
Le draws on the board and rambles guy

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Other urls found in this thread:



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>overrated shit

getting some deja vu here, boys

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for me, its the New England Ice Hockey Bears

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ohl playoffs on right now whl playoffs on later tonight

for me, it's naming my team with an archaic word no one uses anymore and having one of the worst logos in sports


Who is /ourguys/

The blackhawks have the worst NHL logo
prove me wrong, you physically can not do it

black cocks logo is definitely worse. that's why bombston's is only "one of the worst"

For me, it's being a hockey in the sunbelt.

This is it, fuck the swedish tampon gay NEET

I don't think the Bruins logo is that bad.

Can't stop seething lads

what team would cause maximum amounts of butthurt if they won? laffs? boston?


Red Wings will win the draft lottery and this is how I will celebrate.

Post yfw Ted knocks out Tampa Gay

Teds Canes ECF
Avs Knights WCF
Any match-up of those four would be pretty equal




Is this the thread

america is a real shithole desu

I am not afraid of the penguins

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Some states are nice but mostly, yes.

perd animu desu

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>muh noble savage
Fuck off and choke on your own alcohol induced vomit, Running Coyote, or whatever the fuck your tribesname is

/hoc/ survey:
On a scale of 1 to 10, how scared are you?

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Souless plastic logo.


I'm scared I'm going to piss myself laughing when they bomb out

got a new watch
what do you guys think?

Attached: new watch.jpg (640x640, 60K)

The only thing that scares me is us crashing Yea Forums via the shitposting when Boston confidently sweeps in 4

I'm scared I might be working and miss their elimination day

Why don't you have knuckles

NYI master race reporting in for duty

LMFAO at JTraitor and the Maple Shits finishing lower in the standings than NYI

Fat ass


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I don't give a fuck that it "triggers the injuns"
It's a horrible design.

Not nearly as bad.

what if boston doesnt beat the leafs and loses the series? Do we laugh at boston for giving the leafs their first series victory since 2004?

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>NYI master race

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of course

Why is this allowed? Why do modern hockey hate goals?

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Lost that pic in like '14 and have been looking for it for years desu

fucking false flagger

This must be a false flag, there is no anime attached to the image

boston in 6 or 7 lads

>all those ads on the jersey

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teds win dac up when

Where did your fingers go?

this. I dont get too cocky for this team until they do something. I await the series still.

t.That one isles weeb who kept saying they'd make the playoffs in the offseason

Attached: Zeeker.jpg (1578x2048, 497K)

Nice shoop.
>i can tell by the pixels

>hockey clubs is called franchises and can be moved or fold at any given time

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sorry i meant this as a question, do they win in 6 or 7?

>Defending ads on jerseys
And here I was starting to like you, Sweden

Attached: newwatch.png (440x346, 123K)

>14/20 saves in new equipment
>10/10 in the old

Who is most likely to be sweeped in the first round and why is it the Leafs?

Any other sweet bolts images I can stock up on before the ploffs? This is my current go to.
t. dumb phoneposter who has deleted everything several times to make room for porn games

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For me, it's putting his videos on 1.25x or 1.5x speed to make them infinitely better.

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leafs bruins is gonna be the leafs because they are gonna meme their asses to the ECF, so long as they can keep scoring and wear the bruins down.

what do you think Pate is thinking about here

t. fan of some loser team that didn't even make the playoffs

No false flag here. Not every Islanders fan is some pussy weaboo virgin like that other NYI fan who posts in here.

Potato salad should never yellow. Mustard has no place in potato SALAD. In fact, the only color that is allowed is green from the scallions or red if using red potatoes (NOT recommended but still acceptable)

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been more than a week since laine last played fortnite. has anybody checked in on him?

got you covered senpai

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hes playing apex legends now

>different sample sizes
>both sample sizes too small
>uncontrolled variables out the fucking ass
no wonder yuropoors coast on american innovation

>another /hoc/ shit opinion

I have one, I think

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>50% mayonaise


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What happens if
They win

I've got a magic image for you friend

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The Leafs look like trash and their defense is even worse than it was last year

nobody actually likes mustard like when they put it on hot dogs ita only to appear more adult


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do I care though if I post anime?

