/nrl/ - Thursday Night Footy Eve Eve Eve edition

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Trading in Rapana this week lads


just want to die lads

excellent thread, can really see this knocking up a solid 500 odd posts

the pedo incel bicho

>the absolute state of origin

>the absolute state of origin

>the absolute state of origin

>she genuinely thought this was a good photo

>cleavage past the tanlines
>duckface with lipstick
>he genuinely thinks it isn’t

And I thought you were into flat chests Joseph

whats that blokes arm doing in th...OH NO NO NO

I'm talking about the facial expression

Just gonna add my IP to your thread so you seem less pathetic lads. Cheers.

>he thinks he isn’t gay


/afl/ here helping our wifebeating urine soaked brethren

They're doing some scandal story on 9 tonight about a former broncos player and I want to know what player it is but I don't want to give them the satisfaction of baiting me into watching lads

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all a part of gil's script to reconstruct queensland as the powerhouse AFL state

QLD will be a soccer state before it's ever an afl state m8

brisbane lions/ gold coast suns grand final already inked in this year sorry mate

>based julia gets contract
>ruan does NOT get a contract

Lane>Crichton lads

who /broughtTurboin/ here?

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me ;_____;

Feels real good being a big brained big dicked and big banked top 7%er lads

How are we looking ladies

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I genuinely do not a see a problem with tpj's tackle on cronk

t. billy
It was way too late.

The only thing that's too late is my life stage in regards to getting a first gf


>the absolute state of origin

Brett Seymour

how long turbo out for

Who is this scrummer cummer?


Let me give you the most important piece of information you will ever receive on this godforsaken site:

Ducklips means she's DTF

t. brainlet who knows nothing about women

Uber driver had TripleJ on last night. The only sport they reported on was the signing of a marquee player in the WNBL - is it always that skewed towards promoting women's sports, or was yesterday just a bit of a slow day? I haven't heard TripleJ really since high school, everybody tells me it is really shitty now though.


Valentine Holmes finna bouta dominate the NFL

If you turn on triple j at any particular time there's about an 80% chance they'll be talking about trannies or have trannies talking, which seems to conflict with the fact that the only music they play is garbage rappers who probably all hate trannies

based brainlet

What NRL players are vegans?

Jayden OkunGOAT

GOATson Xerri

Really making me think...

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4 (FOUR) (You)'s

I want to sniff Vonnie's farts while she gives me head.

This thread WILL last until Thursday and reach 500+ posts

fuck this community

OP don't put the day in the thread title again. When this thread finally cracks 100 posts on Thursday, it will make us look pathetic.

will somebody tell me who tf this is

This girl!

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The only thing reaching 500+ is the weight of my obese body

Actually it shows how resilient we are at keeping our threads alive

that somehow turned out to be the best picture of her she’s ever taken, huge letdown

Excuse me m8, but in this thread we appreciate female athletes for their incredible sporting ability, not for objectifying their bodies.

National Resilient League

National Rigged League m8

National Raping Ladies

National Releasing Liquid piss into your own mouth

National Retriever Lovers

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the fact that nobody posts in /nrl/ any more but /afl/ always has plenty of traffic proves that it was just /afl/ posting in /nrl/ for all those years and now they aren't posting in here any more to make us look bad

it's no surprise seeing as though casuals from /afl/ like convict were /nrl/'s biggest contributor


/afl/'s back up

me the dog

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