Boston Red Sox vs Arizona Diamond Backs game thread

Best fans in baseball edition

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This thread will have ~10 unique posters spamming so we'll see this shit thread at the top of the catalog.

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thanks for stopping by

hmm.....the model never predicted this!

crunch the numbers again

invest heavily in machine learning algorithms

>Be me, 26 yeahs old
>Wake up, get out of Sawx jammies
>Get ready to Fuck the Yankees
>Put on Oartiz jersey
>Head to the Dunkies next to my apahtment
>One down the road sucks
>Oardah is wrong, whatevah, Mazz says coffee is poison anyway
>Spike the cup and yell Yankees Suck
>Use my Chahlie cahd to get on the T
>See a black man in the front cah
>Heckle, whole train applauds
>Shout Oartiz 3:16 "This is our fucking city"
>Get to Southie, head into Dunks
>Time to get to work, staht setting up Pedroia cahdboard cut-outs
>Just me, my co-workah and 12 Pedroia cut-outs
>Most beautiful girl in Boston walks in. Sawlid 3/10.
>She's wearing a 16 jersey and some strained yoga pants
>Try to be smooth, "Nice Benintenday jersey. Wanna get a cawfee sometime?"
>She says no, she's got a man. Second-best again.
>Fucking Pink Hats
>Get off work, take the T home
>Stawp into bah for some chicken and a drink or twelve
>Bucky Fucking Dent of a bahtendah cut me off aftah six beeahs and few shawts
>Whatevah, nawt even buzzed. Irish blood
>Get to apahtment, check messages.
>Ma says two of my cousins were crushed by an overpass from the Big Dig.
>Less than usual, a good day
>Get out of Oartiz jersey, put on Sawx jammies
>Check undah bed for Derek Jetah
>What the fuck, he's theah.
>Run out of house, see black guy I heckled earliah.
>Has friends with him. Including Jetah.
>Too outnumbahd, get the shit beat out of me
>Cawps show up and ask how it all went down
>Tell them it was....
>Aaron Fucking Boone

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interesting.....I'll have to run the numbers again.

did this real

nice thread retards.
>last place

Literally every day of my life

sorry if i dont post so much today applying for new jobs en mass

wow red socks hire mexican in front of home depot to pitch and he does better job than $1 billion ACE

Imagine being a fan of the red sox

now what

why didn't you idiots tell me the game was on early

I was too busy afternoon drinking

I told you but you didn’t listen

it's en masse i hope you didn't write like this in your cover letter
i was sitting outside texting every single girls i know about the weather

salty bad dad anecdote wish he'd shut up

didnt even make cover letter

there is a function where you can reply directly to the post you are talking at so that such miscommunications are less likely

That will bring them running

i do it intentionally to repulse them but also because even if i didn't want to do that i wouldn't have anything better to say than 'nice weather today'

weather isnt even that nice really considering i was just in south carolina where it was 70 and sunny every day and everybody STILL wearing winter coats and pants

>Adam the bitch Jones

ok guess your retarded

guess all u want

who the heck is pitching


First for D-Bags

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when did he get so fit

good post imo

Hi snek

looks like a real ace out there finally

spent all winter working at home depot

@thatoneposter hey game is on

now THATS a cover letter

Don't we all phone post? Don't tell me one of you nerds are actually watching a game with your laptop

me the nerd doing exactly this and one of these lap board things so i dont have to have laptop directly on my legs

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totally earned hit jackie bradley no luck involved

heh... exactly what my model predicted

predict this


ok great effort velazquez


>using a laptop
fucking normies

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Benny Bats baby

bogaerts justify contract NOW or else

Settle down chad



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Honestly glad he got sick white supremacy like this is disgusting and has no place in my threads or America, a country founded on the blood and bone of PoC...

salty literally sounds like a kid with learning disabilityes when he tries to read

velazquez humiliated by them stopping the game just to showing how to bunt

velazquez yelling at himself for giving one hit now THATS a competitor

or maybe just hte steroids

Like you trying to get internship

Yankees fan here with a question for you guys...should I keep peeing with my pants around my ankles or should I just sit down?

wow the boys mookie and david having a lot of fun considering they're a big bunch of LOSERS they should be acting more like velazquez and screaming violent at themselves

this morning at the gym espn excellent women college softball game FAMU vs savannah state so hot some of these black girls i'm telling you

manlets btfo

I went to FSU and had to share a town with FAMU it was awful

This is the sight of a woman who's experienced the DP. The wedgies bikini bottom is a sign to attract high testosterone alpha males. Her eyes signal she can take two. Her boyfriend says so to. Modern women should be empowered to pursue such fantasies. She did and she's happier for it. So am I gents.