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Rusty from Boston
Dave from Toronto
James from Manhattan
Alex from San Jose
Sam from Winnipeg
Randy from Raleigh

Unless you're a manlet, you have to be over 330 lbs.
t. knew someone who was that fat and their arms / hands still had more definition than you

the winner is in boys

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>salads HAVE to be healthy
Fucking retard cuck

Not Mic from Bombston

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>Not having the Islanders winning by clubbing Tavares knees

Good to know that I can discard your opinion. Might've been a grim prediction otherwise.

Tripfags and anincels OUT

It's necessary to have sponsorships by local business. It helps both the businesses and the team. There are no arenas that takes 15000 people and the ticket for a home game in the stands are $10. The only current team thad has no sponsors on the jerseys are Brynäs, they only have unicef because they are virtue signaling faggots

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i just can't picture a scenario where toronto actually wins a series, let alone two

I like mustard.

Thanks guys. Here's my pride and joy, the kucherov space time manipulation technique

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>there's already a bracket that has colorado winning


new haircut
hows it look?

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That's true. How did the Leafs actually manage to get worse with Tavares on their team?

then fuck off back to /r/hockey underage you have to be 18 here

I'm a bing bing and I think that's a bit much

>at anime

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any news yet what Garth Snow's role will be with the kitties?

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Got 'em


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How can one man be so wrong?

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Barkov's personal skate sharpener

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In what universe does Canes and Avs get passed the first round?

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looks like a random background character from the darude - sandstorm music video

heh heh... just switched my bracket from having >my team losing in the finals to having them winning

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Will we ever see a season where all the Canadian teams make the ploffs?

incredibly doubtful

I dont mind if he is gonna help with scouting or something, kitties already have gm and assistant gm

but pls no managering

>Barkov's personal skate sharpener
oh no no no

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I'm 22 nigga

hes terrible at scouting too tho. both prospects and nhl players.

and the winner of the 2022 stan lee cup is...
seattle frog dudes

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Nah. Most Canadian teams are run like shit. No consistency. One year a Canadian team can make the conf-final and miss the playoffs next while another team switches places with that team.

yeet yeet dab, fellow zoomer

the next time the snes make the ploffs this era of laffs and flimflams will have retired.


then what IS he good at?

dunno why he is being offered a job

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slippy g?

haha yes goteem

Next time Senators make the playoffs they'll be named the Quebec Nordiques

you are gonig to take care of melnyk soon?

>then what IS he good at?
Running a franchise into the ground.

>no link to the hoc bracket
>no link to the previous thread

You want me to embarrass myself or not?

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That's basically 15 nowadays

poast the hoc bracket group

Do you think he's going to butt heads with the city of Ottawa forever?


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what a fucking tripname

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thanks i worked hard for it

i dont think hes going to sell the team any time soon and i dont think he wants to move to quebec city either. the problem with the canadian tire center is it location, its not like its some dilapidated shithole that gary needs to address.

Nice sport retards

t-t-thanks, we are just happy to have our own thread in Yea Forums

please don't bully, we dont bother anyone

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*tips cap*

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frick off, kid

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Thanks bro

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>watching sports

man up, finnbro. /hoc/ doesn't take shit from anybody

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Name a more overrated, overhyped “generational” talent.

You can’t.

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Y-you too

If attendence becomes worse than it already is and Quebec can make him a great deal. From what I understand there are mostly politicians and state officials living in Ottawa. and there are more laffs fans on when they face each other. Why would you wanna have that while losing money?

Everyone who plays for Moronto is a generational talent according to the media

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Quebec City has every problem as a market that Ottawa has but much worse.

join here

>can't even get into the playoffs

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Haha yeah dude Glassthews is totally a generational talent on par with Crysby and McMeme. Those guys on hockey central debating whether he’s the greatest shooter in NHL history have a point

he has said himself that he wants to own the team and doesnt intend on selling them. the attendance is probably going to get worse in the coming years as fans "protest" him too.
so its probably going to be a situation to see who bends first.

Nigger detected

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Nice cropping, idiot

>implying I'm going to put forth any effort when NHL.com doesnt

Melnyk is an absolutely shit owner and I hope for sens fans sake they get rid of him but I’m also sick of them being completely absconded of any blame. Some sunbelt team has shit attendance and it’s an endless debate of whether they deserve a team or not. Ottawa has even worse attendance and don’t show up for the Eastern conference final and it’s an endless cavalcade of
>But the arena is far away
>But the owner is a big meanie

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your team will have bad luck

how nice of the senators to let that special needs child enjoy himself on the ice


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Redpill me on mandrama. How do I watch it?

