Why am I not surprised?

Why am I not surprised?

Attached: puig.jpg (1400x1400, 198K)

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what happened?

Kek poo eeg

Puig can't control his anger as always.


>black tries to threaten/injure someone for 'wronging' them


>muhfugga you aint be hittin no HRs off me nigga

he was defending his teammate, tho

Holy shit are the Reds still a dumpster fire even after somehow adding all this talent? Why can't they get anything right?

the boomer baseball code is somehow even dumber than the boomer hockey code

>literally nothing happens ever when benches clear
america was a mistake

its a beautiful picture though, like a renaissance battle painting

Quick post it on reddit/r/accidentalrenaissance

This desu
Just let them fight it out

archer has always acted like a little bitch when guys take him deep kind of pathetic to be honest

White boi started shit and two brothas had to finish it like always

what are you talking about

no one posted any links to a video yet so here



fuck off mandrama luckswing, you will die out within a generation

The best part about bench clearings are the guys who come out of the bullpen, see a friend from the other bullpen, and stand around talking to them on the fringe
>poo egg

Typical nig, Puig finally "breaks away" and doesn't do shit. All chimp out, no action.

Unplanned fights are the best part of any sport.

god i miss puig so much

Remember when Archer was supposed to be an ace? What a bitch

Baseball is the dumbest fucking sport. This entire thing started because someone celebrated a home run. Fucking faggots.

most people don't care it's just this particular manlet pitcher who wears a dress on off days

Bullshit most people don't care. You hear all the time about "unwritten rules" for shit like this. Baseball players have bats up their asses 24/7.

Attached: never relax.jpg (723x718, 112K)

why are baseball players and fans so sensitive? who gives a flying fuck if a player admires his homerun. theres literally no issue with that

post kino MLB brawls

people write all the time complaining about unwritten rules on blogs but it happens like this maybe three times in an entire season of 162 games by 30 teams you're a retard if you believe it

Attached: Coco Crisp and James Shields ignite brawl in Boston.webm (640x360, 2.18M)


Attached: side swipe.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)


also Venezuelans

Attached: 1463408678162.webm (480x480, 1.62M)

>and Coreans

Attached: 1449852212665.webm (1024x576, 1.39M)

Attached: 1453507816269.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

the day baseball was saved

>and odor's now two for five today


>ynr Nyjer Morgan

Attached: gabysanchez.gif (384x208, 1.62M)


Goddamn those Pittsburgh uniforms are ugly

lol the time pedro martinez threw don zimmer on the fucking ground.

Lol what was Zimmer thinking

this happends on a regular basis on basedball?? I'm gonna need to learn the rules to see this

The jerseys are fine the caps are disgusting

>call it a brawl
>not a single punch thrown

god DAMN that guy came in and clotheslined him

that's the most aesthetic punch I'll ever see

The jerseys would be fine if they weren't paired with brown pants. The thing as a whole is an absolute eyesore

the uniforms make them look like waiters at a restaurant

Is it time for a baseball fight thread?

Attached: harper.webm (854x480, 2.87M)

>not even your own teammates like you
wew just wew

Attached: harper choke.webm (960x540, 1.66M)

Sure thing nig

Instant best sports photos contribution

look at the score literally meaningless

Attached: 1496101957685.jpg (750x882, 104K)

They're black

Oh you didn't know?

Attached: 2ea56497631e9f3b2a3cc4a36b6f5d2f84097bac719a1188c66e09175bcbc57b_1.jpg (320x396, 41K)

they're raised by single mothers, they can't handle rejection because they've never experienced it at home, no father to tell them no. women just get angry and yell, a man will grab you by the back of your neck, get up in your face and make you understand that you are small and weak.

Baseball is not a real sport, but BASED black man DABBING on white ""men""

The black guy actually was defending his white American friend after he got hit by a ball thrown by an American black

Who cares lmao didnt even watch it

Attached: eTLrA3Add3-2.png (300x250, 24K)

It's a non-contact sport so there's almost no repercussion for being an obnoxious cunt. In a real mans sport, if you act like a fuckhead it's fine because all the players know you're willing to accept the consequences. Someone will run through your head or bury an elbow in your face.
In baseball you're a double cunt and a bitch because you do it knowing the worst that will happen is maybe a hbp. Big fucking deal. That's why it gets under the skin so much.

/hoc/ /rugby/ /afl/ all understand this.

>real man’s sport

Damn you don’t actually believe this right?

This is the lamest shit I've ever seen. Not a single punch was thrown. It's a giant group in the middle of the field hugging it out for 5 minutes instead of playing the game.


Back to your diveball, handegg, apehoop, boreball or whatever poxy shit "sport" you follow

>White boi started shit
>by taking some uppity nigger's pitch outta the park

I like boxing and UFC mostly

I thought we were talking about sports

No wonder you guys shot that mosque up, you people truly are deranged

Better a school full of children, burger?

I do love how fighting is basically completely tolerated in baseball. Benches clear and they brawl in the middle of the field but the umpires just let it happen. You'd never see this shit in the NBA, at least not the modern NBA. There used to be fights in the NBA but David Stern's a fucking faggot and he banned them all.

Do the players get any fines or bans for fighting?

There was no fighitng in this. Just a big group going in for a huggie.


noggers gone nig

one of these days I wanna see one of the bullpen runners just fuckin blindside one of the bullpenners from the other team.


Archer tried to peg a former Marlel just because and he took exception and this is the result.

>boreball """"fights""""
They never actually hit each other, it's all just getting up in the other guy's face and then doing nothing

I love how the ump just stands there watching when they all hit the ground

Papelbon is a psycho though

There's still fights in the NBA, they just dont let you foul the shit out of people anymore.


literally nothing

Greatest one of all time


Fines and if the main offenders get ejected for that game. If it's really bad they'll get a multi-game ban but those are uncommon

If you touch an ump though you're going to be out for a little while + much bigger fine

Me too. I want to see an incident so inflammatory that the bullpens don't bother going to the infield and just go right at each other in the outfield

>They never actually hit each other,
Tell that to Robin Ventura

I respected him after that incident. Harper needed a slapping down

I love the fans throwing beer and getting involved. Wish I had been there to see it all go down