of me."

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messi sure cristiano not that much. he never really amazed me

>missing a manlet
The day Cristiano retires is the day soccer dies

Actually this is an informed post

This is ameriburger at its most bürger

>missing penaldo
no lol

Wow your grandad watched brazillian ronaldo? Thats amazing user, my boomer gramps keeps going on about van persie

Legit. It's already bad with them still playing.

Every once in a while I watch games from the last decade and the players were so technical and had so much finesse. The plays had a pleasant flow, it was beautiful to watch.

Nowadays every game has so much random shit happening, everyone fucks up even the simplest passes. The magoombes simply thrive in this era of football because everyone else is just as bad but slower.

This i am not gonna watch 10 ngubus and 1 tall german goalie every fuckin weekend.

>mfw i’ve been already doing that for at least a decade

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I remember watching the Iniesta ceremony and I can't even fathom what they'll do for Messi, since he'll obviously get an even more grandiose event.

Not at all. These autists might as well kill themselves because bar from footy, they got nothing. Just deranged personalities. Everybody will hate them, more so than Maradona.

It's still shocking that some people put these 2 in the same category

Besides teammates, who even considers Cristiano Ronaldo to be on the GOAT discussion?

Everyone outside of Yea Forums

Can you name a football figure who hasn't shared a team with Ronaldo and claims he's on the GOAT discussion?

I miss torres

good fuck off then with your zoomer gramps

Jesus christ lad you need to get your head checked
>I already miss Messi typing this
This might be one of the worst posts on spee for a long time

Robben, Maradona implies Ronaldo as he always says Messi isn't a leader

t. woman

Based and redpilled

It’s becoming the same with handegg and dual threat QBs
>usually the top prospects in high school
>usually win the Heisman in college
>teams top picks in the draft
>”take the league by storm” first two years
>get exposed, injured or shit without speed

doubt, desu, I literally never discussed soccer with someone who thought ronaldo was better

who cares tho, they're both worldcuplets and thus can't be the GOAT

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>posts a picture of a guy that can't get in his teams starting 11

>posts a picture of a guy who won the world cup WHILE being the most important man in his squad

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Its amazing that the two best/most consistent Football players ever played on the same era.
We will be stuck with upity zoomers such as Ngbus and Kongolos that will last 3 seasons.
Oh God, just imagine when the """best""'" players on Football start ranting about politics and african identity shit. I'll just stop following the sport.

it's part of their contract

>29 year old with one foot in the grave
Also Neuer carried the German NT

>Oh God, just imagine when the """best""'" players on Football start ranting about politics and african identity shit. I'll just stop following the sport.

It'll take quite a while until Americans are the best.

neuer is shit, almost as overrated as ronaldo
>if muller doesn't drag out his career he isn't good
he achieved a world cup win while being the most important man in his squad. before that he won a treble

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An entire month's worth of daily TV3 specials, documentaries, chat shows and highlight reels about Messi. Won't be surprised if some street in Barcelona is renamed to Messi Street either.

Neuer literally carried the german NT throughout the competition desu

most based post I have seen in a while.

only non football nations agree

why is it always the burgers with their "opinions"? I have theorized that every american is secretly competing to be the most retarded. As if there is pride to be acquired for achieving the title of the most retarded. this part of their "culture" has extended beyond their lands and nowadays lots of canadians are competing too. god forbid one day it reaches a 1st world country

If you aren't retarded how come you got nuked lol

Penaldo biggest achievement is being mentioned in the same sentence with GOAT. I will stop watching football when Messi is gone. What is there to watch once you have seen it all.

You will probably go to live in the jungle and keep fighting penaldo corner 50 years after the world has crowned MESSI to be GOAT

when Messi retires I will stop following the sport

For me it's
Del Piero

I miss when everyone only watched their own leagues, and when Americans didn't watch the sport at all

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You can watch african gentlement run very quick. Those are REAL sportsmen, showing us dumb whites how to play football.

Yes i really enjoyed watchig swindon town vs coventry when i could peak serie a instead

Messi could play until he's 45 doing what pirlo did better than pirlo did

>being a one club cuck is very very important

>my GRAMPS talking about Brazilian Ronaldo.

are you like 5 or something?

And inside of it too, but since it's not my dayjob I won't babysit messoyfags all day

His gramps could have still watched football after the age of 40/50 you absolute retards.

niggas i miss
>Del Piero