He's so good they had to bring in Tavares to carry the Laffs' offense and they still manage to be worse than last year

"My" team isnt in playoffs

so they had bad luck then :^)

>all these manbabies picking the blots to win the cup

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See, it already started.

In their defense, Tire Fire arena has no public transit and is legitimately far away from the city.
Same could be said of the Kitties, the only difference is that the Sens play in a Canadian city so people are willing to make the 40 minute drive.

it happens in all sport leagues tbqh, not just the nhl. teams that play way out in the suburbs have worse attendance than teams that play downtown.

And Melnyk keeps fucking up negotiations with the city of Ottawa for a better, more convenient one.

Right but the Coyotes need to be moved ASAP despite their arena being incredibly far away, Ottawa are just victims of circumstance when they don’t show up to the ECF


Columbus is going to sweep Tampa.

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imagine your team making the ECF by a miracle, despite terrible ownership, and not even attending a game in the series

I really want to see Toronto lose in the first round again, but I also really want to see them get swept by the Isles.

It’s tough

if you have kids, or a job where you have to wake up early, its not really that easy to go to games like that in the middle of the week. lets say the game ends at like 10pm local time, then it takes you like an hour to get home, then another 30minutes to an hour to settle down for bed. you/your kids arent going to sleep until at least midnight, and then have to wake up at like 6am the next day. its not very practical.

This but reverse


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Why? Quebec won't have any attendence problems. They didn't even have it when they were moved. And they obviously want a team there, otherwise they would'nt have paid $500 million to even have talks with the NHL about expansion. And they have hockey culture which from what I understand Ottawa lacks.
>But the arena is far away
How hard can it be to go back and forth to the arena in Ottawa? Must be easier than being in the L.A. traffic for kongz and cucks fans.
Why do you think Vegas will win against Sharks?
They've been the best team in the league since New Years Eve.

Agreed, it sucks. I just hate the hypocrisy around it.


>relocanes over boston in the ECF
don cherry would have a stroke if that happened

>incredibly small market
>economy based almost entirely on being a capital with a little bit of tourism
>Overshadowed by larger, more entrenched local rival

Does ESPN still do the nhl post season fantasy?


Attached: 2019bracket.png (989x768, 97K)

Fan loyalty is not enough for a market to be able to support a major league team. There’s a reason Halifax and Regina don’t have teams either, it’s not due to lack of support.

>from what I understand
That’s exactly it though, you don’t understand the socioeconomics of North American markets, and are in no position to judge the hockey culture of places you know nothing about

bell and the canadiens would probably be against that because they dont want another team in their market. there probably wouldnt be much in terms of commercial support either. just another scotiabank/rogers/bell named stadium.

SJS and CGY have the worst goalie out of every playoff team

nope. stopped doing it 3 or 4 years ago.

>This season, the Oilers got career years out of McDavid, Draisaitl, Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, Darnell Nurse — throw in Alex Chiasson and Zack Kassian — and still they are closer to 31st place in the NHL than they are to being 14th in the NHL

Defense is a massive factor. Fuck offense if your goalie and defense does jack shit

>panthers fired coach
>fans are ecstatic
No wonder theyve sucked shit for two decades

This is the bracket

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Feels good man.

I hope the Oilers never make the playoffs again

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i mean when you have a revolving door of ahl tending, you really cant expect to go very far. look at how the blues managed to turn things around with binnington or the flyers did with hart. instead the soilers are relying on overpaid garbage like koskinen.



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Reminder Brad Marchand had more points than Overrated shit

its getting fucking quenneville in his place

boughner hadn't been a coach to an nhl team before kitties gave him a try

and his first season was actually pretty good, and hopes were had for this one

but things just went south

interesting. i'll have to look into this.

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does anyone even have toronto beating the bruins? if so then you could just see your brackts get fucked because of the laffs

its also their garbage contracts. If they could get rid of the lucic and russel deals, and get better coaching for defense, they could contend again. But no they sign koskinen for 3 years to that albatross.

Imagine naming your city after a gay couple


When will you stop being a faggot

It really annoyed me that your picture wasn't even hockey-related.

