How would you rate this family on a scale of 1 to autism

How would you rate this family on a scale of 1 to autism

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Not as autistic as making a thread about Messi's family on an anonymous basketweaving imageboard.


antonelia looks brazilian. and thats a bad thing

Me in the middle

Man I want Antonella to take a shit on my chest and sit on my face so fucking bad

I rate this a nice solid Mormon Christmas

a good thing*

Why do you guys like to attack his family?


So this is the power of low test

she looks like she comes from a poor side of brazil

>married his childhood sweetheart because he was GOAT at football
>killed her ex just because

damn Yea Forums, i had a childhood sweetheart too, would i have been able to get married and have kids with her if i was good at sports? this sucks. i want to be reborn as a clam at the absolute bottom of the ocean and get noticed by absolute nothing in the pitch black sea.

>while I spent my days fapping and playing pokemon, messi made a man out of himself and a rich millionaire at the top of his craft to get the woman he longed for since he was a toddler

it's not fair bros, i fucked up

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the smallest kids look like Memo Ochoa

Reminder that Cristiano is a fucking psychopath

1. His son doesn't know his name
2. "God is you" - he brainwashes his son to call him God

this must hurt desu

Attached: kek.png (627x264, 58K)

imagine having a bearded tattooed manlet who cant string two sentences together as a father

Ronaldo's sons will become successful athletes and business owners while Messi's sons will all become the next Caitlyn Jenner

it must hurt him that nothing he does will be as natural as Messi, on or off the field

(-- and that's a good thing!)

Stars always seem to take the most pride in how hard they work more than anything.


Having 3 kids not even reaching 35 years of life is kinda crazy.

For me all footballers are crazy to marry so soon and have kids with wicked bitches.

get help

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Better than im doing

>all male offspring
The growth hormones did him good in many aspects of his life.

>2. "God is you" - he brainwashes his son to call him God
Kek, thats not what the kid meant, portugueselet.

In this context, Cristiano was mocking his kid by saying OMG, cause he didn't know his name, and Jr. responded like "you're the one who should be said OMG to". Thats not really the best way to put things but I don't know how to explain in english terms.
Is like if someone called you a dickhead and your response was "You're the dickhead, dickhead".

>3 sons

Have sex


It basically means "no u".

Based Alexis Sanchez.

He scored a hat-trick so fast on Antonella she should change her name to Osasunella.

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Why name your son after yourself, must be confusing

All of Brazil is the poor side of Brazil.


>that thumb

It's a nice wholesome picture of a family. What is autistic about it? I know >le autism meme is very vogue and has been for a while, but can you at least call things autistic that are somewhat deserving?

>a poor side of brazil
You're all poor monkeys

She's normal looking. My wife is hotter and that's not saying a lot.