Name a more ALPHA moment in sports. You cant

Name a more ALPHA moment in sports. You cant

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really paints the black with that beauty of a pitch too

He throw that ball like he threw these planes on the World trade center

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reminder the total actual game time of an american baseball match averages 11-15 minutes

isnt cricket the same shit but more retarded and boring?
and tea

I feel like if he put a little more on it it would have been alot better

Shame they didnt win that series. Would have been legandary. Check out the 30 for 30 short about this subject. It's good.

michael jordan used to play baseball...

pretty sure there is a longer video with a lot of the history behind it, IIRC he was practicing for ages during the build up.

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The tea helps.

it was 3 weeks after the World Trade center happened, bet he practiced real hard

this man is the proof that an idiot can be the leader of the greatest nation

leave it to the indians to make something worse.

>father kills Kennedy and tries to keep Soviet Union together
>dodges the draft
>does 9/11
>starts Iraq War
>throws a ball a few feet and everyone thinks he's alpha
Democracy stopped working the second you didn't have to live next door to the people you made promises to.

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he may have been really fucking dumb, but he was really charismatic, which is more important for being the president.

Imagine taking a chunk of turf after saying that

CNN called it a strike

where is trump throwing a pitch as a president

West Virginia doesn't have a baseball team

>Literally run by the mafia
Kys spaghettifaggot. There will always be a rule by the elite, it's how much the people buy their bullshit.

If elites had the balls to pull off 9/11, you don't think they run shit in "democracies," tortellinifaggot?

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I've never watched baseball in my life but know George Bush played it in college

are you colorblind
how embarrassing

the only thing that comes close, is babe calling his shot, and we dont have hard proof that even happened.

thats football you dipshit

yeah its was a espn 30 for 30 short
he also used to be the owner of the Texas Rangers

Now that the dust has settld, who was REALLY in the wrong here?!?

you children have no idea how electric that moment was. it may have been peak america.