Attached: hakki.png (777x777, 744K)

800 000 people live in metropolitan Quebec City
The arena takes in 18 000
That's 2,25% of the total population

My hometown has 34 000
Our arena takes in 5600
That's 16,47%

If not even 3% of the population can drag their asses to NHL hockey in a region that has not had any for 25 years...I don't know what to tell you. And as I wrote in an earlier post, the Nordiques didn't have attendence problems when they moves.
Soilers need to fire Lowe, Macintosh, Jack Nicholson, their whole scouting department and (((Katz))).

Been feeling a lot of existential angst lately

Do you really need more fantasy than /hoc/?

2 minutes for high-sticking

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How many games will the Leafs win in the playoffs?

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No shit they should fire them. Just look what happened to the islanders when they fired the sores of weight and snow and get better owners in ledeky and malkin alongside an ACTUAL GM and head coach. The oilers have a god damn talent and a half to make the playoffs. Instead they get so fucking stupid with their prospect developments, coaching, dont even HAVE an analytics department, and go on albatrosses galore. Seriously, Mcdavid and draisaitl deserve better, but so do the fans of edmonton. They have made the playoffs twice in the past 14 years almost. Thats sad for one of the best historical teams ever

This place is all too real

And I’m telling you there is a lot more to being a viable NHL market than mere attendance, which you cannot always count on. But you’re ignoring it despite the fact that you know nothing about the places you’re talking about. Why do you think thr Nordiques moved in the first place?

2 minutes for fucking up the alignment of the stick

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there were rumors that nicholson might leave for a VP of hockey canada role, like he had before he joined the soilers, but i dont know if there is any truth to that.

because the canadian dollar sucked at the time and they didnt make a profit

That sucks, thank you

Two years and he gets fired on a winning season, improving over the last

Exactly, and when you’re basing the success of your half billion dollar franchise on gate revenue you’re pretty much doomed to fail

I can dig it.

still want totems desu

Attached: totems jersey.jpg (1080x1080, 72K)

I think quebec is a viable place though if you move the panthers because A) Barkov and hueberdeau are franchise building players, B) They at least could sell out their building in quebec, and C) Gives the atlantic another good rival, even if it may feel false

So if Seattle makes the final in their first year we know shits rigged

>if edmonton or buffalo wins the lottery, the rules are getting changed
based friedman

coaches are the easiest piece to replace and as a gm if you want to make it look like you are trying to make the team better, its basically the go-to move.


I can bet you that edmonton gets the first pick for one dollar

the last time they changed the % of winning 1st overall the soilers won it anyways.

This They also have a new arena now that have higer capacity than Canadian Tire Centre and as I already stated, hockey culture.
>he fans of edmonton deserve better
No they don't. They continue to attend home games, even though the organization rewards incompetence time and time again.
For Soilers sake, let's hope it's true.



>winner of last year cant win again for 3 years

You’re just deliberately not listening.

>no Blackhawks in the playoffs
This semen slurping sport is not for me.

the st louis "this shit lit" blues arent doing anything in the playoffs fags

>You’re just deliberately not listening.
Welcome to /hoc/.


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this fucking poll BASED

That’s alright, it wasn’t for you before the Blackhawks won their cups anyway. It’s the natural order of things

good. fuck chiraq. go back to /mlb/ cuck

Oiler fans want to see success. They should still do a #katzout or something to get attention because they will forever be doomed to subpar hockey, even with mcdavid

the thing about season tickets in most canadian market is that if you sell out when the team is shit, with the intention of buying again once they become good, you are most likely going to end up on a waiting list that is a couple seasons long.

only SHIT games today

Avs sweep in 6

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As much as id like to see it, flames beating the Lightning will be very difficult

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its named after a Mountie fort (Fort Calgary) that was named after a place in Scotland

who gets paid more next year rantanen or marner?

Over under on cocks posted this playoffs?
I’m going under 2.5

Is Ted wins even one game you’re going to be spammed with benis

I don't think the Lightning are going to make it to the finals. the eastern conference is very strong this year. Between the Bruins and the Capitals they are going to have a tough time. They could even lose to Columbus if Bobrovsky gets on a hot streak.

If and when I decide I want three days off I'll post probably 20-30 before they get around to sticking me in time out

That’s why I went under doodoo head

Columbus reminds me too much of the 2006 oilers. If bob gets hot he pulls a roloson out of his ass and carries them. Lightning might be overrated but this is their chance. Either they do it or choke out

That was probably named after a gay couple.