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i would have gone to every single girls softball game even after they banned me i would scratch and crawl through the fences

No they steal and you have to leave town during FAMU homecoming because they took over the white bars

wait why'd velazquez leave

It's a bullpen game

well if they'd just left him in it wouldn't have to be a bullpen game it could be a starter's game

Adam Jones is a bitch.

anyone else remember when a fan at fenway called him a peanut

yeah the announcers brought it up last night

sorry this is my first game

Yes, and he is still crying about it.

I’m beginning to think Jones is lying about this whole thing

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nice catch peanut

Fucking peanut

yep, you're gone

we don't tolerate that kind of language here. get the FUCK out.

Fuck off Adam

anyone have that one post that buttmad Yankee op made about how he doesn’t sit around here all day posting threads

He's a cool guy

BASED xander worth EVERY PENNY

kind of think that was a strike wasn't it

>going on contact

D-Bag here. Literally said
>wow that was a nice pitch

what position do you play

i don't care about any of that. i actually have a job and don't spend my evenings literally fucking talking to myself and being off-topic and thinking it's cute when you're a fucking 30-year-old loser who most likely has never seen a vagina

party donkey

ok thanks

red sox fan here, we stink


and that's a good thing

How come all game threads suck compared to ours? Not only do we have the greatest team but we also have the best fans

shut up

whats' your favorite kind of sandwich

couch sitter

Best fans in baseball edition

tired that's why not posting not because my red sox are losing (tied) again and no offense

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yeah i'm thinkin mitch is pretty based

Nice one Mitchie


is that really necessary can't we all come together as americans and enjoy this baseball our greatest of all sports

fielding expert

>watching game with mom and sister
>"Its the 6th inning and its NOTHING to NOTHING???"
>Ball is a foot outside
>"Well that was a strike"
>Batter swings and misses
Is my family based or what?

looool just run nunez you idiot you keep doing this

how olds your sister is she cute

is your mom cute

come on barnes hit a big one just fucking do it

39, no

good effort matt


that poster and his sister

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here's my sister. not posting mom

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>2 hours in
>already bottom of the 8th
what is this shit. real baseball games last 4 hours

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wtf, how did you get this?

not their fault you're late

just got here, why is betts out today?

So is this fine piece of ass a boston or la fan?

tired from fight white supremacy

intercepted the FTP with MITM and cross references my sssi tabluau

ok, you know what, that was pretty good, let's call it a day just 8 innings today no need to drag this out

LA, the boston one is shopped but the OP has been posting it for literal years. its retarded.

every word false and opposite in this completely untrue post

that's not really how you hit and run xander

idea pinch hit mookie right now he can play third base

thats a great idea.

idea pinch hit MOOKIE for RIGHT NOW he can play catcher

if they don't pinch hit mookie, alex cora should be dfa'd

maybe mookie is greviously injured i cannot think of another explanation for not letting him hit and play catcher here

nice at bat swihart good thing a literal MVP stayed on the bench for this whole inning

>putting betts in but not pinch hitting him with RISP
absolute state of alex cora

i thought barnes was closer why did he leave and now brasier is closing

koji koji koji koji

hasn't swihart been hit in the balls in the past 3 games


god freaking damn it my dumb ass red sox are going to lose again

Only if you want them to

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>locastro dancing to the music on second
based and red pilled

ok my dumb ass red sox won

ok remember tuesday stay home from work and watch red sox


gg Sox, you'll be back on top in no time.

154-8 boys

that's not true but thank you for saying so

any1 notice no guerin in bikini today

>146 replies and 13 posters
Your thread is as dead as your sport.

bumping this thread because 3-8 and the red sox fucking suck


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Hate tha fuckin Sox
Hate tha libs
Hate tha Clinton's
Hate Manhattan
Hate tha darkies in the north side
Hate tha Jews in da east side
Hate tha queers in the west side
Hate da millenials in da south side
Hate dat scum bag bobby de niro

Love the Yanks
Love Guiliani
Love Freddie's on South tha best in da city
Love my mama's gravy da best in da city
Love da NYPD and NYFD

Gabagool bless

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>not posting based thicc meredith

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So, when are the big papi steroid documents going to finally release?

love da yanks
love da g-men
love da thin crust
love jetuh
love da chinese fewd
love mayuh julie-annie
love mary-ann-o
love da jeffrey mayuh too
love da statue a-liberty
love da gabagool
love da fdny
love da sports pope

hate da sox
hate da queeahs
hate da subway
hate da sockuh
hate da patriuts
hate da deep dish
hate da pink hats
hate da mets
hate da commissionuh
hate da mayuh dablazio

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This is considered hot in new England?

> hates darkies
> loves guinnea wops
What does he mean by this

it, right after they release the steps steroid ones? are you not getting how this works?