Think about. Why else would they larp as "cowboys" so much?

Attached: AFUCKINGHAT.jpg (259x194, 12K)

Everyone change your city to include Gary in it






Gary Lake City/Garytroit

Colgarydo Springs

It's not really a larp. The city of Calgary is like 1.2 million people but outside the city it's all ranchers and farms and shit. Before the oil business came into Alberta in the 50s the entire southern part of the province was just an agricultural hub. That's why they have rodeos and stuff there.


this level of cope



>no hokkei till Wednesday

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I think of it as places like Cheyenne, Wyoming or something like Bozeman MT where the area was essentially founded on farming/livestock/whatever but are just regular places people live

This is the stupidest thing I've seen all day


better than watching mandrama

haven't looked in the mirror yet then?

user BTFO


thank you for correcting me, lad

>ppl actually think boston is a better team than toronto

Boston barely won last year and now the leafs have tavares. its ogre for those fat drunk mass shits

Gary Jose

I don't get it


Haha yeah the 145lb chinese accountant on 6 avenue is secretly a rugged ranch hand.

Not even Dallas forces the "w-we're cowboys guys! t-trust us" like this.

Howdy diddly doo, Reddit!

>"This year is the Sharks' year to win the cup! I know I said the same thing for years, but I know for sure, this year, it's going to be the SHARKS taking it all!"

Who is the quote above most likely attributed to?

a. A deluded San Jose Sharks fan
b. Joe Pavelski
c. Reddit user
d. A casual NHL fan that only started watching 3 years ago?

Attached: sjm-sharks-0108-0911.jpg (3720x2792, 1.21M)

Oh yeah the reason all those hipsters in Vancouver wear flannels and toques then is because they're all lumberjacks, despite all the forestry being located outside the city.

It all makes sense now.


uuuhhhh... I'm going to fail this test!


WrestleMania main card starts at 7 get in for the battle royal lads

a, b, c, d are all the same thing

>our year
is our thing

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>>"This year is the Caps' year to win the cup! I know I said the same thing for years, but I know for sure, this year, it's going to be the CAPITALS taking it all!"
good point

Attached: caps.jpg (960x540, 84K)

e. All of the above


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oh finland, you hound dog you :DDDDDDDDDD


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reminder that finland won the 2019 world junior championship

Bobrovshit is a playoff choker

imagine being mad at hats

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Jets tho

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i don't want the shorks to win the cup because jumbo will retire

>y-you're mad
then why am I laughing at you

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So fucking rekt

The oly argument's you have provided are that there is a lot more to being a viable NHL market than attendance and that the Canadian $ was low when they moved 25 years ago.
Great system...
It really depends on which goalie chokes more. We all know Rask is the worst choker in the league when it comes to playoffs, but Andersen isn't far behind.

Seattle Garys

>sunbelt stan lee

Calling someone a deluded sharks fan is redundant.

Are Sharks fans and predditors fans the same people?

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Eau Gary.

you're not my real dad

lol why do you assume I'm upset? I'm in a great mood, the Flames are favourites to win this year! some anonymous people online calling me a cowboy larper just cracks me up. Yee haw partner

>Kaako might be a better choice at first overall than Hughes

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e. ESPN analyst

Is this shooped? There's no way that dudes head is that big.

Ahhhhhhahahaa..... Sharks

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I never assumed you were upset. You assumed I was angry. Its almost like you're projecting or something

It is well known that bulju has the biggest head in /hoc/

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I didn't know jesse cox had good knowledge of hockey prospect

>sweep in six
This Reddit tier cuck nonmeme needs to end

>canadian """"""""""""banter"""""""""""""

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Now wait just a minute, buddy

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I agree. A three game sweep is where it's at.

the forbidden one.

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>being this new

good evening leafs nation

1 game sweep is the galaxy brain match.

Boston WILL win the Cup


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sup, /hoc/..

>found a new brew

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haha remember when we burned down the white house in 1814? toronto is going to burn boston down in 2019.

Imo every game is game seven . If you don't win, you lose

Game 8 is a must win 2beehon, lad

Toronto is going to get violently hatefucked and then all will be right in the universe.


omg could you seethe any harder lol

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burning down boston would probably be an improvement desu.

I could

galaxy brained post right here

>seething quads

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Prove it, seethmaster

Join up

toronto getting btfo by boston in round 1 is our city's greatest annual tradition

you asked for it

Attached: happyfeet.webm (600x336, 2.88M)


Boston is a good defensive team

im the seagull watching

>remember the last time we were relevant
>205 years ago
You kooky canucks are always good for a chuckle.

He looks like Chunky Kong

Attached: Chunky Kong.jpg (494x480, 29K)

13 cups soon to be 14. how many does your team have?

>he watches a fake sport

every yinzer deserves this fate

Oh, I didn't realize you were alive during 1814 and part of the British Army. What rank were you and what was your job in the army?

if you keep testing me I'll burn your fucking whitehouse down again, I'm NOT kidding.

does the penguin get eaten afterwards?

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>he uses a special username on 4channel
yinzers are God's chosen race

I'd love to see this and listen to the flames fans mockingly chanting "IT WAS IIIIIIIIN!!!"

I'm pretty sure hockey is fake too. Why else would the Vegary Golden Garys go to the finals last year? the whole thing is rigged

>yinzers are God's chosen race
to be raped by sea life

Leafs only had 10 cups lol

>us declares war on gb to take over canada
>gets repelled by common militia multiple times
>signs a treaty that gets them nothing after 4 years of conflict
seems like jungle and tundra are hard counters to the usa. better keep to the deserts.

we aren't by the sea m8

that's it. I'm texting my cousin Doug and telling him to grab a jerry of gas and a pack of matches. you fucked up this time yankee doodle

NIgga every sport is fake freetofindtruth.blogspot.com/2018/06/32-67-147-washington-capitals-win.html

you will be. Its all part of gods plan

If yinzers are God's chosen people, why is western Pennsylvania such a shithole?

H E double hockey sticks universe.

Hope you like being extradited.

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the only way the flames win that series is if the bolts get massively injured on the first 3 rounds and the flames come in with full strength. if the lightning and the flames meet head to head at full strength the lightning will sweep. Assilevsky is too good right now

it's starting lads

To be fair going to the games would only validate melnyks business


t. never been here

Best series will be islanders pittsburgh

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The universe where Grubauer completely awakens and Sebastian Aho becomes a postseason hero.

my virtue signalling prime minister won't extradite me. he will give me 10 million dollars and let me fuck his wife instead

You're all afraid the Toronto Maple Leafs will win the Stanley Cup this year because they have a real chance

Stay scared m8

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Canes aren't gonna win a single fucking postseason game you cock sucking sunbelt dogs

make it worth his value or die to boston forever.

hope you’re right

I've been to Pittsburgh, it's actually a pretty cool city. The food was good, the women were pretty, they like sports, it's not too hot. Out of the USA cities I've visited it's definitely in the top 5

what is the bruins logo even supposed to be? a fucking wagon wheel?

I'm not so sure, they could give the crapitals a tough time. They've been really solid lately

God bless you and this post

>i-i-it's not a shithole
>y-y-you just never been there
Great argument

You must have only been to 5 US citites.

it's the spoked B

Boiling and seething

its a puckered asshole with a B on it

I've been to pretty much every mid Atlantic city
Pittsburgh was close to the bottom.

Who are the "good guys" this year? I think I'll be rooting for the Flim Flams or Jets, anyone but Tampon Gay really (bad guys)

Pirate wheel, originanly they were going to be the Boston Buttpirates but tgey decided they could make the name even gayer. They kept the wheel because of laziness.

imagine naming your team after a fucking fish, lmao

Why would I seethe at not living in the 3rd world?

The Jets have such cunts for fans. Flames, Predators and Canes are who are all okay

If yinzers are God's chosen people, why are the Pirates the most forgettable team in baseball?

>cheering for a team when your team doesn't make it instead of just using playoffs as an excuse to get drunk on a weeknight for 2 months

top bait made me (You)

i hope the jests fail just because of shitty sam

glad you're bringing back *snap* posting for the playoffs, lad

The Boston Bruins

KEK tampa has a gatorade logo

>Good guys
My team

>Bad guys
Every other team


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Fuck no. Fanbase is casual and annoying as fuck. Any team with Subban in their roster are by default the bad guys


I guess I like the team on paper except Skinner, he's a little bitch, but I don't care much for the wacky celebrations

If yinzers are God's chosen people why did the steelers have to cheat to beat the bengals in the 2015 playoffs?
If yinzers are God's chosen people why did God try to kill shazier when he already looks like a cancer patient?

Crosby have doinated against Islanders during his career. It will be harder now I think.

>questioning the judgement of the Almighty God

>I guess I like the team on paper except Skinner
>except Skinner

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Skinner plays for Buffalo lad

>the tripfag doesn’t even actually follow hockey
Imagine my shock

Honestly I don't even hate the Bruins anymore. Ever since Lucic, Thornton and Ference left and Marchand finally grew up a bit and stopped acting like a faggot 24/7, I can't find a real reason to hate them

Yeah but my team missed the ploffs


I don't follow baseball but a team name like the Pirates seems pretty memorable to me. ARRR MATEY
I would very much like to see a pirate team in the NHL

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got any hockey related jokes?

lmao who was I thinking of then. Who's the manlet on their team then? I can't recall

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i like Mac Demarco's new songs hes been putting out again recently, lads

the toronto maple leafs


The Toronto Maple Leafs

Marchand is still a faggot but he's our faggot and he's really fucking good, I would hate him if he was on any other team.

>scared the series is going to end in 4 making toronto's fate quick and painless

I would love for it to be the maximum butthurt circa 2013.

Bob Cole


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They're a very old team with no memorable history and an incompetent front office.
The only memorable thing about them is that they're called the pirates.

urinating tree you faggot go make a hockey video

Personally hoping for the laffs to win the first 3 just to lose 4 straight

They’ve won 5 titles including one of the most memorable upsets ever over the Yankees and two of the greatest players to ever play spent their entire careers in Pittsburgh

>Poo-rinating Pee

The leafs have also won titles lad.

A lot of people would say Chara
And also >Thornton, i was just thinking recently of how much i missed him

*RKOs Sam*

>7/4/1776 = 7+4+17+76 = 104 (Washington Capitals = 104)
>caps finished the 18/19 season with 104 points
Caps will repeat confirmed!


>pre expansion titles

The Laffs haven't won shit to be fair.

Oh I get it.
So they're the Oilers of baseball.

The Maple Leafs have more Stanley Cups than
>your team

bob cole is doing one playoff game right?

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Get in m8

I don't play that corny bullshit wwe on that's a cue to change the channel brother I'm a deathmatch shot caller MDK and my gf is hana kimura btw

And three of the pirates' titles pre-date the Vietnam war, what's your point?

Man that would be fun

I could root for every team aside from kniggits, blots, and pongz

go back faggot

Winning titles in an era where there were 6 clubs is like saying you won a participation trophy.


why don't you like the meme hype team

Fuck off

>pedomod pruned our mania thread

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I love when they answer their own questions


wtf Yea Forums mods

>tfw no more hockey til wednesday

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Big Dimes Gage is revolutionizing the game it's not a promotion it's a movement. The collective was the highlight of mania weekend. Ambrose is ditching the E to go back to bloodsport fuckery. Enjoy your fucking all elite wussies getting their Saudi funding cut next time Joey Ryan tries to grab some dudes cock

Serves you fags right. Mandrama is low IQ garbage

>the absolute state of Swedish curling

no U

>I could bandwagon every team I don't like

Other than that one time he tried to kill Pacioretty, Chara has never really been a dirty or dangerous player. He's a really cool dude off the ice too

The Toronto Maple Leafs


Attached: no wonder they're blue.jpg (564x423, 33K)

>rooting for a team means they're your favorite

if my team wasn't in the yoffs I'd be bandwagoning Nashville. They have a pretty likeable team and they have never won a cup. Granlund is an elite Finn and so are Rinne and Saros

Good taste fren, I like 2 the most though

thanks for the comraderie habsbro

Just nuked the mandrama thread in Yea Forums bros.

can't thank him enough for heeming that manlet

I just took a huge Tavares and touched the bowl with my dick. It's a cruse having a huge babCOCK sometimes laddies.


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I guess I'm in a good mood lol


who here /RUSEV DAY/


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Friendly reminder that /hoc/ is a GCW/Stardom general

thinking about making the next /hoc/ in Yea Forums


Have a post to make in the next thread that's gonna upset a few of you

I still don’t get why our thread was deleted



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end of thread reminder that bulju IS generational.

A generational bust



Heres the thread
>>>Yea Forums6559943

Is there a native English speaker who is willing to transcript a 1 minute thing for me in the next thread?

Sure m8


Thank you Swede fren for the unexpected recs